Kill God

Chapter 1114 Set ambush

Next to the clarified lake, the stone rock squatted on the ground and pointed to a big circle under his feet like a knife, and marked four dots in the circle.

He pointed to the four dots and said concisely, "We are here, Mia is here, Philp is in this position, and the new Protoss power is in this direction." The ground is clearly portrayed by him. Now the four dots are faintly square. In one of them, Mia, Philp, Haig and others are in the other three corners, which are some distance away from them. Obviously, Haig is the farthest from here. It is estimated that it will take at least a few days to arrive, and Mia is the nearest... >

Mo Su, Sisi Liya, Wu Feng, Shang Yingyue and others all squatted beside him, stared at the picture of the situation he drew, and frowned one by one.

"Even me, there are a total of twelve warriors on our side, but if we really fight head-on, I'm afraid we can't compare with Mia, Philp and any of the new forces. Even if we take a separate attack, we can't have the upper hand." Shi Yan frowned and said in a low voice.

The arrival of Haig also disrupted his policy, and he had to go with Mo Su and others.

If there is no Haig's arrival, with the help of his sensitive perception, he can run rampant in the swamp. He doesn't have to worry about being caught up by Mia and Philp. He can also hide in the dark and constantly make trouble for Mia and Philp, and can wait for the opportunity to take the colorful ghosts and demons.

But when Haig came, his beautiful steps were completely messed up. Haig, who was also unimpeded with divine consciousness, could easily lock his position, and no matter how he hidged, he would be dug out.

In this way, he will have no time to live in peace, and will soon be found, locked or even surrounded by Mia and others.

Of course, he can still walk with the help of the mystery of space. Unfortunately, this art of free separation cannot be used indefinitely. After all, the ancient continent is an ancient continent, and the edges of space are also bound. Not only can he not leave the ancient continent with the help of the mystery of space, but every small range of free departure will also consume

He has calculated carefully. Every time he is separated from him, he will consume at least a quarter of his divine power. During this period, he must calmly recover, otherwise he can only leave four times.

If Mia, Hag and Philp disperse the personnel and form a large circle to chase him, he will be immediately re-locked by Hagrid, and the nearby tripartite warriors will immediately find time that will not give him time to recover.

After four consecutive departures, his magic power will be exhausted and his strength will be sharply reduced. At this time, his combat effectiveness is low, and he can't deal with the opponent's warriors at all.

Without Haig's ability to lock him in an instant, he won't be nervous, but now he also has a headache.

"There is good news." Shi Yan's fingers slid on the ground aimlessly and said in a low voice, "The guy who threw the divine consciousness directly to us, should not know that I, like him, have the ability to perceive my surroundings. He was not too cautious and fell directly on the top of our head, so I realized that......" Haig did not expect that someone could be as unfettered as him. Therefore, his consciousness was directly above the head of the stone rock to roughly see the number and strength of people.

is the same, and the stone rock can keenly find his wisp of consciousness.

Unlike Haig, Shiyan will never be so bold and bold every time he explores the surroundings. As long as he senses the fluctuation of life, he will immediately take it back, and will not pry into the details.

One is cautious and the other is arrogant and confident, which has led to the horror of Haig, but Haig still knows nothing about him. He doesn't know that there is such a variable of rock in this swamp.

"Then we should make good use of this." The sexy Sisi Liya is calm and terrible at this time, her eyes are shining with wise fire, and she is always calculating something quickly.

When Mo Su, Wu Feng and Wu Bai saw Sisi Liya talking, they suddenly calmed down, as if they knew that Sisi Liya could help them at this moment. In the past five years, whenever there were any malicious planning methods, they were often formulated and implemented by Sisi Liya. She has proved her strength in this regard.

Shi Yan was surprised for a moment, looked at the plump and beautiful woman carefully, and couldn't help wandering on her.

A well-fitting green leather skirt, straight snow-white legs, plump breasts, slender waist, like a beautiful snake, the curve is sexy and seductive, and the man's blood is easy to spray.

As if he sensed Shi Yan's eyes, Sisi Liya squeezed his mouth and smiled, stretched out lazily, and his slender waist arched with an amazing curvature, which made Mo Li, Wu Feng, Wu Bai and other people's eyes suddenly hot, as if they had temporarily forgotten the danger of pressing step by step.

A fiery light also appeared in Shiyan's eyes, and he quickly calmed down and said lightly, "What's your good idea?"

He really had nothing to do for a while.

Any of the three forces on the opposite side is enough to be positive. The most important thing is that Haig can lock their position, so that Philp and Mia can always have a good score in their hearts. With this premise, it is difficult for them to do anything.

"Let me think about it. It's really a headache, trouble.

Sisi lì Ya charmingly pointed to the corners of Fengze's mouth with jade, slowly squatted down, and carefully looked at the picture of the situation drawn by the stone rock. Because of her posture, her plump buttocks outlined an extremely plump and attractive curvature, as if to burst the narrow leather skirt.

Several men behind her almost stared out of their eyes. They couldn't help swallowing their saliva one by one, secretly scolding this enchanting woman.

Shang Yingyue's face was cold. She looked at Ceci liya disdainfully, swept her eyes, and looked at the ugly posture of Sha Zhao, Mo Su and Wu Bai. She couldn't help snoring coldly.

Sha Zhao, Mo Li and Wu Bai laughed awkwardly, and finally forcibly removed their fiery eyes from Sisi Liya's body. Mo Li smiled dryly and said, "Everyone think about it carefully. Well, think about it carefully. There should be a way."

"Who knows what dirty things you are thinking about!" Shang Yingyue cursed rudely.

Everyone is more and more embarrassed.

On the contrary, Sisi Liya didn't care at all. It seemed that she knew that Sha Zhao and Mo Su had just secretly looked at her. She also giggled, and her beautiful eyes rippled with charming waves. She looked at Sha Zhao, Mo Su and Wu Bai's faces a few times, looking like a charming look that made the

This fox!

Everyone shouted secretly, and everyone was itchy and upset by being teased.

"I'm going to die, and I still have those messy things in my mind. It's really terrible!" Shang Yingyue said in a cold voice.

It is because she doesn't know when she will die here, she will indulge her inner [true] real desire, and she will have the idea of self-abandonment in time. Naturally, she does not understand the outbreak of negative emotions in a man's desperate situation, and she feels difficult to understand, so she is angry.

"There is a way, I don't know if it's feasible." Seshi Liya looked at Shiyan with a smile and just looked at Shiyan, as if he took the initiative to filter and ignore Mo Su and Sha Zhao.

Mo Su, Wu Bai, Jiao Shan and Jiao Hai all showed envious expressions. Knowing that because of the crucial role of Shi Yan, Sisi Liya had put all his thoughts on him and couldn't help but be secretly lost one by one.

"Tay it and listen to it." Shi Yan calmed down.

Ceci is like a ripe peach, releasing the mature amorous feelings of women all over his body, which has an irresistible attraction to any man. Shiyan is no exception, but the meaning of his cultivation is special, and he has been struggling with negative emotions in the body for many years. In some aspects, his restraint is different from ordinary people, and .

So he can calm down quickly and won't have a continuous dream because of Sisi Lìa's charming and seductiveness,

Be able to deal with important things calmly.

At this point, Mo Su, Wu Bai, Jiao Shan and Jiao Hai are not as good as him, because they do not have the experience of fighting against negative desires after every battle.

Shi Yan's indifference and calmness made Sisi Liya and Shang Yingyue's beautiful eyes show a trace of surprise. The two women took a deep look at him, and their evaluation of him was immediately raised to a higher level. The man who can calm at the critical moment and the man who can not be affected by the negative emotions in the desperate situation of Colorful.

They secretly compared the stone rock with Mo Su, Wu Bai and Jiao Shan, and their beautiful eyes were even brighter and darkly moved.

Mo Su, Wu Bai, Jiao Shan, Sha Zhao and others are all geniuses in major star domains and leaders of all forces in the future. Most of them have the power of challenge, and their minds are very tenacious...,

But these people are not as calm as Shi Yan at the critical moment. Shi Yan seems to be completely unaffected by the environment, which makes Sisi Liya and Shang Yingyue secretly shocked. Fortunately, they did not have a grudge against Shi Yan, but finally pulled him over.

"The other party doesn't know that we can also peep into their direction. With this premise, we can set the ambush." Sisi Liya pointed to this area, pointed to the lake and said, "This is a good place. I practice the mystery of water and can use this lake to do a lot of things.

Mo Su, you can do more by practicing the mystery of the earth. We can dig traps here, set up heavy and dangerous prohibitions, and wait for them to jump to trigger, and we can leave early.

"That's a good idea." Mo Li immediately nodded and agreed, looked at the situation around him, and grinned, "Once a lot of "ground crack thunder" in my hand is triggered, even the first god can't escape from it at a very close distance!"

"I also have a thunder and lightning spear!" Shang Yingyue's beautiful eyes lit up.

"Yes, this plan... is feasible." Shi Yan answered, and the strange light in his eyes beat, "In order to implement the plan more perfectly, I can even stay as bait and lead them into the net."