Kill God

Chapter 1427 Crazy Suppression!

Undersea ruins.

Shi Yan Duan sat at the top of the Aoyi Fu Tower, with a solemn expression, racking his brains to think about the big plan to break the curtain.

He did not know that at this moment, because of the death of Yeborough, Telga, Faloni, Lingmei and Tate, the whole sea of destruction was boiling. The strong people of the soul clan, Xuantian clan, phagovouring clan, black demon clan and ancient demon clan in the sea have confirmed the death of the descendants of the clan through

The five clans said that they wanted to pursue the murderer with all their strength, and had mobilized their forces to search for the whole sea of destruction.

Whether it's the sea or the bottom of the sea!

At this moment, the strong men of the five races are gushing out of the islands on the sea one by one, and the people of the Phantom clan are also probing the news everywhere, anxious to find Meiji back.

The broken sea lit gunpowder and exploded. The impact of this incident was so great that many people expected.

Soon, I didn't know how to leak the news about the ruins of Taichu, and I didn't know who also revealed the Aoyi Fu Tower, which made all the strength outside the seven clans boil.

The shattered sea is completely lively, and there are warriors in every corner of the shadows, the sea, and the bottom of the sea, looking for something.


"If you can't leave here quickly, Napton will definitely come. I know the means of the soul clan and the horrors of Napton. Through Tate's death, he should be able to faintly perceive this direction. Minghong's expression gradually became solemn, "Take Napton's cultivation as the realm, once the direction is determined, if you chase it with all your strength, it will come faster than we thought..."

Minghong's words put more pressure on everyone.

Audrey and Meiji all chose to be silent. They didn't dare to say anything at this time for fear of angering the Lord God and Ming, which would cause unnecessary trouble for Shiyan.

The god's cold eyes wandered on the stone rock, and the cold meaning of the corners of his mouth became more and more obvious.

He has become impatient.

"If he can't untie the shackles here. You all follow him to be buried with him!" The god snorted coldly, and his eyes turned around Audrey and Meiji, and the backs of Audrey and Meiji were cold.

"I'm here. You can't move Audrey." Ming Hui also looked indifferent.

Meiji's heart was cold. After thinking about it, she reluctantly smiled, "You are really strong enough to kill me, but if Shi Yan can't untie this place. Even if I'm dead. You can't live either. To be precise, none of us can escape. Napton alone is enough to destroy us all!"

As soon as these words came out, Ming and the Lord of God became more and more irritable and impatient, and their expression became more and more ugly.

"Shut up!" The roar of Shiyan suddenly fell from the sky. He looked at the Lord of God from afar, then at Ming, and said coldly, "You two shut up, too!"

That's what he said. The Aoyi Fu Tower suddenly bloomed with hundreds of millions of dazzling light and suddenly floated out, carrying the power of thousands of people. He came oppressing in the direction of God and underworld, "Here, you two can kill Batum and Gan Fu, and I can also kill you!" Do you really think you're too much?"

A terrible power suddenly came from the Aoyi Fu Tower, and it first floated into the air. Immediately fell down.

God and Ming Hui looked up, and their expressions suddenly became solemn, and their eyes were full of astonishment.

At this moment, they realized that the previous Shiyan Yudong Aoyifu Tower, under one blow, destroyed the prohibition and boundary condensed by Lingmei and Batum, and tore up their defenses!

Under the previous deterrence, even the Lord God and the Underworld were uneasy, and they were secretly disturbed by the terrible deterrent force.

Now, Shi Yan was furious and moved the Aoyi Fu Tower again, oppressing them on the top of their heads. He immediately woke them up and suddenly realized that in this Taichu ruins, the stone rock that collected the Aoyi Fu Tower was not a soft persimmon that could be rubbed by them at all.

"Although I can't break the shackles of the light curtain here immediately, it's easy to control the Aoyi Fu Pagoda to give you some fun!" Shi Yan said coldly.

The Aoyi Fu Tower fell from the sky.

The Taoist light curtain shot through the sky, like a stream of springs, injected into the window inside the Aoyifu Tower. In an early moment, the deterrence of the Aoyi Fu Tower was several times more horrible than before!

Under that pressure, the Lord of God and Ming's bones came from a crisp click all over their bodies, as if they couldn't stand the pressure and wanted their bodies to burst.

The pressure is not aimed at Audrey and Meiji. When they saw that the situation was wrong, they had avoided it very early.

"This pressure is comparable to the blow of Yuzu! It's terrible!" Minghong on Audrey's shoulder couldn't help screaming, "What's wrong with them? What's going on? The little ones don't know the general situation, and the old ones also lose their minds. If they continue to fight like this, they may die together before the enemy comes!"

Audrey and Meiji also looked sad. They were annoyed by what happened suddenly and didn't know how to dissuade them.

"Kid, do you dare to do it at this time? You are not afraid of death!" The Lord roared.

"Stone rock! What the hell are you doing!" Ming Hui also shouted.

"I want to tell you that even if I can't break the shackles here, it's not your turn to be crooked! I'm here. I'd like to see who you want to bury and who to die?" Shi Yan sneered, as if he was in a state of madness, "Ming, I am the bloodthirsty Lord. Your evil thoughts are plotting against you! I'll show you if the bloodthirsty Lord can challenge the authority!"

The Aoyi Fu Tower fell like a huge mountain, and waves of terror fluctuations came to oppress, forming an energy light wave, pressing on the top of the head of the underworld and the god.

Minghao and the Lord of God were straight and had to hold the sky with both hands. One person had five planets rotating, and one person had hundreds of millions of splits in his hand, trying their best to counter the complete suppression of the Aoyi Fu Tower.

Ganfu, Batum, Yeborough, Telega, Falloni and others are all profound and powerful people in the immortal realm. After their death, the essence of death contains all kinds of negative emotions such as violence, despair and resentment, which are injected into Shiyan's acupuncture points all over their bodies.

The soul altar of those people was also swallowed up, and there were also many memories that did not belong to the stone rock, which appeared like a shadow curtain in the stone rock's mind, which made him restless, gradually irritable, and quietly affected by negative emotions.

Because he was unable to untie the mystery of the curtain of light, he was irritable and easy to be invaded by negative emotions.

The Lord's cynicism, every sinister word, and the cold-eyed look, and the secret unruly heart were all seen by him. Finally, he inspired the violent and manic side of his heart, and even ignored the cracking of the light curtain here. Regardless of the arrival of Napton and others, after the volcano was ignited, it suddenly erupted.


The Aoyi Fu Tower is pressed in the middle of the sky above the God Lord and the underworld. There is a buffer in the center, and there is energy flowing from the Aoyi Fu Tower inside, as well as the energy of the God Lord and the Underworld. Their energy hit hard in the middle. The area was dazzling and intoxicating, and countless dazzling lights burst, more beautiful than the most enchanting fireworks.

However, the impact of the power that breeds from it is also terrible!

Energy aftermath splashed out, debris and dilapidated buildings in this area. It instantly turns into powder, and everything that exists in essence turns into ashes.

Audrey and Meiji also had to evacuate far away. In order to avoid being affected by the fierce battle of the three people, the two women secretly complained and watched Shi Yan go crazy because of the sudden violence. Leading things to an unmanageable situation gives birth to a sense of bitterness and helplessness.

At the thought of the strong people who broke the sea of Napton coming this way when they were at war, Audrey and Meji felt that they wanted to cry without tears.

What's the reason?

"Stone rock. Are you really crazy?" Ming Hui shouted angrily, and his wisps of split had gradually melted when resisting the energy impact in the Aoyi Fu Tower.

Crushed by the energy in the Aoyifu Tower, he felt the passage of power. Looking at the god over there, he was gradually hysterical and regretted it.

Regret that you shouldn't sit idly by and ignore the threat of God.

I regret that I didn't deeply realize how dangerous it would be to control the stone rock of the Aoyi Fu Pagoda here!

"Hahaha, I've put up with you for a long time!" Shi Yanduan sat at the top of the Aoyifu Tower and grinned wildly, "I'll do everything today. Even if I don't want my life, I'll show you some color!" Do you really think you are invincible? If you are really invincible, how can you be trapped here for decades? If I don't give you a look, you still don't have a long memory. You really think you are still the hegemon!"


Aoyi Fu Tower pressed hard again.


The god and the underworld roared, and they only felt that the continents were pressing on the top of their heads, and it was even difficult to stand firm.

Ming Hao is just a wisp of ghost, which is slightly better, but the ghost becomes blurred and swayes and consumes soul power.

The god is a bursting sound from his knees, which is about to burst.

They suddenly found that the crazy stone rock was more tricky than bloodthirsty in those years, because this boy didn't reason with you at all, didn't care about the overall situation at all, and was not afraid of death. For the sake of a momentary fight, this guy dared to destroy the world.

When they realized this, they felt bitter in their hearts, and they didn't know how much power they could exert to get the stone rock of the Aoyifu Tower in this strange area.

In their hearts, they all regretted that the stone rock dog, which should not have been forced to jump over the wall, should not have been coldly saying that it was not good before figuring out the situation.

Unfortunately, it was a little late to regret. Seeing that Shi Yan's eyes were in a crazy state, they knew that there was no persuasion and persuasion, so they had to continue to resist.

It's really the result of self-sufficiency...

The two of them smiled bitterly.

Audrey and Meiji also had numb scalps and were anxious. They shouted loudly and named the key, telling them that Napton and others were coming and asked them to stop quickly.

"It's useless. The boy's eyes are scarlet. This is a sign of a violent walk. I know the bloodthirsty. Once he has such a look, it means that he has lost his mind and can't listen to anything." Minghong sighed.

"So what should I do?" The charming girl was stunned.

"There's nothing I can do." Minghong shook his head.

"Wow!" "

Suddenly, the magnificent sea fell from the top of his head. At the moment when the sound of the water appeared, everyone was briefly lost, and their expression suddenly changed.

However, it was only in an aston of an aston that they realized what had happened. They couldn't help but be overjoyed, and Meiji screamed: "It's broken! It broke inexplicably!"

"I know! The Aoyi Fu Tower extracted too much energy from the light curtain, so that the light curtain was not strong enough to defend this place and was crushed by the pressure of the sea. It was really bad luck. The boy accidentally hit it, and he really found a way for them!" Minghong also shouted strangely... Recommend his friend Blue-collar Xiaosheng's "Full-time Family". Well, the little fat man is trying his best to hit the new book monthly ticket list, book number... It can be found on the new book monthly ticket list. There are a lot of words. This book is sold first-class in Taiwan. I strongly recommend you

Finally, weakly ask for a monthly ticket, and try to break out tomorrow!! It seems that today is 201314, um, monthly vote, dear, I love you all my life~~~ (to be continued) RQ