Kill God

Four updates 12,000, ask for a monthly ticket for support~~~

Four updates, 12,000, ask for a monthly ticket for support~~~

Well, in the struggle~~

I got up at seven o'clock today, locked myself in the room, supported by a pack of cigarettes, buried my head in writing, and finally exploded.

I'm exhausted and old-fashioned. In this kind of strength of code words, I really can't keep up...

I have to admit that I'm no longer young. My body is getting worse and worse. My lumbar spine has been straight for so long, and it hurts faintly~~~

With such a serious attitude, is it worth greeting your brothers with a monthly ticket?

Well, ask for a monthly ticket and seriously ask for monthly ticket support.

Well, my equally serious and responsible moderator has held a book review activity. Interested heroes can participate enthusiastically. After the activity, I have a gift~~~

I still ask for a monthly ticket. It's the end of the month. I'm busy and trying. I hope you can see it.

I beg you for the arrival of the monthly ticket.

Thank you sincerely first~~A