Young Knife God

Chapter 329 Black Light Holy Arrow

A few huge dark shadows came from the sky like lightning in the sky. The lotus fairy saw that the situation was not good and knew that the old man Ye on the old mountain was difficult to deal with. A hundred miles of skill, like flying and hiding, Xiao Tie would naturally not fall behind people and flew away with Qing'er. However, when he left the shield, I still encountered some small troubles. After all, when I just attacked the last two shields, I spent a lot of effort to gather the star power of the astrolabe at one point. I didn't expect that at this moment, the damaged shield would heal itself, intact as before. In this way, it made Xiao Tie's heart cold. , knowing that the disaster is coming,

Roar, Xiao Tie came to the front of the shield and only felt the blue light overflowing, and there was a faint wave surging like a river, lake and sea. The power was by no means as weak as when he came. On the contrary, within ten steps, he could feel a huge power.

A few steps closer, there is a knife-like pain on my body,

Xiao Tie secretly screamed that it was not good. Even if she could break through the wall with the star power, Qinger did not have such a ability. When she just came in, she was also able to enter behind the lotus fairy. You should know that the lotus fairy's ability is much better than her,

The two looked at each other and knew that it was the most critical time. After all, the speed of Ye Wentian might be hundreds of feet behind him in an instant.

If you can't escape, the consequences are extremely serious for yourself,

After all, those who enter the forbidden land of immortals without permission are generally sentenced to capital punishment, and for a human race like Xiao Tie, it is nothing in the eyes of immortals. Perhaps killing a clan can only bring some entertainment to the gods,

Roared, a fierce roar came from a distance, and a wave of air shrugged in the shaking sky.

Xiao Tie looked at Qing'er and said, "Can you learn the technique of breaking the wall with lotus flowers just now?"

Qing'er has been following the lotus for decades and has learned seven or eight times. However, due to her own lack of skills, the stone wall generally has to rely on her master.

It's really sad that the lotus abandoned her two this time.

It's obvious that the two of them are killed,

She thought for a moment and said, "Although Qinger knows the art of breaking the wall, it is not ideal to use. It is because her own skills are too weak."

Xiao Tie was overjoyed and said, "If you are not good enough, I will deliver it to you, but you must use secrets and break this mask. Otherwise, neither of us will survive. Oh, maybe your master just wanted to kill me, but unfortunately, you were also involved."

Xiao Tie pretended to sigh, but a pair of eyes slanted at Qing'er. Qing'er naturally understood that their situation, under such a dangerous situation, if they were not made a quick decision, they would really die on this mountain. Originally, she didn't agree at the beginning of the game, but Yes, but he can't resist the master. Now that I think about it, the master is indeed ruthless. In order to get rid of his great troubles, he will actually think of using himself as Xiao Tie, and finally let Xiao Tie be fooled, and then borrow other people's hands to get rid of Xiao Tie. The intention can be said to be extremely sinister and vicious.

Oh, he said, "What a powerful means. This star disk is really powerful. If we can meet again the next day, I will definitely try his skills."

The young man in black listened and patted his horse and said, "Hey, what else is it? You can tell at a glance that the junior sister's skills are much stronger than him. Oh, just like the toad compared with Tian'e, the gap is too obvious."

Listening to the words of patting the horse, Yuqing's face couldn't help flashing with a little joy, but his eyes looked at Xiao Tie, who was far away, and gradually became a little sharper.

He hummed softly: "This man certainly has some ability. If he escape like this, I'm afraid that the master will ask later. It's not easy for us to answer, so let me give him a ride." At that moment, he reached out and took off a red jade crossbow from behind.

A black light arrow,

I glanced at it and pulled the string into a full moon,

A gentle loosening and collapse, a mountain-like loud sound came to my ears, and the black light arrow roared through the air, with amazing momentum,

This black light holy arrow was originally the treasure of the fairy world. Even on the old peak, there were only three. Usually, only when they met extremely powerful characters, they had to use it. However, when he saw that Yuqing actually used the black light holy arrow to deal with a hairy young man at this time, he let Ye Wentian and Ye Zongshi, who arrived later, Shake your head for a while,

After all, there are only three branches in total on the mountain. It's a pity that she used one like this.

Originally, he planned to take the escaped teenager back in person, but when he saw the black light holy arrow, he sighed gently and went back to the house. After all, the people who could escape under this black light holy arrow are not only immortals, but also immortals.

How capable a mortal can be,