Kill God

Chapter 691 Immortal Demons

Shi Yan was silent, and there were thousands of thoughts in his heart.

Without Bo Ruo's words, it is impossible for him to know that there is an existence beyond the realm of the divine king, and it is impossible to know that there is an energy cycle in every continent, let alone know that the continent of God has reached the end of the energy cycle, and the energy will be quickly exhausted.

He knew that it was impossible for Bo Ruo to fool him.

From many ancient books, he knew that there were extremely powerful creatures in ancient times, each of which had infinite power.

Even in ancient times, there were seven demon gods like the demon clan that surpassed the realm of the god king, leaving and entering the territory one after another.

These are enough to prove how rich the energy of heaven and earth was in those two eras, and how many rare treasures were born, which made them reach that height.

Today, this continent is full of holes, almost consumed by the powerful creatures of the ancient times and the strong of all ethnic groups in the ancient times, and it is difficult to reach a very high level.

There is really not much time.

If one day the energy of the divine continent is exhausted, the breakthrough of the martial artist will not be supported by strength, and it will be difficult to continue to reach a new height.

Without the energy of heaven and earth, there will be no elixir to be bred, and there will be no pawn crystal formation. As long as you think about it, Shiyan will feel terrible.

The energy of heaven and earth is the foundation of the survival of all powerful races. Without it, it will be the end of all races.

Now, in order to open the first magic realm, the flow of energy of heaven and earth will be accelerated, and nearly one-third will be taken away, which will make the speed of energy exhaustion of heaven and earth in the God's mainland increase a lot again.

No wonder other races can't sit still. Even he is now hesitant to think about whether to help the violent and stubborn.


Suddenly, a strange noise came from the wall in the corner of the magic temple, as if someone was burning a fire in the back.

Bo Ruo and Gu Dax suddenly moved to the corner immediately, with surprise on their faces.

The magic temple cracked, and the two of tyrants and thorns came in first. After them, thousands of strong people of the demon clan rode the warcraft and also entered the demon temple.

The appearance of violentness and thorns is a little embarrassed, and the body is stained with blood and mental fatigue. It seems that they have suffered different degrees of injuries. Even the breath on the body is much weaker than usual.

"I've met two adults." Bo Ruo and Gudth landed on one knee and shouted in a low voice.

He waved his hand violently, indicating that the two of them did not have to be polite. Immediately, his eyes lit up and nodded and smiled, "Your boy is finally here."

His face was a little tired, and he went straight to Shiyan, regardless of Bo Ruo and Gudasi, who had not yet got up, and a pair of bottomless pupils had been staring at him with a surprised look.

The thorns scolded. It seemed that the injury was a little heavier than the violent. He smelled of blood all over his body, like a cruel beast. He shouted to settle accounts with the ghost clan. When he shouted, he also came to Shi Yan. He took a look and shouted, "Oh, have you condensed the altar of the demon

"Nonsense!" He scolded secretly, "This boy is flowing with the most noble blood of our demon clan. Isn't it natural to come to this demon temple to inherit it?" After a pause, he looked strange, "What puzzles me is why there are three areas under your soul? In addition to the demon soul altar, why are there two other places? It's weird. It's really weird. I don't understand it. Shi Yan was secretly shocked. He just took a look and could actually see the mystery under his soul. Isn't this guy a demon clan? Isn't the demon clan not good at soul mystery?

"How are you? Those four races didn't hit you hard, did they? Smiling, Shi Yan asked indifferently.

"Don't mention it, damn it, the patriarch of the Guien clan has been resurrected. The old man has the cultivation of the divine kingdom. If it hadn't been for the strength not recovered, I'm afraid neither of us would have escaped. Trouble, it's really a big trouble. If I had known this, I should have eliminated the ghost tattoo clan from the beginning. "And the guy of the underworld actually manipulated tens of thousands of yin spirits and virtual souls. It's really a pervert. Fortunately, we are not vegetarian, otherwise we won't be able to see you."

"No more nonsense. It's a fluke to come back this time. You can't waste time." He interrupted him and looked at Shi Yan seriously: "Are you ready?"

"What's ready?"

"Open the first magic domain."

Shi Yan looked solemn and suddenly said, "Listen to Boruo, if the first magic realm is opened, it will consume one-third of the energy of heaven and earth in the divine continent. Isn't that so?" Isn't that nonsense?" The thorn interrupted, "If not, the four tribes would chase us like crazy?"

"This will accelerate the demise of the divine continent." Shi Yan pondered for a moment and said, "Without the energy of heaven and earth, let alone the four races and the human race, even the demon clan is difficult to continue to advance. Isn't it too rash for you to do this? Have you considered it for future generations?"

What he is really worried about are some people in the Baji Purgatory City, where there are Yang Qingdi, Shi Jian's elders, and many people he knows and cherishes.

If the energy of heaven and earth in the divine continent is exhausted, those people will be difficult to break through, and the road of martial arts will be cut off.

"Shi Yan, let me ask you a question." The look of the storm remained unchanged. He frowned and said, "Even if we don't do it, will there be a day when the God's continent will run out of energy?"

Shi Yan nodded, "Yes, but it will delay a lot of time." Smiling bitterly, that little time does not play much role. As soon as the energy of heaven and earth is exhausted, all our ethnic groups practice martial arts. Those who need the energy of heaven and earth will usher in the disaster of extinction. Instead of this, it's better to open the first magic realm, find the seven demon statues, and find out if there is a way. At least, Jie La and I can take the opportunity to break through the realm of the divine king. When we arrive at the realm of the divine king, we will be qualified to leave. We will be responsible for the demon clan, go outside the country to find a suitable place to live again, and help the people leave. Shi Yan was silent.

It's not unreasonable to say this. Anyway, the energy cycle of heaven and earth in the God's grace continent has come to an end. They opened the first magic domain, just to speed up by one-third.

But as they said, in the statue of the demon god in the first demon realm, there may be any good way. The "worst" is also that he and the thorns get a new advanced inheritance. If they step into the realm of the god king, they can leave this continent without danger and find a better resting place for the demon clan.

In the magic temple, all the demons were silent and all looked at the rock.

Everyone knows that he will be the key to opening the first magic realm. If he is not willing, all their hopes will be extinguished.

Most of the people of the demon clan have a deep understanding of the situation in the land of God's grace. They know that this land will be exhausted. At the beginning, they killed from the second demon realm to exterminate all races one by one to reduce the flow of energy of heaven and earth.

The reason why the energy of heaven and earth passes is that there is a powerful life to practice martial arts and use power, whether it is to restore the essence or a breakthrough in the realm, it is closely related to the energy of heaven and earth.

From their point of view, if all the other races are extinct, leaving only their demons, the passage of energy on that day will become slow and you can buy more time.

Of course, the two people, the tyrant and the fierce, have never given up the opening of the first magic domain. They are looking for the key to communicate with the ancient demon gods.

It's a pity that they failed in the end.

It was not until they found the rock and saw hope again from the body of the rock that they made up their minds to save the life of the rock at all costs, waiting for the opening of the first magic realm in the future.

"Can I really help you turn it on?" Shi Yan was silent for a long time, staring at the two and asking seriously.

Storms and thorns gather together.

"Can't do it without me?" The two then nodded, with a solemn expression and no sense of joking at all.

Shi Yan smiled, nodded and said, "Promise me one thing."

"Say it!" The two shouted in a hurry.

"If you find a solution, my people will also benefit." Shi Yan said slowly.

He also figured out that since he had reached this point, whether he did it or not, the continent would soon run out of energy.

In this case, it's better to find a new vitality in the words of violence and thorns.

In ancient times and ancient times, such a horrible existence entered the extraterritorial, wasn't it also for better development?

This continent is not good. In addition, if you find a place where the energy cycle is booming, can't you solve the problem?

As long as you can bring your own people, Shi Yan feels that it is not a correct decision to cooperate with storms and thorns. "They are the people of your family. If you take them, naturally there is no problem." The storm made a decision immediately and immediately agreed, "What's more, you don't have many people. It doesn't matter."

Jie Yu also nodded.

Shi Yan smiled and said, "Okay, I promise to help you open the first magic realm."

After a pause, he asked again, "What should I do?" Use the blood you dripped last time, the immortal blood!" Drink heavily. It's too much.

"Immortal Blood?" Shi Yan was stunned.

"Yes, it's the blood of the immortal demon, the blood of the immortal demon clan! The undead demon clan is the strongest race among the ancient demon clans, and it is the only race that can fight head-on with the Protoss at the same level! The Protoss is the most perfect race. In ancient times, a strong man of the divine realm of the Protoss could kill three strong people of the same level of other races, and their combat effectiveness was three times that of those of the same level! Except for you immortal demons! Only the people of your clan can fight head-on with the Protoss head-on, and don't fall behind at all.

The stone rock was shocked.

He pointed behind him and shouted, "See, those seven demon statues have been born by our demon clan for tens of thousands of years, beyond the kingdom of gods. We have many branches of the demon clan. As far as I know, there were dozens of branches of the demon clan in ancient times. You immortal demon clan are just one of them. But three of the seven strong men who transcend the realm of God are from your undead demon clan!"

Shi Yan was shocked inexplicably, and his words shocked him strongly.

"What is flowing in your body is the blood of the immortal demon, which is the blood of the demon god! The blood is the same as the three undead demon strong men who transcend the realm of the divine king. And the blood of the demon god is the most important key to open the first demon realm. Only when the demon branch of the demon god has been born in the clan can the clan have the blood of the demon god. This is the gift of the ancestors!" He shouted with a look of awe.