Kill God

Chapter 207 Ancient Divine Blood

No. 1 Shenshan, in the mountain.

Deep into hundreds of meters, the six crystal-lit stone rooms appeared in the eyes of the stone rock. Each stone chamber is formed by a complete crystal, and the rich aura of heaven and earth overflows from those crystal walls, like a stream ripples around the stone chamber.

Yuanjing! The best Yuanjing!

Yuanjing is divided into lower grade, middle grade, top grade and best grade. Among them, the best element crystal is generally condensed into a very small piece only at the heart of the crystal mine.

The size of a fist to a piece of the best crystal is extremely rare. In the endless sea, a fist-sized piece of the size of a piece of a fist is as precious as a spiritual secret treasure!

And in this divine mountain, six stone rooms are actually made of complete best crystals!

It's appalling!

Shi Yan's eyes were shining, and his face was full of disbelief. He stared at the stone room made up of the six best Yuanjing, which was shocked inexplicably.

The extremely strong atmosphere of heaven and earth is constantly overflowing from those crystal walls. After just a sniffing, the stone rock feels that the essence in the body * seems to be a little thick.

"Oh, my God." Shi Yan was stunned.

"In the nine divine mountains, there are a total of sixty-nine and fifty-four stone rooms purely made of Yuanjing, which are dedicated to our Yang family's hard work." Yang Mu looked arrogant and said with a smile, "These nine divine mountains have naturally formed a strange array of auras of heaven and earth, constantly bringing together the aura of heaven and earth nearby. In the nine divine mountains, it can be described as a miracle of the endless sea. I don't know how many tens of thousands of years of gatherings have formed such a quality meta crystal in the heart of the divine mountain. In order to get these nine sacred mountains, our Yang family has also fought in the Jiaping Sea for hundreds of years. I don't know how many competitors we have killed before we took these nine sacred mountains as our own!"

"Practice in the stone chamber built by Yuanjing" One day is worth a year of practice outside!" Yang Yao grinned, "Every generation of my Yang family" guards these divine mountains. With these nine divine mountains, the masters of our Yang family appear much faster than other forces! As long as we have been holding these nine sacred mountains, our Yang family's position in the endless sea will never be shaken! In another hundred years, or even a thousand years, "Our Yang family will still be one of the most powerful forces in the endless sea!"

The stone rock nodded darkly.

Practicing in this stone chamber purely made of Yuanjing, you don't need to make any effort to gather the essence. As long as you breathe, you can get an endless source of aura into the body. With a little condensation, the essence in the body will become extremely thick.

A day of cultivation, the speed of condensing the essence is equal to someone else's one year. What is this concept?

At this moment, Shi Yan finally knew why the Yang family was so easy to break through to the realm of disaster and status.

In the three small realms of acquired, innate and human position, there is a great relationship between the entry and the condensation speed of the essence in the body *. These three small realms do not have high requirements for the understanding of the state of mind. As long as the body * inner essence light group is strong enough, the realm is easy to break

With this unique ternal crystal room, the martial artists of the Yang family will become easy to break through the three small realms of acquired, innate and human position. They can cross these three thresholds in more than ten years.

However, if ordinary martial artists want to cross these three thresholds, they need to practice step by step. It takes decades to make the strength of the essence reach the barrier of breaking through the position. After the state of mind, the Yang family martial artist can quietly shorten this. The distance can be dozens of times faster than others!

Although the state of a hundred disasters, status, and nests are very demanding for the state of mind and understanding, it also needs to be supported by enough essence in the body *. Only when the essence in the body * is condensed enough, can the state of mind be able to break through.

That is to say, after the realm of a hundred disasters, the warriors of the Yang family are also condensing the essence, occupying an unparalleled advantage!

Among the nine divine mountains, there are a total of sixty-nine and fifty-four stone chambers of this kind, which can allow fifty-four warriors to obtain a rapid condensation speed of essence. Coupled with the cooperation of various elixirs and elixir pills of the Yang family, it is not easy for the warriors of the Yang

"These nine divine mountains are the foundation of our Yang family." Yang Wei smiled, "Nine divine mountains naturally form a strange array, absorbing the aura of heaven and earth overflowing in the endless sea day and night. The crystal wall stone chambers in these nine divine mountains are always full of heaven and earth aura gathering, and we don't have to worry about the day when the aura will disappearing..."

"Xiao Yanzi, if you come back early, with your talent, there must be more than a hundred disasters now." Yang Mu smiled and said, "But it's not too late. You're lucky, and you haven't been pulled down too much. As long as you are willing to work hard, under the stimulation of our Yang family's various elixirs, it is not very difficult for you to rise to a level.

"Where is Xia Xinyan?" Shi Yan took a deep breath, stabilized his mood, frowned and asked.

"It's in there." Yang Mu smiled and said to Chong Shiyan, "If it hadn't been for the special situation, the girl would never have been allowed to enter it. Our fifty-four crystal-walled stone rooms are only for the direct line of our Yang family, and the core generals who have made great contributions for our Yang family. It is absolutely difficult for others to enter."

Xia Shenchuan could not enter this area outside the Shenshan. As the master of the Xia family, he also knew the taboos of the Yang family. He knew that the Yang family regarded these nine divine mountains as forbidden places and did not allow any outsiders to enter.

"Kid, you can go in and wake up Xia Xinyan. Don't worry, someone will deliver three meals a day, all of which are tonic foods such as thousand-old Ganoderma lucidum, hundreds of years of He Shouwu, and the essence meat and bone soup of the third-level monsters. Make sure that you are full of blood and have enough energy to deal with all the troubles. Yang Wei said with a smile.

Shi Yan nodded, "Then I'll go in."

"Go, this crystal stone room in the heart of the divine mountain is a forbidden area for others, but for its own people, it is just a secret room for cultivation. You don't need to worry about anything in it. If you have any questions, you can send it directly through the cylinder. We will arrange everything you need. Yang Long told him.

Shiyan feels meticulous care.

Here, the Yang family provides him with the best cultivation environment.

As long as he wants, he can almost be satisfied here. He doesn't need to work hard for anything else. He can spend all his energy on the realization of the realm. Looking at the crystal wall stone room full of crystal light and the aura of heaven and earth, Shi Yan really knows why the Yang family is so strong.

Under the gaze of Yang Lang and Yang Mu, Shi Yan slowly walked through one of the crystal-walled stone rooms, and immediately, the door was sealed from the outside.

In the crystal wall stone chamber, the ethereal aura of heaven and earth is like a river, floating in the air, visible to the naked eye, and breathing can be heard.

People here, even if they don't do anything, they can feel that the essence in the body* seems to be growing little by little. Such a cultivation of treasure land is simply a cultivation of fairyland.

The stone room is not big, only 20 square meters. In the middle of the center is a stone made of the best crystal stone. Xia Xinyan is dressed in plain white martial arts clothes and lies flat on her back.

On her body, there was a faint fluctuation of life, and a faint white light flashed on her white porcelain-like face.

The long eyelashes covered a pair of clear eyes of her spirit of heaven and earth. In the perfect body, the strands of essence were slightly disordered and flowing slowly without any regularity.

The soul is confused, and the consciousness has not recovered. At this time, although Xia Xinyan's breath still exists, she is like the living dead. She has no consciousness and does not know that Shi Yan has quietly stood beside her.

The mind is quietly injected into the blood ring.

"The power of the soul in the soul bead has become absorbable before seven days." Shi Yan injected his spiritual consciousness into the blood ring. "I have time now to absorb the soul power of the soul gathering beads. You said at the beginning that the soul power in the soul gathering beads can wake her up. Now you tell me what to do."

"Oh, here, it's so strange here!" The message of the mysterious ice and cold flame slowly rippled out of the blood ring. "Although my power is locked by this ghost ring, I can still feel the extremely strong energy of heaven and earth here. This place is the most perfect place for you to practice. You are so awesome. Where did you find this kind of treasure?

"You don't have to worry about this." Shi Yan frowned, "Tell me what to do to make her wake up?"

"It's very simple."

Xuanbing Hanyan did not hesitate, "You just need to hang up the white film outside the soul-gathering beads, put your and her fingers on the soul-gathering beads, and you can feel the power of the clear soul from the soul-gathering beads. Well, this woman now has no independent consciousness. You need to wrap those soul power with your spiritual power, inject it into her mind, and slowly nourish the soul that belongs to her. Don't worry, this clear and flawless soul power is very easy to absorb. Once her broken soul consciousness is nourished by this power, she will It will be reunited soon......"

The method of absorbing soul beads will be explained in detail for the rock.

After saying that, Xuanbing Hanyan said helplessly, "I was sealed by this ghost ring. I think this time, it is difficult for me to harvest the power of my soul from the soul beads. You remember our agreement. The power of the soul in the soul bead belongs to me, you must keep it for me!"

"I got it." Shi Yan pulled the corners of his mouth and responded indifferently.

"Oh, by the way, you can first drop a drop of your blood on the soul beads. In this way, you will be branded with your breath forever when you cross into the power of the woman's clear soul. When this woman's soul gathers again, there will always be your breath in her soul breath. In this way, no matter where she is in the future, you can know her position and her life and death.

"Isn't it harmful to her?"

"There is no harm at all."


Shi Yan nodded, bit through his fingertips, and dripped a drop of red blood to the soul bead.

The bright black light suddenly emerged from the soul-gathering beads, but in a short time, the black light rippled from the soul-gathering beads covered the stone rock.

At the same time, the aura of heaven and earth condensed like water in the crystal-walled stone chamber suddenly rushed to the soul beads crazily!

"Ah, you, your blood! How is it possible?" Xuanbing Hanyan suddenly had a quick message and was extremely shocked, "This, this is the ancient blood!"