Kill God

Chapter 34 Mysterious Martial Soul

It turns out that the strange power overflowing from the acupuncture point can not only stimulate the martial soul, but also make the martial soul grow across levels!

The growth of the martial soul is generally directly linked to the breakthrough of the realm. Only by breaking the barrier and stepping into a new realm can the martial soul have a chance to grow.

That is to say, if the martial soul wants to break through, it must be innate from the day after tomorrow, or innate into the position.

From the innate one heaven to the two heavens, this kind of small level of progress cannot cause the change of the martial soul.

Only from one realm to another, during the period of breakthrough, can the martial soul only be improved or changed.

This is not absolute!

It is not that every time a martial artist breaks through a realm, the martial soul will grow immediately. Sometimes, the growth of the martial soul needs to cross two or even three realms!

For example, the "chemical martial soul" of stone rock, its growth can be divided into four stages.

A son of the Shi family, if he has a "petrified martial soul", more than ten days after birth, when he is still a baby, his skin will appear gray at some point, which is the first stage.

If this son of the Shi family, who studies martial arts carefully, is lucky enough to break through the realm of the human position, then the "petrified martial soul" will change again, showing a dark brown color, which is the second stage.

If it can break through to the realm of status, then the "petrified martial soul" will turn yellow-green, which is the third stage.

If there is a genius who can break through to the realm of heaven, the "petrified martial soul" will show purple red, which is the fourth stage!

The "petrified martial soul" of the Shi family is divided into four stages. Only when two realms are broken through can the martial soul cause qualitative change, which is suddenly strengthened once, and the muscle color will change dramatically.

Every time the "Petrochemical Martial Soul" changes and enters a new stage, the physical defense will be doubled!

The "petrified martial soul" in the first stage can generally only resist the power of fists and feet, and add a little essence impact.

But in the second stage, when the muscles turn dark brown, the physical defense can almost be increased several times, which can not only resist the more fierce impact of the essence, but also resist the cutting of ordinary sharp weapons!

The third stage becomes a yellow-green "petrified martial soul", and the defense power has doubled again! It is almost invulnerable. The sensitivity of the body will not only not be reduced, but also enhance a lot, which is extremely abnormal!

In the fourth stage, the body shows a purple-red color after petrification, and the body's defense is terrible. Not only is it invulnerable to knives and guns, but also invulnerable to water and fire, but it can even resist the attacks of many strange secrets. The body becomes infinitely powerful, and the body will become

These four stages are only broken through with the improvement of the realm. With the "chemical martial soul" Shi Jiaerlang, if it is acquired and innate, then the "chemical martial soul" will always be fixed in the first stage. If it does not break through to the realm of human position, the "petrified martial soul" will never change.

On the continent of God's grace, all kinds of other martial souls are the same. Most of them can be improved with the improvement of the realm. Only a very small number of god-level elixirs can change the heaven and earth rules of special martial souls and improve the martial soul.

This kind of elixir, in the mainland of God's grace, only exists in legends. The martial artists of the Empire of Fire, the Empire of God's Blessing, and the Chamber of Commerce have only heard of such deeds, but no one has ever seen them with their own eyes.

Even the three medicine kings of the Fire Empire's Medicine King Valley are only spiritual pharmacists, far from reaching the realm of refining god-level elixirs.

However, the strange power overflowing from the cave of Shiyan's body seems to have broken this rule!

Those strange powers can not only stimulate the martial soul, but also improve the martial soul beyond the level!

After his arm was petrified, it showed a dark brown color, which was obviously only what the master of the Shi family who broke through to the realm of human position could have.

This is clearly the second stage of petrochemicals!

can stimulate the martial soul and enhance the strange power of the martial soul. What does this mean?

means that he does not need to break through to the celestial position at all, so he has the opportunity to enter the fourth stage of petrification!

The knife and gun are invulnerable, water and fire are invulnerable, the body will not only not be stiff, but also become more sensitive, enough to resist the invasion of all kinds of strange secret skills, and can obtain fierce magic power...

Thinking of the magic of petrochemical breaking through to the fourth stage, Shiyan realized that he had found the treasure.

This ability is obviously also a kind of martial soul. This kind of martial soul can not only make his body acupoint purify the spirit of the deceased, but also run away in the battle and impose negative emotions on the enemy, which is mysterious.

This mysterious martial soul can obtain essence from death. Through the transformation of the acupuncture point, the essence becomes a vibrant and strange power, which can stimulate the martial soul, enhance the martial soul, and enhance the essence...

The dark eyes of the stone rock are shining and shining like the cold stars at night.

Sitting there, he was silent, but he knew that he had this wonderful martial soul. As long as he was willing to work hard, he could become the most amazing and horrible existence on this magical continent!


In the dark forest, in a bloody field full of bones, the group of people looked gloomy and stood there observing something.

"This is the person of the 'Haal Mercenary Regiment'." Barnard walked among those bones for a while, with a solemn look, "The commander of the Jackal Mercenary Regiment, like me, is also the cultivation of the realm of a hundred disasters... Look at this, they have been completely destroyed."

As soon as these words came out, both Ming Yueshi and Mo Chaoge frowned.

Mingyue hesitated for a moment, took out a silver horn and played it gently.

There was no sound coming out of the horn, but there was a wonderful fluctuation, rippled out of it.

In a short time, two masked men in silver shirts quietly emerged from the woods. The masks on their faces were blue-faced fangs, which were different from the pale white masks on the faces of the Mingyue group.

"Secretly, have you found anything?" Ming Yue asked coldly.

"Last night, monsters were rampant, and many warriors and mercenaries were attacked by monsters. There were too many footprints left nearby. It is difficult for us to tell that those footprints belong to the target." A dark star messenger said respectfully.

The power of "dark underworld" is divided into dark envoys and underworld envoys. The underworld envoys are responsible for tracking and collecting information, and the underworld envoys are responsible for killing people, which are classified by the sun, moon and stars.

Although the division of labor between the dark envoy and the underworld envoy is different, the level is strict. The star dark star envoy must listen to the moon-level underworld envoy.

"Is it difficult to find the target?" Ming Yue was good at killing and fighting, but not good at tracking. Hearing what he said, his eyes gradually became gloomy.

"Your Excellency, the scope is indeed too wide. There are too many warriors, mercenaries and monsters around here, and it is really difficult to chase. In the past few days, when we were tracking, we were attacked by many mercenaries, and another messenger has been killed.

The reputation of "Dark Underworld" is not good. The warriors and mercenaries in this activity are not afraid of things. Sometimes they are in a bad mood. When they happen to see the people of "Dark Underworld", they may kill them.

In the past two days, Mingyue's party has encountered many such things. After they joined hands with the Mohist warriors, some people dared to provoke them, but they did not suffer a big loss.

"I can't find the target, and the monster has been restless recently, which is difficult to do..."

Mo Chaoge pondered for a moment and suddenly said, "It's not a way for us to search so aimlessly. Why don't we go to the silent town? The silent town is the only way to the Chamber of Commerce. As long as they come out of the dark forest, they will definitely go to the silent town. We can wait for them on the way to the silent town.

"It's an idea." Barnard nodded, and his eyes were murderous. "As long as you go to the Chamber of Commerce, you must go through the silent town and wait for the rabbit, which is a good way."

"Well, we will pass through this area as fast as possible and wait for them to appear on the way to the quiet town." Mingyue was silent for a long time, but he couldn't think of a better way, so he could only agree to this way.

The three reached an agreement, but they didn't talk too much. They no longer wasted time searching for rocks and others in this area. They began to cross this dark forest and prepare to ambush on the border of the dark forest and the road to the quiet town.


For five days in a row, Shi Yan and the three of them carefully moved in the dark forest, trying to avoid monsters and mercenaries.

At night, you will immediately choose a hidden area to rest and dare not walk at night.

With their cautious approach, they were thrilled all the way, avoiding many high-level monsters and human mercenaries. They were lucky.

In the past few days, Shiyan will practice without rest every night, adapting to the second stage of petrochemical, so that the change of "runaway" gradually covers the whole body.

Di Yalan has been with Shiyan for many years. After making love with Shiyan, it is the taste of eating marrow. Every time he takes the initiative to find Shiyan Chenghuan, under the tree, in the bushes, and by the river, he has become a witness to the heat of two people.

Mu Yudie knew that she couldn't stop it. She opened one eye and closed the other. She often complained indignantly and scolded the two people in her heart for being extremely shameless.

On this night, after Diylan and Shi Yan went crazy under a big tree, not long after the retreat, they suddenly jumped up and cheered, "I, I broke through!"

not far away, in another ancient tree, Mu Yudie poked his head out of the leaves. His face was full of surprise. He stared at the disheveled Diylan and covered his mouth and exclaimed, "This, this... is okay?"


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