Kill God

Chapter 1451 Lord of Heaven!

"Go back?"

Meiji's body was frozen there, and she looked stunned and shouted, "Why do you want to go back?" The purpose of the battle between the Sea Shark King and Ferrell is to attract everyone's attention so that we can take the opportunity to get out. What are you going back for?

"I just broke through to the realm of immortal double heaven." Stone rock explanation.

"So what?" Meiji was surprised.

"Generally speaking, whenever there is a new breakthrough, I feel like a pool that has been dug much deeper. Oh, no, everyone is like this." Shi Yan touched the corners of his mouth and said coldly, "At this time, the accumulation of divine power is needed. In our immortal realm, the accumulation of divine power is a long and painful process."

Meiji nodded gently.

She knows this very well and can fully understand it, because she has also come step by step. She has broken through the triple heavens from the realm of immortal double heavens. It took thousands of years to accumulate and condense the divine power alone.

This does not include the understanding of mystery!

There is always a day when the magic power condenses to break through the critical point. The capture of the realm of mystery depends entirely on personal circumstances and opportunities, not by relying on hard work alone.

"If I don't take radical measures, I will accumulate divine power step by step from the immortal double heaven. It will take at least hundreds of years to break through the threshold of the immortal triple heaven..."

Shi Yan's eyes condensed, shook his head and shouted, "I don't like to practice hard - especially if I know there is a shortcut, I won't practice hard. If the risk can greatly shorten this time, I am willing to gamble with my life!"

Mei Ji suddenly realized, "Are you going to devour the meaning?"

Shi Yan smiled, "Yes, swallowing Aoyi can greatly shorten the process of condensation of this divine power. The battle zone between the Sea Shark King and Ferrer will attract countless strong people in the shattered sea, if chaos occurs there. Hundreds of immortals have died, and those forces... are enough for me to break through the immortal triple heavens!"

Meiji's bright eyes are shining.

Along the way, she secretly observed and silently enjoyed the benefits of swallowing the mystery from the rock. Naturally, she knew the mystery of this evil mystery.

She is convinced of Shiyan's statement.

If hundreds of immortal strong people are destroyed, the resulting death essences can make him extremely powerful and ancient trees after the stone rock is purified and condensed.

It really doesn't take a long time of hard work!

"They all want to find you, you go back. It's just throwing yourself into the net. It will also fail the painstaking efforts of the Sea Shark Emperor. Meiji's expression moved and she wondered, "Do you have the confidence to retreat completely?"

She knew that Shi Yan was not stupid and would not fight uncertain battles, so she asked this question.

"After breaking through to the realm of immortality, I am confident that even in the bottom of the sea, I can easily escape with the help of space." Shi Yan grinned. He said conceitedly, "Although the realm of Minghao is higher, it is a pity that he is only a wisp of ghost form, and it is difficult to promote his power to the extreme. And he is not as good as I can bear the power of counterattack, so I can do what he can't achieve.

An illusion stone flashed in the palm of his hand. After the magic stone was injected with divine power, it swelled like a balloon. After ten breaths, the magic stone became a world of its own.

This is a vast cloud world, which is cleverly integrated into the interior of a star gravel next to it. Ordinary people can't peep.

The cloud world is full of the spatial consciousness of the stone rock, as if there is another stone rock's secondary soul hiding in it, in the mystery of the operation.

"This cloud world condensed by the stone of the fantasy world is stimulated by the divine power of my space. It has the imprint of my soul. The cloud world can be kept for a period of time. During this period, I can easily escape into it at the bottom of the sea with the help of the connection between souls."

Shi Yan smiled and glanced at Meiji. With a finger, a gap in the space flashed out. He held Meiji's arm and rushed into the gap in the space.

In a flash, he and Mei Ji appeared in the cloud world, inside the star gravel.

Standing in the vast clouds, Meiji's clothes fluttered like a moon palace fairy. She covered her mouth with her jade hand and shouted, "Is it so simple?"

Shi Yan smiled, and a space current flashed, and he and Meiji returned to the stone. "In a certain range of this broken sea, I can enter this cloud world as soon as I think about it. Even those at the level of Sea Shark Emperor and Ferrell, I can't expect it unexpectedly."

Meiji smiled and admitted that what he said was reasonable, "Escape is guaranteed, but how can you fish in troubled waters and ensure that there is a gap to escape? If a person at the level of Napton kills you in an instant, can you withstand a blow?

"I couldn't do it before, but now... it should be no problem."

"What do you say?"

"Let me show you."

Shi Yan smiled proudly, like a sword shooting up, at the top of this star fragment.

Suddenly, he released the starlight all over the sky, the divine body was as bright as the stars, and there were many mysterious scenes of star disillusionment in his eyes.

Meteors flew out of his ten fingers, like a galaxy, shooting through the debris area of the stars and falling on strange stones.


Amazingly, the mountain-like boulders slowly suspended and floated to the sky one by one in the operation of the galaxy in his eyes.

Hundreds of pieces, thousands of pieces, tens of thousands of rocks emerge one by one, just like peaks above the bottom of the sea, towering and spectacular.

Due to the changes of the stone rock, the boulders are still slowly rotating, releasing strange starlight.

Suddenly, if there are tens of thousands of stars rotating, it will show the mystery of the stars all over the sky, which will shake the past and the present.

"These star fragments come from dozens of complete stars. Although they were blown up and smashed, they were one before ancient times. There was a connection between them. Stars... also have spirits. They are refined. The spirit god is different from me. Ordinary people can't perceive it, and I... can faintly experience one or two."

Star boulders are spinning, and the rocks are in the star stones, thinking and whispering.

"Broken stars, from now on, serve me as the Lord, and I will give you a pure land!"

A bright sea of stars emerges on the top of the stone rock. It is a vast and deep starry sky, like a brand-new universe, with the sun, moon and stars rotating, a barrageous space, strong vitality on the stars, and death obsession!

This is his beginning!

This initial world, because of the existence of dark energy, has gradually transformed into the domain world!

There are many star boulders here, and there are weak spiritual seals of stars inside. After he showed the boundless sea of stars, the connection between the boulders gradually prompted them to get closer to each other. Slowly, tens of thousands of stars and boulders were piled up and gradually turned into dozens of stars.

Stars fell into the first world of rock one after another, becoming a little cold light in the first world.

A surprised expression appeared on Shi Yan's face. He pressed his chest with one hand and nodded on his forehead with the other. He swore, "When I break through the realm of the ancestors of the domain, let the original world claim to be the realm, and open up a galaxy, allow you to stand on you, breed spirits on you, and restore the

Dozens of stars have a faint echo, which can only be perceived by those who practice the mystery of the stars.

Meiji looked at the top of her head in shock, looking at the stone rock like the lord of the stars in the sky, pulling and floating tens of thousands of stones like these giant mountains, integrating them into the beginning of the star river one by one. Looking at him swearing and reaching a subtle connection with the stars, the horror in her heart was simply inexpressible

After closing his eyes for a long time, the stone rock fell leisurely, and there was only a star boulder beside Meiji. There was an illusion stone inside the stone...

It was only the only way left by the stone rock, which he left for himself. He pondered for a moment and said, "Billions of years ago, there were many broken stars suspended on the sea of the broken sea. Those broken stars were later refined by a person who practiced the mystery of the stars and injected into the enemy of the stars, causing thousands of

"Those star fragments have weak spiritual knowledge. If you don't practice the mystery of the stars, you can't feel it at all. I didn't know before that I just broke through the immortal double heaven, and when I stabilized the realm, I was slightly aware of it. I finally understand that in the vast sea of stars, all stars have spiritual knowledge, but some are powerful and some are small and difficult to understand.

"The sea of destruction is worthy of the sea of destruction. There are indeed strange treasures everywhere on the bottom of the sea, but not everyone can find it, and sometimes the treasures can't be seen beside them. The star fragments here are more powerful than the complete stars elsewhere. They have existed for a very long time. Maybe they condensed in the early days. They know some secrets between heaven and earth. They have been quenching the stars in their methods, because their stars are very special, so they are strong by those who practice the mystery of the stars. He is in favor of refining again and turning it into a magic weapon..."

Explanation of the quiet stone rock.

When Meiji heard it, she didn't seem to understand it and interrupted halfway, "You don't have to explain it to me in detail. It's difficult for me to fully understand it if I don't practice the mystery of the stars. All I need to know is that you put these star fragments into the original world. Have you strengthened your strength, such as capturing magic soldiers and daring to counter the attack of the ancestors?

Shi Yan smiled and said, "What you said is completely correct."

"That's it." Meiji was very decisive and took his shoulder, "I'll go back with you and accompany you to the Longtan Tiger Cave!"

Shi Yan's heart was warm, and he couldn't help clenching her hand, and a trace of complexity appeared in his eyes. "Actually, I haven't been true to you all the time..."

"Don't say it." Meiji stretched out her hand and pressed her finger on his lips. Her beautiful eyes were full of sourness. She shook her head, "There are some words that I don't want to hear. Promise me, never say hurtful words to me, nice words, even if it's a lie, I'm willing to listen to it..."

Shi Yan's face was stunned.

Meiji lowered her head and said, "I don't know what's wrong with me. This may be a common problem of our phantom women. It's easy to be emotional. Once emotional, it will be like a moth to the fire. If you know that you will die, you will have no regrets. What will happen in the future It's hard to say whether I can return to the wilderness with you alive. At least when I'm with you, I hope you can coax me or lie to me, but don't make me sad.

Shiyan is speechless.

...(To be continued) RQ