Kill God

Chapter 615 Crazy Refinery!

The red fire was condensed into a delicate arm, playing with the gap piled up by a piece of jade.

The red magma overflowed and splashed, and the angular crystals were rolling like life.

The gap is in all directions, split into hundreds of narrow forks. Liquid energy fluctuations come from the fork, which can be seen with the naked eye.

Each piece of secret treasure, which is not particularly high grade, was put into the chasm under the traction of an invisible force. It was burned and refined by the fire juice in the magma, burned a lot of black dregs and sank into the bottom.

The four-way chasm, looking down from the sky, it can be seen that it is an extremely tedious and huge ancient secret array, covering ten miles, scattered forks, like fiery snakes, rolling and surging with fire, burning, irritable, as if the monsters of the fiery space engulfing the earth.

All kinds of secret treasures of different shapes, sink and float in the tedious and magical ancient secret array, burned by fire, and penetrated by the strange forces existing in the secret array.

A young man dressed in red, sitting in the air, just above the gully, squinting slightly, making countless decisions with both hands.

A method flew out of the palms of his hands and appeared in the void as an ancient array outlined by thin energy light. The array was initially extremely small, with large nails, but it was composed of hundreds of thousands of energy lines, which was extremely tedious and complicated.

When the picture slowly falls to the gully below, it will gradually expand, slowly becoming the size of a palm, a washbasin, and a doorman"

The array engraved by thousands of energy silk threads has also slowly become clear. Some are like palm prints, mysterious and natural, some are like the veins of the earth, heavy and solemn, and some are like the trajectory of birds, and there is no trace to be found...

All kinds of movements are unknown, but they all contain mysterious arrays of heaven and earth, such as the light curtain given by God, flying down the chasm below one by one, and branded on all kinds of secret treasures that have been removed from impurities. Once each secret treasure is attached to a matrix, it will immediately begin to change wonderfully. The energy fluctuation will suddenly flash, and the material will also change fundamentally. [ Breaking Dawn God provides Baidu's first release]

Either as warm and greasy as beautiful jade, or as unbreakable as gold and iron, and some are as soft as cotton balls, which can be stretched at will and will never break and regret"

Different secret treasures are branded with different arrays and have different magical power.

When those secret treasures are quenched and portrayed on the array, and given new power, they will slowly rise from it. Everything is shining with treasure light, showing strong energy fluctuations, and the shape is also exquisite and mysterious. At a glance, it makes people happy and difficult to give up.

On the periphery of the gap, there are hundreds of warriors, each of whom clenched their fists tightly, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out, and the fire of desire in his eyes was burning.

When a sword-shaped secret treasure flew out and appeared a bright moonlight, which flew into a person's hand with brilliance, the man finally couldn't help but feel excited, trembling, and said with a dry tongue, "Thank you! Thank you, Master Yan!"

The young man sitting in the air opened his eyes slightly, smiled indifferently, and said slowly, "The material of your sword is so bad that it removes impurities and depicts the burning array away from the water. It's a pity that it can only reach the spiritual level."

"It's not a pity, it's not a pity!" The man was full of excitement, like a treasure, clenched the sword, and had a wonderful feeling of fit with flesh and blood.

The energy contained in his sword body, with a scorching heat, and the skills he practiced can be perfectly integrated and superimposed. "Master Yan, this sword was originally just a mysterious grade. You, you have raised it to a higher level! Master Yan, I am only in the realm of the three heavens. With this spirit-level three-grade sword, I dare to fight to the death with the warriors of the Hundred Disasters!" The man's excited words were incoherent, suppressing the impulse to laugh wildly, and his body trembled violently.

As soon as he said this, the eyes of many warriors around him were all red.

They looked at the gully like bloodthirsty beasts and stared at the secret treasure of their lives, like flying locusts, and threw themselves into the magma-covered chasm.

Shiyan made such a big battle, they didn't think it would be very useful at the beginning.

It is not easy to upgrade the level of the same secret treasure. Even if you are a great refiner in the land of China, you need to be well prepared, the same.

He used ten days to depict a strange gully array, filled hundreds of refiner materials into it, released the sky fire, and asked everyone to throw the secret treasure in their hands.

Many people don't believe it. They are afraid of damaging the secret treasure and don't want to take it out. It was not until Emperor Yang Qing couldn't see it and gave the order that someone reluctantly threw down the secret treasure.

The person who just got the flying sword was the first to make a profit. A sword of the mysterious level was promoted to the spiritual level, and the level rose to the whole first level!

There was no doubt, and there was no doubt. Everyone's eyes were red, and they were like jackals who had been hungry for a hundred years, and they threw the secret treasures in their hands into the gap ahead.

"Stop!" Shi Yan shouted softly and said solemnly, "The energy juice in the ancient array below is limited, not too much at a time, otherwise it is difficult to remove the impurities of everyone's secret treasure. Well, don't worry, come one by one. I will help you refine the secret treasures in everyone's hands.

"Yan Shaojie, I, I haven't put it down yet? Ling Ming blushed and raised his neck, "Add me one more, just add me!" Should it be all right?"

"Uncle Ling, don't bring this! Don't mess around!"

"Lao Ling! My secret treasure has been thrown down. Don't make trouble!"

Mo Duanhun and a young man, when they saw that Ling Ming wanted to ignore the rules, he was shocked and his face changed. He hurried over and grabbed him and almost wanted to do it.

"Gre free of me! Brother Mo, let go of your hand!" Ling Ming had a thick neck and blue veins on his face. "Who the hell knows if the materials below are enough! No, you have to add me like this! If you don't let go, I'm going to do it!"

Ling Ming knew that the cultivation materials in the gap were extremely precious. He was not sure if there were more supplements in Yang Qingdi's hands. If not, the spiritual secret treasure in his hand might have to wait for the next opportunity.

Next time, I don't know when"

"Put your secret treasure in, our level has been lowered, and we will fight with you!" Mo's soul, which has always been motionless, also came with a temper, put on a stinky face, and shouted gloomily.

"I don't care! Anyway, I can't live without me!" Ling Ming picked up his sleeves and was about to quarrel with him with a red face.

"What are you doing!" At this moment, Yang Qingdi's voice suddenly sounded, "Xiao Ling, you were afraid before and didn't want to put it in, but now you can't blame others. Well, that's it. You can wait for the next wave.

As soon as Emperor Yang Qing opened his mouth, Ling Ming was dumbfounded and bitter, like a funeral examination. He sighed and secretly hated that he had no eyes before. Unexpectedly, he didn't see that Shi Yan had the great power to seize heaven and earth.

Shi Yan did not open his mouth. Hearing the sound of Emperor Yang Qing's stop, he half-squinted and continued to apply all kinds of refinery methods.

The power of divine consciousness and the pure energy in the body, under the change of his mind, are constantly condensed and combined into various ancient refining arrays, which have become exquisite and effective imprints and engraved on all kinds of secret treasures below.

In the process of casting the magic decision, his spiritual platform is clear, not stained with dust, without a trace of negative emotions, and his soul seems to have been sublimated.

He suddenly realized that his martial soul, which converts the negative power of acupuncture points, is magical, but it is easy to make his soul out of control. Every time he exerts his violent martial arts skills, he will habitually fall into the fire, which is the sequelae.

In the refinery, his spiritual platform is clear, and his soul seems to be washed by invisible divine water. All kinds of fog barriers that cover his mind will be gradually cleared away, so that his soul will be re-pacified.

The whole-hearted refiner is the purification of the soul, which can effectively prevent him from going astray and benefit his soul.

The technique of the refiner and the condensed array all imply the truth of heaven and earth. In the application, his understanding of the true meaning of various heaven and earth is also rapidly enhanced, making him have different understandings of different forces.

When he found that the refinery had helped him so much, he looked at the matter more seriously without any resistance. He regarded him as a kind of understanding of a martial artist and benefited more.

Many warriors of the Yang family and the Shi family around the neighborhood watched him suspended in the air, constantly playing a series of magic decisions, and gradually calmed down from the previous irritability and excitement.

Looking at the change of the Dharma decision, from small to expanded, faintly outlining the operation law of the mystery of heaven and earth, if many people realized something, suddenly sat down cross-legged, and the spiritual platform seemed to open, flashing a light of enlightenment. [ Breaking Dawn God provides Baidu's first release]

The array map is also a form of evolution of the power of heaven and earth. If there is great wisdom to understand the mystery from it, it is extremely useful for the cultivation of martial arts, and it can even usher in an epiphany and instantly enter a new realm.

Shiyan has the cultivation of the divine realm. The writer of the refinery key is a divine refiner. The mystery contained in the array he made is extremely profound and magical. As long as he understands a trace, it may touch the cultivation barrier of martial artists.

Most of those onlookers are not too high. When they look at the evolution of those arrays, it is easier to get a deep feeling.

Gradually, more and more onlookers held their breath and sat down silently around the chasm.

Later, even Ling Ming and Mo Duanhun realized something and closed their eyes and began to look for something.

Those martial artists who chose to stay and fight with the Yang family secretly celebrated at this moment. They celebrated their own wisdom and were glad that they had not become escapees.

If you don't die, you will be blessed.

Shi Yan's words ten days ago resurfaced in their minds. At this time, they knew that there was such a statement.

Everyone looked at Shi Yan, from the previous confusion and surprise, to full of respect, regarded him as a leader like Emperor Yang Qing, and began to trust him from the bottom of his heart.

In the most difficult moment of the land human race in China, this small group of people is in a remote place that no one cares about. The soul is quiet, as if they have found the pure land of the soul, unite, and gradually begin to become stronger.

PS second update!