Kill God

Chapter 1499 Release Resentment!

A dark brocade flag floats on the bottom of the sea. Under the brocade flag are the soul clans. Most of those people are deep and exquisite, almost all of them are gods. Naturally, there are also many immortal realms.

is the leading man, who is the leader of the soul clan and Singh. Worthy, who is also at the peak of immortality, understands the mystery of the dark energy, and is one step away from the realm of the ancestors.

Worthy has always been friends with Napton and has a close relationship with Napton. This time, he took the initiative to target the sea clan to force the Sea Shark Emperor to appear.

Worthy took action against Datuk and Hujiao several times at the bottom of the sea. Hujiao was not his opponent at all. He was suppressed by him repeatedly and took the opportunity to kill many sea people.

On his head, a huge monster flag fluttered, like the face of a demon, like his face!

Worthy's body is dry and thin, his face is like bark, and he is also full of fierce ghost sashimi, which looks very ferocious and evil. Within the soul clan, Wosey is notorious.

"Brother Campbell, congratulations on being assigned to Elder Ferrer. You also just practiced the mystery of thunder and lightning. Following Elder Ferrer, your realm will definitely advance by leaps and bounds." Worthy grinned gloomily and looked at Campbell beside him.

Cambe is an ancient demon clan. He is an immortal triple heaven realm and does not realize the mystery of the dark energy. After Ferrer's return to the ancient demon clan, Camber took the initiative to become a martial artist under Ferrererer, because he also practiced thunder and lightning mystery, and he wanted to see a higher level of mystery through

This time, he came to the sea of destruction and was instructed by Ferrer to come to the bottom of the sea to slaughter the sea shark emperor. He was happy.

He wants to prove his talent through this killing, prove that he is sincere to work for Ferrer, and expect Ferrer to give him guidance on Oy.

Both Cambe and Worthy came to kill the Sea Shark Emperor. They met each other in their early years, with the same purpose, and they naturally hit it off. We just got together.

During this period, when Napton and Ferrell were concerned about the domain gate, they had taken their own command and killed most of the sea people around Hujiao and Dato's side. The two of them thought that when the domain gate was finalized, their task on their side was almost completed.

However, at the last moment, the two still encountered difficulties. - They found that Hu Jiao and Datuk had lost their trace.

They know that this sea area has always been under the control of the Sea Shark King. They also know that there are some mysterious things nearby. They are sure that Hujiao and Datuk with the remnants of the Hai clan are nearby, but they have been searching for a long time recently, but they have not found it, and they are also secretly confused.

"It's better to deal with things as soon as possible." Campbell smiled in a low voice, "I heard about the Ega seniors of the phagovore. The direction of the domain gate has been confirmed, and an invitation has been sent to us to block the door of the domain gate. That's a wilderness. It is said that there are countless magical mysteries. Take care of the broken things here as soon as possible. Maybe we can catch up with the domain gate to see it.

"That's what I plan to do." Worthy smiled. " The Hu corner shrank, thinking that we couldn't find it, but it's okay. Once you find it, you can get it all. It can save a lot of trouble.

As the two talked, their eyes suddenly lit up and saw a vast seaweed area moving quickly.

After looking at it, they screamed at the same time and immediately realized that Hu Jiao, Datuk and the remaining sea people should be in the middle of the seaweed.

They immediately got excited and immediately gave the order to arrange the formation under their command and quickly surround the seaweed.

The soul clan and the ancient demon clan, with a cold expression and fierce breath, are moving near the seaweed area, forming various battle arrays.

"Hu Jiao! I know you are in it. Our requirements are very simple. Either explain the hidden location of the Sea Shark Emperor, or go to hell!" Worthy's face was gloomy, and he smiled grimacely, "But even if you die, I won't let you die so comfortably. Hey hey, I think you have also found that your killed people are incomplete, right?"

In the world inside the seaweed, every seaman's eyes are red, like bloodthirsty beasts.

The picture of the separation of the corpses of people one by one flashed in their minds, making the hatred in their hearts continue to accumulate, making them gradually become irritable.

"Let's not show up for the time being, lest they run away when they hear the news. If they want to kill, just kill them." Shi Yan said softly.

Meiji nodded silently.

The sea shark emperor and Shen Yan looked gloomy, and then the sea shark emperor said, "Hu Jiao, lead them in! As long as you come in, you can kill them all together!"

Hujiao looked excited, as if every cell was active, like a burst of electric current passing through the body. He suddenly shouted in the sky and earth inside the seaweed: "Warcy! Campbell!! Even if we become fierce ghosts, we will not let you go. The elders of our clan will definitely avenge us!"

"Hahaha!" Worthy laughed wildly outside, "Become a fierce ghost? Under my Wosey's means, I just want you all to become fierce ghosts! Become my Wosey's unique fierce ghost!"

He said this, a dry brocade flag on the heads of those soul clans, and the appearance of ghosts gradually appeared on the flag. Those people... Many of them are the faces of the Hai clan!

They were all recently killed by Worthy, pulled out their souls, refined them into fierce ghosts, and turned into the pure dark power on his magic weapon.

"Yes... it's the ghost of the children." This seaweed is very strange. After the change of Shen Yu's power and consciousness, it has become transparent from the inside. Many strong sea people here can see the movement outside and see the souls of the familiar people on those banners.

Those souls have been cleared of their intelligence, become violent and murderous, become crazy and vicious, and there is no human form.

The sea people inside the seaweed, looking at their relatives and friends who were once familiar with, became like this, and their hearts were dripping blood, especially the sea shark emperor. He covered his chest, and the divine body was trembling. If he was madly impacted by thunder and lightning, his face would be as sad as he was.

"We won't go out. We will stick to the day when the clan comes back. When that day comes, you will all die!" Hu Jiao glanced at the Sea Shark Emperor and roared outside again.

"If you don't come out, we'll go in. Hey hey, it's time, and you're still stubborn. What's the use?" Campbell shook his head and then waved his hand. He said, "We have to be in a hurry, so don't continue to spend here. Let's go and enter with me."

"Enter!" Worthy also ordered, secretly signaling with his eyes to make his subordinates cautious.

Worthy and Cambe respectively took their warriors to attack the inside of the seaweed, and they all operated their magic power. The light and waves are flowing all over. To prevent being attacked in the middle.

Sadly, all the way through the seaweed, they didn't encounter any attack.

Worthy and Campbell were puzzled, thinking that Hujiao and Datuk had no ability to build defenses on the periphery, and they relaxed their vigilance more and more, even some of the warriors who had been left outside before. They were also greeted by them and rushed into the seaweed.

This seaweed area is extremely wide and huge. Perhaps it is more vast than a few undead islands combined. Thick seaweed, like dark clouds, cover all directions when walking inside. Sight and soul perception will be affected, making it difficult for people to accurately reflect the internal life fluctuations.

Of course, with the realm strength of Worthy and Campbell, it is impossible to perceive the existence of the life of the stone rock and the sea shark emperor.

So those people rushed in and entered the strange seaweed world. I saw big mushrooms like lanterns, red coral stones, and scattered crystals.

Naturally, they also saw those miserable-looking Hai people. They saw Hujiao, Datuk, and also saw the fierce color in the eyes of the Hai people.

Worthy and Campbell didn't care. They only thought Hujiao and Datuk were the end of the crossbow. When they were fierce and indifferent, they smiled and said, "This is your last power. It's just all destroyed, so that they can get to the domain gate in time."

In the crowd, Shi Yan heard the domain gate, and his heart was cold. Knowing that he guessed that he was going to be right, the Ega of the ecrowing clan must have revealed the location of the domain gate!

Hujiao and Datuk looked cold. They watched Worthy and Campbell come in one after another. They were not in a hurry to take action. The sea shark emperor and Shen Yan, lurking in the dense crowd behind them, did not immediately reveal.

Gradually, most of the people under Worthy and Campbell finally went deep into it. Under the sign of Worthy and Campbell, those people showed their tusks and coldly wanted to carry out the order of the massacre.

At this moment, the Sea Shark King and Shen Yan finally came out of the crowd, "I heard that you have been looking for me?" The sea shark emperor suppressed the rage, and his tone was still calm.


A sharp water arrows shot out like a swordfish behind the sea shark emperor. In an instant, dozens of soul clans and ancient demon clans were penetrated through the divine body.

If those water arrows are spiritual, after penetrating into those people's bodies, they will be cut like sharp blades to dismember those people's divine bodies!

The pungent fishy smell suddenly emitted from the central area of this seaweed, and the blood stained the sea water into clusters of scarlet, like blooming delicate flowers.

"Sea Shark King!"

Worthy and Campbell screamed at the same time, and the two of them became extremely frightened.

"You, shouldn't you be in the wilderness? The Ega man said that he had seen you in the wilderness. How could it be that you appeared here!" Campbell screams strangely.

"It turns out that you knew my position from the beginning. You forced me to ask my whereabouts, just an excuse to kill my people! No wonder it's just you who came here, not the two bastards, Napton and Ferrell! They knew that I couldn't be here!" The sea shark emperor's suppressed anger finally erupted like a volcano, with a hysterical roar.

The Sea Shark King started to kill!

At the same time, Shi Yan and Meiji ignored a glance and took action together.

The cold edges, like the deadly death knife, were shot out of Meiji's eyes. No one could bear those soul clan and ancient demon clan at all. They were frozen into ice in an instant and then burst out at once.

The line snake in the inner space of the stone rock eye pupil is winding and swimming.

I can't see the sharp blades of the space. I can only see that under the command of Worthy and Campbell, the divine body turns into pieces, like cut flat pieces of tofu, and the pieces are all the same.

All the sea people, looking at the violent death under the command of Worthy and Campbell, looking at their despair, looking at their misery, they all felt happy and shouted loudly, as if releasing the dull resentment in their hearts.
