Kill God

Chapter 437 Out!

Chapter 347 Out!

In the center of the city, Yang's family.

The four martial arts forces joined hands to bombard the Yang family's wall from four directions. Above the wall, a circle of energy light curtain expanded to intercept most of the beams and secret treasures from the martial artists. Minghai, Fu Hao, Yanfeng and Jiu Lanxin, four martial artists in the heavenly realm, were not in a hurry and did not do it Look at the attack of your men.

Inside the city wall, Yang Zhuo and others looked solemn and stood on the round platform of the tallest building, looking at the four tides of warriors like a big enemy.

The situation is in jeopardy.

The battle was in full swing. When Minghai found the layers of defensive boundary and gradually began to disintegrate, he finally couldn't hold it down and shouted, "Brother Yang, you are so stubborn that you will only let the Yang family suffer the disaster of destruction."

Yang Zhuohan looked down and didn't say a word.

Minghai was at the door, looking at Yang Zhuo standing high in the distance with his hands on his hand, and his face gradually became cold.

Half a sound, he finally stopped waiting. Huo Ran took out a square stone seal, poured it with essence, and suddenly threw the stone seal out.

As soon as the stone seal came out, a strange artistic conception containing unbreakable mountains and rivers suddenly flowed out of it.

The stone seal gradually enlarged and became the size of a mountain, and bombarded the layers of boundary in front of the door fiercely.

The artistic conception on the stone seal became very obvious, and the hill slowly pressed down, carrying a heavy force.

With just one blow, it directly bursts into pieces the abnormal light that presses the pressure of more than a dozen layers of boundary.

Minghai sneered, and his left and right hands formed a tedious magic seal. The strange light flashed in the palm of his hand, constantly pouring the power into the center. The mountain-sized stone seal, the accumulated energy became stronger and stronger, and the light of the smashed light curtain kept swaying and scattered, looking more and more

At the same time, Fu Hao, Yan Feng and Jiu Lanxin also took action.

Fu Hao shouted, like a long rainbow through the sun, like a sharp sword, shot directly above those light curtains, piercing the light curtain through more than a dozen layers.

Yanfeng sneered and condensed the power of the wind. He saw hundreds of wind knives flying brightly, tearing the boundary layer by layer.

Jiulan smiled and shouted loudly, "Brother Yang, why? It's just in vain that you did this, and you can't change anything in the end. Why don't we make peace with everyone? If you give up the benefits, we don't have to spend too much effort. Isn't it better for everyone to be happy?

With this, Jiulan's heart opened her mouth and spit out an ice light. In the ice light, a jade hairpin glittered, pulling out more than a dozen icy beams, and stabbed it fiercely above the layers of boundary together.

Four martial artists in the heavenly realm exerted their strength at the same time, and most of the protective boundary around the Yang family's wall was instantly broken.

Those boundary tore a gap, which surprised the warriors of the four forces surrounding them one by one, howling one by one, and drilled in one after another.

For a moment, hundreds of martial artists poured into the courtyard of the Yang family, laughed fiercely, and began to slowly walk in the direction of Yang Zhuo and others in the center.

Minghai looked indifferent, paced in with his hands and walked leisurely without a trace of guilt.

The layers of boundary built by the Yang family and built by Xiao Hanyi were finally completely broken under his leadership today.

Looking at the retreating of the Yang family, Ming Hai was happy and whispered, "Brother Xiao, don't blame me. Although the Yang family is the force you rely on, it does not belong to you. You are dead, and I can't stop moving forward because of you. If one day, I can reach the height of Emperor Yang Qing, I will remember the kindness of those years and find an opportunity to avenge you. I do this in order to repay your life-saving kindness one day.

Minghai looked indifferent and comforted himself. His footsteps did not stop because of this, and slowly came to the complex where Yang Zhuo and others were located.

Fu Hao, Yan Feng and Jiu Lanxin showed the power of the heavenly realm one after another, destroying the dead all the way, and clearing up some small prohibitions blocking the road. They laughed and marched in the direction of Yang Zhuo.

All the warriors of the Yang family are temporarily staying in Yang Zhuo's building complex. The number of them is only about 100, and the level is also very average, which is not enough to cope with such a fierce force.

In the complex, there is the last layer of defense circle, concentrating all forces to cope with the impact of these four forces, which is also a last resort.

Gradually, under the leadership of the four people in Minghai, hundreds of warriors gathered and surrounded the tallest building where Yang Zhuo and his party were located.

These invading warriors did not destroy everywhere, and they also restrained their men to be careful along the way.

Especially Jiu Lanxin, he kept scolding harshly and shouted at the men of Minghai, Yanfeng and Fu Hao: "Be careful. Don't destroy this building. We have an agreement in advance. This complex belongs to me. Don't damage every grass and tree that belongs to me."

Minghai and others sneered and knew that this woman was greedy for the beauty of Yang's family courtyard. When they decided to join, with the help of the name of the water scorpion Baowen, they let the water scorpion masters take action and forcibly asked for the buildings in the city, wanting to regard this place as a good palace

Although Minghai, Fu Hao and Yanfeng also had ideas about this place, when Bao Wen sent someone to send the exit message, the three of them could only agree.

Although the Scorpion is not the strongest race among the sea clans, each of the Scorpion clan is vicious and vicious. The way of dealing with the enemy has always been extremely cruel. No one wants to offend the Scorpion as a last resort.

Minghai listened to the cry of Jiulan's heart and looked a little disdainful, but because he had an agreement in advance, he didn't say much. He also restrained his men with his help, so as not to find trouble for them after Bowen lived in the future.

Jiulan smiled happily, holding a jade hairpin, and came to the position of Yang Zhuo and others with a smile. She looked up at Yang Zhuo on the high platform, smiled and said in a delicate voice, "Brother Yang, you'd better come down. This main building is so gorgeous. If it is destroyed, I will feel sad."

Yang Zhuo's face was cold and he said with hatred, "Bbitch! When you first came to the desert city, you were penniless and didn't even have the crystals to pay taxes. If I hadn't forgiven you for a while, you would not even have been qualified to gain a foothold in the desert city! Today, you are gaining power, but you have to plot my Yang family's foundation. Sooner or later, you will end up to pieces.

Jiulan's face was cold, snorted, and said coldly, "When I entered the desert city, I was indeed penniless, but if your Yang family had not been powerful in the desert city, with my cultivation, I would have broken into a force long ago. Aren't you arrogant, Yang Zhuo? You disdained me and looked down on me. Do you regret it now?

"Oh?" As soon as Minghai heard it, he suddenly laughed, shook his head and said, "It turns out that the rumor is true."

Fu Hao and Yan Feng also showed a playful smile and looked at the expression of Jiu Lanxin, which was quite strange.

In the barren city, the comments about Jiulan's heart have always been poor.

Rumor has it that when this woman first came to the desert city, only the cultivation of the realm of nirvana was a mistress in the endless sea, and was eventually chased and killed by the eldest wife. She had to come to the barren city because she could not gain a foothold in the endless sea.

After arriving at the deserted city, the woman was seriously injured and had no money, and she couldn't even pay the living expenses she should pay.

At that time, this woman only had a good skin. It is said that she came to the Yang family alone and wanted to exchange her beauty for her status in the barren city. She hoped that Yang Zhuo could marry her. She wanted to take revenge with the help of the power of the Yang family to gain a certain status in the barren city.

Unfortunately, Yang Zhuo seemed to know that she was indiscreted and refused directly. He gave her a few crystals and sent her away.

This woman didn't say anything about this on the surface. At that time, she was very grateful. She also said outside that her relationship with Yang Zhuo was not shallow, which made people mistakenly think that she and Yang Zhuo were a little ambiguous.

Many warriors in the Yang family, after hearing the news of her autobiography, although Yang Zhuo definitely denied it, he did not dare to continue to collect her taxes, so that she could gain a foothold in the barren city.

With the ambiguous rumors, Jiu Lanxin lived in the barren city. She often did business in the barren city under the name of the Yang family, but she really made a place for her.

"Regret?" Yang Zhuo looked cold and arrogant and grinned, "You are such a cheap maidservant who didn't join my Yang family. It's a great blessing for my Yang family. With your nature of a water-based poplar, I, Yang Zhuo, am a prostitute, and I will not like you. I didn't regret it back then, and it's the same now! Bian, in another hundred years, you can't get into my eyes!"

"Yang Zhuo, you unsolute hypocrite, since you don't like me, I will destroy you!" Jiulan was angry, her eyes were full of resentment, and she said coldly, "I ruined you today and let you live worse than death!" Yang Zhuo, Yang Zhuo, I will make you regret it for the rest of your life!"


Minghai suddenly smiled happily, stroked his palm and shouted, "It turns out that love is extremely hateful. It's interesting and interesting. I thought it was just a rumor, but I didn't expect it to happen."

Fu Hao and Yan Feng also showed a strange look.

Yang Zhuo looked down coldly, his expression remained unchanged, and said indifferently, "Since you have come, the purpose is very clear, but if you want to get the batch of materials stored by my Yang family, can you be prepared for heavy losses?"

"If you want to get something, you will naturally have to pay a little price." Fu Hao laughed, looked at Minghai, looked at Jiulan's heart, and joked, "Dove's poisonous woman, you won't love this main building now, will you? If you want to kill Yang Zhuo, the house must be broken.

Jiulan looked resentful and said fiercely, "It's ruined! It's all ruined!"

"It should have been so long ago."

Fu Hao laughed loudly and immediately shouted fiercely, "Children, let's do it. Whoever killed more of the Yang family will be paid afterwards."

"Kill Yang's family?"

An indifferent voice suddenly came from the crowd in the rear.

I saw a young man with a red face, carrying a wine jar, sneering and slowly walking out.

His eyes were arrogant and domineering, as if he didn't look at anyone in his eyes. While drinking, he walked with his head held high and said with an indifferent smile, "I'd like to see who can kill a Yang family today."

"Stone Rock!"

On the

platform, Yang Zhuo and other Yang's family members suddenly shouted loudly and looked stunned.
