Kill God

Chapter 352 Crazy Show

In the place where the corpse was buried on the 93rd, Shiyan's seal was bombarded into two heavenly corpses, causing the two heavenly corpses to mutate, as if opening up spiritual intelligence, which made him have a wonderful connection with these two heavenly corpses.

After that, he realized for a long time before he understood the wonderful use of the birth seal. He knew the connection between the two heavenly corpses and him, all because the birth seal entered the heavenly corpse.

After many years, I saw these two heavenly corpses again this time. In order to deepen the connection with each other, he bombarded two seals again. This time, the seal combines the power of the three living beings and his essence, and the strange effect seems to be stronger!

The seal entered the heavenly corpse, and his soul suddenly had a deeper connection with the two heavenly corpses again. He could even feel the intimacy of the two heavenly corpses.

Two heavenly corpses stood in front of him, and the confused and empty pupils of his eyes gradually gave birth to a trace of human dependence. They looked at him in a daze, as if they were waiting for something.

It's an extremely wonderful feeling.

Shiyan has a feeling that he can use these two heavenly corpses at will. He tried to pass a wisp of divine thought and stretched out his finger to the disciples of the yin and yang cave opposite.

As expected, these two corpses suddenly flew out, like two man-eating monsters, rushing straight to the disciples of the yin and yang cave in the belly of the opposite mountain. The whole body was clear and the momentum was amazing.

Shi Yan was overjoyed and flew into the magnetic field. The power of strangulation in the magnetic field was controlled by him. He separated a quiet place and put Yin Hai's body into it.

In the magnetic field, people absorb the essence from Yin Hai, and the stone rock is suspended in the center of the dead mountain. Because of the existence of the magnetic field, Yin Hai's body did not fall and quietly suspended behind him.

Although the magnetic field exists, it is difficult to see with the naked eye. In the eyes of those martial artists of the corpse god religion and yin and yang cave heaven, the quiet suspension of Yin Hai's body looks extremely strange, which makes people feel a chill from the depths of the heart.

In the magnetic field, Shi Yan flew coldly to the belly of the opposite mountain, once again stimulated the cyclone in his body, and felt the surging power filling his body. He suddenly condensed his mind and suddenly drilled into the blood grain ring.

"Come out!"

The whole body's strength burst out, and the gas of the rock was soaring in an instant, roaring.

After this period of understanding, he knew that if he wanted to call out the mysterious giant sword, his body must have strong enough strength. Only when the strength in his body accumulated to a certain extent could he use the mysterious giant sword.

Sure enough.

When his strength condensed to a certain extent and his whole body began to swell and hurt, the mysterious sword hidden in the blood-print ring finally flew out of it again.

He grabbed the huge sword in one hand, and a violent suction force instantly sucked away the power in his body. In the crazy passage of his body power, the closed strange eyes on the body of the mysterious giant sword opened one by one.

Whenever one eye opens, the evil smell of this mysterious giant sword is strong! Like an ancient troll who has been dormant for hundreds of millions of years, is crawling out of the endless dark abys little by little to swallow the world.

Holding this mysterious sword, the main soul of Shiyan trembled, and the sea of knowledge was like a mirror, shining all the energy fluctuations around him.

Every wisp of divine consciousness in the sea of knowledge seems to have become a mirror. He can't help but let go of the divine consciousness, but he can see the energy fluctuation of the warrior's body beside him!

In his eyes, the direction and trajectory of the flow of wisps of energy in his body have become extremely clear and obvious! As long as any martial artist releases his martial arts skills and uses the power in his body, he can see it!

Shiyan's eyes were suddenly as bright as a cold star, shining.

The world in his eyes suddenly became different. The silk-like aura of heaven and earth in the air, the corpse gas in the surrounding mountains, including the essence of vegetation, and all kinds of heaven and earth energy seemed to be suddenly alive and visible to the naked eye.

Incomparable wonderful understanding!

Holding this huge sword, as if through the eyes opened above the huge sword, he broke all the fog and saw the true essence of the world.

At the same time, an evil breath, along the hilt of the giant sword, disappeared into the sea of his knowledge, like the unity of his main soul, a desire to destroy all living beings, uncontrollable rise from the depths of the heart, indelible! If you don't kill all living things, this desire will never stop!

In his red eyes, he was full of bloodthirsty and cruel madness. Under the urging of that terrible evil desire, he couldn't help roaring up to the sky, like the demon of hell, waving endless evil to his heart's content.

Qingming suddenly changed color.

Fan Xiangyun was stunned and hurriedly used all kinds of spiritual illusions again, trying to shake Shiyan's mind and make Shiyan fall into a maze.

However, all kinds of psychedelic martial arts promoted by the soul of the soul of the yin and yang cave, when they touch the eyes of the stone rock, they seem to suddenly lose their function. The fluctuations of the divine thoughts of all kinds of the spiritual fantasy have been destroyed by the murderous cruelty in the eyes of the stone rock. Unexpectedly, Seconds!

Fan Xiangyun was homazed. She was born with a demagogic spiritual martial soul. With the help of this martial soul, she can not only easily master all the charming martial arts of Yinyang Dongtian, but also increase the power of those strange martial arts by several times.

Over the years, relying on the combination of the strange spiritual martial soul and the psychedelic secret art of the yin and yang cave, I don't know how many strong warriors with eyes higher than the top have been influenced by her, either becoming the minister of her group, or easily killed by her while her mind is lost.

But Shiyan, whose real realm has only reached the level of Nirvana, has repeatedly broken her spiritual miasma. When the mysterious giant sword is in the hand, Shiyan is completely immune to the spiritual martial soul and is no longer affected.

Such a change shocked Fan Xiangyun, and the talented martial soul that relied on to annihilate the enemy lost its effectiveness. This was an unimaginable heavy blow to her confidence. It confused her all of a sudden, and she could not have the courage to rush forward to fight with Shi Yan.

After the earth emperor was shocked, he finally stood up from the ground, held a white paper fan, shook it to the sky, and flew all over. He raised his hand, and a long yellow crystal sword appeared in the palm of his hand.

The 100-meter-long red yellow sword light flew out of the yellow dragon sword. The sword light condensed and extended into a 100-meter-long yellow dragon with dense scales. Countless birds and finches flew up and penetrated into the yellow dragon's body, so that the yellow dragon's body was instantly filled with the energy of all kinds of

The yellow dragon's body is winding and twisting, and the dragon's scales are shooting out beams of various colors together.

At the same time, Qing Ming roared fiercely and finally gave an order to the corpse king.

The three-meter-high corpse king looked up to the sky and roared, and the roared earth-shaking. Even the mountains and rivers in the dead mountains trembled with its howling.

In the howling, the corpse king rose to the sky and spit out five light masses containing the power of the five elements. The five huge light masses condensed in the void and became the five elements of heaven and twilight that could bind all living beings, bound all the way from the bottom of the stone rock.

As soon as the 100-meter yellow dragon and the five elements came out at dusk, the wind and clouds of the desert island changed, and the year-round cloud in the sky seemed to be affected, and they slowly pressed down, as if the sky had collapsed.

Shi Yan held a mysterious giant sword and looked up at the cloud above his head. He found that there were countless corpses squirming in the cloud, absorbing the horrible corpse gas below. The corpse worms were controlled by the corpse king and devoured and biting each other to form more fat corpse insects. Each newly formed corpse The power in the body will also soar several times.

Tens of millions of corpses squirmed and swallowed each other, forming tens of thousands of snow-white corpses like fat maggots. The corpses still retain sticky white **, which is extremely disgusting. It echoes the five elements of the sky and wants to bind him from the sky to the ground.

In the magnetic field, the stone rock did not move, felt all kinds of energy in the body, and poured into the mysterious giant sword crazily.

When it comes to the body of the mysterious giant sword, after one-third of his eyes are opened, the mysterious giant sword no longer absorbs the energy in his body.

At this time, Shi Yan finally waved his sword and cut his sword at the 100-meter-long yellow dragon.


The void next to the mysterious giant sword suddenly cracked cracks, like evil eyes, an evil force from a foreign land, instantly poured into the mysterious giant sword.

The mysterious giant sword suddenly lit up a bleeding red light, and the empty of the desert island suddenly seemed to have become a sea of blood. One-third of the eyes of the giant sword opened, and the pupils of the eyes instantly turned blood red.

An extremely evil atmosphere of destruction, centered on the mysterious giant sword, turned into a bunch of sticky blood, suddenly splashed and flew in all directions.

A bunch of blood light, like having its own life, is extremely accurate, shooting at the disciples of the corpse god religion and yin and yang cave heaven shining next to the dead mountain.

The blood light entered the body, and the disciples of the corpse god religion and the yin and yang cavetian screamed sadly one after another. The body quickly dissolved and turned into a pool of fishy blood in an instant.

The warrior in the realm of Nirvana supported for a while, and the body submerged by the blood light dissolved a little slower, but suffered more pain. No energy seemed to prevent the blood light from corroding the body, which could only be temporarily delayed. In the process of more pain, those people also turned into blood one by one.

The warriors in the heavenly realm react much faster. When the blood came, they screamed and ran away one by one to see how to avoid the disaster.

A bunch of blood light splashed out of the mysterious giant sword. As long as the warriors who were immersed in the body by the blood light, fast or slow, all became a pool of blood. Their essence did not disperse in the blood. Attracted by the mysterious martial soul of the stone rock, they rushed over crazily.

"Hahahaha! Hahahaha!"

Shi Yan suddenly looked up to the sky and smiled ferociously. He smiled extremely fiercely and felt the surging essence entering his body. The mysterious giant sword in his hand moved, and a terrible bloody blade suddenly burst out of the giant sword and cut the yellow dragon in half in an instant.

Dozens of birds flew out of the body of the Yellow Dragon, but were affected by the evil forces spread by the bloody blade, which was broken. The wisp of divine thoughts attached to the emperor of the earth were directly erased.

A bird, like a light smoke, suddenly disappeared like this.

Shiyan waved his sword again, and a sword slanted into the sky, as if to poke the sky out of a bottomless cave.

Hidden in the dark clouds, the countless corpses and insects were swallowed up by the big hole exposed in the sky and permanently lost in the turbulence of space before exerting their due force.

"This is power! Have a good time! Good luck!"

Haha laughing wildly, Shi Yan was like a madman, holding a mysterious giant sword, shaking his head in the void, and his expression became more and more crazy.

The three divine warriors, Qing Ming, the Earth Emperor and the Queen, stared at the crazy stone rock in the sky, and suddenly felt a chill in their hearts.