Kill God

Chapter 260 Don't treat them as human beings!

In the stone hall, the martial artists from the endless sea in the prison narrowly escaped. They looked excited one by one and looked at Shi Yan, full of gratitude.

After Gu Linglong and Cui Yanqing learned that it was Shiyan who asked them from the hands of Yanji, their impression of Shiyan changed slightly.

However, Shi Yan still had cold eyes and ordered Yi Cuibi to send more food next time, and then said to the people in the cage: "I exchanged your lives. From now on, your lives belong to me. Don't be happy too early. If you fall into my hands, your life will be better, but the ending is still It's the same!"

At one point, the face of the warrior in the cage changed greatly.

"What do you want to do?" Gu Linglong gritted her teeth secretly, "They are all victims. Are you going to poison them?"

"I need some living people to practice. The reason why I want them is just to treat them as materials for cultivation. In my eyes, they are all dead." Shi Yan sneered and immediately said nothing more. In the eyes of everyone's hatred, he suddenly sat down.

As soon as his consciousness moved, Shi Yan suddenly stared at a thin ancient martial artist in the cage.

Under the gaze of Shi Yan, the man trembled and suddenly hugged his head and screamed, "What did you do to me?"

Shi Yan was unmoved and continued to exert the power of divine consciousness. Divine consciousness penetrated into this person's brain domain and moved in his brain domain, looking for the soul forbidden left by Yan Ji.

"Shi Yan, what the hell are you doing?" He Qingman couldn't help shouting and said anxiously, "Everyone is in the same boat. In the face of the threat of aliens, we should share the enemy. At this time, do you still hold a grudge? Cui Yanqing and Gu Linglong blamed one after another.

But Shiyan didn't seem to hear their shouts at all. He put the divine consciousness into the man's mind, moved wildly in his mind, searched for the location of his main soul, explored the characteristics of his soul, and saw the position of the soul prohibition left by Yan Ji.

During this period, with the help of the seven soul secrets of the Yin Meizu, Shi Yan has a deep understanding of the mystery of the soul. It is with his familiarity with the soul that he can clear the main soul from the soul seed planted by Yi Tianmo and get rid of the suppression of the soul of Yi Tianmo.

When he killed Hanlong and returned to the ancient city, Yi Tianmo secretly tampered with his soul. Yi Tianmo was extremely exquisite in soul attainments. He quietly planted his soul in the main soul of Shiyan. At that time, Shi Yan was unconscious.

Yi Tianmo kept him because he believed that with the soul seed he planted, he could control the stone rock at any time.

At the beginning, Shi Yan only vaguely guessed that Yi Tianmo had tampered with him, but he was not sure.

But some time ago, he got the seven soul secrets of the Yin Meizu. After a painstaking study of forgetting to sleep and eat, he had a deep understanding of the various soul magic meanings of the Yin Meizu, and then he realized that Yi Tianmo had already done it.

In order to prevent him from being controlled in an instant and becoming someone else's puppet at a critical moment, he has been delve into the fierceness of the soul secret book of the Yin Meizu clan.

Finally, when he empted the main soul into the sea of knowledge, with a new understanding of the soul, he found the black soul seed, and then burned the black soul seed with the skill of mixing divine consciousness and heavenly fire.

Get rid of the potential threat of the Yitianmo soul species. He suddenly realized that the soul powers of the Yinmei clan were extremely strange and terrible. In order to prevent similar things from happening, he needed a deeper understanding of the soul mystery, which led him to the idea of deep study in this regard.

If he wants to make more progress in the mystery of the soul, it is obviously not enough to move in his mind alone. After all, his understanding of the mystery of the soul is still in the stage of ignorance, and he does not understand many problems thoroughly. If he takes himself as the object of the experiment, a carelessness may make his soul fly away.

Taking other people's souls as the object of study can avoid accidents in his own soul. Therefore, he came up with the idea of taking Pan Zhe as the object of in-depth study of the soul.

The divine consciousness penetrated into the man's mind. Between the changes of Shiyan's mind, the divine consciousness diverged thousands of things. He swam quickly in his mind. First of all, he knew the complexity of his brain domain structure...

I don't know how long it took. When Shi Yan's consciousness slowly weakened in the man's mind and was about to touch his main soul, he suddenly sensed a spiral wave of his main soul, which exploded in the man's main soul.


The stone rock obviously sensed the dull sound of explosion from the man's mind.

When the explosion came out, Shi Yan was shocked and hurriedly withdrew his consciousness.

"Ancient tree!" Gu Linglong called out sadly, and her voice was sharp.

Shi Yan opened his eyes and glanced at the skinny ancient martial artist. He saw that the man was bleeding with seven holes, his expression was sad, his eyes were gray-white, and he was out of breath.

"Shi Kuang, you did a good job! Gu Linglong jumped out like a little tiger and rushed to Shi Yan with his teeth and claws. "You have to pay for his life, you villain who kills thousands of knives, you don't have to die!"

"Get out of here." Shi Yan was impatient and raised his hand in the void.

Gu Linglong's petite and exquisite body was pushed by the invisible force, rolled on the ground constantly, and rolled directly to the corner of the stone hall. When she stood up again, her face was full of dirt, looked embarrassed, and she did not have the usual delicate temperament.

"Shi Yan, it's a little cruel for you to do this, isn't it?" Cao Zhilan sighed and shook her head and said, "Why don't you just kill them directly? Such a torture, treating them as materials for cultivation, such a practice is simply, simply...

"I didn't kill him." Shi Yan sneered, "In his soul, there is a ban set by the Yin Mei clan. My consciousness entered his mind. Before approaching his soul, the ban in his soul suddenly broke out and directly smashed his soul. The person who killed him should be the Yin Meizu who set a ban.

Cao Zhilan was stunned and hesitated for a moment before saying, "If you don't put the divine consciousness into his mind, the prohibition will not be triggered, and he will not die."

"The ending is the same. As long as the prohibition exists and the other party wants him to die, he can't resist at all. I take him as the object of my understanding of the soul. Maybe I can find a way to break the ban, and maybe a few more people will die. But I believe that if you are familiar with me, I can break those prohibitions. Shi Yan snorted and said lukewarmly, "Anyway, they will die sooner or later. It can be a little valuable before they die. Fortunately, I don't treat them as people at all. If you can think so, you won't be sad."

After saying that, Shi Yan no longer talked to Cao Zhilan and continued to avoid studying.

In two days, the four ancient warriors in the cage became the object of Shiyan's soul cultivation, one after another, and their souls burst to death.

Gu Linglong had always wanted to fight with Shi Yan, but was stopped by Cao Zhilan and kept persuading him.

Gu Linglong's face was full of fierceness, shouting that Shi Yan would die unbearable, and threatened how to treat Shi Yan when she returned to the endless sea. Whenever Shi Yan was impatient to listen, he would teach her a little lesson and tear off his clothes.

When her snow-white skin gradually ** even her crisp breasts were about to be exposed, Gu Linglong finally became honest for the time being with hatred and fear, just looking at Shi Yan with hatred, with a posture that she couldn't wait to swallow the stone rock alive.

Shi Yan was indifferent and continued to carry out the great cause of soul exploration.

The divine consciousness once again entered the mind of an ancient martial artist.

This time, he divided the divine consciousness into three strands, and his spiritual imprint was attached to the three divine consciousness. The three divine consciousness formed a tiny "hidden god, soul array, quietly diving towards the position of the main soul of the human brain domain.

"Hidden God" is a special soul skill of the Yin Mei clan. It is condensed with wisps of divine consciousness to form a wonderful soul array, which can hide all the breath of divine consciousness, so that other people's souls can't detect it.

This is a new way that Shiyan has been thinking about for a long time.

Using the strange soul skills of the Yin Meizu, the three divine consciousness of Shiyan quietly reached the position of the man's soul.

There is no exception.

At this point in the previous few times, the prohibition in the souls of those people will immediately attack and directly detonate their souls.

But this time, the soul power in the prohibition, obviously did not notice the breath of consciousness of the stone rock, and was still hidden in the depths of the man's soul without any movement.

Shi Yan continued to control the three divine consciousness with his mind and moved in that person's soul. Soon, a triangular soul was forbidden and slowly appeared in the depths of that soul.

The soul system is triangular, with dense soul threads on it. Those soul threads are tedious and complex, forming a wonderful soul array, constantly releasing soul shocks and detecting every move of the person's soul.

For the stone rock, which is not unfamiliar with the soul skill of the Yin Meizu clan, the person who knows how to release the soul prohibition can easily trigger the prohibition and detonate the person's soul, and can also control the person's soul for a short time through this prohibition.

Three divine consciousness suddenly surged up, and suddenly wrapped the forbidden, attached to the burning power of the heart of divine consciousness, and suddenly burst out.


The piece of soul released by Rolling was quickly burned under the power of the rock.

After a long time, Shi Yan suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the ancient martial artist in the cage, and said lightly, "The prohibition in your soul has been lifted by me."

The people in the stone hall were stunned for a moment, and immediately showed their expressions of surprise.

"Sure enough, only through the souls of living people can you improve your understanding..." Shi Yan muttered. When everyone was ecstatic, he said lightly, "I lifted the prohibition imposed on his soul by others, but I returned to his mind, leaving my condensed soul ban. I will control his life and death now.

"You, you bastard!" Gu Linglong scolded angrily.

Shi Yan's expression remained unchanged and said coldly, "Next, I will lift all the soul prohibitions of them, and then leave my soul to be imprisoned one by one. Then, I can safely and boldly regard them as my soul research materials. Well, if they can not die after my soul cultivation, I may leave the lives of those extremely lucky guys.

At the same time, those warriors in the cage who had only had hope, and their eyes showed despair again.

"You devil!"

Gu Linglong, Cui Yanqing, and even Cao Zhilan couldn't help drinking angrily together, trembling and extremely angry.

PS new week, ask for recommended tickets and monthly tickets and so on. From today on, stable update time, chapter at 12 noon, chapter at about 6 p.m., will often break out, um, there must be three chapters today, let's order recommended tickets, monthly tickets, I need to order **