Kill God

Chapter 746 The best bone material

In Ziyao's private storage room, it is built into rooms with different names, and different materials are placed in different rooms.

Some rooms are all kinds of rare ores, some rooms are exquisite wood, natural runes on the wood, and some rooms are all beautiful jade, diverse, with different functions...

The materials of different rooms are described with detailed descriptions, such as the bone material room where the stone rock is located.

The bone material room is not very large, only a thousand square meters. On the bluish-brown shelf, there are strange bones at the end. Some bones are as crystal as jade, a little rusty, and some bones are covered with blood, with a strong smell of blood.

Dozens of different bone materials are distributed in different areas. In front of one kind of bone material, there is a clear introduction, indicating that this kind of bone material comes from that level of monster, the name of the monster, as well as the attributes and refining method of bone materials.

Shi Yan was wandering in the bone material room, not in a hurry to do it. His eyes were shining and he was surprised.

The bone material that can be collected by Ziyao will naturally not have ordinary products. The worst level is also the bones of nine-level monsters. The monsters that belong to them are also a little special.

The bones of the ten-level monsters are not rare here. They are placed on a special table with a clear introduction.

Walking slowly, he stretched out his finger and rubbed the passing bone material, sometimes frowning, sometimes brightening his eyes, showing a faint smile.

The ten-level demon clan is comparable to the strong man in the divine kingdom. The bones are often extremely tough. Different demon attributes vary, and there are obvious differences in falling on the bones. Some monsters have bones as light as feathers, and some bones are as heavy as iron stones, which is in line with their attributes.

He wandered all the way, rubbing pieces of bones with his ten fingers, and found that there were many kinds of bones here, and the attributes were not equal. Many of them were very valuable.

Of course, what he is most thinking about is the skeleton of the eleven-level monster mentioned by Ziyao.

Holding the amethyst card in one hand, he walked slowly and gradually came to a corner of the bone room, a fluctuating area.

There is a huge amethyst countertop in that area, and there are more than a dozen bones ranging from three to eight meters long on the countertop, but there are no other details.

However, the brief words shocked Shi Yan's expression and condensed all his attention.

Material: level 11, the name of the monster: unknown, function: unknown.

With strange light in his eyes, Shiyan had already stared at the bones of more than a dozen monsters. He hesitated a little, and then reached out to pick up the black bones. I don't know what the bones came from. It was as dark as ink, with a dark luster, and it was cold and extremely heavy.

Starting from the beast's bones, the heart of Shiyan's hand was cold, and he suddenly felt a heavy breath like a mountain, coming from inside the bone. The beast's bone was extremely heavy. Even he, it was a little difficult to hold the beast's bone, and he had to urge the physical strength.

His face changed slightly. He closed his eyes and sensed it from the bone of the beast for a while and sensed the heavy air of the earth.

He shook his head secretly, put down the animal bones, and his eyes continued to walk on the dozens of bones in front of him.

The bones he needs should not be too heavy, otherwise it is difficult to give full play to the spatial mystery of the infinite sharpness of divine consciousness, which is what he needs. The animal bones that can display the mystery of the space should be sharp, fast and extremely tough!

Heavy, which is not the characteristic he needs, and it must also prevent him from sliding with his five fingers, such as touching the lover's skin and brushing a fierce bone...

No, it's too brittle to withstand the infusion of space power.

can't do it either. He is blunt and not sharp enough. Even if he is quenched, he can't reach the sharp point of breaking through the field of the strong god.

This one doesn't work either...

A fierce bone scratched on his finger, the divine consciousness was released, and the soul breath escaped into the beast's bones. He could clearly detect the attributes and bone characteristics from the beast's bones on the table.

The bone material on the table is almost all in the body of an unknown level 11 monster. However, most of the bone material has almost no energy in it, and there are several kinds of residual energy, but the characteristics are not suitable for him, either too brittle, too blunt, or with the power of attributes he does not need, such as lightning.

With his eyes closed and dominated by consciousness, his fingers continued to slide on the bones on the table.


He suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were bright, and he suddenly stared at a six-meter-long fist thick animal bone. The animal bone was like crystal white jade, full of small holes, which seemed to be natural, and were integrated with the animal bones, and there was no trace of defects.

His fingers fell on a small hole in the beast's bone, and immediately sensed the fluctuation of a gust of wind, as if a fierce wind roared out of the small hole of the beast's bone, tearing his eardrum.


His fingers rested on the small hole, and the torn roar rushed into his soul, as if it had really happened, which made his skin and flesh feel tingling.

The expression was shocked. He looked down at the beast bone with a serious face. His head kept approaching, and his eyes glowed. Half a sound, he suddenly laughed, and his face was happy, "Tough, sharp, or wind attribute monster bones, and the residual energy is available, the best bone material"


The six-meter-long beast bone suddenly flew out and suspended steadily in front of his eyes under his finger.

A cluster of rosefinch real fire floated out of his soul altar. With the movement of his mind, it turned into a circle of fire juice and wrapped the bones of the beast.

Shi Yan smiled and said, "You refine the impurities for me first. I will choose auxiliary materials to enhance his toughness, sharpness, and speed." He let the bone material and the rosefinch really care. He suddenly left the bone material room and flew to several other Ziyao private material rooms. He tosssed up in each material room and selected the Items that enhance attributes and strength.

Ziyao, who had collected refinery materials for many years, suddenly suffered. Where he passed, those material rooms were in a mess.

In order to gather the auxiliary materials timidly, he swept through the room of various materials like a whirlwind. Once he found useful materials, he rudely picked them up and sensed them, and then put them into the magic ring.

His hungry wolf-like behavior, and he only cares about the messy behavior of asking for sheep, as if he finally shocked Ziyao, who was resting in the Amethyst Hall.

In the jade room, an exquisite colorful array below suddenly flashed. The next moment, a beautiful figure appeared in the divine light.

In a purple skirt, Princess Ziyao, with slightly gloomy eyes, appeared faintly in the array. She came silently. Someone who was tossing in pieces of jade did not notice it. She was still choosing attentively, and said: "Wind attribute, it is best. Wind attribute, this doesn't work, damn it, this doesn't work either..."

Zi Yaodai's eyebrows were slightly angry. She stared at him behind his back. Seeing that he still did not turn around, he couldn't help shouting, "Are you going to tear down my material room?"

Shi Yan's back straightened, suddenly turned around, looked back, and smiled, "No."

After answering, he turned around again, continued to devote himself to the big business of collecting materials, and once again ignored Ziyao.

Good news, he came out of a pile of jade that he had messed up. It seemed that he had finally found it, and his eyes showed a trace of joy. He smiled, "You are really good here. Thank you for your love. I think I can refine my bones.

After saying that, he nodded, passed by Zi Yao like a gust of wind, and then went to the bone room.

Princess Ziyao's beautiful face was not very good-looking, and there was a kind of ignored anger. She gritted her teeth and snorted, and also went to the bone room.

A circle of orange flame wrapped a six-meter-long crystal beast bone. From the crystal beast bone, the gray and brown sticky liquid dripped from time to time, which was an impurity in the animal bone and melted out.

The bones of the beast were tempered by the real fire of the rosefinch. Under the orange flame, the small hole on the bones of the beast roared faintly from time to time. The bones of the beast gradually turned red, and the originally square end slowly became sharp, like sharp spears.

Shi Yan didn't realize her arrival. His face became solemn, and the illusion ring was shining. Pieces of beautiful jade and strange stones flashed out. He pulled her casually and was pulled by a force and fell on the bones of the beast.

The rosefinch's real fire exerted a little force, and an orange flame wrapped those beautiful jade and strange stones and refined them with flames.

Shi Yan looked solemn. In front of Princess Ziyao, he sat down on his knees in the same place, and the soul altar turned. His hands were constantly pinching out countless mysterious magic decisions, and bombarded the energy of a wisp of paint into the middle of the animal bone in the form of a magic decision.

A little bit of the eyebrows, a turbulent heat, containing the breath of the sun's essence, the flame flowed into the animal bone, along the small hole into the bone.

He suddenly closed his eyes, and his hands were unconsciously portrayed. A strip of fine space light suddenly appeared and sneered. With the help of some mysterious energy, he injected the animal bones, as if to forcibly change the deconstruction of the animal bones.

Hundreds of exquisite magic decisions were integrated into the bones of the beast like a virtual shadow. The bones of the beast suddenly roared and shook the sky, and a huge wind sound came from every small hole.

The beautiful jade and strange stones, which were quenched by the real fire of the rosefinch, turned into wisps of wonderful juice, merged with all kinds of methods, quietly imprinted inside the animal bones, and fused with the strange energy in the bones, enhancing the subtlety of the animal bones.

Shi Yan had a series of tricks, and Princess Ziyao was dizzy and surprised.

Good news, her beautiful eyes flashed brightly and whispered, "Unexpectedly, she is really a refiner. Looking at the posture, it seems that the grade is not low..."

A stream of fire burned on the bones of the beast, and the bones of the beast became flame-colored, like red-hot soldering irons. The exquisite decisions suddenly disappeared. The holes on the bones of the bones seemed to be torn open, and the holes became cracks.

Suddenly, the animal bone seemed to be crushed and reorganized, and there were countless gaps, as if they had been hacked by a sharp weapon.

However, if you sense it carefully, you will find that every gap is missing. Everywhere, there is a very sharp space power, such as the space wind blade, which can crush everything.