Kill God

Chapter 1604 The Power of Rules and Order

"What on earth are you afraid of?"

Long dragons that refined the meaning of different forces, and meteors fell into the top of the wilderness. The breath of various attributes and forces on his body quickly gathered, and the divided divine body condensed again.

But he didn't dare to act rashly, and he also pulled a little distance from Shi Yan, with a solemn expression.

Obviously, the stone rock, which is very close to the Taichu Soul Pool, not only did not jump into the pool water, but also greedily gathered the clear soul energy, but also kept retreating in horror. This scene is too strange.


Sauron, who was driving the wheel of fate, rushed with the moth and searched all the way, and suddenly flashed in another corner of the clear soul pool.

In the sky, the colorful rainbow light cuts through the void, and the purple sky snakes are graceful and beautiful, flying down one by one.

Everyone has been separated from the Aoyi layer, and now they have come to the sea layer below. Among them, whether it is Sauron, Ziyao, Meiji or Huanghe Shiyan, they are all those who can truly integrate the origin of Aoyi.

It seems that the integration of an aopic source is the primary condition for stepping into the sea layer!

Taichu Soul Pool is clear and clear, and there is no trace of waves. The gray fog of divine consciousness centered on the soul pool is clustered and endlessly extended, and there is no end.

As soon as the people in different corners of the Soul Pool fell here, they all felt the soul magnetic field coming from the surroundings of the Taichu Soul Pool. The mysterious and strangeness of the magnetic field made them secretly shocked.

Almost at the same time, they gave birth to a kind of horror that the soul idea was pulled, and the instinct wanted to enter the soul pool and integrate themselves into the soul pool.

Everyone came here for the purpose of integrating the soul pool, but when they really gathered here, they were all frightened.

No one dares to take a step forward.

"Shi Yan, what's the matter?"

Ziyao restrained the divine light, and her beautiful posture was wrapped in Caixia Hongguang. Her temperament was elegant and sacrosanct. She nodded to the charming girl, as if the ice goddess's charming girl came closer to her and deliberately shrank behind her.

The barren eyes were indifferent, and he looked at the small movements of Meiji and Ziyao indifferently without stopping them.

Sauron held the book of fate in both hands. I don't know why the sweat beads on his forehead appeared. In the drops of sweat, there was fear, anxiety, horror and other timidity. The moth beside him appeared in the divine body of the human race, which was also a panicked face.

Shi Yan, who retreated step by step, looked at the crowd secretly and suddenly found the abnormality of Sauron and Lu. He chewed and shouted, "You two stay away from Taichu Soul Pool!" A little further!"

Sauron and Tom looked shocked and looked at him blankly. In the depths of their pupils, gray silk threads gradually gathered...

An extremely bad feeling suddenly came into his heart, and Shi Yan shouted violently: "This sea of Taichu Knowledge, with the gathering and recovery of more and more conscious memories, the fragmented memories of Taichu will be slowly combined like a jigsaw puzzle. When the broken memories accumulate too much, his consciousness may really recover! He will wake up!"

As soon as this said, everyone was shocked, and even the face of the wilderness changed dramatically.

Sauron was stunned and was about to reply. Suddenly, he hugged his head and drank. The book of fate in his hand fell, and his two fingers were dripping with beads of blood. The scene was strange and terrible.

"Yes, there is something trying to master my soul! A consciousness, a huge and irresistible consciousness, he is right!"

Sauron was inexplicably frightened and suddenly bit the tip of his tongue. The severe pain stimulated his intelligence to be clear in an instant. His left tail finger, ring finger and middle finger burst together. A terrible force resisting fate came from him. His figure and the wheel of fate were like being hit by invisible forces, and blood retreated all over

The book of fate was stained with his broken finger flesh and blood, turned into a blood light, and fell back into his palm.

Almost at the same time!

A huge and unimaginable soul will, overwhelmingly submerged, impacting into the sea of knowledge of every soul, and bombarding into the altar of everyone's soul!

Shiyan, Ziyao, Meiji, Huang, and Yan are all amazing lights, with a pale face and crazy operation of all the mysterious forces!

Do your best to resist the invasion of this spiritual will!

At this moment, they were extremely sober and immediately affirmed that Shiyan's guess was completely true!

In order to enter the door of Taichu, Sauron did not hesitate to provoke the race-blooded battle of the universe, making all sentient beings boil with it, leading to the extinction of many racial battles, many stars and seas in the realms collapsed and burst, and countless stars of life turned into ashes...

Powerful people, such as the black demon clan, the ancient demon clan, the soul clan, and the phagocytting clan are almost exterminated. Countless strong people have been killed. The soul memory consciousness of the dead has gathered in the sea of Taichu knowledge one after another, so that Taichu's divine consciousness is slowly restored, slowly pieced

In the Aoyi layer, with the destruction of powerful people such as Shaking the Sky, You Prison, Rupert, Zhenru, Fandler and others, the divine consciousness of the sea of Taichu Knowledge has recovered faster, and the destruction of the strong has formed more huge gray fog whirlpools, which are all important parts of the Taichu consciousness

When the memory of consciousness is put together to a certain extent, Taichu's heinous consciousness finally broke through the critical point, and there was a trace of clear awakening!

The influx of the huge soul consciousness is a trace of his idea that swept all sentient beings in the world, which makes Shiyan, Huang, Ziyao, Meiji, Sauron and Yuan feel deeply and feel the fear of the will. In the will, there is a very clear instruction - let them enter the Taichu Soul Pool!

The struggling meaning of Meiji's eyes was gradually disintegrated. As the lowest level, she took the lead in not being able to withstand the hemagined consciousness and went to the clear soul pool blankly.

The charming face of all sentient beings also showed a quiet smile, and the wonderful feeling of returning to his hometown and entering the arms of his mother appeared in his heart...

Among everyone, Huang, Ziyao and Yuan are all strong people in the early Taichu era. Their willpower is tenacious. Sauron is the first person in the new era and also has a tenacious spirit. Although they are invaded by the heinous will and souls, they all gritted their teeth and resisted to death, and their bodies are like mountains,

The stone rock that has risen like a comet in recent millennium is more mysterious than all living beings. His main soul does not belong here. He can break free from the shackles of the rules and order of the universe. The huge soul will invades in. He is the only one who can not only be affected, but also fight back!

"Heaven and earth, ten universes, no one can dominate my spiritual will!"

Shi Yan roared crazily and roared at the nihil. When everyone stopped moving, he actually moved!

He swept to Meiji quickly, hugged Meiji's body, and took Meiji to retreat step by step.

Every time he took a step back, he was shocked all over, and hundreds of millions of gods roared from the soul altar. His body, which was almost comparable to the wilderness, also had cracks, and the wound was shocking!

"Come here quickly!" He roared like questioning the world.

In the Aoyi layer above his head, his evil split was also roaring crazily, carrying endless dark magic, and a bloody breath of a fierce prison spread out, rushing down desperately to destroy all the realms of heaven and earth.


The body bone exploded, blood splashed, and the wound was constantly chopped by a sharp blade. While resisting Taichu's spiritual will, he took Meiji's body and slowly retreated with difficulty.

Before, he stayed away from the Taichu Soul Pool with his body, which was extremely difficult and consumed a lot of power.

Now, he not only has a puppet-like charm, but also has to compete with Taichu's spiritual will. In addition, he needs to fight against the influence of the soul's magnetic field with his inner energy. Therefore, he has to spend his heart and blood potential at the expense of self-damage to stay away from Taichu's soul pool little

In addition to him, they are as powerful as Huang, Ziyao, Sauron and Yuan can't move. They were born in this universe. They were originally condensed from the fragments of Taichu's soul. When Taichu's consciousness woke up, the power of rules and order he held was fundamentally fatal to Huang and Ziyao.

Being able to resist the rules and order, being able to keep their minds immortal, and not taking the initiative to go to the Taichu Soul Pool has proved their strength.

"I'm coming!"

The endless dark magic was submerged, and the evil split fell from the sky. Suddenly, he opened his mouth and smiled ferociously, and a little black light appeared in his eyebrows, instantly condensing to devour the black hole.

The black hole devoured like a demon's giant mouth, and there was a sad roar, swallowing towards Sauron and Toad.

Sauron and Tom were suddenly scared and scattered. At this moment, the two were invaded by Taichu's spiritual will. It was not easy to keep their hearts from collapsing. They were attacked by the evil split of Shiyan and suddenly despaired.

"If we die, he will really wake up! No!" The tor was suddenly hysterical.

"In this universe, no matter who you die in, you will help increase his strength. Only when you die in my hand and are swallowed up by me, you will not increase his strength. Because in this universe, my soul is equal to him. After you are swallowed and digested by me, you will become the energy that nourishes my realm and will not appear in this universe again!"

Shiyan's body and evil split shouted at the same voice and looked at the two people together.

At this moment, a mystery that had troubled him for many years was suddenly solved.

Why is his domain world different from anyone else?

He has seen too many strong people. The realms formed by the ancestors of different mysic realms are different. Either they are only full of the power of water, either flame heaven and earth, or a desert, or ice realm, and even the wilderness is just a strange place comparable to the natural realm.

There is no domain world that can be as mysterious as [real] real universe like his domain world!

A completely independent universe!

There are countless stars in other realms, mountains and lakes on the stars, alternating spring, summer, autumn and winter, ice mountains and rivers, desert wasteland, vast territory, can evolve the birth of life in heaven and earth, and can have all kinds of natural wonders...

His domain world is almost the same as the [true] universe, which is different from everyone else!

That's because all the creatures in this universe are powerful and affected by the Taichu mark. From birth, they have been bound by a shackle. No matter how powerful they are, the domain world is only the middle of the universe that Taichu created the universe. They all rely on the existence of this universe and cannot be independent.

If the universe is destroyed, the powerful realms such as the wilderness, Ziyao and the tilla will also collapse and disappear in an instant.

Because their domain boundaries, strictly speaking, they are all part of the universe and cannot exist alone from the universe.

Only he is different. Even if his soul is very weak at the beginning, his soul is completely equal to the soul of Taichu and is not bound by Taichu, so his domain world is also independent and has no connection with the universe he is in, so it can be mysterious and vast, such as a new world, a new universe condensed by him. Zhou...

His difference is destined by the soul, and his starting point is destined to be higher than anyone else!