Young Knife God

Chapter 316 Lion

In the bamboo forest, Xiao Tie's body is like a wandering dragon, flying freely among the bamboo forests. His body is extremely fast. He flies around the dense bamboo forests. The speed is extremely fast, but his clothes do not touch the bamboo. He is about to collide with the bamboo, but he always flashes at that moment when the sound is not Under this extremely rapid body, countless bamboo leaves were swept by this strange wind, and pieces of bamboo leaves flew like rain. In an instant, they were like a rain, flying in the bamboo forest.

The bamboo forest has always been rarely set foot. The abnormality here naturally attracted one's attention, but he heard the man's soft smile, and his figure was quietly approaching. Before his figure arrived, a strange wind in the bamboo forest kept revering. In the rapid circle, The far and near flying fallen leaves turned into leaf balls and then gathered in the palms of the people coming.

The person roared softly and shook his body. The sphere quickly shrank in the person's hand and became a shape that was only the size of a table tennis ball. After such rapid compression, the sphere not only became smaller, but also the light on it became thicker. In this instant I heard the golden brilliance constantly bursting inside the sphere. Wherever the brilliance went, there seemed to be a lion roar, roaring, and a oppressive footsteps came from the depths of the jungle in the distance.

The man roared outside the forest and said, "Brother Xiao, I know you are in it. In this back mountain, if you disturb the peace of the Lion King, no one will have good fruit to eat." A muffled thunder in the distance seemed to come, as if the wind and rain were coming, or the magic lion that was about to break through the wall, was about to break out of the wall.

"Well, naturally you can't teach me. If it hadn't been for this extremely powerful magic lion, I might have razed this place to the ground. After all, I lacked a happy mythical beast around me. Oh, this lion is my favorite. Haha, maybe 300 years of ban has made it uneasy, only me. Only then can you control it, so the brother's kindness is in his heart. Oh, if you can't get this lion, it's not that you won't leave empty-handed."

Listening to Xiao Tie's words, the young man who had been wandering outside the bamboo forest showed a solemn color on his face, and seemed to find an explainable reason in an instant. His footwork gently withdrew to the outer edge of the forest and no longer stepped into half a step.

Obviously, his strength is not low. Even if he fights one-on-one with Xiao Tie, he will not fall behind. But at this moment, after hearing the annoying lion roar, he actually stopped and fell into deep thought here.

A male lion imprisoned in this Kirin Cave is the red wind of the fast magic lion that dominated the world 500 years ago. Three hundred years ago, because of the great killing mistake and magical madness, it was captured by the current suzerain Leng Song and imprisoned in this cave. At this moment, this lion has been imprisoned here for nearly 300 years. Three hundred years, with a gentle wave of his fingers, as fast as lightning, and as long as fireworks,

In 300 years, the lion's temper was restrained at all. On the contrary, the tyrannical spirit increased a lot. Three hundred years later, it should have restored its freedom. However, the ice storm almost wanted to let go, but he was afraid that the warcraft would be free and destroy the whole flying sect, so he quietly took it after the party. This news told Xiao Tie,

After learning the news, Xiao Tie decided to subdue the magic lion. As long as the magic lion people are subdued, it will not only solve a big problem for Fei Tianzong, but also let himself get a powerful warcraft out of thin air.

In case, after Xiao Tie set out, the ice wind and rain specially sent Lan Meng to help him. After all, Lan Meng's strength is slightly inferior to Xiao Tie. He is an extremely good figure in the sect. Although he is very difficult, he is a strong general. Therefore, with his help, in case Xiao Tie encounters trouble, he will certainly give Help,

Roar, roar, roar, as Xiao Tie got closer and closer to the entrance of the cave, there was an earth-shaking roar,

After the huge beast smelled the human anger, it trembled angrily, and the shock of the whole cave. The loud noise came from the cave, and the huge beast on the mountain responded from time to time.

The bamboo forest in the back mountain is originally a blessed land for cultivation. Since ten thousand years, there have been various fairy beasts, and this lion is just one of many warcrafts for ten thousand years.

The beast was in the cage and was about to fly. Xiao Tie slowly came to the cave and looked into the cave. Looking at it, he couldn't help but be shocked. After all, the vastness of the cave has exceeded his imagination.

Stepping into the cave is like reaching a fairy mansion. The cave is about ten feet wide and a hundred feet high. Xiao Tie gently knocked on the stone door and pulled a stone ring above the stone gate. Above the stone ring, a light soared and creaked. The two opposite stone doors opened in an instant. In the stone door, Wan Like a town, a secluded path goes straight inward. The sky flashes brightly and lights up the dark stone cave in an instant. In the light, there seems to be countless mysteries hidden. Xiao Tie stepped in one step, but heard the huge door behind him closing. At the moment the stone door closed, an invisible pressure from four The bottom gathered and creaked. Several glowing swallows flew in front of his eyes, and their wings started a gust of wind, blowing on his face, with a faint pain.

These birds seemed to have known his intention for a long time. They flew in front and guided the way for him. Xiao Tie knew that the cave was mysterious and did not dare to rush around, but followed the bird all the way inward.

As they entered deeper and deeper, the violent lion roar became closer and closer,

A voice came to his ear indifferently, which made Xiao Tie's heart move.

"Xiao Tie, be careful. In front of it is the place where the lion is imprisoned. His fighting power is extraordinary, so you must be careful when you approach him, otherwise it may go crazy and eat you. Although it has been locked here for hundreds of years, its temper has not changed at all, so it is facing it. At that time, you must be careful. I don't want to be without you as a general, oh, "

The sound is very familiar, but there is no human figure everywhere.

Maybe the speaker is just a soul, or the person who has been caring about Xiao Tie is just wandering into the house, so although Xiao Tie has guessed the identity of the visitor, he can't see her.