Kill God

Chapter 1168 Virtual God Triple Heaven!

Shi Yan stood in the strange world.

On the 9th and September above his head, the lights are magnificent, and the stars under his feet are shining, releasing the cold starlight spots, which are merged into his virtual world one by one.

His virtual world is slowly changing...

The virtual world is like reflecting and branding here, in which the light spots of September and September gradually appear, and the stars appear, and strange energy emerges.

Shiyan indulges in the changes of the stars, indulges in the extension of space, can touch the life and death waves in the virtual world, and the mystery of the soul altar breaks through quickly at a speed he can't imagine.

Gradually, the world he was in slowly became dim. The sun and moon light disappeared little by little above his head, and the sun and moon became blurred, like the remnants finally dissipated, and the countless stars under his feet suddenly disappeared.

The whole world seems to have been assimilated and absorbed by his virtual world and reflected in his virtual world.

He is in a vast white fog. He can't see anything or sense anything, just like a person being lonely between heaven and earth.

I don't know how long it took.

He slowly woke up and turned around. He had a strange and wonderful feeling that encapsed a world in his mind. When he turned his mind, he was shocked.

The ancient tree of divine power in the body has doubled, and the veins and bones have been refined again by the sun, moon and stars. The space, stars, and the artistic conception of life and death have stepped forward. He broke through to the realm of the three heavens of the virtual god!

Inexplicably - the soul has been sublimated!

In the internal inspection of divine consciousness, he found that the virtual world seemed to have become a real world, with the sun, moon and stars. He could understand all the mysteries of it, but the power of the sun, moon and stars is much inferior to the reality he knows, and it is not as strange as the strange world he lived in before.

He frowned deeply, confused, and there was a kind of confusion in the clouds.

"It is extremely difficult for you to integrate that person's true meaning of heaven and earth into the virtual world and integrate it with the virtual world. If your level is too low, you can't take away all the world that the man created with the help of the wilderness, and the wilderness... will not be allowed. Suddenly, a calm and indifferent voice came from the ring spirit.

Shi Yan was stunned and asked, "I don't understand."

"That man, who was the strongest of the Protoss 100,000 years ago, is very similar to you now, integrating the true meaning of the star space. Nowadays, the light mystery of the core of the Protoss is actually the source of the mystery of the stars. The light of the sun, moon and stars are the light of light, which has many similarities with the light mystery of the Protoss. Jieling explained: "Your star mystery comes from the three gods in the endless sea. The three gods are also a branch of the light god religion, and the light god religion... is extended from the bright mystery of the god clan in ancient times. Very early, the real strong man of the Protoss came to the land of God's grace and inherited the meaning of the light. Although the meaning of the light turned into a star meaning is different, many key points are still interconnected..."

The ring spirit said.

To say this, Shiyan suddenly feels cheerful.

Many years ago, he obtained the mystery of the stars from the secret place of the predecessor Ouyang, and entered the endless sea to know that he was the star god and was one of the venerable of the Three Gods.

He also entered the land of China from the endless sea to know the God of Light, and then he knew that the three gods of the sun, moon and star were the guardian elders of the God of light. The star martial soul is only one of the god of the light god religion. The star martial soul, the hot sun martial soul and the silver moon martial soul correspond to The master of the divine religion, Xinghao, merges the three and claims to be light...

He has gone through all kinds of hardships from the mainland of God to break through the truth of the mystery. He can absorb the glory of the sun, the moon and the stars, and still claims to be the mystery of the stars, but Xing Hao is called the light of the god of light.

After saying this, Shi Yan immediately understood that the star mystery he is practicing now should be born out of the light mystery of the Protoss. Although there are new changes, many of them are exquisite and interoperable.

It's just the strongest of the 100,000-year-old Protoss. Why did he create a new world in the wilderness?

"He wants to absorb the power of the wilderness and refine a new world with stars and space as the cornerstone. He wants to... refine the wilderness." The tone of the ring spirit did not fluctuate, "He naturally failed. He has been extremely terrible for 100,000 years. It is not only him who has the same idea as him, but also the white tiger of the Heavenly Demon clan, as well as the two strong men of the undead demon clan and the Pluto clan. They represent the peak of the four great creatures

"Why did you fail?" Shi Yan asked, "Aren't they strong enough?"

"Not strong enough?" Jie Ling paused for a moment and said, "Even compared with the people of this era, they are the strongest at the peak, as powerful as the patriarchs of the Protoss, the Pluto clan and the Heavenly Demon clan, and even win in some aspects!"

"Still failed?"

"Wing to refine the famine? They are not qualified. So far... no one is qualified, and no one can succeed.

"What the hell is the waste?"

"You will naturally know in the future."

"What about the rest of the losers?"

"The remains of the white tiger turned into a mountain, and the original world of the protoss turned into the world you had seen before, sealed by the wilderness. Nowadays, the brand is exquisite - it is engraved by your virtual world, and the world no longer exists. You have also used this to break through the three heavens of the virtual god. In the future, you can also create a new world if you have enough power. The soul of the underworld clan turned into an ice-blue mask, wrapped around the periphery of the wilderness. When you came, you saw that the immortal demon clan, the divine body turned into the divine mountain and was dominated by the wilderness.

"100,000 years ago, the four of them were the first and strongest generation of the four races, which could be regarded as the wisdom of the four ancient continents, but they still failed."

"What is the connection between the four ancient continents and the wilderness? Why is the wilderness opened when the four continents are the most exhausted? Why is the wilderness closed when they prosper and recover? There must be some wonderful connection between them, right?" Shi Yan asked.

"You are not stupid. The five continents are originally a whole, but they split when they were formed. Just like a person, it is divided into five pieces, and the other four continents are like human limbs, which are the core of the human body. You should understand such a metaphor, right?

The stone rock's brain rumbled.

When he wandered around the ancient continent for a long time, he had a kind of speculation that there was a connection between the four ancient continents and the wilderness.

Because he and Hagrid, Audrey and others integrate the origin of the ancient continent, many times here the divine consciousness can be unfettered, have a feeling of returning home, and can easily gather the energy of heaven and earth. This is naturally because of the origin of the ancient continent...

But guessing is always just guessing, and he can't figure out the more subtle connection. If the ring spirit doesn't say it, he may never be able to think so thoroughly.

When heaven and earth first opened, the five continents turned out to be integrated, but when the universe formed, they split. The other four continents, such as human limbs, separated from the body and wandered in various regions of the universe, may play a wonderful role.

He is wise and has his own consciousness, which many people have told him, and he also has a personal experience.

If this is the case, then do the other four continents separated from the wilderness have the same wisdom of life? Do you also have your own consciousness?

"You can think of this. Sure enough, it didn't disappoint us. Yes, it's not just the wilderness, but also the four continents of God's grace, Shenze, ancient demons and ancient gods. Because it is divided from the wilderness, it also has fragmented consciousness and wisdom. Otherwise, there will be no undead demon The mainland was conceived and created, and they all wanted to prove that the racial creatures they created were the most perfect and could carry their soul memories. Unfortunately... They failed to achieve in the end. Even the bodies of the four races could not carry their terrible consciousness. They could only be in another situation..."

"Let us take the initiative to integrate the origin, control the strength, and slowly form a secondary soul, and exist together in the soul altar? The way of coexistence? The secondary soul... is a carrier of their consciousness? Shi Yan suddenly drank in shock.

"Sure enough to be smart!" The ring spirit praised again.

The stone rock suddenly had a creepy feeling.

He couldn't help but release his soul, and the wonderful flame swirled, as his mind changed, like a part of his soul, which was closely related to him.

Among them... is there the spiritual will of the ancient continent?

"You don't have to be nervous, for the time being... It can't affect you at all. Only when the ancient continent is at its worst will part of its origin merge into your souls and become the secondary soul of life. Nowadays, God's grace, God's Ze, ancient gods, and ancient demon continents are all in a state of running out of oil, and their intellectual power are in the weakest form. How can they pose a threat to you? You don't have to worry." The ring is comforting.

"Now the ancient continent has regained its vitality and reabsorbed the power of the universe. When the ancient continent prospers again, can we... dominate ourselves?" Shi Yan said seriously.

"As long as you are better than it, you can dominate it, otherwise..." The precepts did not continue.

Shiyan's face has become difficult to see.

"It should not be accidental for those who integrate the origin like me to appear here one by one, right? What are they looking for and what do they want from the wilderness? Shi Yan asked the key points.

"You will know soon." The ring spirit responded, and then fell silent again.

Then Shiyan found himself in the lake, wet and wet with water mist.

By the lake, Audrey's people had long disappeared. Only Shang Yingyue still stayed quietly, seeing his bright eyes suddenly lit up.

He suddenly frowned and shouted softly, "Where's Cecilia? Have you seen her?

"Isn't she with you?" Shang Yingyue was stunned, and her eyes were full of inexplicableness.

"She didn't come out?" Shi Yan's face changed slightly.

Shang Yingyue shook her head, "I've been here and haven't seen her at all. I thought she had been with you."


Shi Yan cursed secretly and wanted to re-enter the wonderful world. Suddenly, he found that there was no door to enter. He also realized that the new world that had the evolution of the first world of the ancestors of the Protoss had completely disappeared. Even the exquisiteness was engraved in his virtual world, helping him break through to the three heavens of the virtual