Kill God

Chapter 874 The four-layer soul altar of escape

The moment of Ferran's voice seemed to be infiltrated with infinite magic, and the shackles that enveloped everyone's hearts were suddenly untied.

The rock pressure suddenly subsided.

All the strong men in the Flame Star Domain were also relaxed at this moment, as if a boulder pressed on their bodies had been unloaded.

A certain mood force field released by the Protoss was directly torn off in her words.


"It's Ferran!"

"It turned out to be her!"

"How could it be her?"

Many predators, many of whom have been to Ferran's shops, recognize this old voice.

For a moment, everyone exploded, the noise was endless, and everyone looked extremely shocked.

"She is the guardian of the city of punishment!" Yu Wei was stunned for a moment and suddenly reacted, with a ecstatic face.

The predator's eyes were bright, and he subconsciously looked up at the sky, and his expression was extremely surprised.

The dark light curtain fell, and two figures appeared, one was Ferran and the other was Lì Anna.

Ogudo just glanced at Li Anna, and his face was shocked, showing an expression of disbelief, "You, you actually broke through."

Fan He, Bi Tian, Monica and others are also creepy and discolored, looking at Lì Anna's expression is very wonderful.

They all sensed that the fluctuation from Lì Anna was unique to the Three Heavenly Strongman of the Source God. Except for the Brahma Crane, everyone else was affected, and the sea of knowledge seemed to fall into the darkness.

This is an inexplicable pressure that is naturally formed when the power is refined to a certain extent.

"There are also remnants." The people of the Protoss, with the corners of their mouths cold, snorted, "I didn't expect that the bloodthirsty vein had a lot of remnants in the Flame Star Domain. Well, it was cleared at one time to avoid trouble."

"If you are in your heyday, you do have this ability, but it's a pity that you are not at the peak." Ferran's face was wrinkled, and his eyes were still turbid. "I came in time. If I give you more time, maybe you can really return to the peak, but now you will die."

As soon as the words fell, Ferran's body twisted and changed into a ball of corrosive turbid air and spread to the people of the Protoss.

An artistic conception that corrodes the mystery of any force was released from the turbid air. The two thunder and lightning dragons condensed by the strong protoss were touched by the turbid air and dissipated all of a sudden. The power returned to nothingness and was melted by heaven and earth.

"The virtual god!" The people of the Protoss changed their faces and showed solemnity for the first time. "I didn't expect that there was a strong virtual god to be born in the Flame Star Domain. No wonder the tone is so arrogant."

As soon as these words were made, Fanhe, Augusto, Bitian, Monica, Fengqi and other strong people were suddenly dumbfounded.

No matter how they imagined, they didn't expect to hide in Tianping City for thousands of years, but the old woman who was struggling to guard an old shop turned out to be an invincible strong man who existed in the virtual realm than the plated Tianqi and the lord of the You League.

The virtual realm, the realm pursued by the plated Tianqi and the leader of the Youmeng alliance all his life actually exists in the Flame Star Domain, and it has always been in the place of divine punishment, in the city of Heavenly Punishment.

"Ah!" Feng Lou opened her mouth wide, her delicate body trembled lightly, her beautiful eyes bloomed with countless stars, and she looked at the turbid air that Ferran had turned into for a moment.

Cato's eyes were bright, he suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said in a trembling voice, "Brother, brother, the senior... It's actually a virtual state!" Shi Yan was also shocked by the divine body, and was shocked by this unimaginable fact that "it turned out to be in the virtual divine realm. No wonder it can easily erase the Fan Ye, which can make all the strong people in disorderly helpless and can't move according to them..." At this moment, he knew why Augusto, Bitian and Li Yuefeng The reason why I couldn't force me out with all my strength.

Void God


Everything has a [answer] case.

The super realm, the strong power that has never appeared in the Flame Star Domain is enough to deter everything!

Not to mention Augusto, Bitian and Li Yuefeng, what can we do if the Lord of the You League come in person?

lì Anna's cheek scars were staggered, ferocious and horrible, and the corners of her mouth showed a fierce meaning. She glanced at Augusto, Bitian and others, slowly stood beside the stone rock, frowned and urged, "What are you waiting for?"

Shi Yan was stunned for a moment and immediately reacted. He smiled dryly and immediately sat down in the void. His soul thought extended to a gap in the space and released the idea: "I will refine the demon huā with all my strength, and the protoss in it. I don't have to worry about it. There will be a strong

A wisp of pure soul power extends from the soul altar and flows into a gap in the space to enhance the energy of the sky fire.

Tianhuo communicates with his soul and perches in his soul altar. The only thing he can help Tianhuo is to release the pure soul power.

With the supplement of the power of his soul, he can still feel the joy of the earth fire and the rosefinch real fire, and take a heavy blow to the Protoss.

The soul was released. He didn't pay attention to the situation around him. There was Lì Anna standing beside him. He knew that no one could hurt him and didn't worry at all.

Crush countless pieces of the forbidden soul platform and divide it into various areas. The three strong forces occupy one area, the predators are in another area, and Shiyan, Kato and Liana are in the first area.

The strong men in all districts are looking up at the depths of the void, and a mass of corrosive air gradually spreads, covering up the sky.

Under the influence of the corrosive gas, the meaning and realm of all kinds of forces seem to have been affected by infiltration and gradually melted.

The divine body of the Protoss was also submerged by the gas of corrosion. Everyone could not see it. They could only feel the continuous collision of the two energy moods of the destructive stars. Any splash of energy seemed to be enough to easily erase their lives.

Under the deliberate protection of Ferran, there is no splashing force in the sky, and the altar of everyone's soul is not affected. You can use the divine soul to detect the earthly changes in the sky.

Somehow, after Ferran's voice came out, the fierce beast, which had been violently impacted, seemed to be quiet for a while and did not rush in here in a hurry.

In the thick smoke of the void, dozens of huge shadows can be faintly seen, like the bodies of fierce beasts. They quietly suspended in the dark of the void, as if they were wide-eyed, peeping at every move here, as if they were ready to wait for a result, and then carry out the final killing.

"...The source of the divine realm, yes, you have also broken through." Anna glanced at Capto, nodded slowly, and affirmed his efforts.

Somehow, under the gaze of Lì Anna's eyes, Kato was a little awkward. "It's just luck. On the way, I met the free heavenly palace and absorbed a wisp of chaos," Kato explained.

"Absorbed a wisp of chaos?" Anna frowned, "What about the free heaven? If you absorb the power of imprisoning it, won't the giant ship break free?

Kato was stunned and nodded honestly, "That's it."

lì Anna's face darkened. "The exhausted soul of the free Heavenly King is united with the Heavenly King's Hall. The power of chaos seems to be dissipating his will and spirit little by little. After such a long time, he should be about to run out of oil. You absorbed the chaotic power of [Zhen] pressure, and the Heavenly King's Hall broke free and left. The free Heavenly King did not die, and there was still hope of recovery, stupid!"

Kato's face trembled, and he realized that he had done something stupid. He didn't dare to refute it. He lowered his head and didn't say a word.

"Is it because of this opportunity that you broke through to the source realm?" Anna asked again?

Capto continued to nod, with a bitter face.

"Forget it, at least it will complete you and help you break through." Lì Anna pondered for a moment and was quite regretful. "Even if he escapes and leaves, he can't recover without a hundred years. A hundred years... Maybe it's enough for him."

Her eyes looked at Shi Yan.

Kato is inexplicable.

lì Anna did not explain, "What's wrong with the explosion of this place of suicide?"

Kato's expression was shocked, and he hurriedly told the details. He did not dare to make a mistake, focusing on highlighting the role of stone rock.

lì Anna listened carefully and did not interrupt. When Capto finished speaking, she slowly nodded, "It's good to summon the sword. The policy is very correct. It actually destroyed the place of death. There is no mistake in acting, which is a great deal..."

Kato smiled dryly and didn't interrupt, like a well-behaved student.

Fengrao never said much. He had been looking at Lì Anna in awe. Looking at this famous female executioner, she was frightened and felt uncomfortable all over.

lì Anna didn't look at her at all. She either talked to Capto or looked at Shi Yan and directly ignored her existence.

In Lì Anna's eyes, it seems that only when she gets some kind of inheritor can she take a glance, and the rest of them can be ignored.

Many strong people in the flame star field looked up at the sky, and saw that the void was compressed into a corner, in which the spirit of corrosion was across the world, and an inexplicable fluctuation made everyone have a heart of worship, and their souls were weak.

I don't know how long it took, a strong cracking sound came from the void, which shook the sky, and the corrosive gas shrank, and then suddenly expanded and burst.

A magnificent soul altar suddenly shot out of the corrosive air and turned into a wisp of electric light. When everyone had no time to react, it rushed to the direction of the rock in an instant. Under everyone's eyes, it suddenly flashed into a gap in the space and blinked.

Everyone can only see that the magnificent and mysterious soul altar is not a regular third floor, but a height of four floors.

The four-story soul altar disappears into the space gap torn by the rock, and there is no shadow in an instant, and there is no breath left.

The corrosive gas in the sky squirmed slowly and seemed to consume a lot. In the difficult reunion and integration, Ferran seemed to have no strength to catch up, so he could only watch the man leave.

"In this way, you can escape, the Protoss is really as strong and horrible as a legend." Lì Anna's eyes were calm, looking at the gap in the space where the four layers of soul altar disappeared, and her face muttered with a heavy face.

Kato was hoboned, looked at the gap in the space, and said, "He doesn't want to save his people in the turbulence of space, does he?"

lì Anna's face changed.