Kill God

Chapter 20 Extreme Training

Stars are dotted on the night. A crescent moon is clear and cool, and the moonlight passes through the thick leaves and shines in the quiet forest.

Di Yalan and Hu Long patrolled outside. Zhao Xin leaned on the tree trunk, had an even nose, and closed his eyes to rest.

Luo Hao narrowed his eyes slightly next to another ancient tree, and it seemed that he had never cancelled his vigilance against his surroundings.

Among the dense leaves on the ancient tree he relied on, Mu Yudie slept quietly and galloped for a day. She couldn't stand it.

Luo Hao looked up from time to time and glanced at the Mu Yu butterfly in the leaves, showing the love that was difficult to see in his eyes.

"Step on!"

Luo Hao twisted his eyebrows, looked at the stone rock coming slowly, and asked in surprise, "Haven't you rested yet?"

"Hmm." Shi Yan nodded and answered in a low voice. He stood beside Luo Hao and asked softly, "Isn't it easy for the other party to find us in this area?"

"It's really not easy." Luo Hao smiled and said, "There is no fixed line here, monsters often appear, and the warriors are also active everywhere. It is difficult for people to judge which traces we will leave behind. Here, in fact, we should pay more attention to monsters and those adventurous warriors.

"That is to say, the other party will not come to us so easily." Shi Yan thought for a moment and asked, "Uncle Luo, do you need to spend too much essence to release your gravitational field?"

"Why do you ask this?" Luo Hao was stunned.

"I want to sharpen my body with the help of your gravitational field. Under the gravitational field, I have to bear great pressure, which can enhance my physical strength. I want to see how big my limit is. Shi Yan is serious. He is not willing to be plain in his bones. He feels that the painstaking practice is boring. He wants to find some excitement and leaks.

"Relying on the gravity field to hone yourself..." Luo Hao's eyes lit up and nodded, "The method is good, but are you sure you want to try? If the enemy suddenly comes up when you are out of strength, don't you have the power to fight back?

"I'm not going to use Jingyuan." Shi Yan smiled.

"Pure body training?" Luo Hao was stunned.


Luo Hao frowned deeply and said with half a sound: "You have just broken through the innate realm. At this time, you are slowly familiar with the body. It is indeed not wrong to properly refine the body, but you have never strengthened the body. You have used the gravity field to practice at the beginning, and you do not plan to use the essence. This ...Can you resist it?"

"I want to try it." Shi Yan said indifferently.

"Good! Come with me." Luo Hao nodded and walked quietly into the distance. Shi Yan followed silently.

After the two left lightly, Mu Yudie in the dense branches and leaves of the ancient tree slowly opened his eyes.

Looking silently at the two people by the river in the distance, Mu Yudie's beautiful eyes were surprised and puzzled, and he muttered, "I just broke through the innate realm, and I dare to practice through the gravitational field. Is this guy crazy?"

The more Mu Yudie thought about it, the more strange she felt. She couldn't sleep. She was curious. She slid down from the ancient tree deftly and quietly dived towards Shiyan and Luo Hao, trying to sneak a look at the situation there.


"I will use five times the gravity field first. Generally, the martial arts in the acquired realm can only bear five times the gravity field after special refining of the body. You have to do what you can, feel that the body can't stand it, and immediately stop the high-intensity movement."

After Luo Hao stood still, he said, "Your first attempt, you can run around me at the beginning. Without using the essence, you can run ten laps, even if you are used to it. Remember, do what you can!"

Luo Hao's words suddenly burst into a violent fluctuation and suddenly burst out of his body.

In an instant, with Luo Hao as the center, the gravity soared fivefold! The space next to him seemed to collapse, the air suddenly sank, and the pressured people were almost out of breath.

An invisible pressure suddenly enveloped the whole body!

Shiyan felt that every cell in his whole body seemed to be filled with sand and gravel, and his body suddenly sank, like carrying hundreds of pounds of weight. The muscles and bones in his knees suddenly tightened, the frequency of heart beating surged, and the muscles suddenly tightened under gravity.

The invisible pressure of the five-fold gravitational field forced his body to consciously adjust, but standing still, he felt that breathing had become much more difficult.

It's really awesome!

Shi Yan's heart jumped and felt the overwhelming pressure of the five-fold gravity field. In this kind of combat environment, once anyone enters Luo Hao's gravity field, he will inevitably be immediately affected by the gravity field. His usual strength will never be played by ten, and he will definitely be controlled by Luo Hao everywhere in the battle.

This is still five times the gravity. If it is ten times the gravity, how terrible would it be?

Shi Yan realized the horror of this "martial soul", took a deep breath and drove the messy thoughts out of his mind. He suddenly roared and suddenly ran around Luo Hao.

As soon as the body moved, the pressure of the gravity field surged. The stone rock's feet seemed to be filled with countless pieces of lead, which weighed more than a thousand catties. The simplest running in daily life seemed to have become the most terrible suffering.

Under the influence of the five-fold gravity field, his body could not fly out of the ground at all, as if his body was abruptly pressed by a giant's iron hand, and he could not breathe.

After a circle, the speed of Shiyan's running speed was doubled.

After three laps, the speed of the rock running was doubled again.

Five laps down, Shi Yan is not running, but already walking slowly...

On the sixth lap, Shiyan's face turned red, and the blue veins on his arm, which came out, trembled gently like a little snake, as if it was about to crack out of the skin and jump out.

In the seventh lap, the stone rock was like a beast, and its eyes were red and almost eager to breathe fire, which was a sign of hypoxia.

At the eighth circle, Shi Yan staggered, and every step seemed to exert his strength. Every step fell, and his body trembled gently.

At this time, Luo Hao finally couldn't stand it anymore and shouted, "This is your first time to practice the gravity field. Don't work so hard. This is your limit! That's enough! Stop it! Go on, you may be exhausted!"

Shi Yan looked up, his eyes were red like blood, and his voice was hoarse, "Ha ha, this is just interesting. Let's continue!"

Luo Hao was stunned, and there was only one thought in his mind: This boy is crazy!

In the bushes not far away, Mu Yudie covered her little mouth and looked shocked, as if she knew Shiyan for the first time.

Shi Yan did not continue to talk with Luo Hao. After another low roar like an injured beast, he continued to walk firmly, bent down, and walked around again with blue veins on his face.

In the last lap, Shi Yan's body swayed. After each step, he would tremble, as if he would fall at any time, as if he would die the next moment!

In this case, he walked around again step by step. After the circle was completed, a strange satisfied smile appeared at the corners of Shi Yan's mouth.

Luo Hao woke up from a stunned state. Seeing that Shi Yan had not yet fallen down, he was finally relieved and was ready to withdraw the gravity field first, and then talk to Shi Yan.

Mu Yudie pressed her mouth tightly, and her beautiful eyes were full of disbelief. It seemed that she had never thought that the stone rock, which was only acquired, could really complete this extreme challenge.

"Let's do it again." Shi Yan suddenly shouted in a low voice..

"What?" Luo Hao's body was shocked, and his eyes were as sharp as a knife. He shouted, "Enough! Don't mess around!"

Before Luo Hao could remove the gravity field, Shi Yan actually walked up again. On this trip, he shook his body in three steps, and when he was halfway through, he finally fell to the ground.

Luo Hao just wanted to scream, but suddenly found that Shi Yan was using both hands and feet. The monster crawled and continued to move forward, as if he was looking for death.

It took half an hour for the rock to squirm slowly to the end like a snail.

Mu Yudie in the grass looked at him in a daze, and his mind was blank.
