Kill God

Chapter 1116 The fierce battle at the bottom of the lake

Ya's muddy path stretches like a snake, with copper-sized leaves floating in the turbid water, green and secluded, releasing a faint poisonous miasma.

Mia and Yoman, a group of people from the Fernandez family, marched along the path in a hurry. Yoman relaxed and no longer spent energy to catch clues.

With Haig's message from time to time, he was liberated. Haig's divine knowledge is wider and more accurate, which is much faster and faster than his insight according to his footprints, so he no longer wastes his mind.

The speed of the group was not particularly fast, and Mia also sent a message, so that everyone should not be in a hurry, but to recover with strength.

Mia thought very clearly. Philp and Hagrid were also heading in the direction of Shiyan. According to the distance, she was naturally much closer. If there was no accident, they would be the first to meet Shiyan and others.

But this is not what Mia really wants to see.

From Mia's point of view, Mo and Wu Feng are at the end of the road. Haig's arrival is destined to be difficult for them to escape. At this time, they have been forced into a desperate situation. If they meet them first, the other party will see that the situation is not good - they may fight back to the death, and may bring

She brought the strong men of the family to the ancient continent. The main purpose was to enter the central area. She didn't want to let the masters of the clan hurt too much before the central area was unblocked.

She wants everyone to slow down, that is, hoping to reach the gathering point of Mo and Wu Feng at about the same time as Philp and Haig, so that they can kill Mo easily and casually without losing their strength.

Because of Haig's summons, she suddenly changed, "In the direction you are moving forward, by a clear lake, there is a man and a woman who did not leave with them but stayed." Haig sent the latest message through the sound stone, "I just took a look. That man should be the person you asked me to focus on, the one who cultivates the meaning of space."

"He stayed in place with a woman and didn't move?" Mia's voice was cold.

"Well, the two of them are by the lake, hey hey... Maybe take the opportunity to do something else." Haig sneered.

Mia's beautiful eyes flashed coldly and said lightly, "I know. I'll go there as soon as possible." She cut off the conversation with Haig and suddenly shouted loudly, "Everyone, hurry up!"

Yoman was obviously stunned.

"The guy who snatched my star fruit tree and the colorful ghost huā has been left alone. We need to arrange it well and try to kill it before Hage and Philp come!" Mia explained.

Yoman's eyes lit up slightly, and he immediately nodded to show his understanding that he and the warriors of the Fernandez family speeded up.

The clear lake, like a flawless mirror, has a beautiful silver phosphorescence under the bright stars overhead.

On the blue-brown stone, the stone rock looked up at the stars all over the sky and squinted silently.

A wisp of clean and cold stars are shining, falling like raindrops, converging like a funnel over his head, sinking into his mind [in the middle] let him have a clear and clean and fresh breath.

The ancient continents wandered between the major star domains without a moment. In a domineering and fierce way, the meteorites and dead stars along the road were smashed. The sky of the ancient continent was covered with a blue curtain of light, covering the sky, but the curtain of light was transparent and did not stop the stars The penetration of light.

Sitting on the stone rock, don't think about anything, keep the peace of mind and nature, and don't even take the initiative to absorb the energy of heaven and earth.

Under such circumstances, he seemed to be closer to the ancient continent, which seemed to be integrated into the swamp and became a part of the ancient continent. The secondary soul derived from the origin of the divine continent was like a vortex that absorbed all the breath to gather the nearby energy of heaven and earth and slowly poured into the virtual world of his soul altar.

A little starlight also slowly disappeared in the virtual world, and one of the bright stars. With the help of the magic of the starry fruit tree, he broke through to the realm of the virtual god's double sky, and made new progress in his cognition of the mystery of the stars. There are also many of the essence of the stars floating like cloud cotton in the In the middle, it seems that you can touch the true meaning of the stars.

Mia and others have not yet arrived, and he still has time to wait, so he does not waste energy and understand the subtlety of the stars.

Looking at the sky with empty eyes and looking at the bright stars, he suddenly had the illusion that he was infinitely close to the stars all over the sky, as if he could reach out and pull the stars down. The brilliant and vast galaxy, the countless flowing stars seemed to have some kind of echo with him...

The sky of the ancient continent was covered by an ice-blue light mask, but those nine-star lights were not only unobstructed at all, but also the power of the stars transmitted was very clean and fast.

When he sat still, he felt that the divine body gradually became cool, as if the bones and veins were shining one after another, full of a lot of star power.

He understood the essence of the stars at ease.


A graceful and touching figure suddenly appeared from the lake behind him. A long-haired wet Sisi Liya smiled brightly and said, "I'm ready. How long will it take for Mia to come over?"

Shi Yan, who indulged in his own world, slowly woke up from his trance after a while. He did not look back. He felt it slightly, and his eyebrows wrinkled coldly. He hurriedly restrained his mind and walked out of the state of understanding. He said in a low voice, "At most an hour, they will come. They "

According to Mia's original speed, it will take at least half a day to gradually get close to here, but now when he feels it, he finds that Mia and others are very close to here.

Obviously, Mia and others increased the speed several times and rushed over.

"So fast!" Sisi Liya was also surprised. Her long eyelashes moved. Suddenly, she squeezed her mouth and smiled charmingly and said, "There are many forbidden places outside the lake. If we just sit next to the lake like this, they will definitely doubt us when they see it. I think we should hide it a little?"

"Your opinion?" Shi Yan nodded and asked. He also knew that he was sitting on the stone like this. If Mia came over and found out, he would definitely have an idea, so he asked Sisi Liya for advice.

"You and I will hide at the bottom of the lake together, at least let them can't see us, make them suspect that we are practicing at the bottom of the lake, or... do something else." Sisi Liya's charming face showed a touch of clight, and her sexy and full posture twisted slightly at the bottom of the lake. She said softly, "In short, we have to confuse the other party and make them think that we don't know anything and are still doing our own things, so that they will be hooked and will touch it little by little."

Shi Yan thought about it and thought she had a good idea. She nodded and said, "Okay."

The words fell, and the stars flowed all over his body, drawing a beautiful and wonderful arc like a bright meteor, and fell to the middle of the lake where Cecilliya was located.

Seeing him snorkeling, Sisi's beautiful eyes were full of joy and luster. Her graceful posture swayed, and a transparent and colorless bubble emerged from under her body, wrapping her posture. Her jade hand scratched, and the bubble cracked a gap. She waved her hand and said, "Come in."

The transparent bubble is about the same size as the invisible mask of Shang Yingyue. Sisi Liya is more than enough to be in it, but if the rock is added, I'm afraid it will be a little narrow.

Shi Yan couldn't help frowning.

"There is a lot of prohibition at the bottom. If you dive alone and touch it unintentionally, my hard arrangement will be in vain." Sisi Liya saw his hesitation and giggled and said, "What are you afraid of? I will eat you?" Besides, as you said before, let me stick to you. I follow your orders.

Shiyan immediately said nothing more, accurately passed through the bubble gap, and stood side by side with Sisi lìya.

The transparent five-colored bubble is half the size of a hydrogen balloon. The two of them stood in it and slowly sank to the bottom of the lake. The cracks on the top of the head quickly healed, but there was fresh moisture in the bubbles. With the intoxicating mellow fragrance of Sisi Liya's body, people

As the bubbles dived into the bottom of the lake, the rock looked around, and there was a trace of horror in his eyes.

From 100 meters from the bottom of the lake, he saw countless transparent bubbles, each of which was of different size, all floating in the bottom of the lake and did not rise to the surface of the lake. Unexpectedly, he swayed according to some special law. There were hundreds of dense bubbles, and there were very strong fluctuations hidden in each bubble.

Those fluctuations fit well with the river. When the bubbles are wandering, they can actually hide the energy fluctuations. If he hadn't been at the bottom of the lake, I'm afraid he wouldn't have found anything abnormal.

He couldn't help but let out his divine consciousness and carefully see that his face changed. He took a deep breath, looked at Cecilia beside him, and suddenly said, "At the bottom of the lake, if you want to kill me, I'm afraid I can't get rid of it." The dense bubbles at the bottom of the lake, such as horrible energy bombs, are all in the hands of Sisi Liya.

Once all those bubbles burst, the impact force formed in an instant is estimated to be able to smash his divine body!

He looked deeply at Sisi Liya and suddenly felt a little chilled. He almost subconsciously condensed all the forces in the [body]. As long as Sisi Liya showed a trace of strangeness, he was ready to escape with space and never put his life in the control of Sisi Liya.

"How can I deal with you?" Ceci liya smiled like a huā, and a pair of seductive beautiful eyes turned. Suddenly, he smiled and said naturally, "Are you too cautious? The defense is too heavy. How can anyone be the enemy?

"It's not a bad thing to be cautious." Shi Yan's face is still grim, his nerves are tense, and he is always careful.

A strange light flashed in Sisi's eyes.
