Young Knife God

Chapter 381 Apollo

The Supreme Immortal and Apollo Demon launched a duel. In the sky, the light continued to explode, and two seemingly invisible figures rotated around in the sky, which was extremely fast.

With the two mysterious lights entangled together, there was a continuous roar in the sky, and a burst of roar shook the world in the sky.

Xiao Tie habitually looked at his palm. In the palm of his hand, the magic knife was no longer there.

The sword soul is attached to the body of the two Masters and fights non-stop. However, compared with it, the combat power stimulated by Xiao Tie's internal energy can only be 1%. At this moment, the two halves of the knife souls are held in the hands of the two, playing a sound of earth-shaking roar. The light rises to the sky and stirs up in the world. One after another,

The ripple slowly spread away and gradually turned into a black cloud. With a blast, it rolled in and mixed the world into one color. Everything mixed in it turned into nothing under the attack of these two strong winds.

The battle lasted for three days and nights. It was not until both of them were seriously injured that they slowly stopped. At this moment, Xiao Tie looked at the battlefield again and saw that many villages under him had been razed to the ground. Those innocent people, who could not be killed or injured, collapsed everywhere, their bodies lay horizontally, and a hell on earth. The tragic appearance,

If death is liberation, then what is the meaning of life?

He once said this in the ancient book Sifang Zhi, but unfortunately, he was too young to understand the teachings. Unexpectedly, a few years later, when the tragedy happened in front of him, he really realized a trace of true meaning,

This chaotic situation lasted for a few days before it slowly calmed down, and then those innocent souls were included in the heavenly demons, and together with the soul bodies of the two immortals and demons were also included in Xiao Tie,

There must be a wonderful world among the demons. If you don't enter it, it will be difficult to find out the mystery in it.

"Well, old man, this time you are still defeated by my fist. Haha, when you and I recover, let's go out for a game. Otherwise, I don't want to live in such a muddle. Originally, I lived to be stronger, but you, an old man can't get through with me, if not You stop me. I'm afraid that at this moment, I have already flown to the fairyland and fought with those talented antiques. Haha, I'm looking forward to what will happen in 30,000 years, and what the strength of these old antiques will reach. It's really a pity if I don't learn it myself,"

With a sigh, there seems to be an infinite fall,

"Fuck, I didn't expect that your old devil is still so aggressive after tens of thousands of years. If you want to know the truth that there is heaven outside and there are people outside, you won't think so. At this time, although the fairyland is not as strong as before, the crowd will win less. This is the eternal truth. You are alone, no matter how capable you are, it is not If you can defeat the whole fairyland, there is only one result, that is, you become powerful and set rules at will in the world, so that people will respect you. Unfortunately, your strength is also constantly regressing, so haven't you been able to beat me in the bloody battles these days? This is very clear. The truth that the devil is one foot high and the Tao is one foot high has been there since ancient times. It seems that it is true, "

"Well, old man, are you looking down on me again? In those years, I could say that I was invincible all over the world. Hey, I once broke into the fairyland three times and killed those old antiques. I didn't expect that after these ten thousand years, your cultivation has also improved, but I could fight with the old man a few more times. One hundred rounds, but it's just a pity that you and I have no body. The power of the soul body alone is still too weak. Oh, at present, this stupid boy has some ability, but his strength is also too weak, not ideal, not ideal, "

Na Apollo shook his head and looked around,

It seems to be looking for something,

At this moment, I heard a bear roar on the continent in the distance,

This roar comes from the endless desolate continent, which is particularly eye-catching,

Three eyes came to his face with the breath of ancient times. On the back of the divine horn, one person was as stable as Mount Tai, sitting on it, dressed in white like snow, floating like a fairy,

The eyes were shining. Behind him, several children followed him, riding the divine birds and tracking them.

Seeing the arrival of this person, the two immortals and demons were stunned and meditated together. The atmosphere was like a mountain and suppressed, which made the magic knife, which had always been magical, converge a little light. Apollo was a little afraid and said, "This person, can't imagine that ten thousand years later, is still not dead. I remember that I was defeated by him in those years, Ben Thinking that this ten thousand years have passed, this man has died, but I didn't expect that these ten thousand years have made this man a little younger. Looking at the divine light in his eyes, it seems to be much stronger than before, "

"Well, Apollo, you'd better admit defeat as soon as possible. Otherwise, this person is my Taoist friend. As long as I call him, he will definitely not let you go. Where to go? You'd better make an idea early, otherwise when others start, I won't be speechless, hehe,"

Seeing a boss of the fairyland, the supreme immortal's face also overflowed with red light and full of confidence,

At the beginning of the war against the Demon Lord, his strength was obviously weak, but the strength of the demon's whole body had not been restored. When others recovered their strength and responded to it with all their strength, the supreme could only be willing to bow down.

Xiao Tie was dozed off, but he didn't expect to hear that the conversation between the two was interesting at this time. Then he raised his head and looked out. He saw a loud sound of wind and thunder in the distance, and a sound shook the world.

The seven-eyed star! Seeing the reappearance of this man's figure shocked Xiao Railway for a moment and was almost speechless. Although he had known that the masters in the fairyland were like clouds, he did not expect that he could ride a giant elephant. A hundred feet away, he could also emit such a shocking voice. For a moment, his mind oppressed him slowly stepped back a few steps.

"Is it Xiao Tiexiao in front of you?"

A boy has found Xiao Tie on the back of the elephant. Obviously, they are not unfamiliar with Xiao Tie's reputation. After all, Xiao Tie is the most shining among the top masters in the human world.

Xiao Tie was stunned for a moment before he answered, "I'm Xiao Tie, how dare you ask what the fairy boy is doing here?"

"This is my seven-eyed star king immortal. At this moment, I'm here for the heavenly demon in your hand. If you hadn't lifted the seal in the heavenly demon, the world would not have been in such a mess. You are also responsible for the death and injury of these people. But at present, what the immortal is going to do is to seal this demon again and release it. After all, as a member of the immortal world, after thousands of hardships, it is also for the peace of the world and made great sacrifices for the fairyland. This time we intend to give you a yard, which is also the meaning of the supreme immortals. After all, over the years, you have also done a lot of good things for the three worlds. This time, we will not It's your fault. Hurry up and step back. My fairy is going to cast a spell."