Kill God

Chapter 28 Amazing explosion

Mu Yudie's delicate body trembled and leaned weakly on the tree trunk. A line of tears couldn't stop flowing down.

Along the way, Luo Hao and Zhao Xin have been doing their best to protect her. She can persist until now because of Luo Hao's spiritual pillar.

Hearing that Luo Hao and Zhao Xin were dead, Mu Yudie's heart was full of sadness, and she didn't even have the heart to continue to escape.

Diylan's eyes seemed to spit out fire, clenched her teeth tightly, and asked in a trembling voice, "Who did it?"

Hu Long's voice choked, quickly described the situation, and added, "In addition to the 'Dark Underworld' and the Fang mercenary Regiment, there should be the Mo family of the Chamber of Commerce. The lightning power released by that guy is not condensed by the essence, but the 'lightning martial soul' of the Mo family."

"Tangya Mercenary Regiment! Dark underworld! Mo's family!" Diylan gritted his teeth and shouted word by word, "I'm going to make them pay the price!"

Shi Yan frowned. Hearing Hu Long talk about the "Lightning Martial Soul", he immediately realized that the purpose of the Mo family might be him.

A strange smell suddenly broke into his nose. Shi Yan suddenly stood up and walked around Hu Long. Suddenly, his face changed and said, "Brother Hu Long, you have a strange fragrance on your body. You... You shouldn't have escaped alive, hey..."

"Kid, what do you mean?" Diylan stared, "Can you wait for Hu Long to be killed?"

It was Hu Long himself. After being stunned, he immediately understood and said with a miserable smile, "So that's it. The other party left me a life to catch up through me. I thought I had a big life, haha."

After saying that, Hu Long suddenly knelt in front of Mu Yudie, kowtowed three times and said, "Miss Mu, please live well!" You must avenge us!"

Suddenly stood up, Hu Long flew and ran, but his sad and angry voice came from afar: "Get out of here! From the other road, I will lead them away and try my best to buy time for you.

"Hu Long!" Diylan and Mu Yudie cried together.

"We must go now! Miss Mu, remember the hatred, we should live a good life!" With a gloomy face, Shi Yan stretched out his hand and asked Diylan: "Give me 'Star Thunder'. You take Miss Mu and leave immediately. I'll follow you later."

Because his friends died one by one, Diyalan was a little hopeless. He was stunned for a moment and handed over the three "star thunder" to Shi Yan. His voice was hoarse and said, "What do you want to do?"

"Agging for some interest for the uncle first!"

Shi Yan's face was like ice. He quickly came to the body of Tu Mu, cut a blood hole on Tu Mu's stomach with a dagger, stuffed two "star thunders" in first, carefully smeared the "seven snake saliva" on it, and then gently turned Tu Mu over and put his back to the ground.

"People are curious. After a while, the people of the Fang mercenary regiment came over. Seeing Tu Mu like this, someone must be able to turn Tu Mu over to see the situation. The 'Star Thunder' vibration will explode. What do you think will happen after Tu Mu's body is turned over hard?" Shi Yan sneered.

"I see." Diylan also looked fierce, "I hope they will die a few more people!"

"In Tu Mu's body, I also added poison powder. After the 'Star Thunder' explosion, there should be poison powder on the broken blade. As long as someone's skin is cut, there is no doubt that he will die!" Shi Yan looked cold and said, "Let's go, we want to live!" Only by living can we avenge our uncle!"

"I hope Hu Long can be fine." Mu Yudie's eyes were confused and muttered.

Shi Yan sighed in his heart. He knew that Hu Long would definitely die, but he comforted, "Don't worry too much. The trap we set may hit them hard. We should still have a chance to see Hu Long again."


Mu Yudie muttered feebly. She vaguely knew that this was not realistic at all, but she still hoped that someone could give her a positive answer, even if it was cheating.

"Well, he will be fine." Shi Yan definitely nodded and immediately motioned to Diylan.

Diyalan Yiyi, immediately took a step forward, picked up Mu Yudie, and ran towards the forest.

Shiyan took a breath, lifted all the strength, and hurriedly followed.


A quarter of an hour later.

The three forces of the dark underworld, the Mo family and the fang mercenary regiment came out together and followed the fragrance of Hu Long all the way here.

"Tu Mu!"

When Barnard saw the tomahawk next to Tu Mu, he immediately realized that it was his person with his back down to the sky. He changed his color and exclaimed, "How can it be? How could they kill Tu Mu!"

"Didn't you say that after we come here, we just need to separate men and women?" The dark moon messenger, with gloomy eyes, snorted, "Fortunately, I left 'Dark Moon Incense' on that boy, otherwise it would be easy to find another meal."

Barnard looked uncertain and said, "Zuo Song, turn Tu Mu over and see what's going on."

"That boy killed it!" Mo Yanyu lowered her voice and said to Mo Chaoge beside her, "As long as the person he killed is all dry, the boy's weapon must be highly poisoned!"

"This boy is not easy." Mo Chaoge nodded gently and whispered, "Be careful later, don't be too impulsive."

"Yu'er, I understand."

When the two spoke, Zuo Song of the fang mercenary regiment over there had rushed to Tu Mu's body under the order of Barnard.

Zuo Song grabbed Tu Mu's shoulder and turned him over to take a closer look at the situation on Tu Mu's body.


The back of Tu Mu's body hit the ground heavily.

"Boom!" Boom!"

The sound of a violent explosion suddenly came!

Just in an flash, Tu Mu's body suddenly broke into countless pieces!

Piece by piece with the flesh and blood blades of Tu Mu's body, like the stars all over the sky, shooting in all directions with Tu Mu as the center!

There was no warning of all this, and the explosion sounded, and the broken blades mixed with flesh and blood came to the crowd.

The fang mercenary regiment is closest to Tumu, and the first to bear the brunt, the people of the fang mercenary regiment are the first to suffer!

Under the broken blades all over the sky, the mercenaries of the three wolf tooth mercenary regiment were shot into hornet's nests and covered with blood holes.

Zuo Song's body was directly blown up. His flesh and blood were mixed with the flesh and blood of Tu Mu, which was torn apart and flew around.

The people of the dark and the Mo family were caught off guard, and they were also not spared!

Although they are dozens of meters apart, the warriors of the two sides have also suffered one after another, especially those of the Mo family who only have the acquired realm. They have no resistance and are directly scratched by broken blades.

The screams were endless, and the sudden explosion of two "star thunders" made this area a hell on earth, with flesh and blood flying, and the ground full of internal organs and limbs.

The cry of fear came from the field, and everyone fell into extreme panic.

Mo Yanyu, who was protected by Mo Chaoge, couldn't stand this scene of bloody limbs flying around. Her face was pale, and she bent down and vomited repeatedly.

The Mo family and several martial artists in the dark, whose skin and flesh were cut, were still secretly glad, but they gradually found that their bodies were sore and numb, and their eyes slowly blurred...

"Da Damn it! The broken blade is also poisoned!" Mo Chaoge's face seemed to have been stepped on fiercely. How ugly it was. He stared at the Mohist martial artists and exclaimed, "Cut off the scratched meat, hurry up! Hurry up!"

The giant Johnson's arm was also pierced by the blade, and it was bloody.

Johnson's face was full of panic, gritted his teeth, cut off half of his left arm with a knife, squatted down screaming, and shouted in pain, "Miss Mo, please, please bandage me!"

"I vomit!"

Mo Yanyu stood up, looked at Johnson's broken arm, and felt nausea. She squatted down and continued to vomit.

Looking at the rotten meat, internal organs, limbs, and blue bodies all over the ground, Barnard and others were about to vomit blood. Their expressions were sinister one by one, and their eyes were full of fierceness. They couldn't wait to bite the people who arranged this vicious trick and eat it raw.

Among the three forces, three people died secretly, and five of the Mo family died.

Barnard relied on Tu Mu recently and suffered the most. After the explosion, he has now become a light pole commander, and all the members of the regiment have been destroyed!

"I'm going to kill them! I want to kill them all! I want them to live better than die!" Half a sound, Barnard roared up to the sky, like a monster driven crazy.

"Humph!" The dark moon snorted coldly and said to Mo Chaoge, "Let's continue to chase, leave him alone."

He lost three people and blamed the responsibility on Barnard. He felt that if Barnard hadn't let Zuo Song turn over Tu Mu's body, there would not have been such a shocking explosion.

"Let's keep chasing." Mo Chaoge nodded, no longer paid attention to Barnard, who was about to go crazy, and left with the dark people.

"I will definitely kill them all!" Barnard gasped, and his gloomy eyes looked around in the direction of the disappearance of the dark and the Mo family. After a long time, he followed him murderously.
