Kill God

Chapter 632 Fierce Man!

Emperor Yang Qing was burning like flesh and blood, and his whole body fell into a crazy situation. He burned the immortal blood, which was the divine blood he had absorbed!

The immortal blood and divine blood were completely stimulated, and the energy fluctuations that burst out in an instant broke through the soul barrier of the Comoros and burned the power of Cassid wood that wrapped around his whole body into ashes.

Like a moth to the fire, he came to Cassidy's side and desperately drowned him with a bloody ocean.

In the bloody ocean released by Emperor Yang Qing, even Cassidy in the real divine realm seemed extremely embarrassed. The power from Emperor Yang Qing made the blood in Cassidy's body riot, making his blood boil and confused.

As soon as the bloody mane and Yan Long saw the great change in the situation, they no longer hesitated. They also rushed over and pestered the Comoros and Aveson.

Back to the top, the brilliance is intertwined, and different forces impact each other. Two huge figures shrouded the sky like dark clouds. Countless ancient trees burst into pieces in the collision of power, and the leaves and branches burst one after another.

In the change of Tianwei, dunghong's martial artists in the heavenly palace felt in vain that they were extremely small and extremely uneasy.

Qiu Hong did not dare to act rashly. I don't know if he would take the opportunity to leave at this time to stimulate the ferocity of the alien race and hide in the ancient tree debris next to Hubo, with a undecided face.

Jim and the moon meal looked at each other, opened their eyes wide, and looked at the crazy Yang Qingdi in disbelief, with their eyes in a dazzled look.

"Is that guy really in the realm of God?" Ji Zhuang's tone was amazed, and he shook his head repeatedly... "I really can't imagine that any martial artist in the divine realm can burst out such a terrible power in an instant." He looked at Yue Li.

Yue Rong squeezed her mouth and smiled bitterly... "Maybe the people related to Shiyan are as magical as him. Sometimes I always feel that it will take too long for our land in China to look dull and without the appearance of wonderful guys.

The ferocity shown by Yang Qingdi at this moment is beyond their common sense cognition. The power shown by Yang Qingdi at this time is horrible!

Cassidy is the true god of the ghost tattoo clan. He has an ancient inheritance and has the mysterious ghost tattoo talent of the ghost tattoo clan. Even if his strength has not completely recovered quickly, it is enough to fight with the peak strong man of the land human race in China.

However, when dealing with Yang Qingdi, Cassidy was so embarrassed that he was at a disadvantage!

The development of the situation was obviously beyond their imagination. At this time, Jim and the lunar meal found that no one cared about them. Instead, they were not in a hurry to leave. Hidden in a corner, they silently observed and wanted to see further changes.

Emperor Yang Qing was crazy, and his sophisticated bones were covered with blood-like armor. He held a blood wheel to spread countless blood-colored ripples. In the blood-colored ripples, there was a power of despair.

Dishan looked up at the sky, and the black wings shook gently, with a desperate and powerless idea from the depths of his soul.

This was influenced by Emperor Yang Qing.

It was not until this moment that Dishan realized that Emperor Yang Qing had hidden his strength from beginning to end, and never showed all his tricks.

In the blood wheel of Emperor Yang and the power released around him, there is a deep despair mood. It seems that only when he is forced into a desperate situation can he stimulate the real power. In an instant, the power soared and reached an incredible situation.

Awaken the explosive power with the realm of despair, give the opponent the will to despair and helplessness, and destroy the opponent's mind with his invincible nerves.

Emperor Yang Qing's road of power understanding is obviously evil, paranoid and crazy. Only a hero like him who is calm on the surface and crazy in the heart can continue on this unusual road of power.

In despair, he can burn the flesh and blood of his true self, burn the divine blood he absorbs, and live to death in the most difficult situation, and explode his greatest potential.

Only those who are extremely cruel and cold-blooded to themselves can understand and carry it forward.

Emperor Yang Qing is such a fierce man!

With the cultivation of the realm of God, he burns his own flesh and blood, takes power from the desperate environment, stimulates the potential, and instantly drives the energy hidden in the blood of the body. With the idea of death, he drags the other party into the nightmare of despair, and fights with the other party with unparalleled tenacious will!

This kind of character is either crazy or a madman with great perseverance and wisdom.

Cassidy was extremely embarrassed. In the power mood released by Emperor Yang Qing, the unbearable scene that the ghost tattoo clan was about to be destroyed came to his mind.

One by one, the people of the ghost clan, like burned out of fireworks, bombarded by the power of flying in the sky, fell one after another, and before the body fell to the bottom, the soul disappeared.

As a great sage, he and the Comoros had nothing to do. His soul seemed to be imprisoned. He watched the situation develop in the direction they feared most. He looked at their patriarchs, who were bruised all over his body under the siege of many strong men. He watched the patriarchs send them into the Yin Fu Sutra one by one He fell and sealed the Yin Fu Sutra.

The painful memories of those scenes uncontrollablely emerge from my heart, and they linger.

Cassidy's heart suddenly appeared in despair and power from the depths of his heart. He felt that all the power had left him, and his whole soul gradually turned towards darkness.

Under the influence of the desperate power of Emperor Yang Qing, he could not get rid of it, but was brought back to the endless abyss by memory. He had no will to compete and no determination to fight to the death.

That battle to destroy the clan was his eternal demon. For countless years, he has been suppressing, deliberately forgetting, not daring to recall, and not thinking that he thought he had crossed that level.

It was not until Emperor Yang Qing burned his flesh and blood in despair and released the power of his understanding in despair that Cassidy realized in vain that in fact, he had not come out of his heart... He still regretted the humiliating past.

In the realm of the true god, his mind was taken away, and his strength was greatly reduced. In the upsurge of Emperor Yang Qing, in the blood submerged in the sea of blood, it was like a leaf of light elixir, as if it would be overturned by the sea of blood at any time.

Everyone was suppressed by the vision in the sky.

Yang Qingdi, who is in the realm of heaven, shows the power at this moment, which is not inferior to the true god strongman at the peak of the land of Shenzhou!

The power drawn from despair is simply the most paranoid, extreme and terrible power in the world, like a sword stained with blood, which can penetrate everything!


Cassidy spewed out a mouthful of blood, with blood on his chest, and a pair of eyes that had been sold in the past, slowly became out of focus and shine.

Emperor Yang Qing became a blood-red sticky shoe skeleton, without a large piece of flesh and blood all over his body. He looked terrible. Anyone who looked at it would be frightened.

Cowardly people will even have a tantrum and vomit directly.

How can cruel and crazy people burn their own flesh and blood and pursue the mystery of paranoid extreme power in the pain and despair of the heart?

Those who can do this and do not regard themselves as flesh and blood, if they can't greatly improve their strength, I'm afraid even God won't allow it!

Cassidy's blood flew out, and his whole body was out of control. The blood at the corners of his mouth was like two small readings, flowing along his neck, as if the blood in his body was pulled by some force, and he had to rush out of his body before he stopped.

The dung Hong watched silently in the distance, and then sighed in a low voice. He shook his head and said, "The hero!"

He suddenly realized that although he had forced Emperor Yang Qing fiercely, he still failed to force Emperor Yang Qing into a desperate situation. Fortunately, he failed to let Emperor Yang Qing fall into a desperate situation. Otherwise, what was waiting for him would be Emperor Yang Qing's extreme blood revenge!

His heart is bright. If Emperor Yang Qing treats him like this, with his real strength, maybe he is dead now.

In the Heavenly Palace, he was known as "the most unlikely person to be underestimated..." But today, when he saw the fierce despair and adversity of Emperor Yang Qing, he knew that he was still too inferior.

"It's no wonder even the master attaches great importance to this person."

The surname of Ji was stunned for a while and sighed, "I seldom convince people. I'm really convinced today. It turns out that there are really such fierce people in the world."

Yue Rong was silent and just nodded in agreement.

Yanlong and Xuelu focused on dealing with Comoros and Aveson, the high-level strong men of these two demon clans, really focused on being ruthless, but they were not inferior to Aveson.

When everyone looked at Yang Qingdi, the tide that had abnormal waves before gradually calmed down.

The starlight in the sky no longer continues to fly down from the sky like raindrops, and the tide becomes as bright as a mirror, reflecting the fighting images of the people above one by one.

On the waveless tide, a little red light appeared on the ground. The light gradually expanded, and the hot breath slowly grew. After a while, the lake cracked a small opening.

When the battle was on the top, a long figure appeared from the small mouth. In the sun, moon and stars, he gradually floated to the sky and frowned and looked around.

Dishan was looking at Emperor Yang Qing with admiration. He suddenly felt something and was shocked. He hurriedly knelt to the ground and said respectfully, "Master."

Shi Yan nodded gently, surrounded by tens of thousands of starlight spots. The starlight was like a dense flying insect, wrapped around him, and it looked like he was wearing a bright clothes of stars, gorgeous.

In front of his chest, the amazing stars fluctuated and vibrated, and countless shrinking star rivers were intertwined, blooming dazzling starlight, as if countless stars and rivers gathered in his heart, continuously delivering the mysterious star energy of the vast starry sky for him.

"Has the master broken through?" Dishan realized it carefully for a while, and suddenly shouted in ecstasy.

Shi Yan smiled indifferently and affirmed his guess. Immediately, his face darkened. He frowned at the bloody Yang Qingdi and asked, "What's going on?"

Dishan lowered his head and quickly told the situation.

Shi Yan listened indifferently, and his eyes gradually became gloomy and cold. He nodded for a while, glanced at Li Hong and others, and said to Dishan, "Kill!"

Dishan happily responded and rushed straight to the Tiangong.