Kill God

Chapter 1601 Ancient and Poor Great Silence!

The blade, sharp light, sharp sky, can penetrate stars or barriers,

Cut all the solid state of all matter, the sharpest sharpness in the world, is the strongest edge condensed by the origin of space!

Hundreds of millions of space fragments have turned into countless seas of swords, like tens of millions of hedgehog shaking the thorns out of their bodies and shooting them out!

Shi Yan laughs wildly and turns into the ferocious body of Taichu's body. His ten fingers are like a broad knife, tearing the heavens and the earth to catch the wild dragon body.

As a newborn*, the blood hole in the abdomen had just stopped the flow of blood, and the soul was forbidden by Sauron. He involuntarily roared and rushed out. The huge body of the python turtle twisted, and the big water drops like a planet condensed out.

Those water beads are extremely large, but they are turbid, and the life and soul fluctuation of competition emerges inside, such as * splits one by one, such as the eggs he laid. Those turbid water beads are controlled by the competitive soul, and the sound of turbulent water is coming out, giving people an extremely terrible breath

The huge drops of water were condensed by the competition, and the spirit of the competition seemed to be pulled out in half and suddenly withered.

However, the look of desolate and disdain, when the water beads condensed out and flew to his ancient dragon's real body, it appeared for the first time that the solemn and awe "chaotic water beads! The dry liquid secreted by the body when Taichu Mo was destroyed, which was all sought and refined by you?" I didn't find it. I blended my meaning and blood with my spirit and extracted it with bone marrow. Obviously weak *, the body of the python turtle has shrunk. "I can condense this thing, which is enough to show that we come from him. I am a creature slowly derived from the sweat, water, and the soul bursting consciousness of his body. We are just part of his huge body after he burst!" I don't know if I saw the destruction of the doomsday, or because as a newborn, I was always unable to move by Sauron's soul according to his life. The extremely depressing competition actually said something that shocked everyone.

Burn himself and rushed to the sky in the form of a flame giant, slightly stunned.

He has also turned into a fierce soul, and the prison that swallowed up all the fierce souls is also a little confused at this moment.

Rupert, Mantis, Dracra, and the ancestors of the dragon lizard were almost all stagnant, moved by *'s words.

Including Sauron, who is in charge of the rules of fate!

" After the destruction of the early times, you have not fallen into a long deep sleep, hiding in the new era, you seem to have found some interesting things..."

He chewed and digested Jing's words, and a trace of understanding gradually appeared in his eyes. As he spoke, he twisted the dragon's head, looked at the first approaching shaking the sky, and turned into a huge fireman's shaking the sky. He carried a sea of fire, the fire sponge stretched thousands of miles, and the flame was rag

Unfortunately, it is not a wasteland.

"After all, there is no source that can integrate the mystery of the flame, and the realm is only the realm of the domain ancestor, so you can't pose a threat to me at all." The huge dragon head, the thick dragon horn, gushed out a strange cold flow, frost and white fog, and extremely cold fog blew over. The sea of fire, which spread from the burning soul of life that shook the sky, was extinguished at a speed visible to the naked eye, and all the flames and fire were offset by the cold.

The flame on the shaking sky was extinguished, and the divine body was completely exposed like a red-hot iron.


The frost white cold air condensed but did not dissipate, and finally gathered into an icy crystal hand. The hand was buckled off the head and shook the sky like an iron god's nose.


The bones of the god's body that shook the sky were caught and burst, and the red bodies, like soldering iron blocks, were broken into pieces.

Even the soul's sacrificial nose, which was submerged by a cold current, was extinguished in an instant and fell into the dark below.

The wilderness first killed and shook the sky. There were no measures to take measures against the space debris that hit the sky of the stone rock. Those fragments that could cut the space were splashed and chopped on the dragon, but the wilderness had more fine wounds, and not even a drop of blood dripping.

A trace of mockery flashed in his dragon's eyes: "You also practice the mystery of life. You should know how magical the resilience of those who are proficient in the mystery of life...,,

During the speech, a surging fluctuation of life came from the wound on his body. He could faintly see the forked branches of the ancient tree of life, overflowing green vitality energy, so that the wound pierced by the space fragments healed in an instant.

At this time, the strange drops of water that flew out of the body after condensing from * had not yet come to the side of the wilderness.

Everything happened between the lightning and flints. He fought against space debris, killed and shook the sky, and immediately recovered his injury. In the fear of everyone, his body, like a dragon with countless mountains, suddenly meowed and twisted. The dragon's head was in the sky, and I didn't know where the dragon's tail was...

All kinds of mystical fluctuations in him suddenly became fierce and obvious, and even his eyes were really serious.

Because Sauron moved again!

The ring made of the wheel of fate was put on his left thumb. His thumb was full of blood at this moment. The blood thread flowed all the way around his thumb and flowed all the way to the ring, pulling some force in the ring. The blood line continued to circle down, falling to the last page of the book of fate, the thick The gray line!

That's the soul of life!

"Ka!" Sauron's thumb exploded, and the ring re-turned the wheel of fate and flew out in a spiral.

"Oh!" For the first time, the wild roared with severe pain, the dragon's head was raised high, the dragon's body twisted horribly, and the dragon's tail was still not seen.

"Kill!" Jing shouted crazily, and the Mercury-like "chaotic water beads" were from slow to fast. In the roar of the wilderness, they suddenly approached quickly and entered the gap of the dragon scales!

Prison, Rupert, Mantis, the dragon lizard ancestor, and Drax were strangled from the altar of the soul and rushed up again in the way of death.

"It's good!" Shi Yan shouted fiercely, and his ferocious body bullied him up, and he was not afraid of death with a ten-finger sharp armor knife,

Stab the wild dragon's neck position.

Sauron, Jing, You Prison, Rupert, Shi Yan and others, all the strong here have tacit understanding of the sudden killers. After the destruction of the sky, and under the planning of Sauron, they all broke out and worked together to kill the overlords of the Taichu era. They have been hundreds of millions of years, and there

"The vast heaven and earth, the mystery of the universe, all sentient beings, the wilderness is infinite!" The ancient, magnificent, powerful, arrogant and domineering Taichu dragon chants, from every part of the body of the wild dragon, every voice seems to contain a mysterious attribute mystery, rolling and vast sound, kneading all kinds of mysteries and surprises, like melting into a kind of extreme arcane that shocks the past and the present!

In the two dragon eyes of the wilderness, two golden Taichu runes suddenly flew out, which were "the wilderness"

The words

and "ancient", from the desolate dragon body, flew out of the three Taichu characters of "poor small" and "big", and finally flew out of the dragon tail, which was no longer visible, three "silent", "extinction" and "shu" runes...

Those runes are accompanied by a huge sound, kneading and condensing all kinds of mystical meanings, slowly gathering in the middle of the deserted dragon body, connecting them in series to form a complete text.

"The ancient poverty is extremely silent!" Boom! Boom!! Boom!, the earth-shaking thunderbolt from the wilderness [body], the wilderness that has disappeared for a long time reappears the world!

Suddenly, countless forces of power condensed from the wilderness. Countless mountains and rivers rolled down like fire and hammers. Rivers and lakes condensed into huge water arrows. The stars were woven into horrible skynets. The towering ancient trees turned into vine demons and trolls. The earth condensed earth dragons and monsters. The creature died tragically in an instant, turning into pure energy, making the Star of Life an eye-catching weapon!

Superstars, like meteorites, also fell out of the wilderness. The largest of the planets, such as having soul consciousness, with the terrible momentum of the death of all sentient beings, are hidden in the cracks of his dragon scales. There, it is precisely the "chaotic water beads, the place where they flew in before.

"Heaven and earth are silent, and all sentient beings are extinct!" The wilderness twisted his horrible posture violently. The eight Taichu runes of "Ancient Poor and Extremely Silent" on his dragon, in the destruction of the energy bombardment, suddenly cracked again and turned into giant runes, falling down with unimaginable mysterious power.

The prison swallowed the huge soul body condensed by the fierce soul, and only approached the barren dragon body, and was wrapped by the word "silence". The soul body transformed into the prison suddenly had no life, and no trace of life and soul fluctuation.

Rupert and the dragon lizard ancestor were submerged by the word "extreme" in a gray-white Taichu rune. Their divine bodies, such as rubber candy pulled by the extreme, finally broke their bodies and turned into countless amputated limbs.

Dura and Mantis screamed and instinctively wanted to dodge away. Unfortunately, no matter what they struggled with, they could not escape the pressure of the word "extinction". After the word "extinction" finally fell, the two exploded at the same time, and even the soul altar was crushed!

There are also several people who have been subdued by Sauron, and they have not escaped the pursuit of the other Taichu runes. One by one, their souls are scattered, and they can't die anymore.


The terrible explosion of the collapse of the universe suddenly came from the huge dragon body, and the "chaotic water beads" that had sunk into his [body] seemed to have finally been cut off by those stars of life.

Under the collision, there were destructive fluctuations, and the desolate dragon body twisted and trembled strongly. Finally, terrible injuries appeared in several areas of the dragon's body, and pieces of meat were blown out. Those pieces of meat were connected with blood tendons, which were extremely terrible and bloody.

"Chaotic Water Soul Bead" is really powerful, condensing the spirit of competition and the soul of life, the strange treasure formed by countless years, and really hit the famine!

Huge pieces of meat were blown out raw and fell from the huge body of the wilderness. The bottom was originally withered*. His eyes suddenly turned red, and he struggled greedily. He opened his mouth desperately to swallow those blood clots.

That's the essence of flesh and blood!

For him, it is the most important treasure, the holy medicine that can restore his current trauma!

Someone is faster than him!

Shi Yan, who was slightly avoided by the ultimate magic, stretched out his hand before the competition, grabbed a piece of bloody meat without chewing, and swallowed it directly into his stomach.