Kill God

Chapter 534 Li Zhengrong

Feiyunfeng Mountain Belly.

A spacious stone room, with colorful gems on the walls, make each stone room as bright as day.

Although it is in the belly of the mountain, there is no feeling of darkness, air circulation, and a strong aura of heaven and earth.

In many stone chambers, there are all kinds of strange herbs. Those herbs are loaded with special utensils, and the leaves are green in the medicine jars, which seem to be still growing.

A stone chamber the size of a basketball court, covered with thick carpets and burning incense burners. There are many wonderful spiritual arrays on the walls, wisps of aura of different colors, moving slowly like a snake in that array, which is extremely magical.

Shi Yan and Qi Li sat down in this huge stone room.

Lin Yaqi personally served fragrant tea and said with a smile on her face, "You guy, why do you think of the Necromancer Mountains? I heard that you have changed a lot in the endless sea. Why haven't you tossed around in the endless sea?

"The endless sea crisis has been lifted. Within a hundred years, the fourth demon realm and the seven-fold underworld will not come to the endless sea again. The sea people are also very stable and do not need ** heart." Shi Yan smiled and drank a drink. Tea said in a hurry, "What about you? Why didn't I see you in the dark magnetic fog?"

"I'm with the master. I don't have time to go to those two different places."

Lin Yaqi's beautiful eyes lit up and suddenly said, "I heard that in the dark magnetic fog, you have gained a lot. Do you have anything good to see for me? Let me get a touch of it, too?"

"If you take care of Mr. Li, how can you like the gadgets in my hand? Don't make fun of me." Shi Yan shook his head, looked straight, and said, "Well, please inform Mr. Li and say that I want to ask him something."

When Lin Yaqi heard what he said, she didn't continue to talk. She nodded and said, "You can do as you want. I'll inform my master right now."


Lin Yaqi got sideways into a bright passage, which went all the way deep into the belly of the mountain. After a while, her figure disappeared.

Shi Yan drank tea in a muffled voice, looked at the wall with interest, and looked at Qi Li from time to time, showing a thoughtful expression.

Since entering this stone banquet, Qi Li has not said a word. All her attention is on the spiritual array on the wall. Her eyes are shining, as if she has found a treasure. She silently remembers it in her heart. She can't wait to remember all the spiritual arrays on the wall in her heart, and she doesn't even want to let


After Shi Yan coughed softly and attracted Qi Li's attention, he smiled indifferently and asked, "Does it inspire your refining medicine to pay so much attention to the spiritual array on the wall?"

Qi Li's delicate body trembled, her blue eyes were shining, and she focused heavily. "Of course, the spiritual array here is the route map of the operation of the pharmacist's divine knowledge in the elixir, including the most mysterious spiritual array field of a pharmacist. If I can figure out the mystery of the spiritual array here, my achievements in the refining A new stage.

Shiyan was stunned.

Qili quickly explained: "When we pharmacists are refining elixirs, we must inject divine knowledge into the medicine tripod, use divine knowledge to portray it into a spiritual array, lead all kinds of herbs to carry out activities, and stimulate the effect of herbs. A wonderful spiritual array can be said to be the most important link in refining medicine. If there is a problem in this link, no matter how good the material is, it will be wasted. A pharmacist who has a thorough understanding of the spiritual array can not only save herbs, but also enhance the power of the elixirs. Therefore, a superb pharmacist must reach a very deep level in the understanding of the spiritual array.

"So what level are you in?" Shi Yan asked in surprise.

"I?" Qi Li smiled bitterly and shook her head, "I'm too far away. Even my master Charin doesn't know how many spiritual arrays there are, and I can't fully understand the spiritual array. Only a pharmacist like Mr. Li can be familiar with the use of various spiritual arrays to fully realize the potential of the elixir.

Qi Li explained briefly, and then continued to look at the spiritual array on the wall attentively, and never paid attention to him again.

The people who can meet Li Zhengrong are all the martial artists at the peak of the divine continent, or superb pharmacists, and even Charin has no chance to come to this place.

Qi Li finally seized the opportunity, and even preferred to be misunderstood by Lin Shiqi, just to see these spiritual arrays.

For a pharmacist like her who is obsessed with refining medicine, the spiritual array on the wall of this stone room is simply an endless treasure, similar to the martial arts skills of martial artists. As long as she understands it thoroughly, the future road of medicine refining will become spacious and bright, everything will go smoothly, and it is very likely to re-enter a level.

Shi Yan is not a pharmacist, and it is difficult to understand her obsession. Seeing that she is so attentive, she is embarrassed to continue to disturb, allowing her to silently remember the spiritual array on the wall, with a lost expression.

After waiting for half an hour, Lin Yaqi, who left, quietly returned and waved to Shi Yan at the entrance of the passage, signaling him to come alone.

Shi Yan got up and found that Qi Li had no reaction at all, and all the spirits were still on the wall.

smiled. He was so light that he was afraid of disturbing Qili. He slowly came to Lin Yaqi and walked with her in the quiet cave.

When he left Qili, Lin Yaqi hummed and gave him a white look, "You guy, do you care about that woman? Not only did he bring her together, but he didn't want to disturb her. To be honest, what does she have to do with you?

"She's my woman. Didn't I explain it before?" "Ghosts believe in you! When you held her hand, she was obviously surprised. It was not natural at all. Do you think I can't see it?

"Then why didn't you say anything?"

"Give you face, asshole, don't you appreciate it?"

" No, thank you very much."

"Then tell me, what's your relationship with her?"

"It doesn't matter. She was arranged by the spiritual hall to send me to Feiyunfeng. She took good care of me all the way. She really wanted to come to Feiyunfeng to have a look. I will be a good person and help her casually."

Lin Yaqi was naive and seemed to be extremely interested in the relationship between men and women. All the way, she stared at this aspect, inquired about all kinds of privacy of Shiyan, and even asked how many women he had and how he met every woman, which made Shiyan very depressed.

In the middle of the journey, Shi Yan simply shut up. No matter what she asked, she kept silent.

Lin Yaqi's teeth itched fiercely and stared at him hatefully for a while. "I'm just curious, can't you satisfy my little curiosity? As you know, I'm under the control of the old ghost master, and the boy Ye Changfeng often has time to go out. I don't have the courage to be bored to death in such a place..."

Shi Yan was stunned for a while, "Don't your master allow you to go out?"

"When my realm can't meet his requirements, I am strictly forbidden to go out." Lin Yaqi drooped her head and looked depressed.

"When you reach the realm of the third committee of heaven, and the level of the pharmacist reaches the spiritual level, I will allow you to go out for three years." A lazy and angry laughter came from behind the wall in front of him. The wall suddenly cracked, showing a passage full of gems, and the light in front of the passage was dazzling.

"Hurry up, the old ghost heard it." Lin Yaqi stuck out her tongue, accelerated her pace, and quickly swept lightly over there.

The stone rock immediately followed.

In a spacious cave, there are dozens of large and small medicine tripods. Each medicine tripod has different colors. The medicine tripod is engraved with mysterious patterns, such as the tripod, which is quite mysterious. Dozens of medicine tripods occupy the small half of the space of the cave. There are many utensils and medicine bottles piled up in front

In the middle of dozens of medicine tripods, there is a lazy fat man, fat, like a meat mountain. He narrowed his small eyes and his face was piled with harmless smiles. He looked at Shi Yan with a smile and raised his hand slightly and said, "Is Xiaoyou Shi Yan, right? Thank you for your drop of life solution. Ha ha, you are from the endless sea. That's really a noble guest.

Li Zhengrong moved his body and barely leaned on a huge medicine tripod to sit up straight. He smiled awkwardly. "I'm too fat to move. I'm too lazy to sit. I won't stand. If I can lie down, I won't sit. In the early years, when I tried the medicine myself, I didn't If you eat too much, your body will have something wrong with you. Now you are getting fatter and fatter. It's really a headache.

"Li Lao is at his own convenience. Don't worry about me." Shi Yan smiled kindly and came to the medicine tripods calmly. He looked at dozens of medicine tripods of different sizes and asked in surprise, "These medicine tripods are Li Lao's road to refinery, right?"

Li Zhengrong's little eyes lit up slightly, and the fat on his face trembled. He said with a smile, "What do you say?"

He looked like he wanted to study the stone rock. He seemed to be a little interested, and his little eyes narrowed even more.

"When Mr. Li was refining medicine in his early years, he should have used the largest medicine tripod." Shi Yan looked right and came to the side of those big medicine tripods. "At that time, Li Lao's realm should not be particularly profound, and he was too dependent on artifacts, and his understanding of refining medicine should not be enough, so he needed a big medicine tripod to portray the spiritual array and promote the power of medicinal materials."

"With the improvement of Li Lao's realm, the understanding of the spiritual array, the means of refining medicine gradually became superb, and gradually realized that the utensils are only a container for refining medicine. They no longer rely on the big medicine tripod, but began to penetrate the higher level of the mystery of refining medicine. At this time, they began to use the small medicine

"When Li Lao's realm is completed, the medicine tripod is no longer needed. As long as the fire in the body is used, the elixir can be condensed to seize the creation of heaven and earth. At this time, Li Lao broke away from the medicine tripod and entered the extreme of medicine refining. He became a master of a generation. Naturally, he no longer needs to rely on external things, take himself as a medicine tripod, take God as medicine, condense the aura of heaven and earth, and can catalyze the power of herbs to the greatest extent. This is

"The boy is really insightful!" Li Zhengrong's little eyes lit up, and he nodded repeatedly. The fat big hand also applauded with difficulty, as if he began to look at Shi Yan again. "No wonder the boy of Changfeng said that you are extraordinary. When I saw him today, I knew that although the little bastard was a little stubborn, he still had some insight."

Shi Yan smiled modestly, "I won't beat around the bush. I'm here to find Mr. Li, hoping that Mr. Li can come forward and help me get a friend back from the Pure Land. I can exchange it with the original liquid of life.

Li Zhengrong was stunned for a moment, and finally sat down completely straight. He said solemnly, "No matter what you take out, the Pure Land will not let people go. I'm sure of this."