Kill God

Chapter 469 Zhongqiang

Chapter 489 Strong

Almost in an instant, Situ Jie, Zhong Limin and Zou Yuefeng were torn to pieces by the war demon and died tragically on the spot.

Shi Yan did not take action, but just stood there and watched coldly, watching the war demon show its power, and killed the two divine warriors and Zhong Li blunt. Everything happened so fast that many people didn't react and found that Situ Jie and Zou Yuefeng had become minced meat on the ground.

Qing Ming, Tianhou, Gu Xiao, Di Huang and others, in the dark, listened to a creepy scream, could no longer bear it, and flew to the sea one by one.

Shi Yan was not in a hurry. When he found that Zou Yuefeng had also been killed, he looked up at the sea with a smile, shook his head and said indifferently, "If you can run, the monk can't run away from the temple. The result is already doomed. If you don't die now, it will also be

After the death of Situ Jie, Zou Yuefeng and Zhong Li bluntly, the essence released by these three people quietly rushed to his body without accident.

It's just that the essence produced by Situ Jie alone was beyond his imagination. The essence stored in the body of the martial artist in the divine realm made him 720 acupuncture points full of pain unbearable. Without waiting for Situ Jie's essence to flow, he subconsciously avoided it and was far away from the bloody field.

It's not that he doesn't want it, but that he knows his limits.

Although after entering the heavenly realm, the amount of energy absorbed by the mysterious martial soul has increased a lot, the spirit of a martial artist in the divine realm is too full. The essence of Guang Situ Jie alone is enough to fill his acupuncture point. If it is released from Zou Yuefeng and Zhong Lidu, he is worried that the acupuncture point will burst.

Therefore, he can only dodge temporarily and dare to approach when those spirits dissipate between heaven and earth.

Yin Hui always remained in place, his eyes were like electricity, and he fell on him in an instant, with a shocked look.

He finally affirmed the horror of the war demon.

As soon as he took action, he killed Situ Jie, Zou Yuefeng and Zhong Li blunt together. Such a terrible power is simply comparable to the angry waves of the three heavens. Even his silver glory did not dare to face this sharpness and had no intention of interference.

He began to re-e view the relationship between the silver shark clan and the Yang family.

Although the power shown by Shi Yan this time did not belong to him, it deeply shocked him.

The performance of the war demon made him realize that on the endless sea, only Cao Qiudao and Yang Yitian may be safe and sound under the war demon's action.

In addition, there are many martial artists in the endless sea, I'm afraid no one can hide their dazzling light.

"Stone Rock..."

Yin Hui grunted, his tone was a little dry, and said with a wry smile, "Is this black iron puppet from the barren dragon cemetery? Why can you bring this terrible thing out of the ancient dragon cemetery? Er, I know this is privacy, but I'm really curious. After all, the cemetery of the ancient barren dragon belongs to the forbidden place of our sea people. How on earth did you do it?

"Fate." Shi Yan grinned, looked up at the sea above, and suddenly frowned.

Before him, Yin Hui was also horrified and said in surprise, "Someone is coming."

The surrounding sea water is extremely rapid. The waves are stacked in the lower layers of the seabed. It seems that someone has taken advantage of the waves to affect the sea area from afar. The speed is extremely fast, and the fast sea water can't withstand the surge of the power formed by the fleeting, which has undergone great

A majestic figure suddenly appeared beside Yin Hui.

The head of the black Jiao clan is angry.

With the cultivation of the realm of the three heavens, he tried his best to control the speed and galloped all the way from the territory of the Hei Jiao clan. In just a few minutes, he came directly to the ancient barren dragon cemetery.

Nu Lang's face was heavy, he frowned and looked at the situation in the field, and immediately looked at the war demon with strange eyes.

In the middle of a sound, the angry wave took a deep breath, turned his head and looked at Yinhui beside him, and said, "Who was the divine warrior killed?" He looked at the black iron puppet again.

"You guessed right." Yin Hui looked solemn and nodded, "It is this black iron puppet that was brought out of the ancient barren dragon cemetery by Shi Yan."

The majestic body of the angry waves suddenly shook, and his eyes suddenly burst into an amazing divine light, suddenly staring at the rock.

With a smile, Shi Yan bowed slightly and said, "I've seen the senior Nu Lang, hehe, I didn't expect to meet again so soon."

"The cemetery of the ancient desolate dragon has always been my undersea forbidden area. For thousands of years, countless undersea strong people have been buried in it, and they have never been spared." The angry waves' eyes were shining, "Why can you come out alive and bring out such a terrible black iron puppet?"

"Time, luck, life." Shi Yan's face turned straight, "I have some origins with an ancient existence of the ancient dragon. It can be said that I have long been doomed in the dark. This black iron puppet belongs to the ancient existence. Now I get it, and it is also my chance.

The waves were stunned.

Yinhui shook his head and smiled bitterly, envious and jealous.

"This..." The angry wave murmured for a moment, and suddenly sighed, "Is there really a fate? The barren dragon cemetery, which buried countless ancestors of our Hai clan, was actually mysteriously peeped by you, a human boy. You have some connection with our sea clan.

Shi Yan was surprised. He didn't think of this. He hesitated for a moment before shaking his head and said, "I don't know, but the cemetery of this ancient barren dragon should indeed have something to do with the ancient existence. Specifically, I don't say much. All I can say is that I'm really lucky."

When Nu Lang and Yin Hui heard the words, they all frowned and thought hard, seriously thinking about the potential meaning of his words.

In an moment, the angry wave suddenly looked up at the sky, and his eyes narrowed into a line. He said, "It seems that I have noticed this abnormality. I'm not the only one. I didn't expect that the two strong men in the sea of the sky also rushed over together."

The seawater is diverted, and two huge vacuum gaps are broken from above, and two figures are seen landing from above one before and one after.

After those two figures, the queen, the earth emperor, Qingming, Gu Xiao, Pan Zhe and Cao Zhilan, who had just fled in a hurry, also vaguely appeared, but they did not dare to follow them, and only dared to wait and see from afar after the two figures.

"Yang Yi Tian! Xia Qinghou!"

Yin Hui looked up, looked shocked, and blurted out in shock.

The stone rock's eyes lit up, and he also hurriedly looked at the top of the sea.

A handsome and handsome middle-aged man in a purple robe and a feathered crown, with a gentle smile on his face, came quietly.

The owner of the Martial Soul Hall, Yang Yitian, a hero of the endless sea.

Hemp clothes and straw shoes, a simple face, gray-haired old man with indifferent eyes, with a long and ancient atmosphere, the last head of the Xia family, Xia Qinghou.

The two top strong men in the sky sea slowly appeared from the sea. After they came over, they both looked at the angry wave with a little surprise, as if to think that the angry wave was the originator.

"It has nothing to do with me." The angry wave calmed his face, snorted coldly, and immediately his eyes fell on the rock.

Yang Yitian and Xia Qinghou's pupils shrank, and their faces were full of surprise. They looked at the stone rock in disbelief.

Yang Yitian was stunned for a moment, and the smile on his face suddenly restrained. He closed his eyes and sensed it, and suddenly shouted, "Who killed Situ Jie and Zhong Li blunt!"

"I." Shi Yan bowed slightly and arched his hand with a smile, "Kid Shi Yan, I have seen Elder Yang."

After a pause, he looked at Xia Qinghou with a smile on his face and looked much more sincere. "I've seen Grandpa Xia."

Xia Qinghou's simple face suddenly overflowed with a strange smile, and his attitude was extremely gentle. He came over familiarly and said with his eyes, "Are you Shi Yan?"


"Good boy! Good boy! OK!"

Xia Qing waited for three times in a row. When he spoke, he had come to Shi Yan and stood opposite the Yang Yitian.

The Xia family and the Yang family have always been good friends. Xia Qinghou and Yang Qingdi have been good friends for a hundred years. After he regained consciousness, he has known the matter of Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan from the younger generation of the Xia family.

After recovery, he has been very concerned about Shiyan, and he has been clear about Shiyan's behavior in the endless sea over the years.

In his eyes, Shi Yan is his own person and Xia Xinyan's future son-in-law. Even if he can regain his sobriety, it has something to do with Shi Yan. Of course, he will stand on the same line with Shi Yan.

"Lord Yang." Xia Qinghou smiled indifferently and said, "It seems that you sent someone to kill Shiyan, but it seems that you are unlucky. Well, I will show my attitude first. Anyway, I will stand with Shiyan. If you want to deal with Shiyan, I will definitely not stand by."

"Senior Yang." Shi Yan grinned and said calmly, "Forgive me for talking wildly. I'm afraid it's a little difficult for you to kill me."

After saying that, he moved his mind and summoned it to the war demon.

The original breath was hidden, and there was no trace of amazing energy. After his thought, he began to walk slowly to the sunny sky.

A fierce atmosphere like the world, like the endless sea of water, rushed out of the war demon, covering the whole territory of the silver shark clan in an instant.

The yangyi god's love has changed dramatically.

The angry wave frowned deeply.

Xia Qinghou's eyes are shining.

The real heroes of the three undersea seas have different expressions.

"I don't understand why you have to work hard for the same martial arts in the endless sea?" Shi Yan said with a gloomy face, "When I was in the Yuanluo Sea, the devil tried his best to kill me. I can understand, but why do you also send someone to encircle me? Again and again, with the attitude of not killing me and vowing to stop, Elder Yang, can you explain the reason for this?

"Those who want to kill you are Gu Xiao, Dongfang Yu, Qing Ming and others." Yang Yitian snorted coldly, "I'm just watching coldly. Although you have infinite potential, I don't pay attention to it. But it's different now. You killed Situ Jie and Zhong Li blunt. No matter how good-tempered I am, I can't tolerate you!"

After saying that, a divine light flashed in the eyes of Yang Yitian, and countless colorful TV lights in the divine light were intertwined, shooting rocks.

"Colorful silence and extinguishing light!" Xia Qinghou shouted loudly and said harshly, "Yang Yitian, how dare you!"
