Kill God

Chapter 32 Thunder Wing Silver Wolf

The low roar of the monster sounded from the jungle in the distance.

"Step on! Step on it!"

The heavy sound of running comes in the silent night. Judging from the weight of the footsteps, there should be human beings running.

I don't know whether the warriors are killing monsters or the monsters are preying on human beings. Shi Yan can't tell the difference, but he doesn't want to get involved. He said to Diylan, "Hidden yourself, don't mind your own business, and remember the lesson of the fang mercenary regiment."

Diyalan nodded and whispered to Mu Yudie in the tree hole: "Don't make a sound, just stay in the tree hole."

"Go, change to a big tree with thick leaves to hide." Shi Yan pondered for a moment, moved quickly, and quickly found an ancient tree with dense branches and leaves squatted down.

He just squatted down, and Diylan also followed and hid in the leaves side by side with him.

The two of them looked around through the cracks in the leaves, holding their breath and hiding the breath of their bodies for fear of being discovered.

In a short time, five panicked mercenaries came from a distance with an embarrassed expression.

The five people are more or less in the lottery. The leader is the leader, with the cultivation of the realm of the human position, and the other four are in the innate realm.

The five people in this line fled in a panic, fled in embarrassment, and looked back from time to time, as if there were some floods and beasts behind them.

It's true!

Five people appeared in Shiyan's sight, and he found a "fire cloud demon python" and two "frost lizards" quickly skimming in the forest. A basin-sized "silver armor poisonous scorpion" also appeared from the left side of the five people, as if he had planned to outflank the five people.

The five people looked anxious and continued to rush to the forest in front of them in a panic.

Shi Yan's face changed, and he said to himself that they were finished.

The five people can't see it, but Shi Yan can see it clearly. In front of the five people who fled for their lives, there is also a four-meter-long, extremely strong silver wolf!

The silver wolf has two silver wings five or six meters long, which are full of wonderful patterns, which looks very mysterious and strange.

Although this is the first time to see this silver wolf, Shi Yan has heard rumors about it. It is the "thunder-winged silver wolf", a seven-level monster, and the existence of the top of the dark forest food chain!

As soon as he saw the "Thunder Winged Silver Wolf" appear, Shi Yan realized that it was not the mercenary who killed the monster this time, but... the monster preying on human beings!

Bloody predation kicks off in an instant!

After the five people rushed into the forest and saw the "thunder-winged silver wolf" who had been waiting there for a long time, the five immediately screamed in despair.

"Thunder Wings Silver Wolf" did not give them a chance. As soon as the Thunder Wings spread, the loud sound of thunder and explosions kept coming from the five people. Three of them were blown up on the spot!

"Thunder Winged Silver Wolf" stood there arrogantly, motionless and did not do it again.

But those chasing monsters rushed up and entangled the remaining two people in an instant.

Under the joint attack of "Fire Cloud Demon Python" and "Frost Rizard", the two were entangled, one was poisoned to death by the "silver armor poison scorpion" and the other was bitten to death by the "frost lizard".

"Squeak!" Squeak!"

In the quiet forest, there was a creepy sound.

In addition to the "Thunder Wing Silver Wolf", those monsters came forward around the bodies of five mercenaries, chewing the bones of five people

Diylan looked so stunned that she didn't dare to look at that side.

She is not afraid of killing people, but she is still a little taboo about the ferocious cannibalism of monsters, which will make her feel like vomiting.

Shi Yan couldn't take his eyes off his eyes. In the leaves, he looked at the monster calmly and calculated silently in his heart.

When the five mercenaries die, their spirits will gradually dissipate. With the passage of time, they will eventually spread between heaven and earth.

If he can come to that area before those spirits completely disappear, he can get benefits from it!

However, there were so many monsters eating corpses there. He didn't dare to act rashly and only hoped that those monsters would leave soon.


A far away, there was a human scream, which was extremely sad and full of despair.

The "Thunder-winged Silver Wolf" standing there indifferently suddenly roared and rushed out.

He was about to nibble on the bodies of the five mercenaries. Under its low roar, he immediately stopped gnawing and hurriedly followed it out, as if looking for another human prey.

At the sight of the monster scattered, the stone rock hidden in the leaves suddenly jumped down from the tree, and the ghost walked towards the flesh and blood body.

Diylan was shocked and screamed softly on the tree, "What are you doing?"

"Go and have a look. I'll be back in a minute. Don't leave." Shi Yantou didn't go back. He rushed to that area as fast as he could, standing among the remnants on the ground and feeling it with his eyes closed.

It's okay. Although it's late, there is still a little left. Well, the martial artist in the realm of position really has more essence on his body, and there are still two-nth of the essence left that has not dissipated.

A wisp of spirit that is hard to see with the naked eye, as if attracted by a magnet, has penetrated into his pores one after another and flows into the acupuncture points in his body...

Feeling the power contained in those essences, Shi Yan smiled with satisfaction at the corners of his mouth.

In a short time, the essence that had not dissipated here was all incorporated into the body of the stone rock.

Looking at the limbs and internal organs on the ground, Shiyan frowned, endured the pungent smell of blood, and chuggled in the backpack with broken blood on the five corpses.

There is too much blood on the food, and there may be the venom of "silver scorpion". It is definitely not edible. The crystal coins are not very useful here, and carrying too much will affect the speed. Therefore, these mercenaries do not carry too many crystal coins in their backpacks.

After turning over for a while, he just found some materials on the monster's body, as well as some healing powder.


Shi Yan muttered in a low voice, wiping his blood-stained hands in a man's backpack, and then he walked in the shadow of the big tree and walked towards the ancient tree where Diylan was hiding.

"Howling!" Howling!"

In the dark forest, there was a roar of monsters. Just as it was almost dawn, the monsters were moving around, as if they were systematically killing human warriors and mercenaries in the forest.

Listening to a frightening roar, Shi Yan was not surprised but happy.

The action of the monsters is bound to affect the group of people chasing them. Those who dare to move at night will inevitably start the monsters tonight. The more crowded the group is, the more obvious the goal. Maybe those? Dark underworld? People with Mojia and tusks will also suffer heavy losses tonight and become the focus of care of monsters.

He guessed right...

That night, Mo Chaoge and others were indeed specially taken care of by monsters.

Because they were in a hurry to chase Shiyan and Mu Yudie, the group did not rest at night after Hu Long committed suicide. They continued to search for the traces of Shiyan and his party in the dark forest, which led to the idea of the monster herd. It was not until they paid five corpses that the group recognized the reality and hid in the

"What did you do?" Diya Lauder frowned slightly, "What's on those people, is it worth taking that risk? If a monster returns halfway, or you are found by another monster, you can't escape at all!"

"Aren't I safe and sound?"

Shi Yan climbed up the ancient tree and did not explain what he had really gained in the past. He said with a calm face, "There is something strange tonight. I don't know why, those monsters suddenly went crazy and chased the mercenaries and warriors in the forest everywhere. Someone may have done something to make high-level monsters angry, otherwise it

"What should I do?" Diylan looked helpless, "Do we still have to go?"

"Wait, those monsters have been busy all night, and they should not appear during the day. Let's go at noon."

"It's okay."
