Kill God

Chapter 681 Three-layer Soul Sacrifice

Shi Yan woke up leisurely.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he was suddenly stunned with a strange expression.

The smoke of the creation of the divine pool has disappeared, and all the materials of the spiritual platform and the construction of the divine pool seem to have exploded. In the direction of the depiction of the divine pool, there is only a huge hole left, dozens of meters deep, black and charming, filled with the lake. Looking around, he found that all the best Yuanjing had become mortal stones, with no aura and no energy fluctuation.

Emperor Yang Qing stood along the edge of the pit, looking quite embarrassed and his eyes were red. It seemed that he hadn't slept for hundreds of days and had no energy at all.

Just a glance, Shi Yan withdrew his eyes and turned to internal inspection of himself.

On his face, an extremely surprised look appeared in vain. He seemed to have found something wonderful, and his expression was shocked.

A great change has taken place in my mind. The area of the sea of knowledge has been expanded by nearly five times. In the brain, every wisp of divine consciousness is like the gorgeous light of the starry sky, brilliant, dazzling, and contains pure divine consciousness fluctuations.

The sea of knowledge is vast and vast, following some wonderful heaven and earth, slowly floating, pure divine knowledge has become the sea of knowledge, as if it has reached a wonderful connection with each of his veins, so that he can clearly recognize the changes of essence in the body's veins.

Calm down, he realized that he was slightly integrated, and his face trembled slightly, and a stream of joy couldn't help flowing all over his body. The sea of knowledge and the ancient trees are connected to each other.

A wisp of consciousness, through the connection and communication with the veins of the body, can go directly to the ancient tree in the lower abdomen of the body, skillfully move each of them, distribute it to the veins, and display the magic power.

This is a time when the body money has never been in the divine realm. If he wants to call the energy of the body essence, he needs to import it into the main soul with divine consciousness, and form a consciousness wave from the main soul, and then let the essence gather and flow with specific veins, so as to form effective martial arts.

It seems to be different now.

His wisps of consciousness are directly connected with the veins and the ancient trees. An idea in his mind is like ripples falling into the sea of knowledge, which can immediately make changes and mobilize the power of the body.

This reaction speed seems to be many times faster, that is to say, he has a faster and better way to master the body and the control of the essence.

The changes in my mind are not just like this.

Above the sea of his knowledge, it is a triangular altar. The altar is not substantial, but erratic. It is condensed by countless light spots, which contains the mysteries of stars, life and death, and space. It has the special fluctuations of these three forces, which is extremely mysterious.

On the triangular altar formed by the condensation of life and death, stars and space power, there is the divine soul. The divine soul is like a chaotic flame, not the appearance of his body, like a transparent and white liquid, ripering and quietly suspended on the triangular altar.

Looking carefully, he found that the altar was not that layer, but divided into three layers.

At the bottom is the vast sea of knowledge, which is vast and vast. Above the sea of knowledge is a new layer of life and death, stars, and the mystery of space. The triangular shape, the three power mysteries of life and death, stars and space seem to form the three lines of the triangle. The three mysteries inside have strange waves

The top layer is the chaotic flame-like soul, constantly releasing soul energy. The sea of knowledge, the mystery of power, and the soul of God show the appearance of an altar. The sea of knowledge is the broadest, followed by the mystery of power. The top soul is only the size of a fist, like a flame.

With a move of his mind, he found that the perfect integration of the soul, the meaning of power and the sea of knowledge is the only one. The idea of consciousness is not stagnant. An idea enters the layer of the meaning of power, which can immediately cause the altar to fluctuate the meaning of the altar, and then connect the sea of knowledge and communicate , exert unbelievable power.

The soul is the main, supplemented by the mystery of power and the sea of knowledge, and finally connected with the flesh and blood essence. The martial arts formed by the mystery of power can be greatly increased.

Is this the true divine realm? A trace of doubt appeared in Shiyan's mind. The next moment, his spirit flew out of his body, and his eyes were in a trance.


A wisp of bright silver flame, jumping on the sea of knowledge, seemed to have been driven out of his home and lost its place.

That's the nine ghost-eating flames.

When he broke through the true divine realm and condensed his soul, the fire was expelled and separated from his main soul. Now his soul has become, but the flame can no longer be integrated into his soul. Although it is also subtly related to the soul, it is difficult to really integrate into one. Shi Yan was silent, and his thoughts passed through the soul one by one, as if he was searching for something, secretly communicating with Tianhuo.

For a long time, his eyes lit up in horror, and his expression suddenly cheered up. The fusion of the sky fire can also form a position, which can become the center of his three-story altar, a new level, which is the knowledge conveyed by the idea of the nine ghost flames.

According to the fluctuation of his soul, the soul is extremely mysterious and contains the purest mystery of the rules of heaven and earth. Once formed, it can only accommodate the imprint of mystery, spiritual understanding and memory. It cannot be integrated into other creatures. Tianhuo has a sense of autonomy, so it cannot be integrated into his soul. If it has to be integrated, it is also possible. Unless the heavenly fire is extremely compatible with a kind of mystery brand he understands, the consciousness in the heavenly fire can be erased before the seal of the heavenly fire can be eased into the mystery imprint of the soul, which will greatly enhance the progress and breakthrough of the mystery brand.

However, in his soul, the three mystical imprints of stars, life and death, and space do not match the attributes of Tianhuo, which is difficult for him to achieve.

One more point, he doesn't want to erase the consciousness of Tianhuo. Tianhuo has no consciousness, no intelligence, only power, which is not what he wants.

Perhaps it was his nature that the nine ghost-eating flames came from this soul knowledge and provided him with a new solution: coexistence.

On the top of his knowledge of the sea, a new altar is formed by the sky fire, which coexists with the mystery of the power, and warms his soul together. With the help of his knowledge of the sea, he can also absorb part of his strength. Of course, it can also give back his strength.

In this way, it is equivalent to that the sky fire has become a unique power mystery, but it does not integrate into the first layer of the mystery power, but is distinct from the second layer. Although it is not as perfect as the second layer as the soul and the sea of knowledge, it can also connect with each other and make up for each other.

Shi Yan did not listen to him immediately, but contacted Xuanbing Hanyan first to hear his opinion.

After receiving this proposal, Xuanbing Hanyan thought about it carefully and felt that the proposal was feasible and beneficial to both sides.

Tianhuo can use his knowledge of the sea, flesh and blood to nourish himself and strengthen himself, because he doesn't really want to leave him after being integrated into the soul, and he has no worries.

And he, the three-story altar has an area composed of sky fire, which can also use the power of sky fire to be used at any time in the war with people.

This is a win-win situation.

He didn't believe in Jiuyou Soul Flame, but he trusted Xuanbing Hanyan quite a lot. After receiving his feedback message, he immediately started to proceed.

The idea moved, and the nine ghost-eating soul flame turned into a cluster of silver fire. The corner of the power arcone layer of the triangle stopped and quietly floated on the sea of knowledge.

The mysterious ice cold flame in the blood pattern ring quietly flew out with the earth's fire, turned into two clusters of small doors, and the flames penetrated into his eyes and flashed away, straight to the sea of his knowledge, together with the nine ghost-eating soul flames.

A hot and cold breath rippled in the sea of knowledge. His soul had a short discomfort. However, after a while, his soul adapted under the deliberate convergence of the mysterious ice and cold flame and the earth fire.

The breath of the nine ghost devouring flame, the mysterious ice cold flame, and the earth fire seem to have become three special energy hot springs, and the power arcanamy layer of the triangle also has a warming and lifting effect on his soul.

He was keenly aware of it.

"There is another kind of..." Shiyan's consciousness fluctuated and passed to the blood pattern ring, "Rise it go, I'm going to detain him."

The smell of the corpse fire gradually overflowed from the blood pattern ring. This heavenly fire from the green underworld has been honest, so it has always been imprisoned. At this time, when he realized the laxity of the blood pattern ring, he immediately wanted to escape.

Star Chain!

As soon as the soul of the stone rock moved, the ripples came from the sea of knowledge. In the arcane power layer of the triangle, the arcane of the stars seemed to be mobilized, and the true meaning of the arcane of the stars was suddenly displayed.

A crystal chain, as if full of stars, suddenly rushed out of his heart, wrapped the corpse fire in an instant, dragging him into the body.

Not long after Xing Hao entered the inner city, he opened to him the secrets of the Light God Religion about the stars and the fire day. He had a new understanding of the use of all kinds of power in the stars and the sun.

This star chain is a derivative change of the mystery of the star power. It has the power of star confinement, and has an extraordinary bondage to the strange soul.

The breath of the mysterious ice and cold flame came out from the depths of his eyes, and wisps of extremely cold air filled the chain, which extended in the chain of stars, enhancing the power of the star's confinement, so that the adjacent corpse fire could not break free.

"Don't be ignorant and let you enter the heart of my sea of knowledge. This is to give you face. If you don't follow, I will make you feel embarrassed."

The cold soul will of the stone rock rushed into the green and secluded corpse fire.

The chain of stars dragged him directly to the sea of knowledge. As soon as he entered the sea of knowledge, the energy of the mysterious ice flame, the earth heart fire and the nine ghost flames came together, firmly suppressing him.

The corpse fire gave up the struggle, and suddenly became honest and accepted his fate, allowing him to do it.

Regardless of the changes of the outside world for the time being, Shi Yan looked indifferent, and there was a wonderful flame beating in the depths of his eyes. With the magic of the mysterious ice flame and the nine ghost-eating soul flame, he took the knowledge as the foundation, guided by the soul, collected the flesh, blood and energy, and re-conden

A new layer of power, which is beneficial to both sides of the wave magnetic field, helps both sides to improve the evolutionary area and slowly form.

At the beginning, the corpse fire was still quite fierce. After he found the real intention of Shiyan, he suddenly appeared with joy and cooperated with all his strength.

He is not stupid. When he realizes that Shi Yan does not want to erase his consciousness, but to coexist with him and do something beneficial to both sides, he will naturally not make trouble and will take the initiative to cater.