Kill God

Chapter 1290 Game

In the southern part of the ancient god star domain, there are stars shining, and one of the stars of life is flowing with extremely gorgeous light.

This is the only star of the Bradley family.

In a mysterious valley of the stars, there are mountains and rivers. In the belly of one of the mountains, there are bright yellow crystal balls like stars, and life fireworks shine in the crystal ball.

The crystal ball is a life bead, which corresponds to the soul life of important people of the Bradley family. No matter where those people are, as long as the soul returns to the ruins, the life bead here will be extinguished. Each life bead is also engraved with characters and the corresponding name is written.

At this time, the three lives here (bookstore the fastest update were swaying and suddenly extinguished.

An old man who has been waiting all year round, with a frightened luster in his eyes, and his figure disappeared in a flash.

When he appeared again, he had arrived at a secret room, and there was only one person sitting quietly in the secret room. This man was Byers, the current patriarch of the Bradley family. Byers was in his hard work. He wanted to break through the current realm and enter immortality, but was disturbed by the man's news.

"What's the matter?" Byers said in a low voice.

"The lives of Letka, Cook and Jeremy have been extinguished, and the Thunder Star Domain may have changed." The man replied with his head down.

Byers' face suddenly changed, and a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes. He was silent for a long time and said, "Letka is still my cousin. At that time, he didn't want to go to the Leixiao Star Domain. He thought it was too poor. If I hadn't insisted on letting him go there, I'm afraid

"My condolences to the owner." The old man sighed slightly.

"They won't die in vain." Byers took a deep breath. He was very cruel. He immediately waved his hand and said, "Mit to the Presbyterian Council."

"Undert it."


Soon, the Presbyterian Society of the Protoss learned the news of the death of Letka, Cook and Jeremy, and knew that the Leixiao Star Domain was probably lost and was no longer the territory of the Protoss.

All forces of the Protoss were shocked.

Xiaoyao and the King of Light naturally knew the news. On the Tianshen Peak, Xiaoyao teased and put the wine glass in his hand on the jade platform and said, "If you had listened to my advice before and joined hands with me to open the barrier of the Thunder Star Domain, they may be fine."

Before, Xiaoyao coerced the King of Light. He joined hands with him to smash the closure of the star domain arranged by DiCarlo and rushed directly into the Leixiao star domain, but was rejected by the King of Light.

At that time, the King of Light was very confident and thought that he was under the seat of Letka, Cook and Jeremy. Lei Xiaoxingyu will have no worries, and it is impossible to be taken advantage of by Shiyan.

But now, the light is beginning to regret...

The three of Letka are all gods of the first god, all from their Bradley family. It can be said that they are the most elite force in the family. Three people died all of a sudden, which made Guangming's heart hurt. He calmly, drank all the spirits in the wine jug in his hand, and immediately stood up... The book friend uploaded I'm going to fight with you."

Xiaoyao smiled indifferently, "You and I will break the barrier of the star domain in half a month at most. The barrier in the astral field was released and condensed by DiCarlo. If the barrier in the astral area is broken, he will also be injured!" At this point, Xiaoyao's eyes suddenly became gloomy.

If it hadn't been for DiCarlo's half-way action, he would have killed Shiyan, and the three bloodthirsty bones should have been obtained by him, and Ouyang Luoshuang would not have been lost. There won't be so many things.

He has regarded DiCarlo as an enemy. He treats the enemy and never has a trace of kindness.

"The opposite of DiCarlo and my family will be his greatest misfortune, the lives of three children in my family. I'll count on him." The King of Light said in a low voice.


Thunder Star Domain.

In the middle of Tianchi, there is a corpse of a Protoss. Those gorgeous palaces were smashed and burst, and the blood was covered with rubble.

The three warriors in the Thunder Sky Star Domain, Lei Meng, Ji Feng and Harmon, shuttled through the side of Tianchi, wandering at a high speed, killing the Protoss who were missing the net one by one.

Those people are at the level of virtual gods and source gods. In the face of the pursuit of the three gods, they don't even have a chance to escape.

Leixiao Star Domain is in a closed state again. All kinds of transmission arrays here are invalid, and they can only be killed one by one.

At this moment, they realized the changes of the times and that ten thousand years had passed, and the hegemony of the Protoss was officially challenged.

When the last Protoss was buried, Lei Yi took out the sound stone, licked the corners of his mouth, and sneered: "The message goes on, Letka has been killed by the bloodthirsty lord, and all the Protoss in Tianchi have been slaughtered. From now on, all the Protoss who are still alive in the Thunder Star Domain are our targets. Kill them with all our strength!"

Almost at the same time, Ji Feng and Harmon also took out the sound stone and spread the news like Lei Tuo.

Lei Yu, Ji Feng and Harmon represent the three strongest forces in the Leixiao Star Domain. They are all leaders, and there are many loyal warriors under their command. When they spread the news at the same time, the whole Leixiao Star Domain was shocked by it.

For a while, all the warriors in the Thunder Star Domain were clearly aware of the huge changes in the Tianchi and knew that the Thunder Star Domain had changed.

Many Protoss scattered in all corners of the star domain, who are still dobious, suddenly turned from hunters to prey and became the target of many warriors' encirclement and annihilation.

An action called "Zhu Shen" is being carried out in the Thunder Star Domain. Every day, every moment, there are people of the Protoss who die.

Each of them spread the message, and Lei's soul consciousness moved. Looking around, he found many women in exposed clothes, who timidly huddled in the corner one by one and looked at the three of them in fear.

Lei Qian looked deeply at the beautiful women of all ethnic groups who had been imprisoned by Lightka for many years. He sighed and said to Ji Feng, "Let them go. They are all people in our star domain and poor people."

Ji Feng nodded.

Lei turned his figure and appeared above the Tianchi. He just took a look at the stone rock, and then he was suddenly stunned.

The stone rock is in a bloody smoke, with a strong sense of blood flowing all over the body, and the body blooms with a strange red light. The power of the divine body is like a mountain flood, which is extremely violent.

But his expression is extremely calm, and the altar of the soul moves in a unique rhythm, such as integrating with the sea of heaven and earth.

Lei Yi looked at him, like looking at the vast and mysterious sea of stars, he suddenly had a kind of awe.

He was shocked and suddenly realized something. He quickly shouted, "Block the surroundings! No one is allowed to enter. The Lord is on the verge of breakthrough and must not be disturbed by anyone!"

As soon as he said this, Ji Feng and Harmon were shocked. Ji Feng hurriedly said a few words to those women in revealing clothes, and then came over with Harmon, surrounded the stone rock like Lei Yan, and arranged their own boundary formations to protect the stone rock, for fear that he would be affected by people and lead to the realm The breakthrough failed.

They have all reached the realm of the First God. They know that in this realm, every breakthrough is extremely dangerous, and one carelessness is doomed.

Lei Yan is even more in the double heaven of the first god. When he broke through the double heaven from the first heaven, his soul almost flew away, so he had a deeper experience than Ji Feng and Harmon.

The three people surrounded the stone rock in the center, condensed their own strength, and evolved into different scenes such as clouds, flowers, thunder and lightning. Each scene is portrayed by pure magic power and has a strong defense.

"We will guard this place for the time being and wait for his success." Lei Dao..

Ji Feng and Harmon nodded and agreed.


In the depths of the colorful void basin.

DiCarlo half squinted, and the divine light in the palm of his hand turned into countless tedious and wonderful knots, wandering in the cracks of the road, and then pouring into the thunderous star field.

The closed star domain requires continuous force, even if it reaches the level of DiCarlo, it is difficult to completely bind a star domain with a single arrangement. Therefore, during this period, he is deeply hidden in the cracks of the void, adding strength to the subsequent seal of the Thunder Star Domain.

Suddenly, DiCarlo's body trembled slightly, and hundreds of millions of beams flowed out of his pupils, such as different spatial epitomes.

He frowned, sighed secretly, and muttered, "If Xiaoyao and Guangming work together, the seal can't last too long. At most, it can be closed for another half a month, and I don't know if it's enough."

His eyes passed through the cascade space and projected on the stone rock, and he couldn't help smiling bitterly.

At this time, Shi Yan is breaking through to the level of the First God, and he can't even summon him.

He was secretly a little anxious, and his eyebrows were deeply locked. "I forced to intervene, and I will fight for another half a month at most. In a month, the boy will break through to the two heavens of the First Gods again, and I don't know if it is enough to resurrect him..."

Dikaro looked worried.

"He is the successor of that man. For ordinary people, the breakthrough of the first god may take a long time. For him, perhaps soon, he can only hope so... Master, master..."

A dreamlike call echoed in the soul of the rock, which was the sound of "the ring spirit".

After it was sealed, it could not have contact with Shi Yan, and the communication between the two sides was cut off.

But this time the stone rock is at the level of breakthrough, and the mind is extremely quiet. I don't know how it can find a way, and there is a weak message again.

"help me unlock the seal. What the man said was all lies. He wanted to replace you, become my master, and become a bloodthirsty newcomer. You must never trust him, master. I have followed you for many years. You should know that I have never harmed you. You should know..."

The call of the ring is intermittent, as if to flow the idea to the stone rock's mind, which is extremely difficult for it.

It's just that the timing it chooses is exactly the time for the breakthrough of the rock...

In the breakthrough, you must not be disturbed by external objects, otherwise you will go crazy, and your soul will be destroyed.

It took advantage of this time to summon Shiyan, or if it had no choice but to do something wrong.

The sound of the call is like magic, constantly echoing in the mind of the stone rock, from a slight to a loud roar, making the stone rock gradually feel restless.

Shi Yan closed his eyes tightly, his breathing gradually became thick, and the magical power in his body began to stagnate everywhere.

Lei, Ji Feng and Harmon next to

suddenly changed their faces. They ignored and realized that it was not good, and they all surrounded them with heavy expressions.

Shi Yan's reaction at this time, if he wants to slowly get lost, he will go crazy in the breakthrough.

This is extremely bad

... (To be continued...) RX