Kill God

Chapter 577 Fierce Battle

The seven ghost warriors, without exception, are all in the realm of Tongshen. The leading Lum's cultivation is the most exquisite, reaching the peak of Tongshen, and his breath is long and ancient.

The ghost tattoo clan is much stronger than the Yin Mei clan. They do not have the weakness of the body. The ghost tattoo on the body of every ghost tattoo clan is a strange martial soul. Some of them have ghost lines that can quench their bodies, making their bodies strong and tougher than ordinary martial artists who refine their bodies.

Among the seven people of Rum, there are two of them.

The ghost lines on those two people, one purple, one cyan, exquisite as a tedious array, overflowing with strange luster, can't help absorbing the aura of the nearby heaven and earth.

The aura of heaven and earth penetrates into the ghost lines. After being transformed by the ghost lines, it turns into a wisp of pure power, nourishing them in their blood and bones, making their bodies strong and inexplicably.

Because of the strength of the body, these two people of the ghost clan came to the front of Rum and others to deal with the attack of the stone rock head-on.

The long bloody dragon from the sword of the god, swallowed the scarlet blood light, and the fierce spirit swept all the way. The yin gas in the surrounding cemetery was swept away. In the thick smell of blood, the blood dragon suddenly wrapped around.

The ghost lines on the front of them suddenly squirmed like earthworms, and strange fluctuations rippled from their bodies, as if they had forcibly changed the operation mode of the power of heaven and earth.

The shriveled bodies of these two ghosts slowly filled and strong, and their heights were also elongated, and their blue veins burst out, full of a strong sense of power.

It's like a demon clan.

"Howl!" The two shouted at the same time, shaking the sky, and a pure brute force burst out of their bodies.

The two people's arms were swollen, and the crystal light visible to the naked eye flowed, quickly rushing to their fists.

In a flash, the two people's fists became crystal clear at the same time, like jade, shining, and the energy fluctuation became more and more thrilling.


Unexpectedly, the two people's fists burst suddenly. In the blood fog, their fists were like mountains like hammers, and suddenly burst.


The blood dragon that rushed to Rum and others, under the bombardment of the punch seal, also suddenly trembled, and the condensed blood swayed.

The two ghost-striped people whose fists burst suddenly looked ferocious and terrible, and the ferocity in their hearts was stimulated, and they rushed to the stone rock fearlessly.

In mid-air, the blood vessels of the two people's bodies burst one after another, and the ghost lines on their bodies flashed more and more.

A cavity of hot blood, the clan of two ghost clans, overdrawn the pure brute force refined for ten thousand years in the flesh and blood, grinning, like a fierce god.

Shi Yan frowned and grinned coldly, "I can't overdo it."

As soon as the idea moved, the negative force surged all over the body, and the essence flowing in the body gathered. A desperate, violent, bloodthirsty and crazy idea suddenly burst out from the stone rock body.

Run away for two days.

Shi Yan's eyes gradually turned scarlet as blood, his pupils were full of evil thoughts, and his body gradually dried up.

The dark white fog surrounds the whole body, forming a thick layer of white armor, and the strong negative force is like the surging and surging of the river.

Life and Death Seal!

Raise your hands, the light flashes, form a mark, and push it out.

The artistic conception of death is quietly confused, and the heaven and earth of life and death alternate, as if evolved in that mark, and the cold idea of death spread out, which seemed to echo the cold and silent tomb.

Hunting the yin wind roars, and the dead ancient tombs, like the seeds of death planted, an absolute idea of death, permeating the whole audience.

Rum and other ghost clan people's faces changed suddenly.

"The power of death!" Rum subconsciously exclaimed and calmed down in a hurry, and an ice-blue beam of light flashed away in his eyes.

The ghost pattern on his chest suddenly came to life, and unexpectedly formed an ice-blue flower in a short time. The textures became the lines of the flowers, which were very strange.

A small ice-blue flower bloomed in Rum's chest. In Rum's eyes, the strange light was uncertain.

A wisp of pure power poured into the ice-blue flower from the Rum body. The ice-blue flower slowly opened in his chest. When the flowers were about to drip, it suddenly flew out of Rum's chest and suddenly fell towards the artistic conception formed by the seal of life and death.

A vast and strange situation was released from the ice-blue flower. Under that artistic conception, Shiyan gave birth to a decadenity that was in the vast sea and could never go to the end.

The ice-blue flowers are in blooming very brightly, with wonderful fluctuations, rippled from the flowers incessantly, affecting the artistic conception of death.

Suddenly, the flowers began to adjust, and the petals swayed, dancing like elves, beautiful. In this gloomy ancient tomb, there was an amazing beauty... In each petal, when flying, it gradually deformed, turned into a seed, and fell on the tide. Wet land.

Extremely weird, on the ground, a small bud began to emerge tenaciously, as if deliberately targeting the artistic conception of death and began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When the buds gradually bloomed, the artistic conception of death was told by the stone rock, such as the bright moon in the mirror suddenly appeared.

Shi Yan's eyes were slightly confused.

A wisp of cold will suddenly penetrated his sea of knowledge and woke him up in an instant.

With a shock, Shi Yan stared and found that there was nothing in front of him. Rum in the distance, the ghost lines on his chest condensed into an ice blue flower and did not escape.

"Well, play with us in the mood, you are a little inferior." Na Rum looked cold and quite disdainful.

Shi Yan was surprised and not angry. He nodded with a smile, "That's right, you guys are all old and not dead. It seems that I'm too naive to target the artistic conception in front of you."

After saying that, he stopped talking and rushed to the war demons and ghosts beside him and ordered him to go down.

The king of war demons, ghosts, golden silkworms, and demon insects immediately flew out and began to be cruel to the seven people of the ghost clan, suppressing them with strength.

Each of the people of the ghost clan is good at soul mystery, and they also have a unique understanding of all kinds of power artistic conception between heaven and earth.

Against the enemy, it is obviously unrealistic to win by fancy. Only pure power bombardment is the king's way.

The king of war demons, ghosts, golden silkworms and demon insects, without exception, are not afraid of the invasion of the souls of the ghost clan, especially the war demons and ghosts, as if they can avoid the invasion of thin souls, rampaging among the ghosts, ignoring the soul skills of the seven people at all.

The war demon is like a chariot, rolling violently in the ghost clan, and the pressure is as heavy as a mountain, covering everyone.

The ghost has changed into a human shape, with a face with scales, and sharp thorns on the shoulders, elbows and knees. The movement is like the wind, and the hands and feet are sharp weapons, which is simply indestructible.

The gold-eating silkworm just shoots a line of gold, such as a spider's web, releasing those gold threads, and slightly engulfing the space of the seven people of Rum.

The seven people of Lum, although their realm is not low, their strength is extremely weak. They are targeted by war demons, ghosts, golden silkworms, and the king of demons and insects. Suddenly, they are in danger, and they can only avoid the edge for the time being.

Shi Yan looked indifferent, put away the magic sword in his hand, stood with his hands on his back, looked at them faintly, and did not take action.

He changes his consciousness frequently.

A wisp of divine consciousness condensed by the power of space wandered around in the ancient tomb of Tianyin, sweeping towards the area where the two sages of the ghost clan were located.

In that group of graves, a fierce battle was in full swing.

Lei Mo, Zhuo Hui, Ai Po, Gongsun Tao and others joined hands to fight against the ghost clan. Even Ye Xiong, Zhu Yi and Yue Qian also participated in, together to stimulate the power of the secret treasure on their bodies and fight against the ghost clan.

The two sages of the ghost clan, sitting inside the ghost clan, lowered their heads slightly, with a cold smile at the corners of their mouths.

A stream of obvious soul fluctuations were shot out of the sages of the two ghost clan, and a kind of soul skill was released, quietly targeting Raymer and others.

Lei Mo, Ai Po, Gongsun Tao and other seven ancientsites couldn't help but take out all the secret treasures of soul defense. The secret treasures were shining brightly, offsetting the soul impact of the two sages. They rushed desperately to the center of the ghost clan and tried to kill the two surrounded sages.

The two sages, in the ghost clan, still tried their best to restore their strength and absorb the aura of heaven and earth.

Out of the confinement, the strength of the two people was exhausted. After this recovery, it was also a drop in the bucket, and it was impossible to have combat effectiveness so quickly.

They are trying to buy time.

Once the strong people in the true divine realm absorb the power, they are enough to show their martial arts. I'm afraid that everyone in Raymer can't cope with it at all.

Raymer and others also knew it, and they attacked desperately to take down the two sages as soon as possible.

The scattered consciousness of the stone rock continues to detect every corner of the Tianyin ancient tomb.

A figure suddenly appeared in his sea of knowledge.

Raymer's son, Ray.

He and Aiya were not together. He stood quietly behind a tombstone, with thunder in his eyes, and a dark and cold look on his face, quietly infused the battle between Raymer and the ghost clan.

After Lei Qi, there are several corpses from the Martial Soul Hall and the Heavenly Palace, one of which is Mo Linger's.

She looked extremely pale and frightened. She seemed to have seen something extremely terrible before she died.

Next to the corpses, Lei suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked up at the air, with a flash of lightning flashing in his pupils.

A divine consciousness of the stone rock was suddenly hit.

When the sea was shocked, he immediately screamed and looked shocked.

Even the spirit that the ghost-sage didn't pay attention to was easily smashed by Lei Zhi, which surprised him.

"He is a thunderstorm." At this moment, the idea came from the nine ghost-eating soul flame, "Be careful of him. He is recovering his strength little by little with the help of that body."