Young Knife God

Chapter 354 Demon Boy Escape

A black light shone and fell to the ground like a cannonball. He drilled into the ground and disappeared. Dozens of sword masters followed him and stopped the car together.

Standing on the sword, the leader was Baiyu Xiangu. This time, after defeating the demon boy Heizi, he led the brigade to track down here, but did not see the whereabouts of Heizi. The black light just now must have been transformed by Heizi, but the speed was so fast that it disappeared under the ground in an instant.

"Tu Dun, this demon boy really has some ways,"

A strong man behind Baiyu Fairy said in a rough voice, listening to the blue axe waved out,

he smiled and said, "Demon boy, even if you escape to the sky this time, we will definitely arrest you. How can this little earth escape embarrass me?" He roared softly,

The huge axe in his hand split, banged, and made a loud noise. The huge axe flew out of his palm and split into hundreds of axes in the air in an instant, scattered around, covering the space of a hundred feet below in an instant.

Boom, countless sharp axes drove the terrible roar and flew down from the sky. In a blink of an eye, it fell down. At that time, I only heard a boiling air in the lower world, and countless sharp lights roared on the ground.


The huge axe enters the ground three feet,

Every chopping drives a strange roar, which is extremely horrible,

The demon boy has been turned over by several axes where there is no land, and the ground is full of mess.

It's just that the demon boy did not appear, just a turning point, sinking deeper into the ground,

The distance of several feet has also reached the extreme. For this blue flame axe, the power is really not small. It is made in a place the size of a football field below, and countless sharp lights are chopped off in an instant. This land, even if there are creatures, has become extinct. Maybe, this is the fate, a person Life and death are closely related to the unblatical disaster of heaven. These people can't even die ashes.

When Bai Yuxian saw such a momentum, she couldn't help frowning and scolding, "Brother Juling, aren't you afraid of hurting innocent people by taking action like this?" Hearing her words, an ambiguous smile flashed on the giant spirit's face.

smiled and said, "Fairy, you don't have to worry about this. When you came, the master said that as long as we brought the demon boy's head, he didn't say that we would not hurt the creatures in the lower world. Oh, you are really too worried, hehe, "

Bai Yuxiangu originally wanted to say something more, but she heard a scream from the disciples in the distance. It turned out that the demon child actually appeared in the space thousands of feet away and had already flew away on the ground, but the speed was extremely fast. She faintly saw a dark shadow and disappeared in an instant.

This speed is extremely fast, which has made people afraid. If you meet an idle person, I'm afraid you will either find someone or die.

The Baiyu looked at the people behind her and couldn't help sighing. With her ability, she also fell behind in the competition with the demon child. Although the disciples below were well dressed, their cultivation was uneven and most of them had no combat power. Once they fought with the enemy, they were afraid they could not even get along with each other.

sighed softly: 'Brother, I think we'd better go back to restore our lives. I think the master also knows the power of this demon, and he won't blame the two of us." After listening to Bai Yu's words, he looked at his own full blow, but it was useless. For a moment, his face turned red and muttered: "Is it true that this demon is so powerful?"

He said as he said, 'Well, it seems that this is the only one now. Although the blood corpse array is barely broken, we only destroyed the three blood corpses around him. I believe that there are still several high-level blood corpses on his body that have not been released. If they are released, I'm afraid that the people we are tied together, not him. The opponent, this demon, is really powerful.

When he said, there was a moment of silence, and finally waved his hand and led someone to retreat.

Only the white jade fairy, independent of the strange forest, staring in the distance,

Bai Yu just can't figure out why this demon boy has been silent for hundreds of years. In these hundreds of years, where did he hide? Why did he have such a powerful ability as soon as he appeared?

A series of questions kept flashing in her heart, making her heart tremble.

Look at the direction of the demon child is actually the direction where the demon temple is located,

Bai Yu's heart was cold and thought to himself: Is this demon going to assassinate the demon king? In this way, there will soon be a demon lord in the demon world, "

Is this a blessing or a curse? She couldn't figure it out for a moment, but she vaguely felt that there must be a bigger conspiracy in it.

Thinking of this, she gritted her teeth and followed the place where the black line disappeared.

The demon boy ran all the way,

Seeing that he left all the pursuers behind, he slowly relieved. The masters had just joined hands and had caused countless wounds on his body. In this case, there were already some scars on his body, and most of the blood in his body had been lost. If he continued to fight again, he was afraid that he would be angry. But I have no life to accompany you,

As soon as he gritted his teeth, the speed doubled again and quickly flew to the Demon King Temple. This is the only place in the world where the world can supplement blood food. Now the Demon King has not escaped from trouble, so as long as he rushes to the Demon King Temple before the Demon King escapes from trouble, his body can not only be nourished by blood, but also the wounds on his body. It will also recover in a short time,

These two beautiful things are not to be missed,

When you see the demon king, you will kill him without mercy, so that he will get the position of the demon king. On the contrary, he will be killed by the demon king. If some masters on the demon king temple anger them, there must be another bloody battle. After all, there are still many people loyal to the demon king.

If you break in like this, I'm afraid it will arouse public anger. At that time, if the saints of the demon world attack you together, you may not be able to take three moves and die on the temple.

At present, what he can do is to find a quiet place as soon as possible to recover his physical strength,

Otherwise, if you meet a master again, I'm afraid that you will really be buried here.

Thinking of this, he looked down and found a place where no one had set foot on a small mountain in the distance. This is located on the top of a small mountain, but the rocks are like blades, so it is usually rare for people to come, so it is difficult to see people in this area. He can only hear some birds. The sound of beasts is more than the voice of people. This must be an excellent place to practice.

Whistle, his figure stagnated, stopped, stood high far away, and stared into the distance. Sure enough, in the depths of the dense forest, he saw a clean rock. The rock was all black, and the sun could not shoot within three feet. Within the three feet, there seemed to be a ** boiling. Generally, the area is covered very completely, and almost no light is allowed to penetrate,

Of course, Kuroko understands that it is a gathering place of extremely rare death spirits.

Only when the death aura gathers more will a black gas like a fountain be generated here,

The death aura was originally formed after the death of a spiritual body. If there is no color, it will converge more, and then there will be a black color.

This must be where we want to go,

The black man's eyes shot out the gold line, and the gold line has penetrated through the faint black aura,

A black guy is in this aura, swallowing wantonly,

The divine light is overflowing, and the size of this thing has been identified,

Four-eared lion!

A beast almost twice the size of an ordinary lion lies in the black breath and swallows quietly,

The light emitted from the inside has formed a black boiling body in front of it,

There seem to be countless creatures flying in the black,

Wherever the glory comes, a powerful spiritual force has been formed, hovering around,

The gradually black vortex slowly spread far away, and only heard a loud noise. A dark shadow in the distance burst out, and one person escaped from the shell and flew down from the stone wall.

The person who came was the black man. The black man's appearance was originally black. It seems that as early as the Feitian Sect, in order to hide his identity, he deliberately changed his skin color into an ordinary disciple. Although the black breath on his body still made several elders identify him, Feitianzong did not One reason why he is attacked is that Fei Tianzong also wants to use his hand to control the powerful demon world.

After all, the strength of the demon world is extremely strong. Although it is weaker than the demon clan, it is a force that cannot be ignored after all.

So the human world is also full of expectations for the cooperation of the demon world, and this key person is on this black man, but the black man does not know at all. At present, everything he has done has broken through the previous tolerance of the human race to him.

He is no longer accepted by human beings, either independent or died outside.

Now Feitianzong has disillusioned with him and no longer expects him to control the demon world. After all, after he made a scene in the fairyland, the top and bottom of Feitianzong realized that the strength of this person is by no means that Feitianzong can compete with him. Even Xiao Tie and several masters of Bingfengyu joined hands to control it. This demon child is also an extremely difficult thing,

So after receiving the news, Fei Tianzong has laid out manpower and wants to refuse thousands of miles away,