Kill God

Chapter 540 Disaster

Tian Xiaofeng.

There is a huge mine in the middle of the mountain, which is dark and gloomy. A green and secluded dead spirit sticks to the top on the rock wall of the cave. There is a corpse pool in the cave, and countless corpses are piled up, flowing out of dark blood.

The meat balls were inserted in the pool of the refining corpse one by one, and the meat balls desperately sucked the nutrients in the corpse and kept swelling.

Around the corpse refining pool, a dark green necromancer floated, releasing the cold and evil breath, as if guarding the corpse refining pool.

Among the nearly a thousand peaks of the Necromancer Mountains, Tianqi is a barren and a hill without martial arts practice. In the valley of Tianqi Peak, a green light mass the size of a tree hole is constantly shrinking, and a large amount of cold air is released from it.

Those evil breaths, wisps, clusters, are injected into the caves of Tianxiao Peak one after another.

In the cave, a dead spirit spit out a green sticky ** to a meat ball, which sticks to the meat ball, turns into layers of energy and penetrates into the meat ball.

Time passes quietly.


In the meat ball, there was a sound of broken eggshells, that is, the covering the meat film on the surface of the meat ball cracked and scattered on the ground.

A short-footed dark green creature, who is only ten years old, is exposed from the meat ball, with toad-like folds, three green pupils, and cold and evil eyes.

This creature is in human form, with a pointed head, no ears, his cheeks are full of holes, and his nose breathes the evil spirit of the cave.

The dead spirit in the hole suddenly got excited, pulled the short-footed creature and dragged him to the dead evil hole.

Hundreds of dead spirits work together to force this creature with only a body to retreat into the undead evil hole in the valley.


The body of the first undead refined in the corpse pool was stuffed into the undead evil cave.

A circle of evil green light lines, with the dead spirit evil hole as the center, cleaned up, and the dead spirit evil hole suddenly doubled.

From the outside, I saw countless green tentacles in the necromancer's evil cave inserted into the undead body, injecting evil energy into it like an infusion.

The body of the dead grew rapidly, and the small holes in the cheeks spewed out a green beam of light, and the body quickly expanded into a normal human body.

In the evil cave of the dead spirit, a beam of green light penetrated from a faraway place and instantly sank into this dead, spiritual body.

After the ice-like eyes of the body of the dead were entered by the body by the dead, it became more and more horrible and evil, and a gloomy evil spirit burst out of the cave of the dead.

Ye C!

A crisp sound came from the dead evil cave, and the body of the dead occupied by the dead broke free from the dead evil cave and came to the Tianchi Mountain Valley.

Hundreds of dead spirits cheered around the evil cave of the dead, with sharp roars, roaring like ghosts crying and resentment.

The meat balls in the belly of Tian Xiaofeng Mountain swelled rapidly one by one, and soon, a new body of the dead was bred.

The first undead to come out of the evil cave with the body of the undead came to the cave, and suddenly found countless earthworm-like green tentacles from the waist and abdomen, and inserted into the newly bred undead body one after another.

The evil energy is rapidly injected into the new body of the dead, and the body of the dead continues to swell.

Not long after, there were high-level dead spirits floating around excitedly, and they rushed up one after another to choose a dead body to drill in.

Mountains of the Dead.

For a month and a half, many martial artists and pharmacists who did not escape because of the change of the dead and chose to stay on the peaks to practice disappeared continuously.

In half a month, hundreds of martial artists, pharmacists and refiners disappeared.

Some adventurers who go deep into the Necromancer Mountains, want to hunt and kill spirits, and obtain treasures from the Necromancer's Evil Cave are also missing one by one.

"Have you heard about it? Zhang Jiao's team has not returned for seven days in Tian Xiaofeng in the east?

"I heard that, not to mention Zhang Jiao, even a group led by a martial artist of the Light God Religion has lost its trace for no reason, and it can't be contacted."

"I heard from my master that the refiners and refiners who practiced in those mountains have also disappeared a lot recently.

In the elixir valley, in a shop selling elixirs, a group of warriors bowed their heads and whispered in horror.

Such a sound is repeated in all corners of the Treasure Valley and the elixir Valley.

In recent days, martial artists, refiners and pharmacists have been missing in a row, and the sound stone can't be contacted or found.

The mutation of the Necromancer Mountains, this moment seems to be more and more horrible. Some people who were going to stay and watch the changes came out of the valley one after another and left the Necromancer Mountains as soon as possible.

Among these departures, some of the teams have not yet walked out of the Necromancer Mountains and have disappeared.

When the news of those people's disappearance was returned to the Treasure Valley and the Elixir Valley, some people who had not left were afraid and immediately gave up the idea of leaving.

The situation is getting more and more serious.

Li Zhengrong and the general refiner of Treasure Valley are talking to the masters of the Pure Land, the Light God Religion and the Magic Palace every day to determine whether someone is mysteriously missing again.

In the past few days, according to the statistics of the Spirit Hall and the ware Hall, at least 700 warriors in the Necromancer Mountain have disappeared.

Every warrior in the two valleys is in danger.

Li Zhengrong is also the first two. When searching for the dead outside, he dares not be alone, and often sets out with the refinery master of the ware hall.

I don't know why, when these groups go on the road and move in various areas of the Necromancer Mountains, they often find nothing, not even a necromancer can be seen.

This is very unreasonable.

Before the necromancer has not changed, as long as you walk more in the area where there is a necromancer's evil cave, you can often encounter the active necromancer, and it is impossible not to see the necromancer for several days in a row.

After the dead spirit changes, according to reason, it should be after the most frequent necromancer activity. At this time, the necromancer should be ravaged everywhere.

I went out to search several times in a row, but I didn't see the dead, which made Li Zhengrong and his party panic more and more.

There are still people who have always been mysterious and have never stopped this situation. Gradually, Li Zhengrong finally realized a little unacceptable fact.

A dead spirit is not inactive, but raging around. The reason why they have not encountered it is that the dead spirit sensed their purpose in advance and avoided it in advance.

This means that the power of the dead has not been condensed enough for the time being. Knowing that he did not have the strength to fight against their masters, he avoided it first and looked for another opportunity to deal with other teams.

After affirming this discovery, Li Zhengrong and the refiner of the instrument hall began to be afraid and worried about the dead spirit.

The elixir valley and the treasure valley are closed.

In order to prevent more martial artists from going out and mysteriously disappearing, the spiritual hall and the instrument hall speak together. Ren Nian, who is still a martial artist in the elixir valley and the treasure valley, is not allowed to go out.

Once the soul of a warrior is corrupted, it will become a new necromancer, and can also become the source of the powerful power of the necromancer.

In order to prevent the dead from rapidly becoming stronger, Li Zhengrong had to take this strategy, guarding the Treasure Valley and the Lingyao Valley, and fight head-on with the dead.

In fact, they don't need to impose a ban, and no one has the courage to do so much.

After the news of the mysterious disappearance of more and more outgoing teams was exposed, the two warriors in the valley finally realized the bad situation.

Everyone is afraid of death. When they found that the stronger people who were more powerful than them also disappeared, those people were honest.

For the martial artists who stayed near the mountain to practice, the spiritual hall and the instrument hall summoned together, so that they could quickly come to the two valleys. If they couldn't get in touch, they had to give up.

At the same time, the three parties of Pure Land, Light God and Demon Palace, after sending the elders, these three parties can't help but pay attention to the movement of the Necromancer Mountains.

It is said that the real martial artists of these three parties have also gradually recovered from the retreat and should rush to the Necromancer Mountains as soon as possible.

For a while, the Necromancer has become the center of public opinion in the land of China. After the change of the Necromancer, the ancient factions of all parties have collected information from the Necromancer Mountain through their own ways.

Ice Emperor City.

Bing Qingtong, Shuangyuzhu, Leng Danqing and Han Cui practiced hard in the cold ice cellar. After waking up, Bing Qingtong received a message from the General League, and her pretish face quietly changed.

"Sister, what's wrong?" Han Cui smiled indifferently, her beautiful eyes were bright, and her cold breath set off her bright smile and excellent temperament.

"A huge change has occurred in the Necromancer Mountains. According to the General League, there will be a great disaster in the Necromancer Mountains..." Bing Qingtong did not miss the detailed explanation of the latest news.

After the incident of You Liming and Ning Duquan, the relationship between the four sisters returned to harmony, and there was no grudge. They practiced hard in the ice cellar together, and the realm and ice jade skills were making rapid progress.

Now Bing Qingtong has vaguely stepped into the peak of the gods, and Han Cui has also made obvious progress. Through the enhancement of the ice cellar during this period, the use of the power of ice is becoming more and more handy.

After their realm is improved, the attitude of the General League of War to them is much better than before. The news about the land of China will be transmitted as soon as possible.

Ning Duquan originally wanted to come to make trouble, but after learning their current state, he had to give up his mind.

The Ice Emperor City is no longer what it used to be.

"Didn't that bastard go to the Necromancer Mountains? At his speed, he should have reached the Necromancer Mountains. What should he do? Han Cui was scared and quickly sat up straight, with a worried face.

Frost rain bamboo and cold Danqing also frowned deeply.

"Let's go find him." Leng Danqing stood up with an anxious face.

"No." Bing Qingtong shook her head, "The situation in the Necromancer Mountains is too complicated. It's too late for us to go now. With the ability of Shiyan, there should be room for self-insurretion. Let's not worry too much, just keep an eye on the news there. I think he will be fine. After all, Ning Duquan can't do anything about him. Unless he is really strong, I believe he will be fine.

After listening to Bing Qingtong's words, Leng Danqing and Shuang Yuzhu thought about it carefully and nodded in agreement, but they still looked worried.

Treasure Valley.

Lin Yaqi came to the front of a house that rented all kinds of practice rooms. The old smile on her face was gone. She frowned deeply and quietly came to a gravity room and whispered, "Shiyan, open the door. I have something urgent to find you. Let me in quickly."