Kill God

Chapter 953 Expulsion

Carlos ran away from the body of the stone rock god, and his heart was flustered. The ice-blue crystals suspended around his soul gradually showed cracks.

Blue lightning, snakes are winding around, as if they have officially begun to invade his soul.

Like Crisson, Carlos has nowhere to go. The two souls are flying around the rock, ready to take the next step of soul occupation.

"What's going on? What the hell are you doing? Crisson communicated with him with his soul, "You didn't have his soul just now. Why did you take the initiative to escape?"

"Damn it! It's not because of you!" Carlos was irritable, "How can that boy break free from the shackles of my soul without you! Now it's all right. I'm afraid we can't get in!"

When the two souls communicated, more blue lightning flashed over, like a blue rope, slowly wrapping their souls, making the ice-blue crystals more and less powerful, as if they could burst at any time.

The ice blue crystal must be with the help of the body to maximize the effect.

without the barrier protection of the body, the crystal is directly exposed, and it can't support many arrows at all.

Carlos was full of fear of Shiyan. He quickly thought about it and said, "I just spent a lot of strength and need to take a break. Come on! As long as you rush into his sea of knowledge and occupy his soul, I share his divine body with you!"

He couldn't figure out the power of the stone rock, but he knew that there was a wonder in the stone rock soul. The fluctuations previously released from the stone rock soul made him have a strong fear.

He wants Chrisson to help him take the lead and touch the bottom of the rock.

Crisen had no doubt that he had him, and he thought that his soul was really consumed too much, and he didn't know the mystery of the stone rock soul. He hesitated for a moment when he heard the words, and was ready to forcibly pour into the sea of stone rock knowledge according to his words.

Cryson made up his mind and immediately changed into a beam of cold light. He came to the forehead of the rock in vain to enter the interior of his sea of knowledge.


The bones came from the stone rock god body. Under the stimulation of the immortal demon blood, his previously depleted tendons and flesh healed quickly!

A bloody halo lit up from his divine body. With the help of a drop of undead demon blood, his divine body changed rapidly.

At the elbows, shoulders and knees, a sharp thorn began to emerge from the flesh and blood bones, like a sharp bone protruding, which looked quite ferocious. He transformed towards the perfect form of immortal blood, and the smell of flesh and blood in his body became more and more intense.

The surging flesh and blood gushing out of Shiyan's body shocked Crisen and was ecstatic.

He suddenly realized that with the strength of Shi Yan's body at this time, even if he was accommodated to settle in with Carlos, he could rush into the center of the bubble.

Christen immediately stopped hesitant.


A beam of cold light, containing an extremely cold breath, drilled into the center of the stone rock's eyebrows to rush into his sea of knowledge.

sneer sneer!

A wisp of red flame suddenly escaped from the double pupils of the stone rock and climbed all over the cheeks of the stone rock.

Cryson's soul energy only touched those flames, as if it had been fatally hit. The soul energy seemed to be burned and melted, and quickly consumed.

The sad scream came from the depths of Crisson's soul. His clear and cold face suddenly became blurred, as if it was difficult to show his true face.

In an all of an aston of an astonishment, Crisson's soul was severely damaged, which was fundamentally injured.

Here, there is no extraterritorial turbulence energy. Neither Crisson nor Carlos can rely on other forces to target the rock, and can only act with the soul.

Both of them enter the strong existence of the First God with half a foot, and their souls are extremely strong. Although there is no soul altar, it is difficult to release the power to the greatest extent, but if ordinary warriors meet them and fight a soul war, there is almost no chance of winning.

But the stone rock soul is originally unpredictable. The secondary soul integrates the origin, which can easily mobilise the natural fire that has been derived from the origin.

The scorching fire was enough to bring a devastating blow to the soul. Crisson couldn't stand it at all, and he was hit hard all of a sudden.

Shi Yan smiled indifferently, and in a short time, he completed the transformation and became the form of the undead demon clan, which was perfect.

He suddenly realized that in such a wonderful area, as long as his soul is not attacked and will not be occupied, the two souls have nothing to do with him.

Outside, there are countless extraterritorial turbulence, both Carlos and Crisson, who know how to use the energy of extraterritorial turbulence to condense a beam of streams of light to invade him.

is the same. He was calm outside and did not go to war.

However, there is no extraterresmous streamer available on the surface of the bubble, that is to say, Crisson and Carlos can't invade his divine body with the help of streamer.

Unless he bombarded into his sea of knowledge, occupied his soul altar, and confused his consciousness, he did not have to be afraid of Carlos at all.

Unders this, Shi Yan suddenly laughed and smiled happily.

He glanced at Chrisson, whose soul was rolling endlessly, and Carlos, who was frightened. He grinned and said, "You two may be in vain."

"Damn it! You're fucking hurting me, aren't you?" Crisen's soul was burned by the fire and was traumatized. Pieces of ice-blue crystals burst. The spirit was not stable, and the situation was very bad.

He realized that he had been fooled by Carlos, knowing that Carlos must have been forced out of the sea of knowledge by Shiyan, and he didn't know that Shiyan was really powerful, so he used him as a gun.

"We don't have much time!" Carlos roared.

Cryson was shocked and knew that they were grasshoppers on a line. If they could not occupy the soul altar of the rock, they would all die here.

The two exchanged a look and secretly planned to kill again.

Shi Yan glanced at them and didn't say much. He turned into the divine body of the immortal demon clan and suddenly moved, as if an indestructible weapon had cut through the blue space and rushed in the other direction.

There, there is the evil dragon McGee.

The two-meter-long evil dragon struggled in pain, and his whole body was like raindrops of blood, cling down.

McGee, dressed in a fine and hard dragon armor, was entangled in countless blue lightnings and strangled into flesh and blood, as if to smash his huge demon body and let him die.

Ibaka's soul has officially settled in McGee's body. Pieces of ice-blue crystals cover McGee's huge head. The crystals exude a cold luster, forming a blue liquid, which can isolate the killing of the blue arc.

The real use of ice blue crystal is to let the soul avoid bombardment, provided that the soul has a physical body!

Ibaka covered McGee's head with pieces of crystals. His soul was hidden in McGee's head, which could not be bombarded by the electric light and could not be harmed by a trace.

In contrast, Carlos and Crisson, even if they have those ice-blue crystals, because they don't have a body to hide, those crystals lose very quickly, as if they are about to be smashed.

When the stone rock found the evil dragon Maiji, it also noticed that the fine blue arc electric light gradually penetrated from his divine body, as if it was about to invade his soul altar.

The souls of Crisson and Carlos, with a frightened and eager face, also flew over from a distance.

Shi Yan suddenly settled down, his face was cold to the bone, and the void suddenly explored.

An arm twisted by starlight, flowing with bright starlight, stretching for kilometers, full of spirituality. He grabbed it directly, pulled several ice crystals, and suddenly pulled them over.

Those ice crystals belonged to Crisen and were still wrapped around his soul, but they were accidentally caught a few pieces.


Pieces of ice-blue crystals, plastered on the stone rock head, made him look like a crystal hood, which looked quite strange.

However, at the moment when the crystal covered his head, he immediately was keenly aware that the arc from his divine body penetrated to the altar of the soul quietly retreated without extending all the way, so that his soul could be temporarily protected from infringement.

It really works!

Shi Yan grinned, looked coldly at the furious Christen, and said in a cold voice, "Unconvinced? Well, you can continue to try to invade my soul, and I will make you lose your soul next time!"

Christen was flind.

Carlos also looked frightened and looked at him in a idze, hesitating whether to continue to kill him.


The stone rock drank violently, the firelight flew in the pupil of his left eye, and a huge flame light ball rushed out of his eyes, like a meteor falling, straight to the dragon McGee's head shell.

The flame light ball suddenly changed into flame streamers, which penetrated into McGee's brain. The source of the sky fire is hidden in the hot flame breath, integrating into the hottest fire power, as if it can burn all souls and entities.

Ibaka's soul screamed and suddenly ran away from McGee's brain.

He had a hunch that the power of the original flame could burn out his soul, of course, including McGee's soul.

He thought that Shi Yan was going to bombard him and McGee together, so he didn't dare to stay at all to detect that it was not good, so he fled immediately for fear of being burned by the flames.

The soul of the third regiment with bad intentions used enough means to pull the stone rock, the evil dragon Maiji and the ice women in, occupy their bodies, and want to enter a certain place.

At this time, the ice woman had disappeared, and her soul and divine body had completely disappeared, but Shiyan and McGee were safe and sound.

On the contrary, the three souls were forced out, and there was no body available.

The three souls are in the shape of "pin" and quietly surround the stone rock. All three clear or blurred faces show bitter hatred.

"You are just three sps of remnant souls. You can deal with us with the help of extraterritorial streams outside, but here, you are just three ghosts! Without the divine body, without the soul altar, you can't use your power. How dare you fight with me? Are you really going to die?" Shi Yan was fearless and said coldly, "You retreat immediately now. Maybe you can get out of this area before the soul dissipates. You have to force it with me, hey hey, don't blame me for beating you away!"

The evil dragon McGee gasped, and his body splashed blood, as if he was suffering great pain.

But his huge eyes of hatred looked at Ibaka's face for a moment, "I remember you! If I can survive this trip, I will let you know the power of my evil dragon clan!"

Ibaka's face turned cold.