Kill God

Chapter 79 Life and Death Seal

In the stone building.

Shi Yan looked surprised and moved his mind. He tried to hit the blood-print ring with all his essence, but immediately found that there was another layer of barrier in the blood-print ring.

stunned, Shi Yan finally realized that this blood pattern ring was absolutely the same treasure, among which many barriers were set up. After each layer of barriers, there seemed to be a new world.

He hit the blood pattern ring for the first time and got the practice method of "runaway", and this time he got the "life and death seal". The blood pattern ring seems to be a good teacher, setting up a barrier in each special stage. Only when it is broken can he see the secret.

The obscure and difficult ancient secret of life and death in his mind is clearly engraved in the depths of his memory. Like the "runaway" martial arts, as long as he moves his mind, he can immediately take out the ancient words in his memory one by one for further study.

Regarding the ancient secret of the seal of life and death, it is difficult for Shi Yan to fully understand it thoroughly for a moment. Judging from his feelings at this moment alone, this seal of life and death is actually a magical martial art that can use the mysterious martial soul!

Using the operation method of the life and death seal, the negative forces in the acupuncture points of the whole body can be stimulated, and those negative forces flow into the left arm with special rules to form a "dead seal" with extremely strong negative characteristics.

The life and death seal can also use the secret method to stimulate the essence of the whole body, pouring the essence into the right hand, forming another magical

"raw seal".

The left hand "dead seal" and the right hand "life seal". When the two marks are in battle, if they can be merged together, they can really form a life and death seal.

According to the negative power and the amount of essence in the body, the strongest seal can form seventy-seven forty-nine marks.

The seven marks are a heavy sky. With the improvement of the realm and the martial soul, the seal of life and death will be displayed, and the number of marks will gradually increase.

Every time you break through the sky, the imprint will be doubled, and the volume will be doubled.

According to the description of the ancient secret on the seal of life and death, the seal of life and death reaches the seven heavens, which can instantly form seven, seventy-seven forty-nine marks with the fierce power of the open mountain and the ground.

Forty-nine marks are pushed out together, which is enough to collapse the Wanzhang Mountain in an instant, indestructible!

However, the ancient secret of the cultivation of the seal of life and death is quite obscure and difficult to understand, and it can't be understood all at once.

Before fully understanding the ancient secret of the seal of life and death, Shi Yan did not dare to practice the seal of life and death.

Having the experience of practicing "runaway", he dares not underestimate the mysterious martial arts from the blood-print ring.

After meditating for a while, he plans to understand the ancient secret of life and death in his mind as soon as he has leisure time.

Standing up slowly, Shiyan frowned and came to the window, looking at the population lake of the Shijia not far away.

A wonderful and touching figure suddenly appeared in the sight.

A strange light flashed in Shi Yan's eyes, and a trace of surprise flashed on his face. He muttered in a low voice, "How could she come to Shi's house?"

By the lake in the distance, Xia Xinyan was covered with a veil, and her ketone body was perfect. She was personally led by Han Feng and walked towards the secret back door of the Shi family.

Shi Yan was impressed by Xia Xinyan, a mysterious woman. He just looked at her from a distance, and he immediately recognized her and was secretly surprised.

Under the leadership of Han Feng, Xia Xinyan quickly flashed into the courtyard after the lake and disappeared in the secret back door.

Before long, Chixiao and Zuo Xu also sneaked out and left through the secret back door of the Shi family.

After a while, Shi Jian walked out of the Rock Hall. He just glanced at the stone building here and immediately paced here.

Shi Yan moved his heart, quietly closed the window, and sat down silently on the third floor of the stone building, looking like he was working hard.

"Kid, what happened just now?" Shi Jian appeared on the third floor of the stone building in Shiyan for a while. After coming in, he stared directly and asked.

"What's going on?" Shi Yan opened his eyes and his face was full of doubts.

"Half an hour ago, there was a strange fluctuation from you. Did you make the fluctuation? Make it clear to me, boy."

"I don't know. I've been in retreat. As you know, I have just reached the realm of human position, and I am familiar with the operation rules of heaven and earth. Maybe I inadvertently secretly combined the rules of heaven and earth, which has aroused the resonance of heaven and earth. Shi Yan smiled and was full of nonsense.

Shi Jian frowned and stared at him for a while. Then he snorted coldly, "You have a lot of secrets hidden in your body. Humph, I don't bother to care about you so much! As long as you don't mess around, just hurt yourself."

As the head of the family, Shi Jian saw that his words were insincere at a glance, but Shi Jian didn't want to ask about everything. Seeing that he was safe and sound, he let him talk nonsense.

After pondering for a moment, Shi Jian told him what Xia Xinyan and Zuo Xu and Chixiao said. After that, he said, "This trip, I'm going to let you go with Han Feng and Kulong. This time, I'm just exploring the location of 'Tianmen' and figure out the situation. You just need to follow it Remember, don't take risks! Everything is handled by Chixiao and the girl surnamed Xia. Both of them have the strength of the heavenly throne. Even if they can't take the nine-day snake, it should not be a problem to keep your safety.

Shi Yan was surprised and didn't expect Xia Xinyan to be so generous. Not only did she not blame Chixiao's sneak attack, but she also attacked the Mo family east and west. In the end, she took the initiative to throw olive branches at them regardless of the past.

This woman is awesome!

Shi Yan's eyes turned around, and he was secretly surprised. He frowned and thought for a moment. He said, "Don't worry, I'm as tight as my life, and I don't want to lose my life casually. This time, the exploration of 'Tianmen' is just to gather the number of people, and you won't put yourself in it.

"Well, you prepare for it. At the third watch of this night, you and Han Feng and Kulong set out quietly to meet the girl Zuo Shi at the gate of the North City of the Heavenly Meteorite City. Remember, be careful!' Tianmen is important, but you are more important to the Shi family. You must come back safely!"

"I got it."


Bei Ming's home.

Beiming injury sat at the end of the seventh floor of the cold ice pavilion, with cold air all over his body, and even his body was covered with a layer of frost. At a glance, Beiming injury was like a humanoid ice sculpture, which looked extremely strange.

Bei Ming Ce, Yin Kui and Hatoyama are also standing on this floor with a solemn expression.

In addition, there is also the father of Bei Ming Ce.

Beimingqi has the cultivation of the triple heaven realm. He has been responsible for affairs outside the Beiming family's meteorite city. Knowing the recent chaos in the sky meteorite city, he rushed back from the city of Beiluo overnight.

After the battle between Bei Mingsang and Xia Xinyan, they immediately entered the Ice Pavilion and never came out.

The master of the Beiming family, worried about the condition of Beiming's injury, strictly guarded the Ice Pavilion, and was on guard from morning to night for fear of any accidents at this critical time.

I don't know how long it took, the frost on Beiming's body gradually disappeared into his body.



Bei Mingqi and Bei Ming Ce shouted together.

Bei Ming Woe slowly opened his eyes, gently spit out a mouthful of white frost, and said, "That girl's martial soul is strange. Obviously, she only has the cultivation of the realm of heaven, which can use the power of her previous life to enter the realm of heaven in an instant. The Endless Sea is worthy of being the holy place of thousands of warriors, and only in that place can such a terrible martial soul appear.

"Dad, are you all right?" Bei Mingqi asked worriedly.

shook his head, and Bei Ming said sadly, "Have you found that girl?"

"She mysteriously disappeared last night. We searched all night and found no trace of her."

Beiming was a little nervous and hesitated for a moment before she said, "But early this morning, she returned to the Miao Pavilion. We had an eyeliner of the Miao Pavilion, saying that she stayed in the Miao Pavilion for a while and left alone, but we didn't know where she had gone."

"She was a little more seriously injured than me last night. She didn't find it last night and missed the best time." Bei Ming sighed and said, "Today, she dares to appear early in the morning, which shows that she should have almost recovered from her injury. We have no chance to do it. Tell him to go down and don't act against the Miao Pavilion.

"I got it." Bei Mingqi nodded with some regret. "The meteorite city is all our eyes. I don't know where she hid last night. If I could find her last night, I could kill her directly."

"If you miss it, you will miss it. It's impossible for things to go smoothly." Bei Ming's injury was also open-minded. He pondered for a moment and said, "Four gates, keep an eye on me! All the cloud eagles raised at home are released. As long as there is news about the main figures of the four major families entering and leaving the city, they will be sent to me immediately!"

"Dad, you mean?"

"Ding Yan is absolutely dead! Someone must have got the half of the picture, otherwise no one can't wait to grab the other half of the picture.

Bei Ming snorted coldly and said, "The Mo family lost so miserably this time. If the strong man in the realm of heaven sits in the town, with Mo Tuo's character, he will never give up! As long as you wait for two days, if the Mo family has no big action after two days, the Mo family can be excluded.

"Who will it be?"

"Whoever can't hold back first and leaves the city first is his family."

Bei Ming's sad face was hurt and said, "The girl of the ethereal pavilion left early in the morning. She must have known something. Maybe the two treasure maps have been put together. Keep an eye on the pavilion for me. Don't care about the fight between the Mo family and the Shi family for the time being. All the eyes are released. In three days, I will receive the news as soon as the direct line of any of the four major families will leave the city!"



: There is another chapter later. Please recommend the ticket. Remember to collect it if you like it. M