Kill God

Chapter 788 Star Map

Five pieces of immortal wood were combined to form a strange star map. The stone rock just glanced at it and found that a small dot was marked in the star map, as if it were a treasure map.

After following Ziyao for so long and staying in Ziyaoxing for a period of time, Shiyan still knows a little about the screen of the Flame Star Domain.

He glanced at it and found that there was a key position in the star map. On the edge of the nine-star Chamber of Commerce and the place of divine punishment, it seemed to be the most strange area around the place of divine punishment, which could avoid all divine search.

In the area where the place of divine punishment is located, there are desolate dead areas, and there are more special areas similar to desolate dead areas. The approximate orientation of the star map is in a special location similar to the desolate dead land. There are detailed descriptions on the star map, but he has no time to take a good look at it.

Because of the three of Fengrao, Ganji and Poonga, they rushed over fiercely at this time, trying to capture the star map of his fall.

With a cold snort, Shi Yan immediately put the star map into the illusion ring. Seeing the collapse of the palace and the disappearance of the boundary, he immediately made a decision and unfolded the mystery of the stars. The divine consciousness secretly combined the beauty of the space, and urged all the forces, like a starlight, suddenly rushed to the sky from the polar

The boundary is broken, sealing the power of the extreme purgatory field, all disappearing, and this place is no longer hindered.

A starlight rose to the sky, but in an in anze, it broke away from the gray clouds of the Purgatory Star and went towards the vast star domain.

Under him, Feng Rao, Ganji and Poinga gritted their teeth, and their eyes were about to spit out fire. They chased desperately, and also broke away from the Purgatory Star one after another and threw themselves into the dark and dead starry sky.

These three people have not been plotting for a day or two. They have spent countless hours and days. When they saw that they were going to get it, they were kicked by him. Instead, they finally made a profit, which made it difficult for the three of them to accept.

Although they have the cultivation of the three heaven realm of the God King, the mystery of the stars used by the stone rock is extremely wonderful. They follow the star trajectory, move forward like an arc, and stimulate the energy to condense the power of space, as if they can cross the void in a short time, so that Fenglao, Ganji and Poonga The figure of the rock was getting farther and farther away, and he was even more angry.

The four figures quietly escaped from the Jidao Purgatory Field. Those sitting on the other side of the Purgatory Star were also keenly aware of the violent movement in the Jidao Purgatory Field.

Soon, the prison owner gave the order, and the chariots came out one by one, and also threw themselves into the dark outside.

The Jidao Purgatory Field is a magical place in the Kingdom of Heaven and Nirvana. The training ground for the new generation of strong people suddenly had such a big change. Even the prison owner was panicked and hurriedly summoned Tianle to let him know what had happened.

The Purgatory Star's civil war car was spinning and chasing out of the sky. Some of the strong people seemed to be inside the polar purgatory field. Looking at the shaking purgatory field, they felt the changes in it. One by one, their faces were extremely heavy, and they knew that there was something extremely bad that could not be stopped.

When Tu Tianle learned the news, he was also extremely angry and panicked. He rushed over as quickly as possible and conveyed the message to Tu Tianqi, the Lord of the Kingdom of God.

Unfortunately, Di Tianqi seemed to be closed again. His message sank into the sea and did not receive any reply, which made Di Tianle even more frightened and constantly gave orders, so that the prison owner would definitely chase him from the person who escaped from the Purgatory Star.

In the dark and cold starry sky, the stone squinted, the soul altar rotated, and the stars and the meaning of space were displayed together.

Layers of space ripples are released from him, which seems to connect the door of space in a short time. His figure shuttles through the layers of ripples like a meteor. Even Feng Rao, Ganji and Poinga can only faintly sense, but it is difficult to catch up in a short time.

"Damn it, it's really a sight! We have been guarding for so many years, and finally we took advantage of this boy for nothing!" Gan Kee scolded angrily, and his face was gloomy and ugly.

"If you let me catch that boy, I will definitely peel the skin and pull the bone!" Panga's eyes were extremely fierce, and his teeth rattled.

Fengrao was silent, her face was quite dark, and she was full of resentment. She thought she had made good use of Shiyan, but she found that the development of things was completely out of her control. She couldn't imagine that Shiyan, with only the realm of God King, could fly so fast in the Star Sea. They could only It can't be approached at all.

"He only has one heaven of the God King, and his power is limited. Such a desperate spur will consume him greatly." Gan Ji pondered for a moment and said ferociously, "Let him show off first. I don't believe that he can really get rid of us." When his strength is almost exhausted, we will definitely be able to catch up.

"Yes, the resilience of the first heaven realm is limited, and it can't last for a long time." Pang Jia nodded, "As long as I can find the right direction, I don't believe I can't hold him!"

"Be careful. Just before I escaped from the Purgatory Star, I found that there was already a chariot flying out. It seems that the owner of the Purgatory Star also sensed the situation and sent someone to chase it." Fengrao is not as confident as them. "The guy of the Kingdom of God is not so easy to deal with. We can't let them be aware of our direction."

As soon as he said this, Ganji and Poinga also looked solemn, as if they knew the horror of the strong man of the God Kingdom.

The three people immediately hid their breath, carefully narrowed the fluctuation of life, and clenched the jade they held tightly to stimulate the magical energy.

Those pieces of jade not only have a wonderful effect in the polar purgatory field. After leaving, they also have the ability to hinder the consciousness of the strong. They have released the hidden energy in the jade one after another, and the breath of life gradually disappeared, as if it was invisible in the Star Hanoi.

The chariot flying out of the purgatory star, the strong man on it, let go of the divine consciousness, can't feel any life fluctuation.

As a last resort, those chariots were scattered, and the carpet-like search was launched. In this way, the number of people was greatly dispersed. Although the chariots had been stimulated by the power of the divine crystal ore, the real speed was not necessarily faster than that of the three strong man of the god king.

Gradually, the chariots were getting farther and farther away from the position of Poinga and Fengrao.

Of course, Shi Yan knew that Fengrao, Ganji and Poinga were not easy to mess with, so he did not dare to stay. The various heaven and earth principles of the stars and space were so reasonable in his soul altar and let him pierce the starry sky, like a light arrow.

Flying with all his strength, he can't see the exact position in the star map, but he roughly knows that his current direction is going in the direction of the divine punishment and the nine-star Chamber of Commerce.

The star map should be condensed by the previous generations of masters of the Tianne God Kingdom. The marked area must have great secrets. Otherwise, the three of Fengrao will not be willing to hide for a hundred years, just to get the star map, and the secrets of them are mastered by themselves.

He doesn't know what the secret is, which is so important, but since this thing falls into his hands, he will naturally not hand it over.

Whether it was Ganji or Poinga, or Fengrao, he had no goodwill to him. Fengrao used him just to deal with Handi so that he could harvest the star map by himself.

His stone rock is not a good thing. He has been used by others, and he knows that the star map contains huge secrets, and the things are in his hands. How can there be no reason not to occupy it?

As for the pursuit of the three god kings, it may not really kill him.

In the forbidden land, the crack of the boundary layer by layer and the understanding of the mystery of the power of heaven and earth make the mystery of his three forces more exquisite and profound.

He believes that as long as he is integrated for a period of time, as long as the body is not strong enough, it is not too difficult to break through to a new level and reach the double heaven of the God King.

He is confident that once he crosses the double heaven of the God King, Ganji, Fengrao and Poinga can't do anything to him even if they block him together.

Because of his confidence, he was not afraid. He sneered in his heart and let go.

After Handi's death, his essence was integrated into his body, and under the purification of his acupuncture point, the energy gradually overflowed out.

Shi Yan grinned and guided the energy into the body, and the speed was one point faster.

If in the past, when the mysterious martial soul purifies those essences, it should not be distracted and should be careful of negative emotions.

But recently, he has been cracking the boundary. His soul is stable and peaceful, and he has been sublimated, so that when the negative emotions are released, he does not give him much influence, and he is still intelligent.

Replenished by the new force, his essence, which was about to be exhausted, was full again, which made him gallop without slow at all.

Feng Lou, Ganji and Poinga were struggling to pursue in Star Hanoi, and half a month passed quietly.

The three people were full of confidence and had long disappeared. They thought that there was only the stone rock in the realm of the god king. It should have been unsupported for a long time, and the speed of flying must have slowed down.

They all miscalculated.

Half a month later, the three of them consumed more than half of their strength and slowed down a little.

And Shiyan's speed remained unchanged, and even faintly accelerated a lot. This change made them almost mad, and their faces were getting worse and worse.

"Damn it, does he really only have the God King? Are we out of the eye?" Gan Ji scolded, and when he spoke, he breathed heavily, which was a sign of too much power consumption.

Pang Jia gritted his teeth, his eyes were like a fierce ghost, and he gasped, "Let me catch him, and I will torture him to death!" This boy is too difficult to deal with!"

"It seems that we were fooled, thinking that he was the least threatening, but we didn't expect that in the end, we let him win." Fengrao regrets it so much.

At this moment, the three of them no longer dared to despise Shiyan. They could gallop outside the country for half a month. The speed was so fast, and there was no sign of exhaustion in energy. Who has ever seen such a god king's realm?

The three of them cursed, and their hearts became heavy. They secretly did not treat Shiyan as a small role, and quietly vigilant. After seeing Shiyan, they must pay attention to it. Don't despise it, resulting in the capturning of the gutter.

"Wow!" Fengrao suddenly shouted in surprise, "The boy finally can't do it. The speed has doubled down, fast! Hurry up! Catch up!"

Ganji and Poinga were shocked and excited.