Kill God

Chapter 902 Ten Thousand Stones

"Your Excellency! My lord!"

Li Xiao's shout suddenly came from the distance, and his tone was quite excited.

The people of the giant clan and Shi Yan were depressed because they couldn't take out Qiandielian. After Li Xiao's voice sounded, Shi Yan frowned and hesitated for a moment. He decided not to think about Qiandielian for the time being and go in the direction of Li Xiao.

Naxin and the soldiers of the giant clan, surrounded by the huge pit, were frowned one by one.

Li Xiao's voice, they didn't care too much and were still thinking about what method should be used to take out the thousands of piles of lotus.

Across several miles, Shi Yan came to Li Xiao and frowned and said, "What's going on?"

"I found it!" With a happy face, Li Xiao pointed to a black and charming stone under his feet and said, "Wands of stones! It's a lot of stones!"

The stone was as dark as ink, only the fist dog was small, mixed in a pile of gravel, which was not eye-catching at all. It didn't see anything special, and there was no energy. The stone rock was stunned for a moment, "Is this stone very suitable to build a city?"

"Your Excellency, you might as well pick it up and try it yourself." Li Xiao smiled and said.

The stone rock was unknown, so he subconsciously reached out to grab the ten thousand stones, released his strength, and tried to hold the void directly with power and pull it up.

"What?" Shi Yan's face suddenly changed.

With his realm of cultivation, the power released by the void is enough to pull out the smaller peaks, but the ten thousand stones that are only the size of the fists are not moving at all.

Shiyan was interested and came to the stone curiously. Instead of pulling the void, he took the initiative to stretch out his hand and touch the ten thousand stones.

It's thick and slightly cool. In addition, there is not much special.

However, when he tried to lift the stone, his face suddenly changed.

Heavy! Extremely heavy!

The small stone was as heavy as a mountain peak. He even used the power of Jingyuan to lift the small black stone with a little difficulty, and his arms were a little overwhelmed.

Shi Yan's eyes suddenly lit up, "This stone is so heavy!"

Li Xiao nodded repeatedly and was extremely excited, "The ten thousand-fold stone is indeed extremely heavy. In general, the ten thousand-fold stone of the same volume is tens of thousands of times heavier than ordinary stone! This fist-sized stone is comparable to a smaller mountain!"

Shi Yan's face was shocked, "It's really strange! How about building a city with this stone?

"The best city-building materials! Able to resist almost all kinds of attacks, not afraid of swords, not afraid of slamming, water and fire, it is the best stone in the city!" Li Xiao said again.

"Good!" Shi Yan looked excited, "Where did you find these ten thousand stones? How many more?"

The smile on Li Xiao's face suddenly converged, "I found such a hurdle. I just turned around for a long time, and I didn't find more. I don't know where it came from."

Shi was stunned, hesitated for a moment, and said, "There must be some nearby. Let's look for it separately."

"Good." Li Xiao was also looking forward to it. Hearing the words, he immediately dispersed and walked towards other stones, trying to fight out more stones.

As soon as these two people invested, they forgot the time, wandered around many ores, and searched in piles of gravel.

On the side of the giant clan, seeing that Shi Yan did not return, he was curious. Na Xin was stunned for a while and took the initiative to bring people to find him.

Not long after, Jester also came to this area and found Shi Yan and Li Xiao lingering in the gravel pile. He couldn't help asking, "What are you looking for?"

Shiyan's face was covered with lime. He glanced at him, threw out the stone in his hand, and said, "Is Mr. Jester familiar with this kind of stone?"

Jester stretched out his hand to grab it. At the moment he got the ten thousand heavy stones, his divine body sank, half of his body was pressed into the ground, and his hand bones were almost dislocated.

He looked surprised and shouted, "Damn it, what kind of stone is so heavy? What the hell!"

"This is called Wan Chongshi, Mr. Jester doesn't know?" Shi Yan was surprised.

Jester, who was half deep in the ground, smiled bitterly and shook his head and said, "I've never heard of it."

Shi Yan was stunned for a moment and couldn't help looking at Li Xiao. He understood the distinction between stone. I'm afraid Jester, the pharmacist, is not as good as Li Xiao. Although Li Xiao is not high, his attainments in stone are indeed not shallow.

"We are looking for this kind of stone. If the quantity is enough, it will be the main material for us to build the city. Mr. Jester, please help us." Shi Yan smiled indifferently.

Jester was surprised, but nodded with a smile, "Okay, I'll look for it too."

In a short time, Na Xin, with several giants, also came from a distance. After discovering the strange movements of the three people in Shiyan, he couldn't help but wonder.

"Xiao Yanzi, what are you doing?" Na Xin asked.

"Find a stone, an extremely heavy stone." Shi Yan clicked in the direction of Jester, "The black stone on the ground is the target we are looking for. Have you seen it?"

Jester has put the ten thousand stones on the ground.

Na Xin flew over, touched the stone, easily twisted it up, and shouted, "It's so heavy!"

"Well, it's really extremely heavy. We need this kind of stone to build the city. Our predecessors live in Gulanxing. Do you know where else there is?" Shi Yan asked with a smile.

Na Xin was a little embarrassed when

happened. "I don't care much about this kind of thing."

He turned around, threw thousands of stones, threw them at the people who came with him, and said, "Look, do you know where the stained stone is?" One by one, the people of the giant clan weighed thousands of stones, and shook their heads one after another to show that they had never seen it.

After a while, several giants heard the news. One of them was an ugly giant. As soon as he came over, he shouted, "Old man, I know where there is such a stone."

Everyone's eyes lit up.

"Tred us over to have a look." Na Xin ordered.

The giant man, without saying a word, walked in one direction, and everyone immediately followed.

After about an hour, the giant man came to the foot of a thousand-meter-high mountain. The mountain was bare and there were no flowers and trees. But after everyone approached, they found that the gravity field here was a hundred times more terrible than other areas.

Jester, who was originally suspended in the void, fell to the ground and inserted his head down into the rubble, which was extremely embarrassed.

The stone rock also staggered for a long time, and the divine body stabilized in mid-air, not as embarrassed as Jester.

"There seems to be similar stones in the mountains and rivers, which I found when I was hunting nearby." The giant man said honestly. He said honestly.

Shi Yan's heart moved and was not wordy. He directly pulled out the magic sword and swung it at the foot of the mountain.

The stone outside the mountain and river is not that ten thousand stones. It is very ordinary. Under the cutting of his magic sword, it fell to the ground like a piece of tofu.

"It's sonorous!"

After chiseling dozens of meters deep, a crisp sound of gold and iron strike suddenly came out.

The huge sword, which had been very smooth and uncondensed, fell to the iron stone and encountered obstacles for the first time.

Shi Yan stepped forward, glanced at it, and couldn't help laughing. "Sure enough, the interior of the mountains and rivers are all similar stones, thousands of stones."

Inside the chiseled insight, it showed a dark color. On the hard stone, there was a deep stone mark, which was cut by the divine sword.

The edge of the divine sword is extremely, and it is easy to cut the stone tablet of the place where the god is killed. Cutting the strong is like cutting vegetables, but it failed to break the ten thousand stones with just one blow, which shows that the ten thousand stones are really extremely strong.

"Wow!" "

The stone rock waved its sword and crushed the ordinary stones next to the cave, making the cave bigger.

After a while, the mouth of the cave was dozens of meters wide, which was enough for the giants to look at the strangeness of the interior in one or two.

"The interior of the mountain seems to be similar stones." Li Xiao stood far away and dared not lean forward. He hesitated for a moment before whispering.

Shiyan nodded and said, "'That's right. There are thousands of stones inside the mountains and rivers, which should be enough for us to build a city."

"It's too heavy. I'm afraid I can't move it." Li Xiao smiled bitterly, "The ten thousand stones in this mountain and river are heavier than the ordinary star of life. I guess... Even the predecessors of the giant clan are difficult to move."

Na Xin nodded and said seriously, "Meas measured by the gravity of a big stone, the mountains and rivers are similar to stones, and we really have nothing to do. It's too heavy to move at all.

As soon as he said this, Shi Yan couldn't help frowning and smiling bitterly.

A thousand-fold lotus, hidden deep in the depths of the ground, obviously the most precious treasure can't be collected, but now I have found thousands of strange stones to build the city, which can't be moved either.

He suddenly felt that God had played a big joke on him, letting him know that there were good things here, but he could only look at it eagerly.

This is more painful than not knowing.

"I'll try to see if I can move with the power of space." After mediting for a long time, Shi Yan took a deep breath and decided to try. He didn't want to return empty-handed.

Hold your breath, refine a wisp of divine consciousness, and penetrate into the interior of the mountain and river made of thousands of stones.

The progress of divine knowledge has become extremely difficult!

Wanzhongshi seems to be really special. His divine consciousness penetrates ordinary stones easily, but it penetrates into the interior of the mountains and rivers, but it seems that the divine consciousness is tied by countless ropes. Every time it is pierced, he has to use a lot of soul power.

He didn't give up, gritted his teeth secretly, and was still good at penetrating inside.

After a long time, his mind was shocked and his face became extremely wonderful!

His divine consciousness entered the interior of the mountains and rivers formed by thousands of stones, but suddenly found that there were hundreds of dense lines inside the mountains and rivers! Those thin and shiny thumbs are like spider webs in the middle of the mountains and rivers, filling every inner corner of the stone.

Yiran is a mysterious and mysterious spiritual array pattern!

It's just that the map is broken, and many thumb-thick crystal lines are broken, making the map stop flowing and become incomplete.

A wisp of consciousness was recovered, and Shi Yan's face was extremely heavy. He took a deep breath and said, "Inside the mountains and rivers, there is a formation map, which has been damaged."

Many people of the giant clan were shocked and looked strange.

They have lived in Gulan Star for many years, but they have never found this wonderful thing. How could they expect that the home they live in contains wonderful things? This made them extremely surprised.

"I can try to fix it." Shi Yan hesitated for a moment and opened his mouth again.

Everyone's eyes suddenly lit up.

ps: It seems to be double, please get the next monthly ticket~