Kill God

Chapter 1400 Aoyi Advantage


The little skeleton suddenly shouted at the rock, waving his snow-white bone arms, signaling him not to be too close to Nazario and Bastos.

When Meiji is dying, she can also gather potential and force Bastos to dare not approach at the cost of dying together.

Both of them are the peak of immortality. If they really find that they can't escape, they will burn a piece of jade, and the power formed in an instant is enough to kill the stone rock into pieces.

"He told you not to get too close. Be careful that two people begging to die will pull you down." Mei Ji understood the words of the little skeleton and shouted from afar.

Shi Yan's expression remained unchanged, and his head did not answer, "The move of burning jade and stone may not work for those who practice the mystery of space."

Mei Ji was surprised. After thinking about it carefully, she nodded secretly, which was regarded as acquiescence to Shi Yan's self-confidence.

If the rock can teleport like avoiding her, even if Nazario and Bastos are self-exploding, it is not easy to kill the rock.

More than a dozen huge skeleton warriors, holding bone knives, surrounded two old people of the phagocytating clan in the valley. Those bone knives were extremely huge. As soon as they waved, there were many white light piercing through. Under the cutting of bone knives, the valley was like crissscrossing spider webs, full of

There are also blood stains on the bodies of Nazario and Bastos. Some of the blood stains are deeply visible, which look shocking.

"I was killed by you!" Did Nazario's face reach the extreme? He shrank in the corner with Barstus, gritted his teeth, and his eyes were fierce. "You didn't figure out the horror of this little bastard, so you dared to attack. Even with it, I'm unlucky."

"It's useless to say this." Bastos calmed down, "The divine body... should not be preserved. Wait for a good time to hide the soul altar. Temporarily rely on the corpse slaves outside, and settle accounts later.

"That's the only way..." Nazario snorted.

At this moment, the two of them did not feel that the war could endanger their lives. They felt that no matter how strange the Skull Island was, they could leave calmly.

After all, no matter how strange the means of the little skeleton is, they have not seen that the little skeleton has the strange treasure or the mystery of power to wipe out the soul altar. With their immortal peak, it should not be difficult to escape from here with the soul altar.

The reason why they didn't do that. I think that maybe the divine body can be preserved, and I still have a fantasy.

In particular, wait until the rock flies over. When those skeleton warriors relax the encirclement a little...

Their eyes were slightly bright, they exchanged a look, and thought the opportunity had come.

Although the magic power in their bodies is only about 30% in their heyday, they are confident to use it to deal with an immortal little martial artist. It's more than enough.

Nazario's clenched white eyes suddenly gushed out gloomy and evil fluctuations, like ripples.

The stone rock fell from the sky. Looking at the ripples coming, he looked indifferent and raised his hand to catch the fluctuation.

Waves and waves. Disappear quietly!

Nazario was stunned, and he clearly sensed the fluctuation of his white eyes. Unexpectedly, he escaped into the palm of the stone rock!

This is incredible!

The fluctuation released by the white eyes is based on the power of the corpse, and also implies a trace of corrosion. The power of corrosion was exerted by one of his close friends who practiced the meaning of corrosion. It can enhance the power of the ripple, but I didn't expect it to sink into the palm of the stone rock. How can he believe it?

Bastos's face also changed dramatically. He realized that it was not good. Several mysterious corpse worms screamed under his feet and suddenly flew out and rushed to the stone rock.

Shi Yan grinned.

Those Xuanyin corpse worms, like sensing an extremely horrible breath, suddenly retreated. If you look carefully, you will find the Xuanyin corpse insects, trembling and crawling on the ground one by one.

The breath from the rock makes their instinctive fear, which is the fear imprinted in their life mark, so that they can't resist at all.

Bastos and Nazario were stunned. Suddenly, they felt cold all over and subconsciously looked at nothingness.

It seems that in the underworld, there is a floating level of the ancestral level of the clan, and there are only the strong people at the ancestral level of the clan. The breath emitted from the body, with a trace of fluctuation of the ancestor's "eating", can make the Xuanyin corpse crawl on the ground and dare not move.

They looked at the sky, surprised and happy, thinking that they had guessed correctly.

In the distance, the charming girl of the Phantom Clan, with charming and seductive cheeks, was also full of surprise. Looking at this area from afar, I don't know what happened.

The stone rock stopped in front of Bastos and Nazario. The yin corpse worm trembled and crawled at the foot of the stone rock and did not dare to move. The white eyes in Nazario's hand kept flashing with luster, but it seemed to have no effect on the rock.

With Mei Ji's eyes, she was suddenly blindfolded, and her heart was unimaginable.

At this moment, Shi Yan turned around, looked at the little skeleton and said, "I have something to say with these two people. I don't want to... I don't want others to hear it. Don't worry, I have the power to protect myself, can I?"

The little skeleton's eyes were strange. After being stunned for dozens of seconds, he suddenly retreated on a bone dragon.

Another skull dragon fell next to Meiji, indicating that Meiji should also leave.

Meiji was annoyed. She knew that Shiyan must have something to say to Nazario and Bastos, and she also knew that. It may be very secretive, which played a vital role in her understanding of Shiyan. However, Shiyan's defensiveness made her unable to know the details, which naturally made her very depressed.

Not far away, the little skeleton stopped for a moment, looked at her, and her heart was hairy.

After a few words of scolding, she could only sit on the bone dragon obediently and was dragged far away by the bone dragon.

"Take all the skeleton warriors away." Shi Yan shouted again.

As soon as his voice fell, the little skeleton was aroused in the ancient language of the White Bone clan. The huge skeleton warriors jumped and gradually moved away from the valley.


Three bone spurs burst out, nailed to the shoulders of Nazario and Bastos like steel nails.

These three bone thorns are made of stone rock that has been refined for a long time. It contains the essence of space. They can shuttle through the void and suddenly use them to make a sneak attack, which often achieves a miraculous effect.

The old monsters of the two phagocyt eaters, their shoulders were stabbed on the stone wall by bones. The two of them screamed sadly twice, and soon they were silent, and both looked at the sky strangely.

Shi Yan looked at the top of his head inexplicably and sensed it with dark energy. After finding that there was nothing, he paid attention to the expressions of the two people. Seeing them looking at the sky and the yin corpses, he suddenly understood.

"No one is here, don't think too much, only me." Shi Yan said indifferently.

A long time ago, he secretly speculated that Swallowing Aoyi had a faint restraint on the eight evil forces, but he could not be sure because he had no chance to fight with his own people.

It was also because he was not sure that when the two old monsters of the phagovouring clan besieged the little skeleton and wanted to kill Meiji, he just chose to look on coldly and did not intervene immediately.

On the one hand, because he was not sure whether his guess was true, and on the other hand, it was also because Nazario and Bastos were full of power at that time. In their heyday, even if Aoyi was restrained, they could not compete with it.

Now, the two people's magic power is ten to 90%, leaving only one hundred and ten. It is proved by him that swallowing Aoyi can indeed restrain the eight evil forces, and he immediately became bold and confident.

"No one?" Nazario was at a loss, and there was an inexplicable feeling in his heart. He looked at the white eyes in his hand and suddenly said harshly, "Why, why my mystery, my condensed corpse power and corrosive power, can't hurt you?"

"First, your power is too weak now, and second... hehe."

Shi Yan suddenly raised his hand, and his whole body was stimulated by negative forces. The breaths of madness, murder, violence and despair condensed into an evil spirit, rushing to the two people through his eyes.

In an instant, the eyes of Nazario and Barstos were full of endless seas of blood, and the endless bones spread endlessly, drowning them.

However, what surprised Shiyan was that Bastos and Nazario did not lose their minds immediately, but showed a crazy expression like a fanatical religionist, "The map of the Holy Land left by the ancestors! This, this is the mind of the ancestors! What's going on?"

The words of the two made Shi Yan also stunned. The illusion condensed by negative forces took the bloodthirsty sea of the forbidden land as the template. Unexpectedly, it was called the picture of the holy land by the two, called the ancestral brain.

His heart moved, and he suddenly realized that his face also changed slightly.

The sea of blood in the forbidden land he has been to, the mysterious black hole, is actually the brain of the newborn spirit. After devouring away, what patterns should be left for the devouring clan. The brain patterns of devouring have been turned into the "picture of the holy land" by them. The relationship between the bloodthirsty vein and

It's just that the bloodthirsty vein and phagocy are doomed to be impossible to get together.

The two bloody fingerprints suddenly condensed out and fell to the chests of Nazario and Bastos respectively, taking advantage of their terribleness and weakness. Although it was a little despicable, it could make the stone rock safer.


Nazario and Bastos were both at the bottom of their lives at this moment. They were extremely weak and attacked by the evil thoughts of the rock. They did not lose their minds and their attention was a little scattered. They were bombarded into the chest. The divine body seemed to fall apart, and blood sprayed out of the wound.

Their bodies have been almost abolished so far, and it is difficult to recover as before.

"The mystery of death!"

Nazario and Bastos screamed together, and they looked more and more shocked. The little warrior they ignored made them completely dumbfounded by all means.

They don't know why the meaning of their clan will be shown on the rock, and they don't know why those yin corpses are so timid after seeing the rock.

They can't figure it out.

"Your bodies can't be preserved, and it's difficult for you to escape from the altar of your soul. Don't think about it meaninglessly. I won't give you a chance." Shi Yan's ruthless attack.

...(To be continued) RQ