Young Knife God

Chapter 345 Encounter in the Cold Pool

In the fairy mansion, there was a sudden shock, and there seemed to be a strong external force bombarding the mountain.

After a loud noise, the ground shook,

The man and woman who had originally entered the hall also changed their appearance and ran out of the hall, looking out of the door like a torch,

At this moment, under the huge bombardment of the gate, a crack has appeared,

hong hong,,,

The sound of fierce bombardment keeps coming, making the cracks in the road continue to expand. Seeing that it is about to bombard down again, the door will be unsustainable.

A strange look flashed on the young man's face and said in a hateful voice, "I must have seen the two of us having sex here. The third sister came to the door. You'd better find a hidden place to hide, otherwise she will see me with you. I'm afraid she won't forgive you and me. My third sister's temper is you. I also know that she is the most jealous. Even if I usually shake hands with some strange women and be seen by him, I will be very angry. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid that neither of us will get better."

The young woman couldn't help frowning and said anxiously, "Well, is the third sister in your mouth Luo Hongmei? Didn't she go down the mountain a long time ago? How can it still appear here at this moment?"

The young man had a bitter face, scratched his scalp, and said vaguely, "I don't know. As early as three days ago, she was ordered by her master to go down the mountain. She thought she would come back so soon. This time, I'm afraid she came to find me. You know that there are not many people in the cave here, except for the master and a few Outside the core disciples, other disciples have no chance to know. This time she came to me to trouble me. If you don't hide, I'm afraid we will both die here,?"

The young man lamented,

There is infinite sadness between the eyebrows,

The young woman listened and bowed her head and meditated for a moment before gritting her teeth, humming, turning around and flying away to the cave on one side.

Sw, the body came to the cave like electricity. Xiao Tie was washing happily. Suddenly, there was a beautiful woman beside him. She was scared for a moment. Fortunately, it was dark in the cave. The woman did not find Xiao Tie for a moment. She just stood on the side of the pool and looked around thoughtfully.

" Humph, this dead girl is really pissed me off. It ruined the good things between me and Qinggang. Humph, this time I will give Qinggang face. If I meet you next time, I don't care who your daughter is, just greet you with a big sword. "

The woman scolded and sat down by the pool. She just suffered Xiao Tie and was forced into the water. She only showed a little scalp for fear of making any movement and let the woman find out and cause any accident. In that case, he and the girl would not be saved.

In order to survive, he can only sink to the bottom of the water,

Damn, when he sank, he found that there was actually a cyan stone in the center of the jet hole at the bottom of the pool, emitting a faint cold light, which was very cold. Even if he was a few meters away from it, he could still feel the extremely cold air bursting from its body. This extremely cold ice kept swallowing and quickly Some extremely cold particles were born, the size of rice grains, but they were crystal clear and shining. Xiao Tie took a few grains in his hand and looked at them carefully before he suddenly.

It turns out that these small particles are extremely high-purity ice crystals,

You should know that in the extremely cold world, the storage of all energy is stored by ice crystals. These ice crystals are not only an excellent place to store vitality, but also have a magical function, which is to freeze and compress all the vitality and energy included in it, so that in a very small ice crystal, It can store an amazing amount of horrible vitality and energy bodies,

The ice crystals collected on Xiao Tie's body were turned into small crystals the size of countless rice grains by this cold pool. Some ice seems to be constantly emitted from this bluestone and sprayed into the water, which made the water extremely cold.

When Xiao Tie thought of this, he was ecstatic and thought that if he had known that the egg was delicious, he would also invite the raw egg hen home.

At present, it's not nonsense. Put away the bluestone and put it in the empty ring. Then he returned to the water contentedly. He just showed his head and wanted to see if the woman was still there? But I feel that my skin has touched a pair of soft objects,

Soft and elastic, warm and fragrant,

Who are you?'

A calm voice came from my ear: "What a boldness. I just felt a strange breath flowing. Sure enough, there was someone hiding in the water. Humph, this time you fell into my hands. I think you have anything else to say."

A cold hand grabbed Xiao Tie's neck,

Her hands are smooth and soft, and her fingers are gently wrapped around, which has already closed Xiao Tie's feet.

With a slight mention, Xiao Tie was raised above the surface of the water,

Oh, Xiao Tie's head was big for a while. After all, when he just went into the water, he didn't wear anything and was naked. He came out of the water like this and displayed it in front of a strange woman without reservation. His face suddenly turned red.

"Hey, girl, show mercy and hide here, and there is no malice. I just want to take a bath here,,,"

"Humph, don't talk nonsense, come with me, make a sound again, be careful that I cut off your tongue," after all, there is a female tiger outside. If you make a big noise in this hole, you will be at a loss,

In a blink of an eye, he flew to the shore with Xiao Tie,

What Xiao Tie could see was that the woman was not dressed, but she took Xiao Tie out naked. The soft and boneless hands were wrapped around his neck like a snake, and there was no sign of let go.

"Oh, no," Xiao Tie was speechless and felt so embarrassed for the first time that people were caught alive in such a way,

"Well, you were disrespectful to me just now. I was very polite. Oh, if you dare to scream again, I won't let you see the sun tomorrow?"

The cold voice came faintly, and then, the hand waved gently, and Xiao Tie hit a icicle heavily. At the moment he hit the icicle, a rope followed closely and suddenly bound Xiao Tie.

The rope seems to have an aura. It is not only extremely rigorously tied, but also the force is silky, making Xiao Tie feel a tight bundle that has never been seen before.

The woman dressed three times, and then proudly came to Xiao Tie's approach and sneered, "Where are you from? Come on, tell me quickly. If there is half a sentence that is not true, don't blame me for being ruthless."

After saying that, a cold light flashed in his hand, and a cold light flashed. Forced it under Xiao Tie's neck. Xiao Tie smiled bitterly and said, "Girl, can you do it again after wearing the clothes below? Oh, it seems that the red fruit is relatively gentle."

"Well, the man and the girl have seen a lot, and I don't like to see it." After saying that, she closed the rope and temporarily returned Xiao Tie's freedom.

"Go ahead, come back when you're dressed"

A blush flashed, and her face showed a little embarrassed. Although she was a female streamer, she was much calmer than an ordinary woman.

However, she seemed to underestimate Xiao Tie, just at the moment when Xiao Tie was out of control,

He put on his clothes three or two times, then turned around and disappeared in an instant after hiding into the icicle behind him.

"Where have you been? You haven't appeared yet. Be careful that I'm going to use the magic weapon," a short sword was held in his hand and waved faintly forward.

A sword spirit came out, and a few icicles were broken one after another,