Kill God

Chapter 1593 Devour each other

Looking at the evil split of the stone rock in front of him, he had a strong sense of remorse. He could not expect that the stone rock could grow to such a strong level as it is today!

He secretly regretted that he should not have let this evil split enter the devouring black hole so early to fuse the strong negative evil energy in the tunnel first.

Now, this evil split, because it absorbs unimaginable negative forces, the horror momentum is even more terrible than the body, which makes him deeply headache.

Inexhaustible negative energy surged from all directions. The ferocious face of the stone rock gradually condensed an incorruptible black gas. The black gas was extremely strong, containing horrible evil power. His scarlet eyes stared at the black shadow, and the overwhelming negative emotions were like the river, which was crazily bombarded into the

"I admit that you have become a climate. Now you are indeed very powerful, but the mystery of your cultivation comes from my inheritance! Do you think you can use my power to kill and destroy me?

shi in the shadow, the tone is gloomy and erratic, like the sad scream of the ghost, which sounds creepy.

There are a total of nine shadows. As he speaks, eight of them are full of ghosts and ghosts, turning around the central shadow. A circle of evil breath containing destruction, despair and darkness is released. The eight evil forces are tied together like ropes, slowly kneading and twisting, forming a more condensed, pure and terrible energy. Quantity.

The torrential negative fluctuations of the stone rock are impacted by the energy transformed by the circle of eight evil forces. If it is put aside, it is difficult to really spread to the depths of the soul of the shadow.

"I'll show you my domain..." He sneered.

Thick black clouds gushed out, and a cold and violent crazy realm emerged above his head.

The world slowly became clear. The sky was smeared with ink, black and scary, and the earth was blood-red. At a glance, it was full of bloody pictures of bloody bodies. Death, destruction, despair, darkness, chaos, corpses, decay, ghost fire filled the world, permeating every corner...

As long as there is a trace of kindness in your heart, take a look at the place. You will lose your mind and your soul will collapse.

It was the most horrible world in the world, and it was also the source of evil that devoured his heart. He persisted for many years. Let the people of the phagocytosis dare not go deep into the land.

In that world, creatures should not be born, and the world should not even be formed...

Even Ziyao's soul was frightened in the face of the devouring world, trying to purify the evil and filth with the holiness of divine light. As a result, it didn't work either.

Heaven and earth, vast sea of stars, any powerful creature, as long as it is in the realm of devouring, nothing can be unaffected.

In those years, the Taichu God of War, known as the strongest, was also very afraid of the realm of phagocy. Even the wilderness... can't guarantee that it will not be affected by the soul. It will be aroused by the inner evil in that realm, and you will lose yourself, which will go to the extreme!

With a creature with a soul, the seven emotions and six desires will be very complicated, and there is an evil side in the heart, as long as there is a little evil thought. It will be affected by that domain.

And now the evil split of Shiyan is even more extreme. This split, which is highly expected by the stone rock, is branded with the eight evil forces of devouring. Take away all the evil aspects of Shiyan's heart. After this period of evil energy absorption, this Shiyan can be said to have become the most evil creature in the world!

There is no trace of good thoughts in my heart. This stone rock, which is purely an evil body, looks at the realm released by phagocy. Surprisingly, not only is it not affected by the spirit at all, but actually laughs violently!

"The meaning of the power I exert can't bring harm to you, because we are of the same origin. In the same way, how can your domain affect my heart!" Hit the chest, Shi Yan looked ferocious and horrible, and said with a ferocious smile, "My heart has no trace of good thoughts. My body is condensed from the evil side of the body. I am the embodiment of evil. How can your domain hurt me?"

The realm that devoured the earth floated from the top of his head and slowly covered the rock.

The stone rock laughed wildly, a little bit of eyebrows, a black hole in the eyebrows suddenly condensed out, and the black hole flew out, in a dark whirlpool, running crazily.

"In the battle between you and me, the eight evil forces are ineffective at all. Only by devouring the mystery can we divide the victory and defeat! You, I can only destroy one and complete the other, either you engulf me, or I engulf you! This is the battle that suits us!"

The dark whirlpool flying out of his eyebrows was dark and deep inside, which was exactly the same as the source of swallowing Aoyi in which he was in. In the gloomy face, he also operated Aoyi and flew away the islands that were separated from the eight evil forces, and all of them appeared around the devouring black hole.

He abruptly transferred the Aoyi layer from the soul altar, and all his power condensed out, running the devouring black hole at all costs!


The terrible suction force goes towards every corner of the world, and the negative energy in the tunnel comes like a rolling river.

"You're right. The final result of the battle between you and me is to devour each other. Either you die, or I devour each other, which is the most suitable way for us to fight."

After eating in his domain world and not being able to work on the rock, he finally realized the truth.

The strength, mystery and evil heart of the two people are almost the same. In this situation, the operation of the eight evil forces has no effect on both sides at all, and the strong negative emotions cannot really affect their hearts.

Only by devouring each other can we really end all this and completely destroy one side!

The epitome of souls condensed together in an instant and also turned into a devouring black hole. This devouring black hole is exactly the same as the meaning of the stone rock. Even the bloody island that emerges around the devouring black hole is completely the same as the stone rock!

"Come on!"

Shi Yan roared and roared crazily. This evil split jumped and fell into his devouring of righteousness.

It's like a tongue in the mouth of a dark demon!

Standing in the devouring black hole, he looked at another devouring black hole in front of him and felt the fluctuation of the soul from the devouring. This evil split body suddenly trembled fiercely. From his hole, extremely strong negative energy rolled out, and the devouring black hole was swollen alive!


He turned into a black hole. After expanding, he took the initiative to attack, and there was a huge roar from the inside, like the mouth of a demon, to swallow and devoured the black hole.

In an instant, the devouring black hole, together with eight bloody bone islands, was swallowed up by the big black hole.

comes from the power of the soul that has been devoured for hundreds of millions of years, the consciousness of chaos, the cold and murderous idea, such as the erupting volcano, the spread of terror!

A huge black hole that spreads to the condensation of rock rocks.

The huge black hole is swelling, like a dark balloon that is about to burst, and the stone rock soul in it immediately feels a more violent and terrible impact than the previous negative energy, such as the most terrible bomb in the world, which is about to burst in his god's body and destroy his body, soul and all the imprint of existence!

He was stunned and immediately devoured Aoyi to digest the amount of violent violence.

However, when he took action, he suddenly found an adsorption force that swallowed the world, bursting out from the inside.

At this moment, he had an extremely bad feeling. He felt that his divine body was being engraced little by little from the inside!

It seems that there is an extra greedy demon in his body, swallowing his flesh and blood little by little, nibbling at his veins and bones, and eating him clean from his body!

He suddenly gave birth to a kind of understanding. In the past, those who were pulled into the black hole by him swallowing the mystery, those people should also have the same feeling when swallowing the mystery...

The feeling of being eaten little by little!


Another strange feeling is also emerging at the same time. His soul has a kind of pleasure, which is the magical feeling of devouring the power of Aoyi!

The devouring meaning of his incarnation is also running crazily and absorbing everything. He seems to have a mouth eating delicious food and swallowing food. He is very familiar with this sense of satisfaction!

He is also devouring!

His divine body is being eaten, and his devouring meaning is also sucking the power of eating!

This is mutual!

He quickly realized that what he was feeling now was not good, and the devouring was also experiencing the same, and the other party was being swallowed up by him like him!

It's like two fierce beasts, biting each other and devouring each other's flesh and blood crazily, both of which are injured while replenishing their strength!

This is the cruelest endurance battle!

"It's okay!"

After understanding, he was no longer nervous, put down all the burdens of his heart, gathered his spiritual strength, soul, consciousness and mystery, and tried his best to devour the mystery.

This will be a very long battle. He and who will survive, who will take charge of the source of the evil of time, and integrate into this devouring mystery, will have results through this battle.

It's different from his other star split, entering the origin of Xingchen Aoyi. Here, he does not take advantage of it, and he is not at a disadvantage...

This place devoured Aoyi, did not take the initiative to favor one side, did not abandon him after eating in, and consciously integrate the body of eating.

Because of his evil split, the devouring mystery inheritance of cultivation originally came from eating, which is the most orthodox evil mystery, and he is also the domain ancestor's triple heaven, and the realm is not inferior. His body is also condensed by Taichu's blood, or the transfer of all evil thoughts in Shiyan...

And this evil split came first, absorbing the evil energy of terror early, and completely making up for the lack of eating.

Whether it is from the realm, strength, arctic cognition, or bloodline, his split is no worse than eating, which leads to swallowing the origin of arctic meaning and treating him as a completely equivalent to eating, so the two are not biased.

This is a well-matched and relatively fair battle!
