Kill God

Chapter 1414 Dare not to take that step--

The god Brian stood up, his eyes were like the sun, moon and stars, and the god's [body] also sprinkled bright light.

Like the arrival of the god of light.

He looked at Ming Hao beside him with an indifferent face. "You and I have been trapped for many years. Our realm is in the most difficult time. We may have gradually engage the realm. If you don't want us to see endless nothingness when we return in the future, and see the destruction of the race, you should know how to choose."

After a pause, Brian took a deep breath and said, "There is one thing you always know. If our domain is destroyed and broken, if the wilderness is devoured and killed, all the creatures created by the wilderness, all the souls born in the wilderness, may be scattered in an instant."

"Even if it's you and me, we can't even get rid of the shackles of fate. Unless we can break through the ancestors in a short time, we may have a glimmer of life!"

The ancient buildings exude cold luster, such as the magnificence of the mountains. At the stone pile in the corner of the building, the dark is as small as an ant. He frowned deeply and was silent.

Shi Yan could see that Ming Hao was hesitating and hesitating to take the Lord's advice.

Trapped for decades, Ming Hao gradually understood that this well-preserved ancient building may be the key to leaving. The god Brian fused the origin of the ancient god continent, fused a soul of the wilderness, and could hear the call, which may indeed be the key to cracking this place.

The Lord's proposal is also very touching. He wants the stone rock secondary soul to let go of the main soul that contains the mystery of devouring mystery, so that he can really absorb the bloodthirsty inheritance.

If you don't mind, it's a lie, but Ming Hao is still hesitating.

Shiyan is a bloodthirsty selected inheritor. The new lord of this generation is also integrated into the soul of the ancient continent. He is also qualified to solve the mystery of ancient architecture.

and Shiyan join hands to kill the god. It is also an option to crack ancient buildings from Shiyan.

It's just that this road is very difficult. He knows the horror of the Lord. Here, he has been fighting with the Lord for many years. He already knows the horror of the Lord. With a stone rock, he still thinks that there is no possibility of success.

He hesitated, looked at Ming Hao, and then looked at Shi Yan.

Suddenly, he stagnated and asked uncertainly, "Immortal?"

It has been decades since he was thrown away by Yu, less than a hundred years. In such a short time, Shi Yan went further and stepped into the immortal realm, which stunned Ming Hao.

The Lord also found this and his face changed slightly. "You can break through immortality in such a short time. It seems that if you don't kill you this time, there will be no chance in the future."

He looked at Ming Hao again, "This is my opportunity and your chance. If you miss this time, you may really serve in his hands for the rest of your life. You really want to serve him like he was bloodthirsty as ten thousand years ago. Ming Hao, I know you very well. I know who you are. What are you still hesitating

"Ming Hao, I've seen Minghong still alive, living in the sea of emptiness, and now he has merged with Audrey." Shi Yan suddenly said.

Ming Hao's heart trembled, "Is he still there?"

"Ming, kill him and get his main soul. You can slowly search these memories!" God said indifferently.

"Is it difficult to get out of here? If it's so difficult, how can I come in easily?" Shi Yan suddenly said.

Ming Hao looked up at him deeply, "How did you get in?"

"Didn't you send it here?" This time, the Lord was also surprised.

"I came in from the broken sea and came down from the light curtain outside. Above us is the broken sea. It is the most prosperous and lively place in the nihilistic sea, and there are hundreds of ethnic groups." Shiyan is calm.

ming, God's eyes all lit up.

"Do you know the location of the domain gate to enter our domain world?" Shi Yan's heart moved.

"Of course I know." Ming Hao looked at the huge ancient building behind him and looked at the light curtain above his head. "If I can leave here, I can find the domain gate to return. If you can come in, you should be able to leave. But we have tried, and we can't break the opening light curtain in any case. The hub of the light curtain may be there.

He pointed to the ancient buildings.

"What's written on it? It's just Taichu ancient Chinese. What does it mean? Shi Yan suddenly asked.

"You ask him." Ming Hao frowned.

Shi Yan looked at the Lord of God. "Am of us, your sky and fire have fused the most. I have walked around the sea of nothingness and learned one thing. If you can fully integrate the heavenly fire, you can truly untie the soul of the Taichu life, know the secrets of the long time, and understand the words of Taichu, and you can also understand the true meaning of the dark..."

"If the sky and fire are all integrated, can you really understand the dark energy?" Before he finished his words, Brian got excited for the first time, cut off his words, and shouted, "Who did you hear?"

"The strong men of the seven races in the nihilistic sea are all recognized. Some people know that I fused the soul of the newborn soul, pestered me, and wanted to refine my soul to break through the realm of the ancestors." Stone rock explanation.

"The domain ancestor realm?" Ming Hao and the Lord of God looked at each other in constergru.

"After immortality, it is the realm of the domain ancestor, bloodthirsty... It must be the domain ancestor, and the secret can be the key to the breakthrough."

Shi Yan was surprised that these two outstanding people in the wilderness, the peak existence, were also confused about the realm, which showed how detached the wilderness was from the sea of nothingness and how closed it was.

"Over the past ten thousand years, I have mainly focused on the in-depth study of bloodthirsty bones, and I have never thought of integrating Tianhuo with all my strength. It seems that I have gone astray at the beginning. It turns out that Tantan Avenue is on me. It's really ridiculous. Brian was ironic, and his expression became extremely strange.

"I have been in the sea of nothingness for many years, and I have never met creatures. I think that the sea of nothingness is really nothingness. Why can you see so many creatures as soon as you come here?" Ming Hao said in confusion.

Shiyan is also puzzled by this point. He did not know that Minghong had a [answer] case. He did not know that all the mistakes in the roads taken by those predecessors had deviated from the center of the sea of nihilism. He did not know where he was far away from the remote place. Naturally, he could not see those high

"I don't know. When you see Minghong, maybe you can ask him." Shi Yan shook his head.

"I'm still one line away from the complete integration of the sky fire. Over the years, I have always restrained myself and dare not take that step." The Lord looked at the ancient buildings in front of him, looked at the unknown runes, and his face hesitated.

"What are you afraid of?" Stone rock road.

"If according to what you said, after completely integrating the sky fire, I can activate the soul memory, can understand the dark energy, and naturally break through the smooth domain ancestor with my level, and understand the mystery of Taichu runes. It's just that I'm not sure if I would be me at that time..."

"What do you mean?" Ming Hao's expression changed slightly.

"Will the complete integration with its soul be exactly what it has been looking forward to, will it become a part of it and lose itself? At that time, I was probably just a part of its soul-sharing, and its soul-sharing was the dominant. Who would know? Over the years, I dare not take that step. It is based on this consideration that I dare not move for a long time. The Lord muttered in a low voice.

Ming Hao frowned.

Shiyan also became silent.

He can understand the worries of God.

In fact, the confusion of the Lord of God also made him confused. He has also been worried that one day, when the secondary soul fire will be completely integrated, he will lose himself in an instant and be replaced by the origin of the mainland of God's grace, but he is not as far away and as deep as the Lord of God thinks.

"I want to ask, how many souls do you have?" Stone rock road.

"Naturally, there is only one." The Lord answered casually and then said, "I know you have two souls. You are different from us. The devouring mystery you practice is too evil and terrible, and the wilderness is just a sworn enemy. If you do not form a secondary soul independently, its soul, the origin of the continent of God's grace may be directly swallowed up."

The Lord's eyes suddenly lit up, and when he thought of something, his heart fluttered.

He immediately knew what Shi Yan would say.

Sure enough.

Shi Yan laughed casually, "Then how can you kill me? Killing me is to fuse my soul. You are still a soul. You are also afraid. You still don't know what will happen after activating the source of the soul? I don't know if I will be replaced? You are afraid, but I am not, because I have two souls, and I have more choices than you! Even if it's true as you said, if I lose my soul at most, I won't die.

Ming Hao also understood and looked at the Lord of God. He said, "Since you are afraid, you really need him to try first, let him really integrate with the source first, and see what will happen."

"I don't know how many years I have been waiting for him to integrate all the sources of Tianhuo!" The Lord snorted coldly.

"I only have the last two stocks left in Tianhuo. I don't think it's necessary to wait for hundreds of millions of years." Shi Yan grinned and said.

God was silent. After a long time, he sat down again in the stone pile. "Maybe I really should wait."

He is still afraid that after the sky fire is fully integrated, it will be replaced by the origin of the ancient god continent.

Earlier, the words left when the bloodthirsty died have let him know that he is just a desolate chess piece, which is a means to kill the bloodthirsty. I can feel that the wilderness affects his domain world in the dark all the time.

Because he is soberly aware of the existence of the wilderness and the horror of the wilderness, he is afraid.

So he would rather spend ten thousand years on the bloodthirsty bones of deep research, through this method to try to understand the dark energy, and dare not really take the last step.

In a way, he thought that the bloodthirsty road was right. The words before the bloodthirsty death affected him for ten thousand years.

Of course, if he finally integrates all the heavenly fire and smoothly understands the dark energy, so as to break through to the realm of the domain ancestors, and after that, he is still him, who has not become the origin of the ancient god continent and has become a part of the wilderness, then it is another matter.

If that's the case, the bloodthirsty last sentence is to hurt him. He deliberately misled him, set up a game for him, blocked him for ten thousand years, stuck him at the peak of immortality, and prevented him from breaking through the ancestors of the domain.

The Lord himself can't judge what kind of situation it is. Only after the stone rock merges and divides the soul, can he really understand and know the real intention of the bloodthirsty year.