Young Knife God

Chapter 362 Water Demon

The water bomb formed a bullet screen and roared down from a high place. The people below changed their faces. Unexpectedly, the witch was so vicious that even the audience next to it were covered in it. The water bombs frequently, like meteors falling down, and each drop of water exploded, emitting more finer drops of water. These beads of water are like small crystals, and the surface is actually covered with a film, so they fly very far away, and like ice particles. Under the powerful explosive arch, they can easily penetrate the human body. Therefore, some of the onlookers have slightly worse cultivation and give this one in a very short time. The drops were swallowed, and several blood stains appeared on his body. He fell to the ground and died. For a moment, the crowd was in chaos and fled, but he did not expect that the scope of the water bomb attack was so large that these people could not escape at all.

In less than a moment, hundreds of people died under this water bomb on both sides of the river.

Xiao Tie's expression was furious. He didn't expect that Ji Gu was such a ferocious demon that she would be angry with those innocent audiences.

"Humph, Mrs. Ji, you are too cruel. Why do you have to kill these innocent people?"

The flame in Xiao Tie's hand slowly lit up. As it slowly lit up, the light mask also expanded, and the previous cracks were also repaired in an instant. Seeing this scene, Aunt Ji realized the terribleness of this teenager.

He didn't do his best just now. Maybe he wanted to retreat in order to know the difficulties, but now he was forced to show his ability to be a housekeeper.

It's no wonder that a person originally had good intentions to let the enemy retreat safely and turn the war into jade, but he did not expect that he was mistaken for weakness by the enemy, so he became more and more difficult to bully the other party.

So when things come to hand, Xiao Tie also has a heart and no longer show mercy.

"If you still refuse to stop killing, then you will be rude," Xiao Tie said. He looked up to the sky and roared, and his figure had already transformed into several figures.

The light mask originally attached to herself was also decomposed at this moment and turned into two white light and dispersed. Under the scattered white light, there was a figure hidden by each other. Among the two figures, it was clear that one was false and the other was true, but Aunt Ji couldn't see it clearly for a moment, and her heart was confused. Unexpectedly, she didn't care whether it was true or false. Move the magic weapon, hit it with all your strength,

The water wave surges, the heavens and the earth change color, and the dark clouds permeate the whole sky, making this water full of cold air and killing that people can't see everywhere. Under the cover of this breath, the light in the distance is particularly bright,

The dark luster, with a faint blue film, rose from the palm of Xiao Tie's hand. With its forward route, the light mask and water balloons broke along the way, turning into pieces of steam flying around and disappearing invisible.

Xiao Tie strode out of the attack curtain of the water drop,

The eyes are bright, the corners of the eyes are smiling, and the curved willow eyebrows also blinked flexibly and elegantly,

At this moment, he has a kingly spirit,

So extraordinary, so domineering, a congenital momentum oppresses the people present,

The splashes scattered all over the sky, and it seemed that in a blink of an eye, the situation turned to the side beneficial to Xiao Tie,

Wen Jin shouted and stepped forward side by side with Xiao Tie. The two looked at each other and smiled, speechless but had a rhinoceros.

When Xiao Tie raised his hand, a knife light clenched in his hand was released, turning into a flash of lightning, roaring in the sky, and the blue light fell from the sky, and the drops of water in the sky were scattered and flew around. At the same time, a proud smile appeared on Wen Jin's face.

Above the naked upper body, a green dragon roared with its head held high,

There is an invisible air-shaped fluctuation between the earth and the earth, overflowing,

Boom, the light flashed, and dozens of figures far and near shook in front of him,

Qinglonghe has turned into a Taoist green light and rushed down to Ji Gu,

Xiao Tie smiled and said, "I didn't expect that the dragon pattern on your body was alive. The name of Jiulong Mountain really lives up to its reputation. "

Hearing Xiao Tie's admiration, at this moment, a solemn expression flashed on Long Jin's face. His hands moved slightly, his shoulders shook, and his arms were fighting. The dragon shape in the sky suddenly shrank rapidly and gradually turned into the appearance of a sword.

Whistle, the sword light fell from the sky, extremely sharp,

Under the attack of the two sharp weapons, a desperate expression flashed on Ji Gu's face and retreated a few steps. The brocade rope in her hand turned into a water shield in the palm of her hand. The river rose from the water surface and injected into a circle formed by the brocade rope.

The spiral circle glows with a faint blue light. Under the sparkle of these blue light, the endless river water is injected into it and slowly forms a substance.

Infinite thickening, rapid hovering,


In the palm of the hand, the brocade rope has turned into a thick water shield, which is unbreakable,

Boom, at this moment, the knife light, plus a sword light, hit the water shield almost at the same time,

Boom, a huge vibration sounded, making a huge wave surge on the surface of the water in an instant,

The boat where Aunt Ji was located almost sank. With the support of everyone, she reluctantly stopped.

However, between the shaking of the body, there seemed to be tens of thousands of lights scattered out, making this sky instantly become brilliant and particularly eye-catching,

Ji Gu stared at the fragmentation of the water shield in the palm of her hand under the attack of these two rays of light,

There is almost no shape of the crack,

It was achieved in an instant,

Xiao Tie smiled and looked at Aunt Ji below and shouted, "Mrs. Ji, no wonder my brother is not merciless this time. After all, you hurt people before, I wanted to keep your life, but I didn't expect that you would do such a bad job. Even ordinary people will never let you go. This time, I will never let you go.

In the palm of his hand, the light flashed, and another knife light fell from the sky.

The light blue knife is extraordinary **, just like the flying star outside the sky, so mysterious, so **,

However, when Aunt Ji saw this light, her heart was like dead ashes in an instant. She knew that she could not escape death. Maybe this was also destined by God.

He turned around and flew up. When Aunt Ji saw the gap between life and death, she did not dare to be careless. She gathered all her strength to launch a blow. Between her palms and a circle, the river under him instantly turned into various beasts and flew into the sky. Xiao Tieyan saw that Ji Gu had this method before she was destroyed. For a moment, she was secretly surprised. As soon as the arms shook, the surging true air in the body surged out, and the water beasts in front of him were scattered all over the way.

seized. A few steps away from Aunt Ji, he stretched out a true arm and held Ji's neck at once. Aunt Ji did not expect that under his hand, she was short of breathing and poured into his brain, making his mind suddenly unconscious. < /P>

"Bold, let go of Mrs. Ji," Li Long flew to his body and rushed to the two balls of underworld fire in his hand, which could swallow between the palms of his hands. A group of underworld fire flew out of his hand and turned into a fire dragon and rushed to Xiao Tie. Xiao Tie did not expect that there was such a powerful baby on Li Long's body. He was shocked for a moment.

Reach out and pop a wisp of knife light, and shake the underworld fire with a bombardment,

With the relaxation of his hand, Jigu struggled hard and actually got rid of his control and fled to the outside world.

Xiao Tie was about to let go of a blow, but he heard a slight roar in his ear, but the golden retriever came. It turned out that as soon as he saw Aunt Ji's defeat, he knew that if he continued to fight, he would definitely lose. Several eagles were slippery and fled with a turn around.

This time, Xiao Tie's three good hands came to the water demon all of a sudden.

On the surface of the water, the ship of the water demon is constantly retreating, and the demon emperor who got a cracked stone of the sky is also retreating at a high speed. At this moment, a thunderbolt split down and bombarded. The boat he was in turned into two halves under the power of this shock.

The demon emperor rose up and pointed his hand to the surface of the water. A stream of water rose above the water. The demon emperor was firmly on it, but he did not panic.

There are tens of murderousness in his eyes, with a cold face, standing on the pool, whistling,,,,

A burst of real staggering sound, on his back, several watermarks soared in a row, and the watermarks flew and jumped on it, which was very conspicuous.

Mighting water as a sword is also a great spell for aquariums,

It's just that for a long time, few people can turn water into swords, and most of the water swords are not lethal, so this is one of the reasons why few people practice among the younger generation.

Originally, Xiao Tie just heard of this technique, but he had never seen it with his own eyes. At present, when he saw the water sword formed behind the demon emperor with his own eyes, the inexplicable shock made his heart cold and extremely cold.

"Demon Emperor, I didn't expect you to refine the water sword again, so what else can you make besides the water sword? You might as well make the sky open your eyes."

Wen Jin was young and curious. He has always been fascinated by this kind of trick-like thing. This time, he was also excited to see the water sword generation with his own eyes.

I almost forgot that this is a battlefield, but watched the demon emperor as a trick.

A trace of anger flashed on the demon emperor's face and smiled and said, "Young man, if you are curious, you might as well take a closer look. I have other interesting things here. If you are interested, I can show you again."

The demon emperor is still smiling so happily at this moment. He stretched out a hand in front of him and pretended to draw a circle mysteriously.

Wen Jin walked over defenselessly. At this moment, perhaps in his heart, he already regarded the demon emperor as a brother.

A cruel smile flashed in the demon emperor's eyes, and a demon light slowly appeared in the palm of his hand.

A touch of murder,

It seems that it is about to break through the wall. As the breath in the palm of the hand slowly rises, dozens of water swords near and far are suspended in the air.

There were strange airflow fluctuations, and the thunder in the sky also turned into several thunder spears, spinning in the sky.