Kill God

Chapter 1279 It has to be for

Xize did not move a trace, but the fist seals were like a world of thunder, forming an endless wonder, blocking the space where Xiaoyao was located.

"You are better than your father. Of the three of you, you are the closest to the immortal double heaven, the extreme of thunder. You have realized the subtlety, but unfortunately, the soul has not been completely transformed." Xiaoyao looked deeply at Xize and praised, "But it's still not enough to stop me. After all, I'm higher than you. It took me 7,000 years to break through this realm, so you can only watch me kill him."

Xiaoyao looked at Xing Ming and smiled.

Xing Ming's chest, a month-long tooth pattern emerged. The pattern pierced his heart and smashed his body, like an electric shot into Xing Ming's altar and smashed it.

A little above Xiaoyao's head, a bright moon emerges. The bright moon is pure and flawless, condensing for hundreds of millions of divine power. The bright moon changes slightly, and it breeds endless wonders and eliminates all the fist marks bombarded by Xize.

When he and Xi Ze took action, they had already been distracted to kill Xing Ming. Unless Xize's boxing Lei Can't make him have a trace of energy, he can't stop him from killing Xing Ming.

Obviously, Xi Ze still does not have enough realm power to make Xiaoyao's split body helpless.

So Xing Ming died.

Xing Ying's face was full of dirt and blood. She stopped kowtowed to Xize. Her face was gray, and her eyes were pale and she looked at her father's life fluctuation and stagnant, as if she had lost her soul.

"Xize!" Ling Xiang suddenly shouted in a low voice.

Xi Ze, who looked resolute and was ready to take action regardless of everything, trembled slightly when he heard the words, as if he was struggling with something.

"Xize!" Ling Xiang drank low again.

Xize's tight nerves. Suddenly loosened. His eyes changed for a while and returned to normal.

Xiaoyao showed admiration, her feminine eyes moved, and suddenly said, "I'm here to talk to you Qianhuanzong, Broken Hall and Tianshui Palace. The bloodthirsty bones in your hands are exchanged by our Protoss in a star domain, and we can count them immediately."

Ling Xiang had guessed the purpose of his coming. Hearing the words, he smiled bitterly. We have handed over the remains to the bloodthirsty new Lord, and the price has been negotiated.

Xiaoyao narrowed his eyes and immediately found that Lorraine was not there. His pupils flowed in the moonlight, and his heart moved. He smiled and said, "The illusion star is worthy of the illusion star. Even I can be confused for a moment."

He moved, and his figure disappeared.

Xi Ze and Ling Xiang ignored it, and their minds were shocked. They also disappeared one after another and went to the direction of Shiyan.

Gu Lian and Ban Yu also hurried around and gathered in the palace where the VIPs were arranged for the magic star.


The other side.

"Here comes Xiaoyao. Take these three boxes of bloodthirsty bones and leave the magic star quickly. I have communicated with Xize and Ling Xiang. Once you go to war with the Protoss, our three parties will respond. Lorraine suddenly came out and handed over the three boxes of Tianxiang'an Shenyu to Shi Yan without saying a word, and hurriedly urged him to leave quickly.

"Free? The free king of the Protoss?" Shi Yan calmly inquired.

"Hurry up, the layers of illusions of this illusion star, I'm afraid it can't confuse him for a few seconds. Aren't you practicing the meaning of space? You'd better break through the space. Return to the original continent immediately. Lorraine urged.

Shi Yan looked up at the sky, his mind moved slightly, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

With his connection with the divine continent, even in the middle of the turbulence of space, he can return with the best power.

But now. When he tried, he found that the space became heavy. If you are crushed by countless mountains, you can't pry at all.

He immediately realized that it was too late, and Xiaoyao had already stared at him.

" Xiaoyao has come, and I can't leave." Shi Yan looked at Luo Lin, frowned, and then suddenly turned around and hugged Ouyang Luoshuang. He put one hand on Ouyang Luoshuang's back. His strength moved secretly and whispered to her ear and said, "I'm sorry."

Ouyang Luoshuang was indulging in great surprise at this time, surprised by what Lorraine said, because her master claimed to be free, and the person Shi Yan and Lorraine talked about was the king of Xiaoyao, the peak of the Protoss, and she was clearing her thoughts.

She was not prepared for Shi Yan to suddenly do it. When she realized it, it was too late. She was instantly imprisoned by Shi Yan. Her heart was cold and she shouted, "What are you doing?"

"I said before, I may want to take advantage of you. Now, it's time." Shi Yan smiled bitterly and apologized. His eyes glowed with strange light. He pulled the three Tianxiang'an jade boxes thrown by Lorin into the space opened up by the first world. Immediately, his face gradually became cold, and his whole body was surrounded by murderous, with a cold breath. He said, "I'm sorry."

It was also at this time that Xiaoyao broke through the air and stood in front of him.

"Master..." Ouyang Luoshuang's eyes condensed and exclaimed softly.

Xiaoyao squinted, looked at her, then at Shi Yan, and said, "Are you the bloodthirsty inheritor?"

Shiyan nodded.

"Only the cultivation of the first god, the realm is too low, I want to kill you easily. Well, take out the bloodthirsty bones and let my apprentice go. I'll let you go. I'll keep my word. Xiaoyao said indifferently.

"I want to leave easily, and I have to carry bloodthirsty bones. What do you think I should do?" Shiyan said in a cold voice.

"Then you are looking for death." Xiaoyao shook his head.

At this time, Ling Xiang and Xi Ze also came over, and Gu Lian and Ban Yu also stood far away, looking at this area with complicated eyes.

They didn't expect that the scene they saw after coming over would be like this, and they were all stunned.

Before Xiaoyao came, Shi Yan said that Ouyang Luoshuang was his woman. He forced Xize to compensate and let Xing Shang break his arm, but now, he actually held Ouyang Luoshuang with a cold look to kill Ouyang Luoshuang and Xiaoyao to bargain. How cold and ruthless can this man turn his face so?

At the critical moment, even your own woman can be sacrificed. How cruel and despicable should this person be?

Many people showed a disdainful look and secretly contemptuous. They all felt that they had misread him before and felt that he was too disappointing.

Only a few people from Xize, Ling Xiang, Lorraine and Gulian nodded secretly. They could see that knowing Shi Yan's current practice is the only way he can talk to Xiaoyao. They all appreciate Shi Yan's sudden wit and fierceness, and feel that only such characters may be able to really compete with the Protoss.

"I have two souls, you know that you kill my soul, and I still exist. But I'm afraid you can't be resurrected. Well, I don't know how much you value your apprentice. Maybe you don't care about her life or death at all..." Shi Yan looked at Xiaoyao and said, "If that's the case, I can only admit defeat."

"I know what has happened from the souls of Xing Shang and Wei Yun. Although you and my apprentice are not lovers, you can be friends. Otherwise, you will not save her. In terms of saving her, you hand over the bloodthirsty bones and leave by yourself. Can I make it clear? Xiaoyao squinted.

"I'm going to take the bones." Shi Yan insists.

"I believe you won't do anything to your friends, so your threat seems ridiculous to me." Take it easy. It's easy.

"Real is it?" Shiyan's eyes were cold, and a bone spur suddenly appeared in his hand. His wrist trembled, and the bone spur was directly inserted into Ouyang Luoshuang's abdomen.

Ouyang Luo~~Book Network for the first release~~ The frost suddenly stiffened all over, and her bright eyes trembled. She didn't expect that Shi Yan would really kill her. She felt the tingling pain in her abdomen. She hated itchy teeth and cursed herself secretly, thinking that once she got out,

At this time, she already knew the true meaning of the previous strange words, and understood that Shi Yan's so-called use was such a thing. Although Shi Yan promised that he would not really kill her at that time, the damage of the divine body was real. She secretly hated Shi Yan's coldness and fierceness, and she could really kill her.

Shi Yan felt the stiffness of Ouyang Luoshuang, and the two were close to his body. He could understand Ouyang Luoshuang's secret hatred and even the activities of his mind.

It may be related to Ouyang Luoshuang who has just entered his initial world, and the subtle connection between the hearts of the two sides seems to have not been completely cut off.

But he couldn't help it. He knew that Ouyang Luoshuang would definitely have a fight with him afterwards, so he could only brace, because the space here was closed, and Xiaoyao was immortal. The only way to get out was Ouyang Luoshuang, which was his last hand to save himself. Fortunately, he guessed that Master Ouyang Luo When you take it, you have a decision, so that you can kill without hesitation.

Ban Yu, Gu Lian and Gu Ling all looked at the blood stains on Ouyang Luoshuang's abdomen with a frightened face.

They didn't expect Shi Yan to dare to do it!

Xiaoyao didn't expect that he would dare. At the moment when the blood stains on Ouyang Luoshuang's abdomen, he hesitated.

He guessed that Shi Yan might not really kill. Maybe the practice at this time is already extreme and will not continue to be chaotic, but this is only his speculation from Xing Shang and Wei Yun's memory, and he can't really be sure.

To put it bluntly, it's still because he is not familiar with Shiyan and how the bloodthirsty inheritor of this generation is.

And Ouyang Luoshuang is the only person he has seen an incomparable fit in the road of cultivation for ten thousand years. Ouyang Luoshuang is obviously not a Protoss, and he is also determined to teach the mystery and cultivate it as the only true disciple.

He refined the moon for Ouyang Luoshuang and improved his cultivation, which shows that he attaches great importance to this old apprentice.

He didn't want to lose this apprentice, so he didn't dare to bet.

"Wait sure I'm safe, she will be free." Shi Yan saw his hesitation and didn't wait for him to make a decision. With Ouyang Luoshuang in his arms, he rose to the sky and rushed out of the magic star.

Xiaoyao imprisoned the space and could not tear the teleportation, but the conventional flight was not hindered. He was ready to leave this area. As soon as he found the space that Xiaoyao had no closed influence, he directly opened the channel and returned to the continent of God.

As long as he returns to the divine continent, in his own world, even if he finds it freely, he dares to let go.

He has fought with Qinglong and knows that in the land of God's grace, even if he is defeated, he can leave calmly.

Xiaoyao watched him rush to the outside of the illusion star with Ouyang Luoshuang in his arms. His face was extremely solemn and gloomy, and he tried his best to suppress his anger. He did not stay in the illusion star for a moment, and also rushed out. He followed behind the stone rock, continued to close the space, and observed secretly. As Difficulty.
