Kill God

Chapter 489 Proper Arrangement

The Empire of Fire and the Empire of God were swept away!

There are five martial artists in the divine realm, Dishan, Yurou, Yi Tianmo, Zhan Meng and Kaba. Who will compete with the land of the clouds? It only took just five days to be the master of the Empire of Fire and the Empire of Valuation. It was slaughtered, and no one of the martial artists in the two countries appeared.

Under the absolute strong force, the country seems too weak. Strong warriors, with the strength of one person alone, can turn countless countries into ashes and be directly destroyed.

This massacre made all the warriors in the Land of Youyun realize what will happen if they fight against the Shi family.

There is no power in the land of Youyun. You dare to be the enemy of the Shi family, although the Shi family has left the endless sea. But the prestige of the stone family, because of the existence of the stone rock, has spread all over the place of clouds.

Under the arrangement of the Shi family, the Shi family and the Zuo family did not remember the meteorite city and gathered the close people in the clan. He left the land of the clouds with Shi Yan and drove to the endless sea.

During the journey, the stone rock refines some secret treasures from time to time. Give it to the relatives of the Shi family, hoping that those secret treasures can help the Shi family improve their strength faster.

After getting the refiner's refinery memory, he has nothing to do, so he will refine some gadgets that he can.

In the endless sea, the cultivation materials he asked for from all forces were enough to support his waste. Those huge cultivation materials have become the consumables of his refinery, providing a solid pillar for the progress of his refinery.

After the Shi family got those secret treasures. One by one, they were ecstatic. I never thought that after only ten years, Shiyan not only became a martial artist in today's realm, but also became a refiner. It makes them wonder what kind of rapid cultivation speed the stone rock has grown through in the past ten years.

After two months of speeding. Shi Yan and his relatives came to the sea of Tuta, and finally reached the endless sea.

I was not in a hurry to go to the Undead Island immediately. He came to the corpse god religion in the sea of Tuta, found the two corpse kings, took out four drops of immortal blood from the [body], and gave it to the two corpse kings, so that the two corpse kings could evolve faster with immortal blood.

Since establishing a friendly relationship with the ten-thousand-year corpse king. He found that the corpse king treated him with a natural sense of closeness. The corpse king is different from human beings. As long as they trust you, they will treat you well wholeheartedly, and there will not be so many calculations of human beings, which makes Shiyan very happy.

Immortal blood has a significant effect on monsters and strange physical creatures. The ten-thousand-year-old corpse king swallowed two drops of immortal blood, and there was a vague blood relationship with Shi Yan. His intimacy with him went further, as if he regarded him as his only relative.

He is about to leave the Endless Sea. Before leaving, he hopes to arrange the Endless Sea properly. The two corpse kings are very powerful. In time, it must be the most horrible existence of the Endless Sea. If he can get the sincere support of the Deadly King, even if he is not in the Endless Sea. The Yang family is also as stable as Mount Tai and will not be threatened by any force.

The ten-thousand-year-old corpse king got immortal blood. The attitude towards him made him very satisfied.

After staying in the Corpse for a few days, he set off again. Go in the direction of the Undead Island.

When passing through the Yuanluo Sea, he stopped again.

Yuedao, Tang Yuannan and Ouyang Luoshuang received him solemnly, and all the elders of the Three Gods came together. One doesn't pull. They looked respectful one by one, as if they really regarded him as the star god of the Three Gods.

, "I'll give you the Star God Guard... Shi Yan smiled and said, "I want to leave the Endless Sea and go to the land of China. I have something to say to you.

Tang Yuannan and Huanyang Luo Shuang showed an expression of attention.

, "I've been to the dark magnetic miasma, where I learned about an ancient sect in the land of China... After meditating for a moment, he slowly told the truth. "Light God Religion, which is one of the seven ancient schools in the land of China, with a long history of tens of thousands of years. In the God of Light, there are also three gods of the sun, moon and star, including the martial soul of the hot sun, the martial soul of the silver moon and the martial soul of the star. Their understanding of these three martial souls is still above you. In this ancient sect, there are strong people in the true divine realm, and there is a subtle connection between them and the Three Gods, according to my speculation. The ancestors of the Three Gods should have come from the Light God Religion in the land of China... He knew it. About the connection between the God of Light and the Three Gods, it is explained in detail.

, "I'm sure. The light god religion in the land of China is the general source of the three gods. This time I went to the land of China, if nothing unexpected happens. There will be an intersection with the God of Light." Shi Yan looked calm. "If you have anything to say to the God of Light," you might as well tell me, and I will convey it. Of course, you can also go to the God of Light in person. I think the God of Light should be happy to accept you, after all. The realm of you two is not low. Even if you come to the God of Light, you should have a good status.

He is talking about Tang Yuannan and Ouyang Luoshuang.

Even in the land of China, the martial artists in the divine realm can be regarded as masters. If these two people enter the land of China and come to the sect of the Light God Religion, those strong people of the Light God Religion will certainly gladly accept it. If they can add more help to the sect, they will definitely not refuse.

However, at that time, Tang Yuannan and Ouyang Luoshuang would not be so free now.

In the Endless Sea, these two people are the masters of the Three Gods. They can do whatever they want and arrange everything of the Three Gods. They don't need to listen to anyone's orders or look at other people's faces. They can make decisions for themselves.

But once they enter the Light God Religion, it is difficult for them to be so comfortable. At that time, they may be able to become the elders of the God of Light, but they need to be bound by the master of the God of Light, and even be instructed to do something by the elders who are more powerful than their realm.

The battle of the land of China is more fierce than that of the endless sea, if those who are of the light god. Arrange them to fight against some strong enemies, and maybe they will lose their lives as a result.

There are also benefits.

In the Light God Religion, they can get more practice materials related to their martial souls. In terms of realm cultivation, you can take fewer detours. If you do well, you may also be able to have an excellent status in the God of Light, which should be more powerful than the endless sea.

The pros and cons depend on how these two people choose.

After he finished his words, "Ouyang Luoshuang and Tang Yuannan showed a thoughtful expression" and did not express his position in a hurry.

Shiyan didn't want to see their position, and he didn't urge them.

It's been a long time. Tang Yuannan took a deep breath. "Do we need to think carefully about whether to go to the land of China or not. If we don't have enough strength, we will rush into the land of China. It's not necessarily the right decision. Well, we need to think about it for a while.

"It's up to you." Shi Yan nodded and immediately winned at Tang Yuannan. He signaled him to dismiss the elders.

Tang Yuan's poison did it.

In an instant, the elders of the Three Gods gathered here disappeared one by one, and only Shi Yan, Tang Yuannan and Ouyang Luoshuang were left here.

"This is two drops of life solution. I hope it can help you. Please take it." Take out two drops of ** in special utensils. He handed it to Ouyang Luoshuang and Tang Yuannan respectively. "You have always been wondering why Yinhui and Nulang are the two strong people of the sea clan. With so much respect to me, [Answer] The case is on this liquid of life.


Two drops of life liquid came from a strong heartbeat at the same time. Tang Yuannan and Ouyang Luoshuang were surprised. Dongqi's surprise.

"This original liquid of life is extremely valuable to the martial arts view of the three heaven realm of the gods. It can improve the probability of breaking through to the true realm and reduce many obstacles...,..."

The stone rock explains the use of the original liquid of life.

Tang Yuannan and Ouyang Luoshuang's eyes were shining, and they were inexplicably shocked.

"It's too expensive..." Tang Yuannan's tongue trembled gently and rubbed his hands awkwardly. "How embarrassing. We didn't help you much either."

"You don't need to really help me much, just show a friendly attitude" is enough." Shi Yan smiled. "This is very useful for your future practice. I sincerely hope that you can enter the true realm one day. As long as you still remember my kindness at that time, that will be enough.

Tang Yuannan and Ouyang Luoshuang focused on the original liquid of life, although there was not a word. But the expression is enough to show everything.

"Well, there is a small request at the end." Shi Yan smiled brightly and looked at Ouyang Luoshuang, the god of the moon. He said, "Since you were in the meteorite city," you have been covered by the light of the moonlight. I have never seen your true face, and I have always been very sorry. Well, can you see your true face?

Ouyang Luoshuang's delicate body shook slightly. On the hazy face in the moonlight, a pair of star-like eyes made people tremble.

"Cough, I still have something to do." Tang Yuannan is very knowledgeable. Embarrassed retreat.

Only Shiyan and Moon God are left. "Why are you so curious about my appearance?" The cold voice came from the shadow of the moonlight curtain.

"It's pure curiosity, hehe, it's just curiosity, it doesn't mean anything else."


The bright moonlight slowly faded away, and a peerless face that fell on all sentient beings became clear little by little, like a clear jade. Like the condensation of the sun and the moon for thousands of years, like a dream, like a fairy. It's touching.

The stone rock is like a wooden chicken.

It is only in the dream that the beautiful figure that happens by chance. The words are indescribable and exquisite to the extreme.

"You should always show your true face." After a while, he sighed gently, "I'm afraid you look like a man in the world, and you will rarely be unmoved. It's really amazing. It's rare in the world. I opened my eyes this time.

"Am I really that beautiful?" The corners of the moon god's mouth rose. With a strange smile. Can people like you be so amazing?"

"Natural and natural." Shi Yan nodded repeatedly, "If that man can have you," I think the men in the world will envy and hate him to death."

"Men don't have a good thing" "Hmm!" The moon god snorted coldly, and his face was full of disdain.

Shi Yan was dumbfounded and said with a wry smile, "If you want to have a beautiful woman, you are a bad person. I think all men in the world are indeed bad people.

"Have you finished reading it?" As soon as the moon god's eyes condensed, Yuehua covered her whole body again and said indifferently, "Let's go after reading it. Maybe, in the land of Shenzhou, you and I will see you again. I hope that you will really have the cultivation of the divine realm. Instead of using external forces. I can tell you in half a year. I am bound to enter the realm of God and God. I hope that as a star god, I will not be slack as much as you can, and don't let down the star martial soul on me!"

Shi Yan looked stunned.
