Kill God

Chapter 879 Eight Inheritances

Xiaoman, a young man of the giant clan, was not wary. It seemed that the root of the cliff did not know that people's hearts were sinister. Nearly a hundred jars of liquor entered his stomach, and he fell to the ground drunk and fell asleep.

Jester and Cassian and others were cautious and cautious. They thought of others as themselves. Suddenly, they found that the other party was extremely simple, but they were not wary of falling asleep. Everyone was extremely ashamed of the puppet and surprised by the simplicity of the teenager.

The strong man of the Flame Starland, who had been hungry for a long time, saw him asleep and no longer thought much. He ate as happily as Shiyan and ate hundreds of pounds of barbecue clean.

Touching his stomach, everyone was satisfied. They temporarily forgot the danger of this place, scattered lazily, and looked up at the starry sky without the sun and moon. They were very comfortable.

At this time, Ferran suddenly got up, glanced at Shiyan and Capto, and said lightly, "Come with me, I have something to say to you two."

Shiyan and Kato got up silently and followed Ferran with Liana.

Cassion, Jester, Ziyao, Fengrao and others showed a thoughtful look, but no one dared to chase and eavesdrop, and still stopped in place.

They know in their hearts that there may be some secrets in these four people. Otherwise, how could the stone rock of the outsider and the catto of the predator be mixed with strong people such as Ferran and lan Anna?

Ferran and Lì Anna, one is the guardian of the Heavenly Punishment City, and the other is the head of the five princes of the Heavenly Nirvana Kingdom. Why do they seem to have known each other for a long time?

In the dense forest, there are shadows of the ancient village everywhere. Shiyan and four people are in the shade of a tree, bound by inexplicable power, so that outsiders can't hear their communication.

"Let's talk about it." Ferran pondered for a moment and looked at Lì Anna.

lì Anna nodded and said to Shi Yan and Kato, "I think about it, your hearts must be full of doubts."

Shiyan and Capto nodded together, really curious.

"Actually, we can't guess everything until now. I'll tell you what we know so far." Anna pondered for a moment and came slowly: "A long time ago, our family was just a civilian of a small star of life in the Kingdom of Heavenly Nirvana."

"Civilian?" Shi Yan was stunned.

"It's a mortal." Anna nodded, "Our ancestors lived by the seaside of the little star of life. They fished for a living. They didn't understand the meaning of power, and no warrior was born."

"Until... One day, my ancestors found a floating man at the seaside. He was hit hard and dying, as if he would die at any time."

"My ancestors took him home and took good care of him. It took him a long time to regain consciousness. As soon as he woke up, he was in a hurry to leave, but he was grateful for the treatment of my ancestors, and for the sake of inheritance, he left his inheritance, which was the inheritance of dark mystery.

"Before he left, he told my ancestors that he would go to an ancient continent with a origin, go to his hometown, and leave the inheritance of his master. He said that he might not live too long. Let us practice the mystery of darkness and preserve his inheritance. He did not leave his name, but gave it a name to our family. For the dark sky, a vein, he was worried that he would be found by the pursuers. It won't be long before he woke up, and he would crack away.'

"At that time, my ancestors were shocked to find that he was the most terrible strong man in heaven and earth. Because I have seen his strength, and because of the worship and desire for power, I remember his instructions, take the dark mystery as the root, and practice hard all the time.

"The dark mystery is profound and powerful. With this mystery, my ancestors became the hegemon of the star of life. Because of the organic fate, they finally became the first master of the Kingdom of God. The high power and the strength of the dark mystery shocked the whole star domain."

"It's just that my ancestors finally failed to reach the peak because of their qualifications, and they still disappeared. But he remembered the man's entrustment that the dark mystery is the foundation of the family, and he also knows that this mystery is the cornerstone of the family's strength, and every generation is passed on.

At this point, Lì Anna paused and looked at Shi Yan. "I'm sure that the unknown strong man who taught us the meaning of darkness is the person you are talking about."

Shiyan frowned deeply and nodded, "It should be good. My hometown, before the energy is exhausted, is indeed an ancient continent, with the original life star. My inheritance also comes from there.

"We have never told anyone about him, and we have never. I know that one day, someone took the initiative to ask. Anna stopped for a moment.

"Who?" Shiyan's eyes lit up.

"Many years later, one day, a mysterious strong man appeared in the Flame Star Domain, practicing the mystery of death, sweeping away many stars of life and turning them into desolation." Anna took a deep breath and looked at Shi Yan. "The legend of that man, do you know one or two from Zi Yao's mouth?"

Shi Yan looked shocked and nodded again.

"After he appeared in the Flame Star Domain, he rampaged and destroyed dozens of stars of life to recover his injuries. At the beginning, all forces gathered the strong and tried to kill him. My other ancestor, who was still the master of the Kingdom of God, was also involved in this matter..."

"S. As a result, you all know that the strongest man in the Flame Star Domain at the peak of that period knew the gap after seeing that person. He was not an opponent at the same level at all. Originally, all parties gathered the strong, and they should all die.

"Why didn't you die?" Cato interrupted.

"Because of my generation of ancestors, he released the darkness?" Anna continued to look at the rock.

"He recognizes the same vein." Shi Yan's heart is bright.

"Yes, he was confirmed that he left his hand, so the other strong forces were pardoned and died. And my generation of ancestors, the master of the Kingdom of God, was left by him and explained something by him..."

"What's the matter?"

"He asked my ancestors about the inheritance, saying that leaving the dark mystic inheritor, like him, is one of the eight inheritances, and he is the inheritance of death. He said that he came to the Flame Star Domain to save a brother, another inheritor, who practiced chaos and mystery and was imprisoned in the land of divine punishment.

Kato's eyes suddenly lit up and looked at her unswervingly.

lì Anna nodded and continued, "He also said that he has a brother who has cultivated and corrupted Aoyi, which has been completely destroyed. He said that he didn't know whether he could survive this time and wanted to leave the inheritance of his brother. Therefore, he also gave an inheritance, which corrupted the mystery one by one, which is cultivated by the aunt now. He asked my ancestor to be responsible for inheriting the corrosion in the family, and also kept the inheritance immortal.

"He also gave a blood shield, saying that it was one of the master's original things, so that if the descendants of my ancestors were destined to see his master's inheritor, they would give him the blood shield.

also through him, my ancestor knows that the eight inheritors have blood-colored marks, and the eight inheritors serve the Lord has a ring, and his inheritor, the ring is the sign.

At this point, Anna looked at Shiyan and the blood-print ring on his finger.

The stone rock's body shook, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"He still left to save his other brother from the land of the god, and our ancestors continued to stay in the flame star domain, inheriting the corrupt mystery, and with a trace of gratitude, trying to go to the land of the god one day to see what happened and solve the mystery of the eight lost inheritance."

"My ancestors are all generations of masters of the Kingdom of Heaven and Nirvana. Because of the darkness and the strength of the corruption of righteousness, they stand up and become stronger and stronger. Later, my ancestors, who could even control the throne of the Kingdom of God, were the actual masters of the Kingdom of God. The family is getting stronger and stronger, with endless resources and ambitions slowly soaring. Until one day, the elders of the family felt that they were strong enough to explore what the man said, trying to unlock the secrets of the eight inheritance.

"It's the same. After years of exploration, there is a star map."

"In the last generation of the family, my father practiced the dark mystery, my uncle practiced the corrupt mystery, and the realm was extremely strong. When the flame starland was extremely prosperous, no one could stop it. Father is the hidden dark giant of the Kingdom of God, holding the power of the Kingdom of God. Uncle conquered and controlled all the predators alone in the land of divine punishment. The power held by the two of them dominated the Flame Star Domain. One day, my father and uncle broke through and intervened in the virtual realm. They finally couldn't help it. With the predecessors portraying the star map, they wanted to explore the land of the god.

"At that time, I was extremely small, but I had understood the true meaning of darkness. My aunt also inherited the meaning of corrosion. My father and uncle knew that they might encounter danger or even die, so my aunt and I did not participate in it. We kept the darkness and corrupted the inheritance of the mystery.

"This time, I won't come back."

"When my father and uncle went, they took many strong people from the family, and they completely disappeared, making the family go to extinction. Because of the sharp decline in power, the dark canopy no longer has the ability to control the divine kingdom. At that time, the strong forces of the Flame Star Domain joined hands, and the remaining strong people in our dark canopy were finally destroyed. I was only stabbed when I was young, and I escaped because I had been sent to the place of divine punishment by my aunt. Now, the huge dark sky, the once real overlord of the Flame Star domain name, is only a matter of me and my aunt. The only thing to be thankful for is that my aunt and I are still alive, and the inheritance of darkness and corrosion has not been extinguished.

At this point, Lì Anna looked gloomy and gradually stopped. "The day I saw you, I knew that the former inheritor of death should have failed. The strong man who practices chaos and righteousness, because of the extinction, you can inherit the chaotic inheritance with good luck. In the same way, I have protected you for many years. Ferran glanced at Kato and said indifferently.

"Remember it in my heart." Cato's face was full of excitement.

"That's about it." Anna briefly summarized, "The old gongs and those who practice the mystery of death have met my ancestors one after another, leaving dark and corrosive inheritance respectively. My family has become the former hegemon of the Flame Star Domain, and because my father and uncle want to solve the mysteries of the eight inheritances and go deep into the land of death. So far, I don't know life and death, so my family has been destroyed, and I only stabbed my aunt and survived to this day.

"Why hasn't the star map been taken away?" Shi Yan was stunned.

"My father knows the place where the star icon is bright, so naturally there is no need for the star map. He left the star map so that our descendants can continue to explore in the future. The star map has always been the extreme purgatory field of the Purgatory Star. It is the place established by my ancestors, but I didn't expect that you would get it by chance. It seems that there is God's will in the dark. Anna sighed with emotion.

"You practiced the dark fork and actually returned to the Kingdom of Heaven and Nirvana. Can you be plated?" Shi Yan was surprised.

"I have to admit that this man is indeed a hegemon. He clearly knows my origin and origin, and he also entrusted me with a heavy responsibility to exclude the public discussion and let me ascend the position of princes. He has more heroic courage and means than his predecessors, because he feels that he can suppress me all the time. Anna was sincerely amazed.