Kill God

Chapter 30 In the Tree Hole

Shi Yan suddenly woke up in the middle.

His body was still shrilling, and waves of pleasure hit him. Without opening his eyes, he understood what he was doing.

He put one hand on Diylan's back buttocks and pressed Diylan's delicate body close to him, while the other hand rubbed Diylan's plump and proud breasts.

Diyalan's hot body in his arms wrapped around him like a water snake. His beautiful eyes were blurred and sweaty. He couldn't help cooperating with his movements and bringing him more pleasure.

A series of thoughts quickly passed through his mind. Shi Yan's eyes never opened his eyes, and his hands did not move away. His lower body was still moving, continuing to do what he had done before he was awake, and savoring the wonderful things.

His original rough movements quietly slowed down a little after waking up. The strength was not as strong as before, but his skills were more than one level higher.

Both hands seem to have been given magic. When swimming on Diylan, she specializes on **, and the excitement of Diylan trembles even more.

I don't know when Di Yalan was turned over by him. Di Yalan's proud chest was close to the tree wall and turned his back to him. He leaned high, swayed back and forth, and bore his whip in a new posture.

Mu Yudie turned red all over and leaned weakly against the tree wall on the other side. His beautiful eyes were blurred, and he stared at the two people in a daze.

Shi Yan closed his eyes and enjoyed it. The most primitive desire of his body burst out, which seemed to stimulate the speed of purifying those essences in his body.

Diylan has long been lost and only knows how to cooperate with his movements.

I don't know how long it took, Shiyan only felt that the pleasure was surging up like a tide, and it could no longer be suppressed. It poured into the body with the pleasure, as well as the strange power overflowing from the acupuncture points.

When those strange forces rushed into his lower abdomen, they were divided into two, partly integrated into his essence, and partly into his essence, and sprayed into Diylan's body.

In the uncontrollable gasp of men and women, Mu Yudie was weak and sat in a hole in the tree, short of breath and his head was blank.


Shi Yan slowly moved away from Diylan, pulled up his trousers, and sat down silently to adjust his breath.

Diyalan collapsed on the ground and her whole body turned red. After a long time, she recovered, pulled up the short leather skirt with a red face, and slowly sat down in the tree hole.

The three of them returned to their original posture.

Mu Yudie was the first to recover, blushing, with beautiful eyes wandering on Shiyan and Diyalan, as if waiting for something.

Shi Yan's expression is calm, his eyes are closed, and he carefully digests the strange power of the essence, guiding the essence to flow slowly in the body, without letting go of any opportunity to increase strength.

Diylan didn't open her eyes, but she knew that Mu Yudie was looking at her. In shame, she didn't dare to open her eyes and couldn't wait to find a hole to get in.

Shi Yan hardened her in this tree hole in front of Mu Yudie, but she did not resist too fiercely. She behaved so... so shameless in the middle of the way. Although she was cheerful by nature, she couldn't help being so crazy and ashamed that she didn't know how to face Mu Yudie.

A strange force slowly overflowed from the lower body, trembling all over, and Diylan almost couldn't help moaning.

She twisted her body uneasily. She scolded herself and hurriedly concentrated on the survey.

With careful understanding, Diylan found that the strange power, part of it slowly flowed to the lower abdomen, and part of it took root in the tendons and flesh of the chest, as if it was quietly changing the position of her chest.

She clearly felt the bones, flesh and blood, tendons in the area of her chest, and there were incomprehensible changes...

The strange power poured into the essence of the lower abdomen, and after mixing with the essence, a surging airflow was released from it.

The essence has soared!

Diyalan's beautiful body was shocked, and he hurriedly focused all his attention on guiding the essence after the change, and running according to the special trajectory.


The moonlight is bright, falling from the tree hole, so that it does not look dark in the tree hole.

Shi Yan woke up leisurely and inhaled slowly.

The innate double heaven!

With the help of that strange force, he went further and made a smooth breakthrough to the innate double heaven.

After waking up, he found that the trauma on his shoulder was no longer painful. The broken muscles and bones, with the help of the "undead martial soul", were slowly repairing themselves.

At this speed, he will recover as before in a few days.

Slowly opening his eyes, Shi Yan saw a pair of bright eyes and was looking at him. When he looked over, the eyes hurriedly moved away.

"Miss Mu, why haven't you slept yet?" Shi Yan looked calm and asked calmly.

Seeing Mu Yudie, who Shi Yan opened his eyes and hurriedly dodged, turned his head, and his charming face was red and intoxicated. He hummed, "You are so quiet, how can I fall asleep?"

"Hey, I'm sorry to bother you. I'll be careful next time." Shi Yan smiled shyly and explained naturally, "The strange disease in my body suddenly broke out, and I actually lost my reason. Damn it."

"Do you dare to say that you have been losing consciousness all the time?" Mu Yudie smiled coldly and hummed, "I looked at you seriously. Later, you must have been sober later!" Otherwise, otherwise your movements will not be so, so..."

Mu Yudie blushed, but she couldn't say any more. She saw Shi Yan play a lot of tricks with her own eyes.

A person who has lost his mind will not remember so many tricks when he is doing that. She can be sure that Shiyan woke up early.

"Uh..." Shi Yan was stunned for a moment, and then smiled bitterly, "It turns out that Miss Mu has been observing carefully, so I won't explain anything. I'm really an asshole."

"You? How can there be people like you!" Mu Yudie twisted Shi Yan's thigh with hatred, and Shi Yan cooperated loudly and painfully.

Seeing Shi Yan's grinning pain, Mu Yudie felt a little better. In a blink of an eye, she found that Diylan was red and motionless with her eyes closed.

She felt that she was not angry again, and unexpectedly slapped Diylan on the leg.

There was a ghost in Di Yalan's heart. Her delicate body trembled suddenly, but she still closed her eyes tightly. She mistakenly thought that Shi Yan was doing something strange. She secretly scolded Shi Yan bastard in her heart, and even dared to flirt with her at this time.

"Sister Lan, how long do you have to pretend to sleep? Your face is red. Are you still pretending to be practicing? Are you an idiot and can't see anything? Mu Yudie bulged his mouth and shouted angrily.

"Ah." Diylan shouted softly, and then he reluctantly opened his eyes and said awkwardly, "...I, I just woke up. What were you just talking about?"

Mu Yudie suddenly stopped talking. Her beautiful eyes, burning and radiant, kept wandering on Diyalan and Shi Yan. The meaning was very clear: Do you still want to pretend that nothing has happened?

Under Mu Yudie's aggressive eyes, the old god Shiyan was there, with a normal look and a thick-skinned wall, as if nothing had happened.

He felt that Diylan didn't mind this matter very much, and even seemed to be a little infatuated. After knowing that Diylan would not die, he was not worried at all.

Diyalan couldn't do it like him. In Mu Yudie's questioning eyes, she hesitated for a moment and still felt that she should show her anger, otherwise she would be too shameless.

Although she also got indescribable pleasure, it was a wonderful experience that her man could not bring to her before she was alive.

"Stinky boy!" Diylan suddenly stood up, pointed to Shiyan, and shouted angrily, "What did you just do to me? How can you do that?"

"Shout down, don't attract the monsters, and the dark people are still chasing us." Stone rock reminder.

"Oh." Diylan nodded, and all his momentum was gone. He said in a low voice, "Bastard boy, what do you think you should do?"

Seeing her reaction, Shi Yan immediately affirmed his judgment and knew that she really didn't care too much about this matter. The reason why she stood up and blamed him was just because of the woman's shame.

With a joy in his heart, Shi Yan had a plan. With a bitter face, he drooped his head. He admitted his mistake calmly and said honestly, "I'm wrong. Sister Lan, what do you think you should do?"

Di Yalan was stunned and thought about it. She just stood up and scolded Shi Yan. She really didn't expect how to deal with Shi Yan. She was stunned when she was stunned.

"Why don't you hit him a few times?" Mu Yudie's beautiful face was full of eccentricity, and she said for a moment. She finally saw that she, Sister Lan, had never thought of shouting to kill that bastard.

"Ap, it's time to hit him a few times." Diylan nodded and said fiercely, "When he is healed, I must teach him a lesson and ensure that Xiaodie is satisfied!"

Mu Yudie rolled her eyes and was speechless. Where is this? What's the matter with me? Could it be that you taught him a lesson purely to make me feel comfortable?

"It's up to you. I'm going to bed." Mu Yudie finally understood that she was a dog biting the mouse and was nosy. She whispered, "Dry firewood firewood, dry firewood fire, there was adultery, there was adultery, poor me, I was not only poisoned my heart, but also stained my eyes..."

Her muttering voice was not loud, but the three of them were next to each other, and Diyaran and Shi Yan naturally heard it.

Shi Yan smiled and squinted to nourish his mind.

Di Yalan couldn't stand it. He spat a little and cursed in a low voice, "Dead girl!"

Mu Yudie opened her eyes and hummed and said, "You two have peace in the middle of the night. I really want to go to bed. Please don't make trouble. I really can't stand it."

Diylan blushed and said shyly, "I know, sleep with you, you dead girl!"
