Young Knife God

Chapter 384 Breakthrough

"Haha, Supreme Immortal, this time you are lucky and met me, so I won't embarrasss you. Today, I am in a good mood. What happened 30,000 years ago will be written off. Let you go and leave quickly. Only this Apollo is the biggest enemy of our fairy gate. You can't let him entangled in the magic knife. Otherwise, it will hurt more people. Maybe I will regret it later, but now, it is the best opportunity for you to escape. Otherwise, I will disperse your yuans and never have the idea of eternal rebirth. "

The seven-eyed star king's eyes shine awe-inspiringly, and a murderous atmosphere surged from the inside, which was particularly horrible,

It is clear that there are two ways in front of us, either die together or live secretly,

I felt a loud noise, knowing that it must be the seven eyes in the dark luck of the true qi. After 30,000 years of hardening, the strength of the seven eyes has reached an extremely horrible level.

"Old monster, they give you a way to live. Why don't you leave? You have to wait for me to die together. What a ridiculous guy. Let's go. If you leave, I will stay here more quietly. Haha, "Then Apollo was hesitant to see the supreme and urged,

He knew that the seven eyes must have been murderous. If he didn't leave, he was afraid that he would be buried here with him. Although he regarded the immortal gate as nothing, but at this moment, when he thought of leaving this old friend who had been together for tens of thousands of years, a sour feeling surged up in his heart.

This feeling made his mood suddenly heavy,

He was not afraid of his soul flying away, but it was the pain of his old friend's parting, but it made him miss him.

Has he changed? In the past 30,000 years, his mind has been constantly accepting some changes, so in his imagination, the departure of this old friend has removed an arm from him.

The heart is empty and there is nothing to rely on,

But on the surface, he still has to pretend to be indifferent and said with a smile, "If you don't leave, I'm going to curse. Oh, old man, remember to bring me a bottle of good wine when you come back next time, hehe, "

A powerful drum blew out the hesitant supreme immortal,

The supreme eyes turned red and shouted, "Old devil, you should also be careful. The world has changed, and it is no longer our previous calm world, so everything is possible. You should also be careful alone." After saying that, he turned around and flew away.

"Upperly, you old man are really gone. If I can't see you, I will feel a little sad," a faint smile flashed in Apollo's heart,

When I looked at the powerful enemy on the opposite side, there was also a strange breath in my heart,

Maybe death is doomed. As soon as he was released, he faced another tragic ending.

Is this all fate?

Qimu laughed and said disdainfully, "Xiao Tie, your demon has become magical. Why don't I destroy him and let this knife spread again? I'm afraid it will hurt more innocent human beings. In that case, it's better to destroy it. As long as this knife is destroyed, the world will be quieter. I think you You may be dissatisfied, but you have to understand that immortals are immortals and demons are demons, which should not be confused. Flash aside. I want to destroy this magic knife with my own hands. Just like in those years, the hot sun emperor was refining him with his own hands. This thing is not a monster. It is only because it is stained with the blood of the demon clan, so it has become so unbearable. It is to kill Apollo. The nature of this knife is difficult to change, and only by smashing it can we completely remove his magic. "

Xiao Tie looked up at the sky, the sky was chaotic, and the wind in the distance was benevolent, and the wind shook the sky.

In the dark, a storm like a sandstorm rolled up in the air,

"No matter, you go and come back. Are you here to understand that Apollo can't be saved? It's really confusing. I wanted to let you go back, but you want to find your own death. In this case, let me end up with you."

A heavenly eye above the top of the seven eyes opened and emitted a bright light. Where this light came, it was like a path from the sky. It was four or five feet wide, and a large handprint was almost round. It swung up and hit the depths of the Hongmeng in the distance.

In the depths of the Hongmeng, a figure swaying in the wind,

Between the palm, a light fell like a waterfall, and the sky was extremely bright.

Oh, a fierce palm fell, and a figure followed. A cold voice said sadly, "Qi Mu, there are still too many accounts between you and me that have not been liquidated, so this time I will stay and deal with you with Apollo. Maybe I will be really happy after killing you."

Although Daluo's palm is just a seemingly ethereal killing move from the soul body, it still has a murderous atmosphere. This murderous spirit fell down and covered a world.

In this world, Qimu and his powerful black and white children are all covered in it.

A loud noise fell from the sky,

A golden palm fell,

"Qimu, this palm is my desperate killing order for you. If you can feel the mystery of it, maybe I can let you go once, but this move seems to be insoluble. Even if I am willing to let you go, I'm afraid it will be too late to accept the move. Hahaha, "A burst of wild laughter came from the upper world, and Qimu just wanted to speak, but It is to feel a strange sense of oppression, and that super force seems to breed from the heaven and earth above,

After the chaotic gas was detonated, it converged in one place,

Continuously strengthening the originally nihilistic palm,

At the moment when the air palm fell, countless breaths condensed again, making countless murderous intentions emerge on this palm,

With the almost substantial texture and the extraordinary quality, the shocked seven-eye star's face changed greatly,

He knew that the supreme cultivation was obtained, but he did not expect that after 30,000 years, a soul body without a body could exert such a strong palm power, which was shocking for a moment.

Oh, it's his big arm fist,

This blow also consumed 90% of his whole body's true energy, so the world changed color under one blow,

Hu, a huge fist broke through the air and rose unstoppably, cutting the air, and the fireworks caused by the fist. A light blue electric current was born on the front, detonating four spaces, making the people watching from all directions pale with shock.

"Go to hell, supreme. It's not that I won't let you go, but you're looking for death. Hahaha, 30,000 years later, it's very meaningful for us to compete again. "

Boom, the two forces intersect, and only a loud noise is heard. The supreme soul body shocked the sky and is almost broken.

The originally golden arm also turned into an extremely bleak void at this moment,

Apollo said, "The supreme old man, I didn't expect that you have made progress in the past 30,000 years, but there is no physical body, and the progress of the realm is slow. Otherwise, no matter how powerful the seven eyes are, they will never be your opponent."

He hasn't moved and didn't mean to look around, but he is waiting for a person,

A young man who is arrogant and independent, with messy clothes and hair in the wind,

He seemed to be immersed in this world, or realized something. A powerful breath spread from his body, and the roaring wind and clouds between heaven and earth faintly responded.

"Xiao Tie, what are you waiting for?"