Kill God

Chapter 1329 The Blessings

On the giant worm, Zi Yao's eyes without a trace of human emotion highlight a touch of colorful light!

She seemed to be shocked for the first time!

She looked at Wedson, and her expression became solemn. At the same time, the giant insect squirmed faster and more violently, setting off layers of ripples that could turbulent time and space, releasing the energy of destroying the world.

Everyone's pressure has doubled!

The power of the giant insect suddenly doubled, and the power that climbed up at that moment led to the layers of boundary seals bound to it, such as the broken net, forcing the people to release their power to repair and make up for it as soon as possible, so that their divine power passed quickly.

Shiyan did not participate in the seal of the giant insect. With his realm of cultivation, he could not intervene at all for the time being.

He looked at Wedson.

Wedson broke out crazily, and a thick corrosive air flow gushed out from his whole body. The field spread, and the "sneer" sound came from the void turbulence, like boiling water, spreading to the surroundings, amazingly spreading!

Inside the power of corrosion, with the breath of destruction that melts any creature, the horror reached the extreme, extended all the way, and finally rushed to the giant insects.

The giant insect's struggle is getting more and more fierce!

"Repress with all your strength!" I drank violently.

Xuanhe, Frederick, DiCarlo and Reddy will be stimulated by the immortal double divine power at this moment. One by one, they will run the mystery of ten thousand years of hard practice. The scarlet rivers like blood have evolved into the exquisiteness of life and death. One corpse gas has become ropes that bind the heaven and earth, the space of dis The dragons were all applied to the huge body of the giant worm.

The giant worm is dead in one section!

The power of corrosive that broke out crazily in Wedson finally penetrated and spread to the giant worm.

A light of joy appeared in Ming's eyes, and his eyes narrowed. In the seal of the giant insect, a crack was highlighted. The adsorption force came from the crack, which took the opportunity to pump in the corrosive force of Widson and pumped into the star-like body of the giant insect.


The crazy power of corrosion came, such as strong sulfuric acid smiling meat, the giant insect's body suddenly emitted strong black smoke, and the giant insect also let out an obvious painful roar. Like an irritated beast.

Widson swallowed three bloodthirsty bones and completely broke out after going crazy again, showing incredible power, such as stimulating the power of bloodthirsty bones at the cost of overdraft of life. The power is far beyond everyone's cognition and the power of corrosion. It really has the miraculous effect of destroying the world.

The body of the giant insect was corroded and melted, and a strong smoke came out. The smoke floated out of the seal, floating like clusters of dark clouds, as if there was life to pull away.


At this time, Shi Yan's mind shook, and the divine body couldn't help trembling violently!

His whole body is like a pump, breeding endless sucking power, like a giant whale sucking water!

A cluster of dark clouds floating from the body of the giant insect turned into a bunch of dark smoke clouds. Like a swallow returning to the nest, all of them rushed to him and into his hole.

A surging life force, which rotated violently in his acupuncture point, making him shiver and moan all over!

From the black cloud floating from the body of the giant insect, it falls into his acupuncture point. There is no need to purify and quench it at all, and it directly becomes a pure and surging mysterious energy!

Like a clear warm current, such as the original liquid of life evolution, it just rotated around in his acupuncture point. It is differentiated through some kind of bond.

Part of the mysterious energy has penetrated into his original world, and his original world has expanded, and there are more shining stars like diamonds in an instant!

Those stars, during the changes in his mind, there are mountains, rivers and oceans condensed, plants, flowers and trees appear, and clouds emerge in the sky. Except that there are no insects and creatures, there is not much difference from the real world!

There is still a part of the energy, which is lost in his limbs and bones. Permeated in his veins, bones, blood and even bone marrow cells, those unknown mysterious forces were absorbed by his divine body like a sponge absorbing water, which was an indescribable sense of wonder!

Life and body sublimate at the same time!

He came to the land of God at the beginning of the year and was immersed in the blood pool, with the wonderful feeling of being reborn.

The black clouds floating from the giant insect's body should have had a broken consciousness, because as soon as the clouds broke away from its body, they tried to leave, but the gloomy was cut and swallowed up by the power of the cave of the rock. The black cloud swirled in his cave, and the residual consciousness was erased and destroyed, The power of mystery.

is this mysterious power, such as the original liquid of life purification, nourishes his body and warms his soul.

His divine body, soul altar, and the first world have been fully sublimated!

The appearance of Wedson stimulated the power of three bloodthirsty bones, forming a catastrophic corrosive power, corroded the giant insect with more horror, so that some power on the giant insect's body was melted and obtained by his devouring mystery.

He was just watching coldly, but now he has become the biggest beneficiary. For every cluster of black clouds floating on the giant insect, he absorbs a share!

Wedson has gone crazy. The power of his corrosion could have been avoided by the giant insect, and the worst can retreat calmly. But at this moment, the five immortals of Xuanhe and Minghui took action to seal it together. He was trapped here and suffered the crazy corrosion of Wedson head-on.

With the mysterious power of hundreds of millions of years of young creatures, such as the power of pure origin, which does not even need to be purified, it has become a catalyst for the comprehensive evolution of stone rock!

The feeling of Shiyan at this time is unparalleled comfort, like a mortal towards the warrior, and the warrior evolves towards the final god!

Every second, his bones, cells, blood and veins were immersed by the power of the acupuncture point. For the first time, he found that his divine body was like an ocean that was always unfulfilled. The bones, blood, veins, cells and even small fibers seemed to become insatiable, tirelessly swallowing the power overflowing from the acupuncture The instinct!

His initial world is also expanding, the stars are shining brightly one by one, the sea of stars is extended, and the space is expanded!

The power overflowing from the giant insect is far beyond his understanding. I don't know how many times the power of the warrior he has swallowed in these years is more magical. Those forces constantly urge him to penetrate into every tiny cell.

At the same time, his ancient tree of divine power was also penetrated by that force. Unlike in the past, this time, the ancient tree of divine power was not strengthened by the power, but transformed!

The crystal branches of the ancient tree of divine power are wonderfully connected with all the veins and veins of his body. At this moment, the ancient divine tree and his veins are gradually integrated!

He was shocked.

He naturally knows what this means. The ancient tree of divine power is the source of power, and the tendons and veins are the circulation hub of the mystery. If he exerts any kind of power, he needs to extract the divine power of the ancient tree of divine power, then pour it into the tendons and veins, and condense it through the mystery of the

The process of power pouring into the tendons and veins from the ancient tree of divine power is often the slowest process of relieving, because the ancient tree of divine power is in the qihai Dantian, and the tendons and veins are not connected at all.

But now, the branches of the ancient divine power tree are forked, and they are directly connected to the veins and veins. As long as the mind moves, the divine power will rush into the veins. The release of an arcane magic decision is only a thought. There is no delay in condensation and no loss, and it can maximize the power

Widson is still spewing power crazily, consuming the last spirit of the three bloodthirsty bones and releasing the potential of life.

The giant insect struggled and squirmed violently, screaming into the soul, and forced Ming Hao and Xuanhe to go all out. Reddy, who had just entered the realm of immortal double heaven, turned into a dragon-shaped body, but the blood came out of the dragon's head, and it was obviously about to reach the limit.

Xuanhe and Minghuang's hearts are bright. They know that the reason why Vidson can reach such a terrible level in an instant is because of the movement of three bloodthirsty bones.

Once the power of the three bones is exhausted, he will run out of oil and the lamp will be withered, and it will be difficult to continue.

During this period, if they can't hit the giant insect hard and make it fall asleep again, all of them will be wiped out.

Therefore, they will use the real strength hidden for many years at the cost of their own injury, and they will also trap the giant insect and force it to withstand all the corrosion shocks of Widson.

No one pays attention to the stone rock.

This so-called bloodthirsty new master, in their eyes at this moment, is just an insignificant little role, a martial artist of the first god, can play a very little role here.

They don't pay attention to it, and they don't have time to pay attention to it, so they don't know that when they try their best to seal the giant worm, and when Wederson may run out of life potential to catalyze bloodthirsty bones, Shiyan is carrying out the most touching and indescribable

"Help me!"

Suddenly, the soft and frightened voice of the soul poured into the stone rock's mind.

Shi Yan suddenly looked up and looked at Ziyao on the giant insect from afar. This time, the sound of Ziyao's soul was not in the language of the newborn, which he could hear clearly.

At this time, Ziyao was on the giant worm, half of his body sank in a meat ball of the giant worm, and his beautiful cheeks appeared sadly, and his beautiful eyes were full of pleading, looking at him affectionately.

Shi Yan also looked at her, with a trace of confusion on his face, but soon became resolute, "You're not her!"

"It's me! That's me!" Zi Yao was about to cry, and Chu Chu struggled with the giant insect, looking like he was trying to escape, but he was tied to his slender waist by several meat tendons and could not get out of it.

"You're not her!" Shi Yan was conscious, closed his eyes, and stopped looking at her.

"You are so cruel!" Zi Yao shouted fiercely.

Shiyan is indifferent.

"I'm not her, but she's me! It's part of me! Her soul integrates my ten divine consciousness, which is my other split, a split that knows your so-called seven emotions and six desires. If I disappear, she will no longer exist. Do you really want to watch her disappear? If Ziyao's words could penetrate everything, every word fell into his mind, but the people of Xuanhe and Ming could not get a trace of information.

As soon as he said this, the stone rock's body suddenly shook.

Because he knows that the other party's words are true, which is a kind of soul intuition.