Kill God

Chapter 1153 Eight Chiefs

The sand was raging in the desert, and the gravel was piled up into towering giant hands. In an instant, the light beam connected to the sky was smashed into pieces, and even the cloud broke the Tisot.

The sudden violence of the desert made Sisi Liya and Shang Yingyue stunned. Looking at the tornadoes rushing into the sky and the furious world, they all had a feeling of incomparable in vain.


Liu Yun broke the Tissot to pieces, and as soon as the fragments fell to the ground, they suddenly turned into ashes, as if they were burning.

The sad cry came, and a cluster of gray air mass, only the size of a walnut, suddenly emerged, beating in front of the stone rock, like screaming in the stone rock soul.

The power of body rolling suddenly stopped, and no trace flowed out. His face was blue. Looking at the artifacts in front of him and the formations that only divine consciousness could capture, his eyes became extremely cold.

The cloud breaks the Tissot!

Except for the core formation diagram and artifacts of the floating cloud-breaking Tissot, the rest were turned into ashes and forcibly destroyed by one hand in the dark.

- Because the cloud breaks through Tissot dares to challenge its layout, it is destroyed and is not allowed to continue to exist.

"I can't help you anymore." The weapon is extremely weak, as if a wisp of remnant soul wandering around, "It's so horrible here that I don't know what happened. It seems that I attracted the power of heaven and let God punish me..."

"It's true that someone punished you, but it's not heaven, but... this earth." Shi Yan took a deep breath and his face calmed down again. "Don't worry, you'll be fine. As long as your soul is not dispersed and the core array is not destroyed, the rest is not very difficult."

Shiyan is also a refiner. He has a deep understanding of artifacts and has his own opinions.

The artifact with the spirit can also be regarded as a life race. It can quench the refiner with the spirit. It has magical power comparable to the creator. The spirit is like the human soul. The core formation is the veins and bones, and the quenched object itself is like the human body...

The spirit of Liuyun Breaking Tissot has not been destroyed, and the core formation map is also there. It is like a strong man's soul and veins and bones have not been destroyed, but the flesh and blood have been shaved. If there is a means to reunite the flesh and blood, it can be reborn.

is simpler for objects.

"I know refiners. I can use all kinds of natural fire. This is an ancient continent with countless rare materials. As long as I find the right material, re-refine the carrier for you, and let the core formation map be embedded in it, you mean reliving, don't you? Shi Yan's calm and comfortable summons.

The gray air mass suddenly turbulently. "If according to what you said, then... it really seems that there is no problem."

"Well, I'll pay attention to it. Now you tell you that you have those materials for refining." Stone rock road.

Qiling [Xing] worked hard, immediately summoned, stated the names of many special materials, let him pay careful attention, and be sure to give him a chance to regain a new life, "I'm all for you, for you to challenge Tianwei, you must not give up me,..." Qiling told me a thousand instructions.

Shi Yan wrote it down carefully, and immediately moved his mind, and collected the instrument spirit and the core formation map to the blood pattern ring...

The weapon spirit is incorporated into the visible formation map of the divine consciousness, turns into a wisp of thought fluctuation, disappears directly in the blood pattern ring, and stays in the vast and boundless world of the blood pattern ring. "It's good here, it's amazing that... there is actually aura that can be suitable for my recovery, The spirit finally shouted in surprise.

is different from all phantom ring. The blood pattern ring can hold living creatures and give life with soul fluctuation. It is extremely mysterious. As far as he knows, only the blood pattern ring has such a mystery. He has never seen any ring that can achieve such a magical difficulty. The effect of the test.

After all, the blood-print ring is the mysterious treasure of the bloodthirsty owner.

"I failed."

Arranged the spirit, his face was slightly dark, and he said to Sisi Liya and Shang Yingyue, "I can't leave in conflict for the time being."

Shang Yingyue and Sisi Lìya have always been looking at him, watching him take out Liuyun to break the Tissot, feel the wonderful soul fluctuation on him, know that he is relying on the magic weapon to achieve something, and also see that the light pillar released by Liuyun to break Tissot is crushed, and What just happened.

"Is it made by it?" Shang Yingyue suddenly said.

Shi Yan nodded indifferently, looked at Shenshan from the clouds in the distance, and said, "It seems that it doesn't like us to mess around. It should have its arrangement and plan. Let's wait and see what happens."

After that, he sat down straight at the end of the hot desert, thought for a moment, and took out the blood bones one by one. A total of nine blood bones were arranged in front of his knee. The blood bones seemed to be made of crystal blood jade, shining with scarlet luster, and there seemed to be blood flowing inside. These blood bones came from 〗 The skeleton inside.

Xuanshan is obviously a member of the demon clan. His bones are thick and long and clear. After thousands of trials, he has formed a wonderful mystery, with an amazing fierce and violent atmosphere.

He gently groped for a piece of blood bone, narrowed his eyes slightly, let go of the divine consciousness, and penetrated into the evil array in the blood bone...

That is the evil array later engraved by the Chatris family. It is an evil contract. The current holders of blood bones have to obey Hasson and become Hasson's most loyal lackey.

The evil arrays in each blood bone are extremely similar, but there are subtle differences, with not much continuous fluctuations. The evil arrays of blood bones one by one seem to be part of a terrible horror contract. The evil arrays in all the blood bones are connected to form the evil array, which is the source of the "white bone blood refining ghost tomb"... ...

A trace of refined divine consciousness wandered in the blood and bone evil array. His altar swirled, and negative forces surged in his acupuncture points all over his body, as if he was covered with a layer of death.

Sisi Liya and Shang Yingyue's faces changed slightly. At the same time, they were aware of the wonders in him and subconsciously hurriedly avoided him from him. His beautiful face turned white and his face was shocked.

They suddenly found that the life fluctuation of the rock suddenly disappeared, as if he had become a dead man. They could not feel any life movement in him, which made them feel a little creepy. The blood bones placed in front of the rock suddenly appeared wisps of scarlet blood-colored strange light, like blood-red veins. It implicitly constitutes a strange and strange secret array.

The two of them looked at it, their faces turned white, and they felt a sense of dizziness on the soul altar.

"You stay away from me, don't look at me, or you will lose your soul." Suddenly, the stone rock, where the fluctuation of life completely disappeared, turned around and shouted softly.

Sisi Liya and Shang Yingyue were like a frightened bird. Hearing the words, they quickly retreated, dozens of steps away from him, and did not dare to look at him carefully.

"Keep retreating!" Shi Yan drank again.

Shang Yingyue and Sisi Liya's faces changed slightly, and they also noticed that the blood around him was gradually soaring. They didn't dare to think too much, and then retreated until Shi Yan became a red dot in their beautiful eyes. They found that they were no longer affected, so they stopped, revealing their palpitations, and

"What is he doing?" Sisi Liya frowned and said, "Didn't he get the blood bone? Is he going to stimulate the power in it and continue to attack the magic array in the desert?

"Obviously not." Shang Yingyue shook his head with a cold face, "The blood bone comes from the divine body under Hasen's command. There must be a mystery. I think there are some secret prohibitions of the Chatris family in the blood bone. He wants to erase those prohibitions and really turn the blood bone into his unique magic weapon.

"He understands the meaning of death..." Sisi Liya suddenly said.

She and Shang Yingyue ignored a glance and suddenly were silent. There was a deep look of fear in their eyes. It seemed that those who knew the meaning of death were like floods and beasts.

"Bloodthirsty, bloodthirsty eight followers, this is a long-standing legend. You and I have never seen the horror and power of the bloodthirsty vein, but we should have heard of it..." Sisi Liya suddenly took a deep breath. "The Protoss became the hegemon of the Star River because they were destroyed Public enemies, it is said that they were much more powerful and horrible than today's protoss. All the strong in the star realm and the protoss joined hands to finally destroy this vein. I've only heard the legend of this vein, and I don't know whether it's true or not..."

"It's true." Shang Yingyue took a deep breath, and her pretty face became unprecedentedly dignified. "If you know the composition of a bloodthirsty vein, you will not doubt the credibility of the legend at all, and you will never doubt their strength..."

After a pause, Shang Yingyue said seriously, "The core members of the bloodthirsty bloodline, such as the eight leaders of the bloodthirsty eight followers, most of them come from the extremists of the Protoss, the undead demons, the demons, and the underworld!"

Sisi lìa changed color in amazement and stared at Shang Yingyue. "You mean, there are four races in the bloodthirsty line? Do they serve one person as the Lord in peace?

Shang Yingyue nodded and added, "Exactly speaking, most of the core members of the bloodthirsty line are outstanding strong men of the four races!"

"How is that possible?!" Sisi Liya screamed, "The demon clan and the underworld have always been opposed to each other, and the undead demon clan and the Protoss are also deadly enemies. How can they be together?"

"I don't understand either." Shang Yingyue's expression was strange. "These are all what my father told me. He wandered in the major star fields and had something to do with the bloodthirsty vein. The reason why my father took out the fruit belonging to my brother's boundary, and then went to the Maya Star Domain to take him to the ancient continent. Obviously, this guy came from the The branch of death.

"So that's it." Sessy is surprised.

Although Sisi liya has only heard the legend of the bloodthirsty vein, she already knows the power of the bloodthirsty vein. As far as she knows, this force was originally the public enemy of the universe, dominating the galaxy, and then was conquered by the Protoss in conjunction with the major star domains, and finally slowly disappeared. However It almost brought a disaster of destruction. It is said that the last battle of this vein invaded the ancient god star domain, causing heavy losses to the Protoss.

They guessed that the stone rock came from the bloodthirsty death branch, but they didn't dare to think that the inheritance of the stone rock... may come from the bloodthirsty lord.