Kill God

Chapter 105 Star Martial Soul

Chapter 105 Star Martial Soul

The stone rock goes all the way to the east.

The poisonous miasma in the dead swamp is lingering, and there are swamps everywhere. You must be careful when you are on your way here, otherwise it is easy to get stuck in the mud or be attacked by monsters.

To the east of the dead swamp, it is relatively remote, and there are not many martial artists in this area.

Along the way, Shiyan also encountered some mercenaries who were active near the swamp, searching for monsters and special medicinal materials. Most of these people were in the innate and human realm, and the realm was not particularly profound.

Shi Yan wanted to leave the dead swamp as soon as possible, but he did not have a conflict with these mercenaries. Even once he found that there were mercenaries, he would take the initiative to avoid them, so as not to be remembered by those people, and finally knew the trace of Beiming's injury.

This night.

Shi Yan meditated for a long time, took out the split sword and ice armor from Bei Ming Ce from his backpack and threw them into the green swamp in front of him. He watched the two secret treasures obtained from Bei Ming Ce, which were swallowed up little by the dirty and poisonous water in the swamp.

The split sword and ice armor are extraordinary secret treasures, all of which were refined from the Northern Underworld at the beginning.

In the split sword and the ice armor, there are more or less some divine consciousness of the Northern Ming Wound. Within a certain range, the Northern Ming Wound may be able to sense the position of the split sky sword and the ice armor.

Although he knew that the split sword and ice armor were valuable, Shi Yan still threw away these two secret treasures for his own life.

The dirty and poisonous water in the swamp is very corrosive, which has been tried. He believes that the split sword and ice armor sink into it, and those dirty and poisonous water can cut off the divine detection of the northern injury.

After doing all this, Shi Yan continued to move towards the east.

Three days later at night.

Shi Yan stood in a bush leaf, secretly leading the breath of his body and quietly looking ahead.

At a wetland in front of us, there was the sound of fighting. Judging from the sound of fighting, it should be a one-sided situation.

Although Shi Yan was curious, he did not wait and see. He was ready to wait until the battle over there was over, and then continue to march to the east.

After a quarter of an hour, the battle in front of him completely quieted down.

The stone rock still didn't move. After waiting for another half an hour, he felt that all the people there should have left, so he quietly walked out of the bush leaves and went to the wetland.

Both sides of that wetland are swamps. If you want to go to the east, you have to pass through that wetland, which is the reason why he did not take a detour.

When he came to that area, Shiyan found that there were seven or eight corpses on the ground. The essence of the corpses had long dissipated between heaven and earth, but he didn't get any benefits.

These bodies should come from the same mercenary regiment. The armor on their bodies is generally similar. They seem to have been attacked by monsters, their bodies are torn flesh and blood, and their deaths are miserable.

After coming over, Shi Yan stared at the corpses and found that he could not get any benefits from the corpses. After that he did not continue to look more, he accelerated his pace and wanted to leave here as soon as possible.

"You really went this way."

At this moment, Xia Xinyan's voice came from a bush next to her.

The sound just fell, and Xia Xinyan's veiled and lean figure came out from behind a bush leaf.

behind her, the two tower men were holding gray pieces of cloth and wiping the blood stains on their hands.

"Did you kill these people?" Shiyan said lightly.

"Hmm." Xia Xinyan nodded and did not explain why she killed these mercenaries. Her beautiful eyes flashed, and she looked deeply at Shi Yan. After a while, she said, "You really got the source seal of Ouyangzhi's star martial soul"

"Ouyangzhi?" Shi Yan's face changed slightly, "Who is he?"

"It is the person who builds the pseudo-Tianmen and leaves the inheritance of the source seal of the martial soul. Ouyangzhi is the legendary figure of our endless sea, the star god of the Three Gods. Thousands of years ago, he had the cultivation of the realm of the three heavens of the gods. It is said that he is only one step away from the realm of the true god. Xia Xinyan said slowly.

"Three Gods? Star god? What do you know?" Shi Yan exclaimed.

"Thousands of years ago, the sun, moon, and three gods of the Three Gods entered the seven-fold underworld together and fought with Abi Pluto in the underworld, but they were trapped by the 'Abi Hell' laid by Abi Pluto with 30 million underworld soldiers. That was the most tragic battle in the seven-fold After the war, only the sun god of the sun and moon star of the three gods returned from the seven-fold underworld. The moon god and the star god mysteriously disappeared. The 30 million underworld soldiers under the command of Abi Pluto only lived five million. Abi Pluto himself is said to have been seriously injured, and has never emerged from the bottom of the under

"The three gods of the sun, moon and stars? Seven-fold underworld? Abi Pluto?"

Shi Yan's eyes were full of doubts. He shook his head and said, "You mean that Tianmen is the star god of one of the three gods of the sun and moon stars?"

"Not bad." Xia Xinyan nodded gently and said, "After that war, many people died in the moon god and star god. Indeed, in the past thousand years, these two people have never appeared in the endless sea. Judging from the pseudo-Tianmen and visions of Jueyin Valley, Ouyangzhi was indeed seriously injured in the Seven-fold Underworld and should have really died. However, before he died, he didn't know how he got here. He slaughtered the eight-level monster Ni Ze Jiao here, constructed this pseudo-Tianmen and The soul source seal was left, leaving an inheritance for my martial soul.

"Wuhun Source Seal"

Shi Yan shouted softly, subconsciously looked at the heart, and a strange color flashed on his face.

"The source seal of the martial soul is the brand of the martial soul. After the martial artist gets the source seal of the martial soul, he can get the martial soul in the source seal of the martial soul. The strong man in the divine realm, in the case of knowing that he will die, can use his magic power to turn his martial soul into the source seal of the martial soul, so as not to lose his martial soul, and the sign of the star martial soul is that there will be a little star spot on the heart, as if it has shrunk the vast star chart hundreds Xia Xinyan explained.

"Is this a kind of martial soul?" Shi Yan's eyes suddenly lit up and looked at the heart part of his chest in surprise.

"It's not only a martial soul, but also a holy martial soul," Xia Xinyan affirmed.

"Holy Martial Soul?" Shi Yan was stunned, "Is the martial soul also graded?"

"Of course, according to the power of the martial soul and the number of evolutions, it can also be divided into mortal level, mysterious level, spiritual level, holy level and god level. The greater the power, the stronger the magic power, and the more times it can evolve, the more powerful the martial soul will naturally be. For example, the three martial souls of the Sun, Moon and Star of the Three Gods Religion are all holy martial souls, such as the reincarnation martial souls of our Xia family, which are also holy martial souls. There are too few martial souls in your area, so there is no hierarchical division. In our endless sea, all kinds of martial souls are strange, and I don't know how many kinds there are. The characteristics and power of each martial soul are different. If there is no detailed hierarchical division, who knows which kind of martial soul is powerful? More room for growth?

"What is the level of the petrochemical martial soul of our Shi family?"

"I can't make a false estimate without a special evaluation. However, I think it's a spiritual martial soul at most. In your area, I haven't heard of the holy martial soul. In addition to the power of the martial soul, the details of how many times you can evolve and how far you can finally evolve are very complicated. In the endless sea, there is a special martial soul hall to do these things. What level is a kind of martial soul? They have the most say.

"Is the holy martial soul rare?"

"Of course, it is rare in the endless sea. The holy martial soul is also the highest-level martial soul. The family with the holy martial soul is the leading powerful force in the endless sea. Do you think the holy martial soul is rare?"

"So, did I pick up the treasure this time?"

"What do you think?"

"Miss Xia, thank you for telling me so much. I want to go to the Endless Sea. Are we on our way?"

Xia Xinyan suddenly fell silent.

If Shi Yan does not go to the endless sea for the rest of his life, there is not much conflict of interest with her.

However, once the stone rock enters the endless sea, as long as it shows the star martial soul and is known to the people of the Three Gods, the people of the Three Gods will definitely find him at all costs, praise him as a divine son, and provide him with the best cultivation environment.

There is a direct conflict of interest between the Three Gods and the Xia family. The star martial soul on the stone rock is destined to make him one of the strong people in the future of the Three Gods.

He went to the Endless Sea, and the Xia family will definitely have many strong enemies in the future

The two tower-like men of "Miss" reminded them softly together.

"Are you really going to the endless sea?" Xia Xinyan looked at him deeply, with a complicated meaning in her bright eyes.

Shi Yan was stunned. I don't guess Xia Xinyan meant it. After a moment of meditation, Shi Yan smiled bitterly and said, "Now that I don't go to the endless sea, can I still live in the Sky Meteorite City? You also know how influential Bei Ming's injury is in the Chamber of Commerce. If I go back to the Chamber of Commerce, I will die, and the Shi family will follow. There's nothing I can do.

"Tell you the truth." Xia Xinyan was silent for a while and suddenly said, "Our Xia family and the Three Gods Church belong to two camps. With the star martial soul in your body, once you go to the endless sea, you are very likely to become an important figure of the Three Gods Religion. In the future, you will be my enemy and a powerful enemy"

Shi Yan looked cold in vain. He subconsciously stepped back a few steps, kept a distance from Xia Xinyan and the three of them. He sneered and said, "The three of you are here. It turns out that you are going to eradicate Miss Xia. I don't understand why you want to talk so much nonsense to me. Do you want

The two big men of the iron tower came out from behind Xia Xinyan, one left and one right, scattered on both sides, and their eyes were cold.

Looking at the intentions of these two people, they planned to take action against Shi Yan.

"Sit first." Xia Xinyan frowned and shouted softly to stop the two big men of the iron tower. Then she stared at Shi Yan and said, "You can join my Xia family first and become the worship of my Xia family. I will plant a poison on you, and then arrange for you to enter the Three Gods to learn the secrets of the Three Gods. No matter what position you will climb in the Three Gods in the future, you are all from my Xia family. How about that?

"Go to the Three Gods to be the insider of your Xia family?" Shi Yan sneered.

"The insider? This name is very appropriate. That's what it means. What do you think?" Xia Xinyan looked at him and said, "As long as you agree, I will do my best to help you. As long as you teach secrets in the three gods, you will not deal with my Xia family in the future. I swear I will never embarrass you."

"I promise you."
