exclusive maid of young masters

Chapter 67 The Jiang family has a girl who has grown up

Jiang Nan stood at the door of the nursing home and turned around gently. Behind him stood five beautiful men with different styles. Everyone was encouraging himself in his own way.

"Go boldly! It must be good news!" Hua Ziye looked at Jiang Nan full of encouragement, put his hands to his chest, and slowly raised his thumbs.

"Go ahead, we'll wait for you here! Waiting for your good news!" Nangong Game looked at her gently, and her smile was so calm and peaceful.

Su Molun didn't say anything. He pounded his chest hard and told Jiang Nan that he was with her!

Lin Yuefan put her hands on her chest and shouted to Jiang Nan, "Nannan is the best!"

Jiang Nan's eyes were moist, and his eyes finally turned to Yu Wenlun, who had never spoken.

Yu Wenlun did not give Jiang Nan verbal encouragement like others, but raised his right arm high, clenched his fist and waved hard!

Jiang Nan bit his lower lip hard and forced himself to swallow tears back into his stomach!

Just now, just now!

At the dance party on the sixth day of Yating University, Jiang Nan suddenly received a phone call from the nursing home and said that her mother had a slight conscious reaction for the first time. Maybe she was not far from real awakening!

Hearing the news, Jiang Nan almost subconsciously ran towards the door!

Then, Jiang Nan's mobile phone immediately rang, and the call was Nangong Game, which had been paying close attention to her protection. When Nangong Game knew that Jiang Nan's mother's nursing home called, he immediately notified others.

After learning the news, the five people coincidentally put down what they were negotiating and chose to drive to Jiang Nan to the nursing home!

When sitting in the car, Jiang Nan has been anxious and keeps praying that his mother can really wake up from here! Even if you don't have to do anything, just open your eyes and see yourself growing up, just see your smiling eyes!

Yu Wenlun kept looking at Jiang Nan while driving. He didn't say anything, but drove his car smoothly and quickly, trying to send Jiang Nan to the nursing home in the shortest time!

Jiang Nan gently closed her eyes and kept mediting on her mother's name in the bottom of her heart, praying and praying.

When she opened her eyes again, the car had stopped steadily at the door of the nursing home.

Yu Wenlun still didn't say a word, but nodded hard to Jiang Nan and supported Jiang Nan with silent encouragement!

Jiang Nan returned the other party with a brave smile, so he opened the door and ran to the door of the nursing home.

Within a few steps, Jiang Nan suddenly turned around and saw five beautiful men standing in a row in front of his car, encouraging himself in his own way.

At that moment, Jiang Nan suddenly felt that God was actually very favoring him.

Because I have never given up, because I have been working hard, and because I have been persisting. Finally let yourself wait for what you want, that is the truth!

Jiang Nan took a deep breath, turned around and ran to his mother's doctor's office.

rushed over in one breath and didn't have to knock on the door and plunged into it!

For good, the attending doctor is also very familiar with Jiang Nan, so he didn't mean to blame Jiang Nan, but said to her excitedly, "Nannan, you came just right! You see, this is the result of your mother's examination today.

Jiang Nan quickly rushed over, picked up the report and took a cursory look. It was full of professional terms and couldn't understand it at all. He immediately asked eagerly, " Doctor, I don't understand this, so you can directly say the conclusion!"

The attending doctor said excitedly, "The conclusion is that your mother's brain has begun to have some reactions, and she is no longer a pure vegetable! That is to say, she may really wake up suddenly one day!"

Jiang Nan closed her eyes happily, and tears couldn't help sliding down, sobbing in place!

"Good boy, don't cry, this is a good thing! It was your filial piety that touched her!" The attending doctor grabbed the case on the table and said to Jiang Nan, "Come on, I'll go to the ward with you!"

Jiang Nan nodded vigorously, wiped away the tears in her eyes, and followed step by step.

came to my mother's ward and saw that she was still lying peacefully and sleeping. But Jiang Nan still feels very happy! Because the doctor has confirmed that her brain is starting to work!

This shows that I can finally have a complete mother!

Jiang Nan carefully walked to the bed for fear of waking her up and sat gently by the bed. He reached out and gently held his mother's hand and put it on his cheek, and tears surged out again.

Jiang Nan choked and said, "Mom, mom, wake up quickly!" You have slept too long! Open your eyes and see that Nannan has grown up, and Nannan can earn her own money to support her mother! Nannan can work hard by herself and go to college with a scholarship!"

Jiang Nan's mother's attending doctor looked at Jiang Nan and couldn't help sighing.

It is said that there is no filial son in front of the hospital bed for a long time, but Jiang Nan told him with his own behavior what filial piety is and what persistence is!

"It's a nice day today. You can take her out to bask in the sun." The attending doctor said to the nurse on one side, "You help her push the wheelchair over!"

Jiang Nan picked up her mother with difficulty, carefully held her in a wheelchair with the nurse, pushed her in person, carefully pushed her, and came to the yard.

Jiang Nan moved a small stool, sat next to her mother's hand, and patiently trimmed her nails. While trimming, he said to his mother, "Mom, you see that your fingernails have grown again and are faster than before. Are you also about to wake up?"

The sunshine gently sprinkled on Jiang Nan's mother's original beautiful face, indescribably quiet and peaceful.

Jiang Nan still talks to his mother about what has happened recently. In short, it is to report good news but not bad news.

Jiang Nan's mother's attending doctor looked at it from afar, and his eyes were moist.

"What a rare good boy!" The patients in the nursing home sighed one after another: "How can God not take care of such a kind and persistent child?"

Yu Wenlun and others stood far away and watched Jiang Nan so carefully, so gently trim her nails, and so sweetly talking to her mother. I don't know why the eyes of five people were wet at the same time.

The nurse sent a washbasin and towel. Jiang Nan took the initiative to take it over, wet the towel with hot water, and carefully wiped his mother's face.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, a smile slowly appeared on the corners of Jiang Nan's mother's mouth.

"Mom, wake up quickly. We live together, and I will be filial to you!" Jiang Nan spoke gently to her mother, wiping her hands and combing her hair.

The sun shines on them, and everything becomes so warm and beautiful.

"Mom, how I wish I was admitted to college, you could tell me with a smile that Nannan is good and Nannan is the best!" Jiang Nan said in a low voice and slowly combed his mother's hair: "Mom, Nannan doesn't want anything. As long as you wake up, Nannan is happier than anything else. It doesn't matter if you don't go to college!"

A drop of crystal tears slowly oozed out from the corners of Jiang Nan's mother's eyes, and her head was shaved in the sun. The sun penetrates the tears and reflects the mottled halo. It is so gorgeous and beautiful.

"Should we do something for her?" Su Molun said softly.

Nangong Game put his hands in his trousers pocket and said softly, "Yes, it's time for us to do something for her. Midnight————”

"I understand!" Hua Ziye smiled and said, "I wanted to do this a long time ago! I will contact the foreign medical team immediately!"

Yu Wenlun smiled gently. Rarely, there was no frost on his face, replaced by a warm smile.

Lin Yuefan was so moved that she couldn't speak for a long time. She stammered and said, "Nannan is so strong! Such a big thing happened at home, how can you face it calmly with a smile!"

"Maybe this is her greatest charm!" Su Molun said lightly, "Because this is Jiang Nan!"